View Full Version : China, Russia, USA, BLM, peaceful protesters and internal terrorists

April 12th, 2021, 19:18
The same thing that is going on in the minds of soldiers in Burma at the moment!

The same things that is going in the minds of national guards and/or police in Washington. How much were killed in Capitol?

By the way: BLM-2 just started in US again...

April 12th, 2021, 20:22
For instance, the United States government continues to use the name “Burma.

no surprises here.... "the United States government" is the only govt in world what dropped nuclear bombs on the heads on citizens of 2 cities and continues to pretend they did nothing wrong...

Army boys:



April 12th, 2021, 20:35
no surprises here.... "the United States government" is the only govt in world what dropped nuclear bombs on the heads on citizens of 2 cities and continues to pretend they did nothing wrong...

Well, at least you're not surprised then.

April 12th, 2021, 21:38
Russia and China are amongst the most brutal dealing with domestic critics, Russia just assassinates them China puts them in internment camps.

April 13th, 2021, 00:00
Russia and China are amongst the most brutal dealing with domestic critics, Russia just assassinates them China puts them in internment camps.

Ohhh, yess, sure... It is why BLM is going in Russia - brutality with protesters and critics... oh, stop, BLM is in US... peaceful protesters and internal terrorists... right?

April 13th, 2021, 00:05
Ohhh, yess, sure... It is why BLM is going in Russia - brutality with protesters and critics... oh, stop, BLM is in US... peaceful protesters and internal terrorists... right?

BLM doesn’t want to go there as they would be most unwelcome similar to how many gay Russians feel!

April 13th, 2021, 11:22
I had the opportunity to grow up in a very culturally diverse neighborhood in Chicago, and was blessed with parents who taught their children to be respectful of ALL people, regardless of their nationalities, lifestyles, or religious beliefs. My fifth grade Science teacher was from Athens, our next door neighbors were from Barcelona, our neighborhood butcher was from Milan, I picked up taco’s for lunch at Cordero’s Mexican Caballero down the street, my first girlfriend was from Stuttgart, and the first blowjob I ever received was from a boy whose family originated in Kiev.

As open-minded as I became during those early years, the subject of World History always seemed to have a way of depressing my feelings about PEOPLE in general. I learned early-on that we lived on a warring planet, where brutal conflicts, bloodshed, and the lust for power, filled the pages of the history books, until I grew weary of reading them. The reason I’m sharing this with you is to emphasize the point, that when people of different nationalities and ethnic backgrounds start throwing stones and casting insults at each other’s Country, they are in fact announcing their ignorance regarding the Realities of Life to everyone in the room.

Regarding the subject at-hand: (what a concept)

My home of Chicago has 300 thousand Russian’s which constitutes the largest group of Russian speakers in the Midwest. Growing up there, I had countless conversations with Russian Americans. The first question a young kid asks another young kid who just moves in the neighborhood from another Country is always the same: “Why did your family come to America”? They always, without hesitation, provided the same exact answer: “FREEDOM AND OPPORTUNITY”. This included our Russian friends.

All a child has to do is pick up a history book and read about the needless wars and bloodshed that have permeated our planet from the beginning to see that every Country has been guilty of making mistakes, and is by-no-means perfect. So, whenever I hear grown adults tossing phrases around like: “Your Country did this” – “Your Country did that” – “My County is this” – “My Country is that”, I’m not sure if I want to cough, gag, choke, laugh, cry, vomit, or crap in my pants.

My father was right: “Be Proud of your Country, because you have every reason to be”. “And if that wasn’t the case, our neighbors would still be in Barcelona”.

April 13th, 2021, 16:58
My father was right: “Be Proud of your Country, because you have every reason to be”.

Well, I doubt I can be proud of country what dropped 2 nuclear bombs on kids and women of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and never said "We are sorry". German are strong and fair, they said after WW II. US still pretends what nothing wrong happened.

April 13th, 2021, 17:52
From Wikipedia about the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Proud of this Moses.

American professor Samuel Totten, Australian professor Paul R. Bartrop, scholars from Yale Law School such as W. Michael Reisman and Charles Norchi, as well as scholar Mohammed Kakar, have stated that the Afghans were victims of genocide by the Soviet Union. The army of the Soviet Union killed large numbers of Afghans to suppress their resistance. The Soviet forces and their proxies deliberately targeted civilians, particularly in rural areas. Up to two million Afghans lost their lives during the Soviet occupation.

In one notable incident the Soviet Army committed mass killing of civilians in the summer of 1980. To separate the mujahideen from the local populations and eliminate their support, the Soviet army killed, drove off civilians and used scorched earth tactics to prevent their return. They used booby traps, mines, and chemical substances throughout the country. The Soviet army indiscriminately killed combatants and non-combatants to ensure submission by the local populations. The provinces of Nangarhar, Ghazni, Lagham, Kunar, Zabul, Qandahar, Badakhshan, Lowgar, Paktia and Paktika witnessed extensive depopulation programmes by the Soviet forces.

The Soviet forces abducted Afghan women in helicopters while flying in the country in search of mujahideen. In November 1980 a number of such incidents had taken place in various parts of the country, including Laghman and Kama. Soviet soldiers as well as KhAD agents kidnapped young women from the city of Kabul and the areas of Darul Aman and Khair Khana, near the Soviet garrisons, to rape them. Women who were taken and raped by Russian soldiers were considered 'dishonoured' by their families if they returned home. Deserters from the Soviet Army in 1984 also confirmed the atrocities by the Soviet troops on Afghan women and children, stating that Afghan women were being raped."

April 13th, 2021, 20:05
Moses , as I have said before , u are just a mouth piece for putin

April 13th, 2021, 20:12
Well, I doubt I can be proud of country what dropped 2 nuclear bombs on kids and women of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and never said "We are sorry".

You don't have to worry about taking pride in America, because it's not your country.

April 13th, 2021, 23:24
Moses , as I have said before , u are just a mouth piece for putin

Yes, when you don't know what to say about US nuclear bombing, it is right time to discuss me. Sure. What else you can do? You can't say it is moral to drop nuclear bombs to kids. You can't say it is moral to burn 150000 - 170000 people in nuclear flame and to kill about 100000 more by radiation. So you starting to switch attention from bombing to me.

Nuclear bombing is state terrorism and war crime. Do you want to say "no"?

You don't have to worry about taking pride in America, because it's not your country.

Sure, it isn't mine. To take pride on nuclear bombing? Or to be proud of concentration camps where own citizens were detained just because they were wrong nationality?

And nobody said "sorry".

No, thank you.

April 14th, 2021, 01:04
Oh. Do you want to see real genius, world most strong diplomat? Let me introduce: J. Baiden Jr. president of US.

On first step he calls his opponent "murderer". On the second step he invites his opponent to summit. On the third step he call to opponent and told he wants "building a stable and predictable relationship".

It grants unavoidable success to call opponent "murderer" before to attempt to build "stable and predictable relationship". Please somebody call for doctor.


April 14th, 2021, 03:36
That’s just sabre rattling and diplomacy. I for one would not want to have an autistic botoxed marlboro man as my leader, we have a baffoon as ours and that’s more than enough.

Brits don’t come out lightly either remember the carpet bombing of Dresden and other German cities creating firestorms?

I tend to view a country how it treats its minorities and yes that includes its gay community.

Incidentally a record number of Chinese aircraft has entered Taiwan and Pratas Islands airspace. Now if that’s not an act of aggression what is?

April 14th, 2021, 08:57
That’s just sabre rattling and diplomacy. I for one would not want to have an autistic botoxed marlboro man as my leader, we have a baffoon as ours and that’s more than enough. Very harsh.

April 14th, 2021, 11:38
It's probably best to separate anything that happened during World War 2 from other accusations. Britain destroyed Dresden, Germany murdered ×××× millions, USA dropped nuclear bombs on two cities, Japan butchered 300000 civilians in Namjing in one month, Russian soldiers raped their way across Poland and eastern Europe and China knowingly drowned about two million of its own citizens. I could go on.

April 14th, 2021, 13:11
I tend to view a country how it treats its minorities and yes that includes its gay community.

Totally agree. The rest is just bullshit and window dressing.

The Dalai Lama was once quoted as saying; "A country can be judged by how the people treat their animals".

I wonder if, in some strange way, this doesn't mean the same thing?

I always liked the way the Scandinavian countries operated. They're the most economically strong countries on earth, great education and healthcare systems, strong middle-classes, everybody's making money, never attacking their neighbors, never stock piling weapons of mass destruction, just enjoying life the way it's meant to be enjoyed. Not surprising, these are the same countries that consistently poll as having the "Happiest" people on Earth.

Too bad you never hear much about them. It's always so quiet over there. I wonder why?

April 14th, 2021, 13:16
I tend to view a country how it treats its minorities

So it is right time to talk about reservations in US and Canada?

April 14th, 2021, 13:43
So it is right time to talk about reservations in US and Canada?

Google's "Russian atrocities". Ohhh, right... but anything 1991 or before was the Soviet Union and not Russia, so none of that counts.

I actually lived in Budapest before, and even seen the priori Soviet military headquarters, which before that was the HQ for the Nazis. Walked through what is now dubbed the "Hall of Terror" on Andrassy Blvd too. I really enjoyed those 1x1 foot jail cells with a solid door. Literally standing room only, and they'd just leave people in there for days.

I liked the courtrooms too. Small little bedroom sized places, with no crime too small for punishment. Quick 6 minute trial, and 15 years of forced labor for you it is!

April 14th, 2021, 13:53
Google's "Russian atrocities". Ohhh, right... but anything 1991 or before was the Soviet Union and not Russia, so none of that counts.

I actually lived in Budapest before, and even seen the priori Soviet military headquarters, which before that was the HQ for the Nazis. Walked through what is now dubbed the "Hall of Terror" on Andrassy Blvd too. I really enjoyed those 1x1 foot jail cells with a solid door. Literally standing room only, and they'd just leave people in there for days.

I liked the courtrooms too. Small little bedroom sized places, with no crime too small for punishment. Quick 6 minute trial, and 15 years of forced labor for you it is!

Do you mean Guantanamo? Guantanamo exists right now, not at time of Soviet Union... Or maybe about US secret prisons abroad of US for to avoid protection of prisoners from US law?

Or maybe you want to talk about 20 years war of US in Afghanistan? WHF US does in the middle of Asia?

April 14th, 2021, 14:29
Were you born a deleted, or did it take years of practice?

April 14th, 2021, 15:00
Were you born a deleted, or did it take years of practice?

Matt, do you think it is right time to demonstrate your culture and level of education? So low....