View Full Version : Goodbye to all this

August 13th, 2006, 23:10
I've come to the realization that I'm spending an inordinate amount of time carrying on conversations with a very limited number of people who post under an ever-expanding array of different user names. But they can only disguise their common identities for so long.

What first attracted me to this site was the exchange of useful information that took place. As a casual visitor to the LOS, I really appreciated the fact that folks took the time to post all sorts of helpful stuff. Sure there were the crazies (I think that "The Colonel" was the first one I recall). I didn't know until later that the same people were posting under different names, frequently carrying on conversations with themselves. Usually professionals get paid good money to listen to people with multiple personalities sound off but the forum's sane readers are doing it without compensation.

I've often wondered why the moderators don't step in and...well...moderate. But I concluded that they believe to do so would discourage traffic to the site.

As I gradually began to get more involved I found myself engaging in "conversation" with the Homi's and BoyG's of the board. It began consuming more and more of my web time. Today I decided that that's not how I wished to spend my time: conversing with people whose internet connections have become a substitute for real connections.

To the majority of forum participants who genuinely give value to this site, thanks for sharing your insights and accounts of personal experiences.

This is my final posting and I promise not to register under a new user ID. I gladly give the Homi's and the BoyG's (and their many aliases) the final word. They obviously need it more than me.

August 13th, 2006, 23:56
While I'm sympathetic to some of your comments, you perhaps misdirect some of your frustration. You could have elected to understand that engaging in some discourse here is useless and then just stop doing it. You're not going to be happy here if you insist that all others follow rules of civility (it ain't gonna happen) or if you show any sign of weakness (bleeding into shark-infested waters ain't the smartest thing to do) or, frankly, if you give a few posters a clue that you truly give a shit.

I would think the majority of posters and viewers here are people who have an interest in (and occasionally visit) Thailand whereas the minority are expats who live in Thailand most of the year. That majority, in my view, hangs around a site like this to obtain information and to occasionally share some of the limited information we may have. Most of us aren't great fountains of information but, what the hell, we try occasionally. And it's somewhat comforting, I suppose, to become accustomed to some of the other posters' style and wit (although letting yourself think that you then "know" some of those posters is probably at least a little foolish). It's a loss to me whenever anyone leaves the scene especially because they just can't accept what a website like this (and others) is all about.

The expat minority, it seems to me (hey, only my opinion) is made up of two segments: (1) A group of guys who truly are helpful (I would think that GP, David in Pattaya, GB, Boxer and several otherswould be good examples of that group) and (2) a few expats who's presence here is a bit puzzling to me (they don't seem to be very helpful, are almost always negative, and frankly give me every reason to question why I want to become an expat because of my fear of catching their bitchy disease). Since the latter group supposedly has "succeeded" in making Thailand their home and since they know everything there is to know (and certainly have no obvious sense of genuine sharing and camraderie with others like the first group), I suppose even Freud would have a field day trying to figure out what drives them. I suspect they are only unhappy and lonely people but, what they hell, I suppose people have the right to be that way if that's what floats their boat.

Then of course, there are the 3-4 circus freaks (you know, the horizontally-challenged midgets and the like) who have no clue and who, by their comments and existence, provide substantial evidence that evolution ain't for everybody.

So, would welcome you back but would suggest that you understand what street you're driving on or you'll crash again.

August 14th, 2006, 00:27
I gladly give the Homi's and the BoyG's (and their many aliases) the final word. They obviously need it more than me.I don't have any aliases and I'm fairly confident boygeenyus doesn't either. I'd be interested to know who sathorn2 thinks those aliases are

August 14th, 2006, 01:01
you are not the first to leave with a departure posting explaining his reasons why.. I find the forum is occassionally interesting and informative
but most often is not and needs active moderators.. I have said the same thing seveal times and know I am spitting into the wind but maybe
someone will wake up and do troll control and give a shit.. well, time will tell.......... :cat:

August 14th, 2006, 09:37
Now that I have, and frequently use, my IGNORE button, I find that the board is a much more acceptable place. Why demand the moderators to censor when you can do so yourself? Also there is no reason to read every message trail.

I sometimes take a 'holiday' from the board when it is at a low ebb. I see no reason to flounce off declaring "I am so disgusted by the board that I am leaving even though I have been reading it and contributing for years and it has not changed".

Sathorn2 - maybe you are just spending too much time on the board - I mean you posted 14 times this weekend. We will miss your gems such as:

"So nice of you to emerge from the depth of your deplourable existense to address an item of speling. You nevur, of course, have anything wothwile or originil to say but I do apppreciate yur attentun to detale. Please call agin whenever your meds wear off. You're dismissed."

Motto - Never say Never

August 14th, 2006, 10:01

what's next ? It's in the mail ?

August 14th, 2006, 12:30
I find all of sathorn2's logic ridiculous.
He/she sounds like a woman scorned. Firstly I think the whole hedda side show is something of the past and to my mind no longer exists. If there are posters posting under various other names I for one havn't noticed them, or ever felt harrased by any of them.
Secondly if sathorn2 is too lazy to use the ignore function then that's their own problem. And thirdly why should anyone give a shit that they feel this way? Freedom of speech is an admirable trait on this forum, is it not?

I suspect that this little out pouring has more to do with the tiny, possible anti-Americanism that lingers on this forum. While it is sad that a minority of half decent Americans should suffer due to their countries incorrigible lunacy, I still believe that almost everyone here at least, would applaud one that actually recognised this lunacy, and one who didn't see it as their single most important mission to uphold the American values as though they were some kind of "global" scripture.

sathorn2, R.I.P

August 14th, 2006, 19:11
I don't think you are correct about multiple names...although you are correct about The Colonel who I used to see frequently wandering Bangkok streets muttering to himself ( certainly no one else would talk to him).

Although John Botting and I are the only ones who use their real names I know many of the posters on here and they only use one handle..but I've been acussed of being all sorts of people..Hedda, LMTU and even SMILES :geek: but thank God, never Boygeorge ( bless his heart ).

I'm none of these and I 'm not even sure these days if I'm even me.

August 14th, 2006, 20:47
of the foxes in the hen house, protesting "there ain't no one in here except us chickens."


August 15th, 2006, 08:59
that when one annouces they are leaving ( as I have in the past) they inevitably return. These boards are like a drug and very hard to give up..or like gay bar you simply hate because you never meet Mr Right but always go back to..just in case.

The proof : HEDDA..could she keep away ..nooooo ! :bounce:

If we could just get back the horrible old (The) Colonel of bald fat old c**t fame (I was very fond of the scoundrel) or the saintly Dame Sanitree Na Parkin -the burden of being the only true beauty on here is a lot for me to carry-life would be complete.

Perhaps they are here under new handles but I doubt they double-up with 2 or more names-simply drop the previous handle and re-invent themselves as so many of us have. Isn't that what Thailand is about ?-throw away that boring old life and re-new your spirit and soul in paradise.

August 15th, 2006, 09:03
Here here ... I miss Dame Sanitary Na Pa Kin very much. This Board is the lesser because he/she is not here.
I still to this day do not know why he left so abruptly ... never to return. Is there any possibility he has left this earth?

Cheers ...

August 15th, 2006, 09:08
It wasn't anything you did. Her Highness was posted somewhere else, in another country and is caught up in affairs there.

She will eventually return.