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View Full Version : Groundbreaking Website Launch & Future Restaurant Plans!

American Teacher-old
January 18th, 2006, 10:02
Hello all! I hope this message finds you all healthy and happy in the New Year. I just wanted to bring you up to date on some of the new happenings at Niddy's Nook! Below please find my latest Press Release.

All the best,

MEMO: If you know of a website that Niddy's Nook should be linked to, could you please contact me ASAP?

For Immediate Release:

Niddy's Nook is proud to announce the official launch of their new website: www.niddysnook.com. You will be able to find out all details of the restaurant including a full menu with prices and specialties available.

Currently in the works, but as of yet unavailable on the website is a concierge section where you will be able to order a variety of gifts and cash advances from overseas for your local Pattaya-based friends! They will be able to pick up any gifts you order for them at the restaurant -- at their convenience -- during normal working hours 1 PM to 1 AM. Also on the horizon is plans to make the Nook a Wi-Fi hotspot for free Internet browsing!

We are proud of the improvements happening at the Nook and are sure you will find our growth and advancement a boon to your traveling and relaxation needs. What better time to drop by the Nook for a quick drink, light snack or gourmet dinner?

Respectfully Submitted,
Chris Parsons
Niddy's Nook Promotions

Attachment: Website Launch Promotional Flyer

January 18th, 2006, 10:26
Wow! Nice website, Chris! :hello1:

MEMO: If you know of a website that Niddy's Nook should be linked to, could you please contact me ASAP?

Well, we could start by posting an active link here in this thread, like so:

Niddy's Nook (http://www.niddysnook.com/)

Attachment: Website Launch Promotional Flyer

OK, I'm not sure what's in this Flyer, but if it is an image, you need to extract it and upload it for it to show here.

One technical observation on the website: All pages should have at least one obvious link back to your main page, and if possible, all other pages of your site, especially if it is a page that is set to open in a new window. I just noticed that the map page opens in a new window, and has no link back to "home". Your logo at the top of the page would be one obvious place to make link back to the home page.

We can eventually trade links, meaning I'd put the link on the forum index under "our friends" along with pattayagay, Dreaded Ned's, et al, but right now, I need to wait for our page rank to find its place in Google, and I can't add any new links there until that hapens. I think another month will suffice. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to post links on forum threads, and please do keep us updated.

Good luck!


American Teacher-old
January 18th, 2006, 10:35
Great points! I will make some changes! In terms of the linking to you -- just let me know. I am happy to add you on to my page of links! In terms of the flyer -- don't worry about it. It was just some pictures with the website address for those who do Internet mail lists -- not really necessary for here! :compress:

January 18th, 2006, 11:54
Good luck Chris.
One small point though ... try and keep the capitals in your subject line down to a small roar. Your post may well be mistaken right off the bat as one by our Board Tout and Gossip Monger 'Let me Tell You'. Heaven forbid that you would be lumped in with such low company (Thai style).

Cheers ...

American Teacher-old
January 18th, 2006, 12:04
Sorry about that! I have adjusted the title! Don't want to appear to be too forward! <smile> ... Though I am quite proud of the site!


January 18th, 2006, 12:08
Chris, congratulations on getting the web site up and running! Very clean and simple design, which is most welcome and not as common as it should be, IMHO.

A couple of the photos on the gallery page slide show are not properly linked. And, please, couldn't you come up with a more flattering pic of your self for the right side of the top banner! ;-)

Again, congrats on a job well done. Your proposed enhancements, particularly the WiFi hotspot sound very nice, too. I just need to get my lard butt into your 'hood more often!

January 18th, 2006, 12:37

Yes its good to see you having your website up Chris,I remember your photo from when i was in your restaurant twice last year,and i will definetely pay you a visit this year unless you want to meet somewhere else as you recall i wasnt in Pattaya at the time of the Memories get together.I was however there in Nov 2004 but unfortanetely got chucked out before it started,but im sobering up now so i would dearly love to catch up with you again so we can talk about old times.
You know i wish you all the best Chris and we definetely will be catching up,I want to introduce you to a few Aboriginal blokes who are coming with me next trip,you can find out about koori culture by googling WEST DUBBO GORDON ESTATE.We see you soon Chris.Good LUck.

January 18th, 2006, 12:46
a more flattering pic of your self for the right side of the top banner!

Oh yeah, and I meant to mention:

You :notworthy: are as adorable as your Thai boyfriend :sex: is. I hope I can afford to come visit and meet you soon!


American Teacher-old
January 18th, 2006, 14:01
Thanks, ES! :colors:

January 18th, 2006, 14:05

American Teacher-old
January 18th, 2006, 19:00
Dear Let Me Tell You,

I certainly appreciate your positive comments and your willingness to see our improvements. As always, I value your criticism and the criticism of other respected board members.


January 18th, 2006, 23:57
Hate to bring this up in this esoteric string... but I cannot locate niddysnook in any variation in any of the major search engines... is it me? If so what am I doing wrong. I have tried niddysnook and www.niddysnook (http://www.niddysnook) and www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)

January 18th, 2006, 23:58
How bizzare... I cannot get it by posting www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com) in any engine... but by clicking on the link here it works...

January 19th, 2006, 00:04
Update: Yes on Google, with an extra click; no on Yahoo; No on MSN... and do tell me which programme was used to create the site... and nice site indeed... like the quasi morphing phots. Well done. Will visit in April when I am next over.

January 19th, 2006, 01:04
Sir Mr Travels:

One does not get indexed in Google overnight. Give it time. With the proper backlinks and some patience, Niddy's Nook could turn up #1 for "Pattaya Restaurant". Of course the link works. That has nothing to do with whether or not the search engines have found it yet.

BTW, speaking of Google- your blog has been indexed. :headbang:

January 19th, 2006, 02:41
My dear Master... I am unable to fight off the ravages of age and relative inexperience... you are right on all counts... and I noticed the Blog there... will have a new chapter shortly... had a computer problem over the last three weeks... old one sort of blew up... concentrates the mind on what's in the sales.

January 19th, 2006, 07:05
for Niddy's Nook located it on Dragoncastle but that entry doesn't show the webpage. Perhaps American Teacher should let Dragoncastle know of the Niddy's Nook website?

American Teacher-old
January 19th, 2006, 17:38
Search engines take a very long time to get established on. We are well on our way though! We are linked both with Dragoncastle and with Dreaded Ned's -- as well as sunee-plaza.com and working on others!

Thanks for all the investigating though! You guys are great!


January 20th, 2006, 00:58
A few suggestions, well, one of them is tongue in cheek.

Looking at the menu, it sounds like you are featuring the hamburger, chicken w/ cashew nuts, and the Mai Tai cocktail.
So if they are so yummy, why not SHOW US PICTURES of this great food????

Also, a lot of us queens are avoiding fried foods, so how about offering garlic mashed potatoes as a choice to the ever present fries?

Also, I kind of agree your prices for the Thai food are a little high for the barrio.
Another thought, how about offering some more unusual Thai dishes that are a little harder to find, maybe Choo Choo Salmon (Salmon with a dry red curry I think). Or even better Pad Thai done in Royal cuisine style like you might see at an upscale US Thai restaurant, as opposed to the street food version.

Here is the tongue in cheek comment.
Your location is dreadful.
Who can even count the number of failed prior businesses in that doomed location?
Everyone knows it.
Ever consider leading with your weakness and rename the place:

The Bad Feng Sheui Cafe

I know you all love Niddy, but frankly to me the name of the place is cloying and not helping you. The dogs are good though, especially that fantastic Chihuahua!

Sometimes funny or ironic names can really make a place a cult hangout, maybe some of you know the No Name Sushi Restaurant in San Francisco, for one example.

January 20th, 2006, 06:46
Dear American Teacher
Many thanks for inviting us into your shiny new online home.
After a brief look into the gallery, I wonder if it's time for you to come to terms with your Heterosexuality.
Or perhaps, these tables, chairs and table cloths were left by the previous owner???

January 20th, 2006, 16:40
Also, a lot of us queens are avoiding fried foods, so how about offering garlic mashed potatoes as a choice to the ever present fries?

I second that. French fried to death at home--And just as tired of those damned potatoes 'baked' (Steamed) in foil!

Ever consider leading with your weakness and rename the place: The Bad Feng Sheui Cafe

FENG SHUI MAI DEE, has a ring to it.

The dogs are good though, especially that fantastic Chihuahua! Sometimes funny or ironic names can really make a place a cult hangout....

THE STUD CHIHUAHUA? Oh, maybe that sounds too Mexican...Can Niddy make chile con carne?...Thai, chile con carne?

I think it's a lovely web site--But you might do better to replace some of the photos of furniture with food...Food being presented by Niddy & Nan...wearing red: Studies show red makes people hungry. Cute boys in red...AYOR!