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April 2nd, 2021, 19:37
Eastern Boys. A French film from 2013. It's about boys/gangs from eastern Europe in Paris and a gay man in his fifties. Rather annoyingly the English subtitles had been overlaid with Spanish ones so I couldn't follow it completely. However the general narrative was doable. It contains many of the themes we regularly discuss here. Terrifying in part and a warning to us all. Highly recommended and a reminder of just why we all love Thailand so much.
Fuck I Miss Pattaya.

April 2nd, 2021, 19:59
Fuck I Miss Pattaya.

Well, if I interpret intentions correctly, you might shortly be able to fly to Phuket, do 7 days there & then travel onward within Thailand.
However, I presume you still have to do 2 weeks "porridge" upon returning to China ? How long is that likely to last ?

As for the film, where did you watch it ? I see it's £3.49 to rent on both Amazon & You Tube. Or £7.99 to buy. Your recommendation and the You Tube trailer have got my interest.

Brad the Impala
April 3rd, 2021, 00:50
This is an enjoyable film and as Arsenal advises it addresses a number of issues that might be faced by anyone lusting after young men, and under estimating their capabilities. Well worth renting.

April 3rd, 2021, 01:24
Eastern Boys. A French film from 2013. It's about boys/gangs from eastern Europe in Paris and a gay man in his fifties. Rather annoyingly the English subtitles had been overlaid with Spanish ones so I couldn't follow it completely. However the general narrative was doable. It contains many of the themes we regularly discuss here. Terrifying in part and a warning to us all. Highly recommended and a reminder of just why we all love Thailand so much.
Fuck I Miss Pattaya.

Thanks for the recommendation arsenal. I have posted a copy of the film poster and the video trailer below:


Source: Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Boys)


April 3rd, 2021, 07:16
Goji. I watched it free on one of the many streaming sites I know of. These sites are amazing. The very latest cinema and tv releases available completely free. I don't know how or why they do it but it's bloody good. My latest discovery, as well as having top shows and films from all over the world also has those going back decades. Yesterday morning I watched The Hardy Boys, just to see if Shaun Cassidy was as delicious as I remember. He was.

April 3rd, 2021, 19:34
I enjoyed the Hardy Boys, the books, that is!

April 3rd, 2021, 22:38
Delicious Shaun Cassidy. Yum yum.

April 3rd, 2021, 23:07
still good looking at 62.

April 6th, 2021, 12:32
...isnt age nasty...

April 7th, 2021, 10:36
Watched the Dad's Army movie on this site. Not the modern remake but the original. Not clever comedy, mainly physical slapstick but with mugs of tea and chocolate digestives pure joy. Captain Mainwaring, a comic character up there with Ronnie Barkers Fletch and Leonard Rossiters Rigsby.