View Full Version : Vaccine diplomacy? Perish the thought

March 27th, 2021, 08:34
The Kremlin rejected Friday that Russia and China were using their vaccines as tools to win geopolitical clout, after accusations the two countries were using their jabs to gain influence abroad.
Earlier Friday French President Emmanuel Macron claimed that his country was facing a “new kind of world war,” pointing to the two powers using their vaccines for “influence”.

“We absolutely disagree with the fact that both Russia and China are waging some kind of war,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists.

“And we absolutely disagree with the fact that Russia and China are using the coronavirus pandemic and vaccines as tools of influence,” he added.

For their part Russia and China have hit back by accusing Western countries of hoarding vaccines to the detriment of poor nations.


March 27th, 2021, 12:44

Distribution of vaccine against deadly infection is "war". Countries what blocks export are peaceful, countries what distributing vaccine - are aggressors. Sure-sure.

March 27th, 2021, 13:18
Distribution of vaccine against deadly infection is "war". Countries what blocks export are peaceful, countries what distributing vaccine - are aggressors. Sure-sure.Countries blocking imports are just as bad.

March 27th, 2021, 13:21
Countries blocking imports are just as bad.

It's free market? Yes? So what's bad in situation when buyer chooses from whom to buy? :)) If "next door" backer will spread gossips about me - I will start to buy food on opposite side of street.

March 27th, 2021, 13:27
It's free market? Yes? So what's bad in situation when buyer chooses from whom to buy? :)) If "next door" backer will spread gossips about me - I will start to buy food on opposite side of street.I was thinking more of India banning imports of Chinese vaccines at the same time as China now allowing Chinese people abroad to return if vaccinated but must be vaccinated by Chinese vaccine - reported in this week’s Economist magazine (the Banyan column).

March 27th, 2021, 13:59
at the same time as China now allowing Chinese people abroad to return if vaccinated but must be vaccinated by Chinese vaccine

It will be changed soon, China has ongoing discussions about mutual acceptance of vaccinations with many countries. Everyone wants to have procedures what will warrants only real vaccination confirmations and avoid fake confirmations.

Just at past week Russia and China signed such agreement, so both countries will accept certificates soon, Sputnik will be OK for vaccination as well - here are a lot of Chinese students and they will need to return to home after end of study soon, most of them are vaccinated by Sputnik already, esp. from Moscow and S-Pb.

About India: they banned import of Chinese vaccine and also banned export of own vaccine. It is pure political/commercial shit. The same shit as EU or US does. People dies but govt don't care and protecting political/commercial profits.

March 27th, 2021, 14:12
It will be changed soon, China has ongoing discussions about mutual acceptance of vaccinations with many countries. Everyone wants to have procedures what will warrants only real vaccination confirmations and avoid fake confirmations.Do you have an anticipated timeframe? A week? A month?

March 27th, 2021, 14:25
Do you have an anticipated timeframe? A week? A month?

No, sorry I just saw in news. But "end of school year" here is in the middle of June. So they should work fast - they have only 2,5 months for implementation.

March 28th, 2021, 08:34
It's free market? Yes? So what's bad in situation when buyer chooses from whom to buy? :)) If "next door" backer will spread gossips about me - I will start to buy food on opposite side of street.
Should there be some consistency? If the boycott is 100% then that makes sense. But if I’m avoiding the greengrocer on this side of the street because I’m sensitive to his criticism of me, surely that means I transfer all of my purchases to his rivals? It’s hypocrisy to say “But I’ll still buy some things from him because the quality is better than elsewhere”.

March 28th, 2021, 11:06
Using a vaccine to win geo-political clout is a perfectly acceptable thing to do. It's nothing more than a variation on what France, UK, USA, China and Russia have been doing for a century or more. Why the big fuss?

March 28th, 2021, 14:23
Why the big fuss?

Because Micron worries he can lose elections and can't explain to French nation why are so big delays in vaccination and why France doesn't use all available on market vaccines. Peace is war. Orwel.

March 29th, 2021, 11:56
criminal what some european leaders have been up to...merkel and micron bad mouthing the phizer vaccine beacuse they are jealous of the Brits that are powering ahead