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Brad the Impala
March 16th, 2021, 15:47
The vaccine rollout starting with the cabinet and using Astra Zeneca.

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and other cabinet ministers were inoculated against Covid-19 at Government House on Tuesday morning.

Their vaccinations had been postponed last Friday after several European countries had suspended the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine on reports of adverse reactions in a small number of patients.

"It has been verified that there is no bad reaction from the AstraZeneca vaccine.


Numbers of countries using the different vaccines.


March 21st, 2021, 19:12
Bad news for Thailand’s reliance on the Chinese vaccines (Laos and Cambodia are similarly placed). It’s reported today that a limited number of people in the United Arab Emirates are being invited to have a third shot of the Sinopharm vaccine after antibody tests indicated they did not have a sufficient immune response following two doses of the Chinese-made vaccine, its distributor confirmed Sunday.

Brad the Impala
March 21st, 2021, 21:28
Please link to source. An interesting development.

March 21st, 2021, 22:28
Please link to source. An interesting development.


Sounds like the jury is still out on this though...

March 22nd, 2021, 04:46
Eponymous Chinese vaccine delivery vessel

Brad the Impala
March 22nd, 2021, 05:04
From the link provided above:

Doctors told the Wall Street Journal there were cases of people with little or no antibody response after two doses of Sinopharm.
The revelations could raise doubts about the effectiveness of the vaccine, which is being widely used around the world as countries scramble to inoculate their populations. Many of the more effective Western-made vaccines have been snapped up by wealthier nations.
The Sinopharm vaccine has a self-reported efficacy rate of 79 percent, which global health experts say is more than adequate, but its data has not been publicly released. In addition to the UAE, the vaccine has been purchased by countries such as Egypt, Cambodia, Senegal and Peru.

If some people have no antibody response after two doses I would be surprised if a third provided an effective vaccine. Perhaps that's why PM Prayut preferred Astra Zeneca.

March 22nd, 2021, 05:53
"The revelations could raise doubts about the effectiveness of the vaccine, which is being widely used around the world......"

Not used. Tested. No mass roll out here so clearly the gvt is not confident in their own vaccine.

March 22nd, 2021, 06:11
"The revelations could raise doubts about the effectiveness of the vaccine, which is being widely used around the world......"

Not used. Tested https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/more-than-43-million-doses-of-chinas-sinopharm-covid-19-vaccines-used-globally

March 22nd, 2021, 07:25
Pity the Nigers https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-niger-idUSKBN2BD0UE

March 22nd, 2021, 10:54
"The revelations could raise doubts about the effectiveness of the vaccine, which is being widely used around the world......"

Not used. Tested. No mass roll out here so clearly the gvt is not confident in their own vaccine.
Just think of all those hoards of ineffectively vaccinated Chinese waiting to descend on Thailand!

March 22nd, 2021, 13:34
"The revelations could raise doubts about the effectiveness of the vaccine, which is being widely used around the world......"

Ohhh... That why UK planning to make third jab of AstraZeneca at this summer

Brad the Impala
March 22nd, 2021, 14:48
Ohhh... That why UK planning to make third jab of AstraZeneca at this summer

This article suggests a booster 3rd vaccine to protect against new variants or as insurance as the longevity of vaccine protection is unknown, inevitably this is true for all vaccines. That's surely quite different from a vaccine failing to create an immune response in some of those vaccinated.

March 22nd, 2021, 14:49
Ohhh... That why UK planning to make third jab of AstraZeneca at this summer
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/coronavirus-news-covid-astrazeneca-vaccine-lockdown-variant/I’ve found Sinopharm’s transparency on this issue reassuring. If only AstraZeneca would emulate such transparency.

March 22nd, 2021, 14:59
Ohhh... That why UK planning to make third jab of AstraZeneca at this summer

You're incessant need to always make this some nationalistic "us vs. them" competition is really beyond the pale.

You do realize that we're all fucked until the world achieves herd immunity, right? Having a country vaccinated doesn't mean much when the virus is still rapidly spreading and mutating all over the place.

March 22nd, 2021, 15:40
"Results from the long-awaited US trial of the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine are out and confirm that the shot is both safe and highly effective.

More than 32,000 volunteers took part, mostly in America, but also in Chile and Peru.

The vaccine was 79% effective against stopping symptomatic Covid disease and 100% effective at preventing people from falling seriously ill.

And there were no safety issues regarding blood clots."


March 22nd, 2021, 16:19
After speaking to an NHS nurse, they’ve been informed that of the 14 million people given the Astra Zeneca jab in Europe, 40 have reported blood clots, and all have survived.

March 22nd, 2021, 19:37
Bad news for Thailand’s reliance on the Chinese vaccines (Laos and Cambodia are similarly placed)

I am not sure why you see this as bad news for Thailand - the news item and the following discussion here was about the Sinopharm vaccine, but Thailand is using the Sinovac vaccine - different companies, different vaccines, different clinic trial history, different results in the field, so why should this have a significant impact on Thailand's vaccine rollout

or maybe you have a link showing a similar problem for Sinovac? or are you just worried about under-protected sex workers from Cambodia crossing the border?

March 22nd, 2021, 20:05
After speaking to an NHS nurse, they’ve been informed that of the 14 million people given the Astra Zeneca jab in Europe, 40 have reported blood clots, and all have survived.

Also last week I read that something like 940,000 in Spain had the Astra Zeneca jab and they had 1 blood clot case.
At the time, Spain had a 0.6% infection rate.
So of the 940,000, if they had not been vaccinated, 5640 might be expected to have covid.
Assuming a 1% death rate, that would be 56 dead if no vaccine was deployed.
Or if they were prioritizing the elderly for vaccination and we assume a 10% death rate, that's 564 dead with covid, if no vaccine were deployed.

Compared with 1 blood clot case. So whatever death rate you assume, the vaccine with blood clot risk looks orders of magnitude better than no vaccine & higher covid risk.

March 22nd, 2021, 23:15
I am not sure why you see this as bad news for Thailand - the news item and the following discussion here was about the Sinopharm vaccine, but Thailand is using the Sinovac vaccine - different companies, different vaccines, different clinic trial history, different results in the field, so why should this have a significant impact on Thailand's vaccine rollout

or maybe you have a link showing a similar problem for Sinovac? or are you just worried about under-protected sex workers from Cambodia crossing the border?I refer you to post #5

March 23rd, 2021, 04:04
You're incessant need to always make this some nationalistic "us vs. them" competition is really beyond the pale.

Oh, dear, I'm not from China, nor from UK... "us"? "them"?

March 26th, 2021, 08:19
In good news, Thailand has approved the Johnson & Johnson vaccine:


March 26th, 2021, 09:49
In good news, Thailand has approved the Johnson & Johnson vaccine:


That would be good news if it actually happens.

Even if the AstraZeneca and Sinovac vaccines were available in Thailand I wouldn't take them.

Johnson & Johnson came in last place in the race to get the vaccine out to the market - but have a vaccine that actually works...what a concept!

This reminds me of a joke I heard one time:

A father bull was standing next to his young son on a mountaintop gazing down at a herd of cows feeding in the meadow below. The young bull says to his father "Dad, why don't we charge down this hill and fuck one of those heffers". The father looked down at his son and said "why don't we just walk down and fuck all of em".

March 26th, 2021, 10:36
Perhaps you should remind everyone, Dodgems, that the reason you won’t take the AstraZeneca vaccine is because it’ll be manufactured in Thailand and you’re utterly convinced that the Thai manufacturer will fuck it up.

March 26th, 2021, 11:00
It looks like Thailand will be purchasing the AZ and Sinovac vaccines for inoculation of the Thai population, and private hospitals will have the option to purchase from Johnson & Johnson.

Thailand won't be manufacturing any covid vaccine. Thank God!

I'm hoping this is the way it will play out. I'd much rather pay a few extra bucks for the J & J. I'm sure Thailand's elite will be doing the same, as the peasants line up for this other crap.


March 26th, 2021, 11:50
Thailand won't be manufacturing any covid vaccine. Thank God!


Thailand’s plan to produce the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine locally is on track to be ready to begin mass inoculations in June, with a capacity to make up to 18 million doses per month, a senior official said on Friday.

It was still unclear how many would go to Thai citizens and how many would be exported to other Southeast Asian countries under a deal with AstraZeneca that has come under fire from opposition critics for being too slow and lacking transparency.

Thailand’s vaccine strategy revolves around production of AstraZeneca shots by local firm Siam Bioscience, owned by the Thai king’s vast business holdings.

Tests of the first batches are due to be completed by the end of May, the head of the National Vaccine Institute, Nakorn Premsri, told Reuters in an interview.

“The industrial batch will come out by June,” Nakorn said.

March 26th, 2021, 12:26
For those interested in Dodgems’ views on Thai manufacturers generally and potential vaccine manufacturers in particular i thoroughly “recommend” this thread starting on page 2 and going on and on and on - https://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/showthread.php?21817-Uncertainty-Over-Availability-of-Kovid-19-Vaccinations-for-Expats-in-Thailand/page2

March 26th, 2021, 14:18
I'd much rather pay a few extra bucks for the J & J. I'm sure Thailand's elite will be doing the same, as the peasants line up for this other crap.
What's your reason for thinking the J&J might be any better than the AZN vaccine ?
The AZN vaccine has been shown to be effective in trials conducted in the UK, Brazil, South Africa and now the US.

March 26th, 2021, 18:12
What's your reason for thinking the J&J might be any better than the AZN vaccine ?
The AZN vaccine has been shown to be effective in trials conducted in the UK, Brazil, South Africa and now the US.

AZ has been under fire the past couple days as various doctors / scientists criticize them for cherry picking data from clinical trials to get the desired results.

March 26th, 2021, 20:54
well take anything but the chinese one....I just would not trust it...and no one hears anything about what the hell is going on in China...how bad it is
how many "actually" have been given shots....are they sick,,how bad is it.....I just dont believe one would want to take the chinese vaccine....

March 27th, 2021, 00:05
well take anything but the chinese one....I just would not trust it...and no one hears anything about what the hell is going on in China...how bad it is
how many "actually" have been given shots....are they sick,,how bad is it.....I just dont believe one would want to take the chinese vaccine....

goshhh... how stupid it sounds... Chinese already vaccinated 90+ mln people in Mainland, delivered over 20 mln doses abroad to 20+ countries... "no one hears"... really???

how many "hears" about blood clots after Astra? already several European countries suspended Astra, but we reading here about "dont believe one would want to take the chinese vaccine"... are you serous? then take AstraZeneca and pry not to get blood clots and be within 60% of efficacy ...

March 27th, 2021, 01:03
I love that about Moses. China's vaccine gets efficacy rate of 50.8%, but of course according to him, that's just fake Western propaganda.

AZ investigates some claims regarding blod clots which were found to be unsubstantiated with no links to the vaccine, and of course that's false, and you're going to get blood clots and die if you take AZ.

March 27th, 2021, 01:08
how many "hears" about blood clots after Astra? already several European countries suspended Astra

The difference is Astra and the other western vaccines have all the data published so we can know what's going on.
It's the governments who censor information that I don't trust.
Clearly I'm not alone. For example, there are reports of 60% of Russians not wanting their Sputnik vaccine. Czar Putin wasn't exactly leading from the front by taking it early either.

On the other hand, thanks to a free press in the west, we can see Spain foolishly stop vaccinations after 1 clot in almost a million vaccines and then after investigating, resumed vaccinations. It's the same with the other EU countries.
Bear in mind, if Spain vaccinated all it's population, at that incidence rate they might get 40 blood clots. That's nothing compared with the 250 a day dying from covid. Or 1750 per week !!

Also, do look at the normal incidence rate for blood clots and subtract that from the 40 before being critical.
Whilst simple people might blame every health problem that occurs within a week of the jab on the vaccine, a better approach is to look at the normal incidence rate for such complications and subtract that.

Nirish guy
March 27th, 2021, 02:09
....... thanks to a free press in the west, we can see Spain foolishly stop vaccinations after 1 clot.....

Or the more cynical amongst us may say that the reason that they and several other EU Countries "stopped" using that vaccine is that they didn't bloody HAVE any and couldn't GET and so it's much better to tell your electorate that "ahhh you see, we're taking care of your health SO well we've paused vaccinations with this brand until we know more" - which of course sounds much better than "we / the EU have screwed up and the UK and a few others somehow managed to outflank us and get all the available vaccines and it seems we really screwed up, but this pause will give us a few more days to figure out how to stop the UK ACTUALLY getting their vaccines delivered hopefully".

March 27th, 2021, 03:31
Well you take the china vaccine then,,,,,,,many will not IF they have a choice

March 27th, 2021, 03:59
I love that about Moses. China's vaccine gets efficacy rate of 50.8%,

"I love that" about this Canadian guy thinks he knows everything and each time it looks like farting... Matt, China has already 3 approved vaccines. Which one you just declared with efficacy 50,8%???

March 27th, 2021, 04:58
A lengthy discussion of AstraZeneca’s woes can be found on the popular statistics site FiveThirtyEight - https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/what-the-heck-is-going-on-with-astrazenecas-covid-19-vaccine/

March 27th, 2021, 11:31
All this "Data" flying around. Does it really tell you anything?

From the very beginning of this Pandemic the leading epidemiologist's and scientists around the world were telling us that, once a vaccine is developed to protect against covid-19, it would require at least 1- 2 years of validation testing before it could be fit for approval and released to the consumer. That would have taken us to the end of 2021 at the very earliest.

A miracle occurred!

A dozen pharma companies and independent labs have developed vaccine(s), which have somehow gained FDA approval in phenomenal record-breaking lead times, much less than the experts had predicted. This isn't a total surprise considering the impact that the virus is having on the world economy, the mounting death toll, the money at stake for the pharma companies, not to mention political ramifications, but people should know that when shortcuts like this are taken in the "Validation Process" there will inevitably be failures along-the-road, as we're seeing right now. e.g., it's OK for +65 year old's - no it's not OK - it produces blood clots - no it doesn't - we have a 90% efficacy rate - opps, sorry, it's really 50% - we completed our validation testing (Sputnik) - no you didn't - look at the data - the data is skewed...and on and on it goes.

There are two types of testing these companies and labs have to perform: 1) Design Verification: Which is where they test the first prototype samples of the vaccine to determine if it was manufacturing in accordance with the technical specifications. Once this is accomplished, it moves into 2) Validation Testing: which is where the product is tested on a large sample basis to determine if the variation in the manufacturing process falls within acceptable statistical limits. In-other-words, now that they know the vaccine was made to specification, they need to know if it's suitable for all consumers.. This is what's going on right now with all of the companies who have produced a vaccine(s).

Based on what I just babbled: It won't be until the end of 2021 at the earliest before accurate "Efficacy Levels" are known. So, personally, I wouldn't hang my hat on any of the numbers you see floating around just yet.

I'm sure there will be a number of reliable vaccines out there when the Validation Testing is complete and any modifications to the vaccine(s) are made. Right now, knowing that shortcuts have been taken, the consumers, for the large part, are being used as Ginny pigs.

If I had to get a vaccine tomorrow (which fortunately I don't) it would be the Johnson & Johnson vaccine purely based on their experience, expertise, and reputation. I don't think we have to worry about any AZ vaccine being made in Thailand, because, regardless of what they say in the newspapers, I don't believe it will ever happen.

Johnson & Johnson, one of the largest and most reliable multi-national pharmaceutical and medical device companies in the world, donated $1 billion at the onslaught of the covid-19 virus to produce a not-for-profit vaccine. In February of this year, the vaccine was found to be safe and effective against preventing COVID-19 in individuals 18 & older by the Food and Drug Administration. On February 27th, it received the green light by the FDA for emergency use in the United States in individuals 18 & older to combat the spread of the virus. This vaccine became the first approved vaccine for COVID-19 that was a single-dose vaccine

March 27th, 2021, 12:20
consumers, for the large part, are being used as Ginny pigs
Ah yes, "Ginny" (according to the Urban Dictionary) - " A likable female that is caring and kind hearted with a goofy streak only her friends really understand. Often thought to be quiet and slightly reserved but really quite the opposite"


March 27th, 2021, 12:29
Johnson & Johnson, one of the largest and most reliable multi-national pharmaceutical and medical device companies in the world, donated $1 billion at the onslaught of the covid-19 virus to produce a not-for-profit vaccine. In February of this year, the vaccine was found to be safe and effective against preventing COVID-19 in individuals 18 & older by the Food and Drug Administration. On February 27th, it received the green light by the FDA for emergency use in the United States in individuals 18 & older to combat the spread of the virus. This vaccine became the first approved vaccine for COVID-19 that was a single-dose vaccine

J&J? Do you really trust to them?

They 40 years knew about asbestos in powder for kids (https://www.consumersafety.org/product-lawsuits/talcum-powder/) and did nothing against kids got cancer.
They sold Risperdal and a lot of young men got breasts (https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/oct/09/johnson-johnson-risperdal-female-breast-tissue-boys).
They plays main role in opioid crisis in US (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/opioids)

J&J reputation is "below zero" https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/oct/18/johnson-and-johnson-opioids-lawsuits-product-recalls

By the way "one shot vaccine" in translation from "marketing language" means what
- vaccine will produce one-step strong shock to immune system instead of two shocks with lower "magnitude"
- it is vector vaccine and J&J didn't got second vector for second jab and left efforts on efficacy 66.8% (what is lower than efficacy of Chinese vaccines) in general, but in South Africa they got only 52%

Now true marketing :) mostly for trolling Matt
Sputnik is only vector vaccine in world with efficacy above 90%, and that is confirmed not only by tests but also by national tests and is approved for vaccination in 56+ countries.

March 27th, 2021, 13:43
J&J? Do you really trust to them?

They 40 years knew about asbestos in powder for kids (https://www.consumersafety.org/product-lawsuits/talcum-powder/) and did nothing against kids got cancer.
They sold Risperdal and a lot of young men got breasts (https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/oct/09/johnson-johnson-risperdal-female-breast-tissue-boys).
They plays main role in opioid crisis in US (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/opioids)

J&J reputation is "below zero" https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/oct/18/johnson-and-johnson-opioids-lawsuits-product-recalls

By the way "one shot vaccine" in translation from "marketing language" means what
- vaccine will produce one-step strong shock to immune system instead of two shocks with lower "magnitude"
- it is vector vaccine and J&J didn't got second vector for second jab and left efforts on efficacy 66.8% (what is lower than efficacy of Chinese vaccines) in general, but in South Africa they got only 52%

Now true marketing :) mostly for trolling Matt
Sputnik is only vector vaccine in world with efficacy above 90%, and that is confirmed not only by tests but also by national tests and is approved for vaccination in 56+ countries.

Moses, I understand that you're an enthusiast about the Russian vaccine, but in all honesty, doing a background search of things that don't bode well for a company the size of J&J who have been around for over 130 years is a bit of a stretch.

Unfortunately, getting behind the "Iron Shield" and obtaining sensitive background information (data) on a company in Russia is almost impossible. The Sputnic vaccine might be the best thing since sliced bread - but there's been questions regarding the integrity of their data, which puts a question mark on this as far as I'm concerned.

I know one thing, Russia ranks #1 for their production of Performance Enhancing Drugs - so maybe Sputnic will work as well.

March 27th, 2021, 13:45
These statements rank about the same:

The Covid virus didn’t start in China!
The Russian government always tells the truth!
Donald Trump won the election!

March 27th, 2021, 14:11
Moses, I understand that you're an enthusiast about the Russian vaccine, but in all honesty, doing a background search of things that don't bode well for a company the size of J&J who have been around for over 130 years is a bit of a stretch.
Well past never gives warranty about future - you may read it in each statement about shares deals :)

And right now J&J has red hands. Their "non-profit vaccine" is just pity attempt for to improve failed below zero reputation.

Unfortunately, getting behind the "Iron Shield" and obtaining sensitive background information (data) on a company in Russia is almost impossible. The Sputnic vaccine might be the best thing since sliced bread - but there's been questions regarding the integrity of their data, which puts a question mark on this as far as I'm concerned.

Well, you can open and read report in The Lancet then. There is no "question mark" in article about Sputnik.

March 27th, 2021, 14:19
Moses, I understand that you're an enthusiast about the Russian vaccine

And about that: looks like I'm only person with experience in vaccination here. It is not "enthusiasm", it is real experience with 2 antibodies blood tests after vaccination, both were in independent commercial laboratories. So my information based on my own experience. And my opponents here just distributes opinions from third party sources. Whom I should trust? To my eyes, or to sources with conflict of interests?

Ah, also it is pleasure to troll Matt. He is so proud about West and is waiting for mighty Western vaccine in situation when not only closest (in all meanings) ally - US but India also banned export vaccine to Canada.

March 27th, 2021, 14:23
And about that: looks like I'm only person with experience in vaccination here.As I recall at least two UK members have claimed to have been vaccinated; one was your very own Moderator Jellybean.

March 27th, 2021, 14:31
As I recall at least two UK members have claimed to have been vaccinated; one was your very own Moderator Jellybean.

You mean "started". I have 3 months after last jab. So level of antibodies is final, and I also have own "statistic" about it - blood test in 4 weeks after second jab and test in 10 weeks after second jab.

March 27th, 2021, 15:52
Almost all UK members over 50 will have had a vaccine or will have an imminent appointment.
Mostly one dose. The data shows it's working.

The biggest risk seems to be catching covid at the vaccination centre, before the vaccine is effective.

March 27th, 2021, 17:39
And about that: looks like I'm only person with experience in vaccination here. It is not "enthusiasm", it is real experience with 2 antibodies blood tests after vaccination, both were in independent commercial laboratories. So my information based on my own experience. And my opponents here just distributes opinions from third party sources. Whom I should trust? To my eyes, or to sources with conflict of interests?


it's obvious that you have a lot of technical knowledge regarding vaccines in general, and I don't mean to question your knowledge, or criticize your opinions. I listen and learn with open ears.

What bothers me most about the reporting of these various vaccines is that the data (as reported) is all over the place, This seems to apply to all the manufacturers out there. They haven't tested (validated) enough of the vaccine in the field (consumers) to be able to determine efficacy levels accurately yet. So why don't they just say that?

Sputnic may be the best vaccine out there. Only time will tell,

Now, if people start running faster after getting the Sputnic vaccine - I'm getting it myself. LOL...just kidding!

March 27th, 2021, 18:13
Yeah, a lot of this stuff is still very much up in the air. For example, to get the efficacy level they take say 40k people, 20k get the vaccine, 20k get the placebo. Then they watch those people and compare how many in the placebo group got KoVid versus how many in the vaccinated group, and that's the efficacy.

This is far from some controlled test, especially if you want to compare vaccines. For example, Pfizer and Modurna did their test during the summer of 2020 and mostly in the US when things were relatively clam, so 95% for them. J&J on the other hand did their test in the fall / winter of 2020 when the second wave was hitting, plus mainly did their trial in places like Brazil, Peru and Soth Africa where varitans were spreading, hence their efficacy level got pegged at 76% or something.

In other words, nobody really knows what the fuck is going on...

March 27th, 2021, 19:50
What bothers me most about the reporting of these various vaccines is that the data (as reported) is all over the place, This seems to apply to all the manufacturers out there. They haven't tested (validated) enough of the vaccine in the field (consumers) to be able to determine efficacy levels accurately yet. So why don't they just say that?
All the Western vaccines have been approved for emergency use. Remember the old Spartacus warning AYOR? That’s where we are in the vaccine release cycle. I thought that was obvious in all the publicity but apparently there are some confused senior citizens who forgot to read the small print. It’s known technically as Phase Four.

Brad the Impala
March 28th, 2021, 16:22
And how is this all relevant to both the Gay Thailand forum and the thread on Vaccine Rollout in Thailand?

March 28th, 2021, 16:47
And how is this all relevant to both the Gay Thailand forum and the thread on Vaccine Rollout in Thailand?

It isn't.

Off-topic posts in this thread have been moved here:



March 28th, 2021, 16:48
And how is this all relevant to both the Gay Thailand forum and the thread on Vaccine Rollout in Thailand?

No threatening the Russian. You'll end up with poisoned underwear.

March 28th, 2021, 18:02
No threatening the Russian. You'll end up with poisoned underwear.

Exactly. I will use Modurna's poison. Or... maybe I should use Oxford vaccine? One shot, one clot. No suspicion...

March 28th, 2021, 21:04
I got both moderna vaccine injections...no problem with it at all.....if one cannot get Johnson and Johnson, or Oxford, or other...I would wait...NO russian or chinese vaccine for me.....maybe they are fine...are you sure?????

April 9th, 2021, 02:49
The difference is Astra and the other western vaccines have all the data published so we can know what's going on.
It's the governments who censor information that I don't trust.
Clearly I'm not alone. For example, there are reports of 60% of Russians not wanting their Sputnik vaccine. Czar Putin wasn't exactly leading from the front by taking it early either.

On the other hand, thanks to a free press in the west, we can see Spain foolishly stop vaccinations after 1 clot in almost a million vaccines and then after investigating, resumed vaccinations. It's the same with the other EU countries.
Bear in mind, if Spain vaccinated all it's population, at that incidence rate they might get 40 blood clots. That's nothing compared with the 250 a day dying from covid. Or 1750 per week !!

Also, do look at the normal incidence rate for blood clots and subtract that from the 40 before being critical.
Whilst simple people might blame every health problem that occurs within a week of the jab on the vaccine, a better approach is to look at the normal incidence rate for such complications and subtract that.

When I had COVID in march 2020, I also got an embolism. No vaccine needed for that.

But I wanted to ask: how ex-pats got or will get vaccinated in Thailand? I might have missed this on the forum.

April 9th, 2021, 03:33
When I had COVID in march 2020, I also got an embolism. No vaccine needed for that.

But I wanted to ask: how ex-pats got or will get vaccinated in Thailand? I might have missed this on the forum.There have been various announcements that suggest everyone in Thailand will be vaccinated. However most people I know will be paying simply because that’s a way of guaranteeing they won’t get a Chinese vaccine.

Khor tose
April 9th, 2021, 04:18
From the link provided above:

If some people have no antibody response after two doses I would be surprised if a third provided an effective vaccine. Perhaps that's why PM Prayut preferred Astra Zeneca.

People are vary unhappy in Peru for a number of reasons. https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/16/americas/peru-sinopharm-secret-vaccines-intl/index.html and https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2021-02-18/peru-vaccine-gate-politicians-diplomats-received-chinese-vaccine