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View Full Version : A good reason to ensure your person Admin is up todate if living in Thailand perhaps.....

Nirish guy
March 2nd, 2021, 23:07
A story as appearing just now on the BBC news site, basically of a guy from the UK who has lived in Thailand for 15 years who died there but the Thai hospital wont release his body for individual cremation and return of his ashes to the UK as when he went to hospital he'd taken his old passport as ID but as he died the British Consulate had to issue a letter re that and they used his new passport reference and as the two numbers were different the Thai hospital so far are refusing to recognise the letter as suitable.

Sad for the guy etc but Im nearly thinking that the option of him just being cremated in a mass cremation in Thailand sounds like it would probably have suited the guy just fine as his last wishes were to have his ashes scattered there anyway. You'd think mind you with him being a Tourist Policeman that SOMEONE in authority in Thailand would step in and have a quiet word with the hospital concerned to ease the situation.

Knowing Thailand of course there's probably more to the story and little do the family know it's perhaps more to do with the hospital now wanting to risk some insurance company NOT paying out if THEIR admin was found to be at fault later and I'm guessing that THAT is more the truth of the matter perhaps !


March 3rd, 2021, 00:11
A typical “This Is Thailand” story. And why are you sorry for the guy? He’s already dead, he knows nothing about it.

Nirish guy
March 3rd, 2021, 01:00
I said I was sad for the guy not sorry.

March 3rd, 2021, 01:03
I said I was sad for the guy not sorry.Sad or sorry he’s still dead.

Nirish guy
March 3rd, 2021, 01:05
I dont think anyone's disputing that fact - have you anything else to add ??

March 3rd, 2021, 01:12
I dont think anyone's disputing that fact - have you anything else to add ??Yes. Those of us who live here experience examples of petty Thai bureaucracy on a regular basis. I discovered recently that my bank passbook is linked to my passport number. In order to get a new passbook - a trivial activity in Western countries if such a thing as a passbook still exists - I had to produce my current and my previous two passports to show the link from the passport that was current when I opened the account 20 years ago, the one I’d had in between, and the current one. It was, inevitably, my fault because I never bother to update my passbook. These frustrations occur all the time, hence TiT or Amazing Thailand spoken ironically.

March 3rd, 2021, 01:33
Why does anyone need a passbook? Let alone go through all that bother.
I have one too but never ever use it.

March 3rd, 2021, 01:41
Why does anyone need a passbook? Let alone go through all that bother.
I have one too but never ever use it.Thai Immigration demand to see it for those seeking their annual extensions. It has to show the balance as at the day of the application or maybe the day before - an agent handles all that bullshit for me. This particular account isn’t the one I use to show Immigration I’m still solvent.

Nirish guy
March 3rd, 2021, 01:58
In order to get a new passbook ...... I had to produce ....

For what it's worth when going to use a very old building society account I have have and have had for over 40 years now and that I keep open for fairly stupid sentimental reasons I was asked for ID simply to enable me to access the account ( this was to LODGE money not take it out which made it even more annoying).

I handed over my current photo driving licence and it was refused as the address didn't match the address on the account. I explained I moved over 25 years ago and the old address was my mothers house but that I'd like to keep the account there ( again for silly reasons I wont get into).

But NO, firstly I had to now PROVE I was linked to the old address and so would need two bills from that address ( where I moved from 25+ years ago) with my name on them AND I'm also need the same in relation to my new address to prove I did actually live there now.

Unsurprisingly I was only able to provide the latter which they informed me they must now use as the address on the account BUT the second it was changed I could then go straight in and change the address back to the old address if I so wished !

So, you'll be glad to hear that it's not just Thailand who can come up with such wonderful useless time wasting schemes it seems !

March 3rd, 2021, 02:11
That’s the Know Your Customer regulations as interpreted by your building society. All too common everywhere these days

March 3rd, 2021, 02:29
But NO, firstly I had to now PROVE I was linked to the old address and so would need two bills from that address ( where I moved from 25+ years ago) with my name on them AND I'm also need the same in relation to my new address to prove I did actually live there now.

Well, they gotta make sure you're not secretly an Islamic terrorist on a jihad and using a fake address to throw them off while in reality you're at home in your true address whipping up some biological weapons, and this whole white Irishman thing is just a ploy.

Can never be too careful...

Nirish guy
March 3rd, 2021, 06:25
That’s the Know Your Customer regulations as interpreted by your building society. All too common everywhere these days

Yep youre right there and those rules are getting all too common now as you say - most annoyingly so.

So much so that my own solicitor's office (who Ive been with through thick and thin business wise for 20 years) they still write out to me each and every year asking for a fresh copy of my passport and an up to date electric bill for my home "when I'm next passing".

I actually think they write out now as the last time I was in and my solicitor verbally asked me for that the reply he received wouldn't have been able to be repeated in a court if he was asked ;).

I wouldn't even mind the banks wanting to "know their customer" if it worked both ways but unlike the 'old days" you go in to a branch to speak with your manager and A) there IS no manager and B) even the most senior person there has ZERO idea who you are, nor cares and you get the same lack of interest replies whether you have £100 or £1 million in the bank it seems ! ( not that I'm suggesting I'm the latter, these days thanks to COVID its closer to the former perhaps I think ! )

Nirish guy
March 3rd, 2021, 06:28
.......and this whole white Irishman thing is just a ploy.

Congratulations - you're the first person to finally rumble the cunning plan myself, Fahad and Ahmed here have in hiding our cell from prying eyes.

So, well done but unfortunately we've have to dispatch someone now to dispatch you ! But as we're shockingly lazy at the old intelligence gathering thing would you mind awfully perhaps just forwarding us your home address there as that will save us all that bother of having to go and look too hard for you.

Many thanks in anticipation, much appreciated.

March 3rd, 2021, 07:25
Could we think of your two most recent posts under a general heading not of “cunning plan” but rather “cunning stunts”? A word of warning - you’re in danger of sounding like Dodgems raging “against the dying of the light” (Dylan Thomas) although in his case it’s smartphones and before that Thai businesses generally and the incompetence of the manufacturing sector with particular reference to the local manufacture of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

March 3rd, 2021, 09:29
I wouldn't even mind the banks wanting to "know their customer" if it worked both ways

One thing I hate nowadays is when banks call with, "this is [bank name], there's an issue with your account, and I need you to answer some security questions to verify yourself".

Ummm... how about you verify yourself to me?

Thing is, some of thse calls are actually legit. After bugging me for a few months with me always refusing to answer their questions, I gave in one day, and it was actually a legit issue.

There's so many problems with that setup though...

March 3rd, 2021, 09:34
A story as appearing just now on the BBC news site, basically of a guy from the UK who has lived in Thailand for 15 years who died there but the Thai hospital wont release his body for individual cremation and return of his ashes to the UK as when he went to hospital he'd taken his old passport as ID but as he died the British Consulate had to issue a letter re that and they used his new passport reference and as the two numbers were different the Thai hospital so far are refusing to recognise the letter as suitable.
Sad but we know it is the law in Thailand that farang have to carry their current passports with them at all times. As for the UK Embassy, I long since realised they are completely useless.

Some years ago, the UK closed its visa issuing department on Wireless Road. All replacement applications had to go through the Hong Kong Consulate. I had prepared all the paperwork and was about to go to DHL when I heard that Hong Kong had also been closed! Next we heard was that applications of all citizens living overseas would have to be sent to a new centre in Liverpool. Some bright spark then realised that expiring passports would leave Thai expats breaking the law. So Brits were allowed to keep the old passport but had to submit along with the application a photocopy of every single page of that passport. It was nuts.

Then the Liverpool office was so inundated with overseas passports and applications for new ones from those living in Britain, there was an almighty wait list. Many people in the UK who applied in February and planning to go on holiday in July could not get their passports in time! Now the UK Embassy here has contracted out rentals to an office somewhere on Sukhumvit.

March 3rd, 2021, 10:45
Sad but we know it is the law in Thailand that farang have to carry their current passports with them at all times.The law is that EVERYONE must carry photo ID. Nothing special about farang, it just so happens that the passport shows their entitlement to be in Thailand. The same applies to Khmer, Lao, Burmese etc. The locals must show their Thai ID card. Having said that I don’t actually know an ex-pat who does tote any photo ID around 24/7. The last time I was challenged to produce it was in Soi Ngam du Plis in 1989. But it’s useful to have to hand for any dealings with the bank, the mobile/Internet provider and so on, but I imagine that’s true of other places than Thailand these days.

March 3rd, 2021, 13:21
For banks etc yes I take my original passport.

For everyday matters the police in Pattaya have always accepted a photocopy. Presumably the same in BKK?

March 3rd, 2021, 14:09
1. In Thailand, a passbook is useful if the ATM swallows your card, or if the card has expired and a new one is needed. The banks asked to see it, as well as my passport. Now, since I have had a new passport, are the bank going to need to see the old one before issuing my next ATM card ?

2 In the UK, my newest bank account is one of these app based jobs, with no branches or traditional service. Login with fingerprint. All works well, until at random it asked me to repeat the video security that anyone opening a new account needs. The tossers in IT told me to reinstall the app, which obviously was never going to fix the problem. So I e-mailed the CEO, who rattled a few cages and got the software fixed. So personal service is possible.

As for my ashes, I don't care where they end up, as long as it's at least 30 years in the future.

March 3rd, 2021, 18:42
Yes. Those of us who live here experience examples of petty Thai bureaucracy on a regular basis. I discovered recently that my bank passbook is linked to my passport number. In order to get a new passbook - a trivial activity in Western countries if such a thing as a passbook still exists - I had to produce my current and my previous two passports to show the link from the passport that was current when I opened the account 20 years ago, the one I’d had in between, and the current one. It was, inevitably, my fault because I never bother to update my passbook. These frustrations occur all the time, hence TiT or Amazing Thailand spoken ironically.

Just think, if you were dead it wouldn't have bothered you at all.

March 4th, 2021, 03:12
Just think, if you were dead it wouldn't have bothered you at all.Keep ‘em coming, Dodgems. Play to your strengths.

March 4th, 2021, 07:52
Keep ‘em coming, Dodgems. Play to your strengths.

Thanks. I appreciate the encouragement.

March 4th, 2021, 09:05
Thanks. I appreciate the encouragement.Noblesse oblige

March 4th, 2021, 14:48

When a foreigner dies in Thailand, the body is usually preserved until instructions are received from the next-of-kin regarding the disposition of remains. One alternative to this, which is actually my preference, is that my partner in Thailand handle the disposition of my remains. In order to facilitate this I created a Last Will & Testament in accordance with Thai law, naming my partner as sole beneficiary, as well as Executor.

It’s a good idea for any foreigner residing in Thailand to have a Last Will & Testament (W&T). This legal document not only provides instructions regarding the distribution of any real properties and money, but also serves as the way to express your funeral request. I opted to create one W&T for my holdings in America naming a family member in America as Beneficiary and Executor, and a separate W&T for my holdings in Thailand naming my Thai partner as beneficiary and Executor. This keeps it nice and simple.

It’s recommended that you have a Thai lawyer prepare a W&T for you. They normally charge around 12,000 baht for this service. I opted to create my own, which in-turn has been reviewed by a Thai lawyer for 500 baht to make sure it was compliant. 12,000 baht sounded a bit steep just for typing a one page document, especially when Thai W&T templates can easily be obtained on-line for free.

You can summarize your funeral requests in one or two short sentences in the W&T. I opted to assign responsibility for making all funeral decisions to my partner. This is legally acceptable, and also keeps it very simple. God only knows where my ashes will end up...LOL.

The British and U.S. Embassy’s in Thailand are about as useful as screen doors in a submarine in general, thus the reason a W&T is an absolute must.

Below is a Draft Outline of the Will & Testament I prepared for myself a few years ago just so you can see what type of content is needed. I also have a signed and witnessed Thai version which is required by Thai law:

Last Will and Testament
Made at: (the city, sub district and province where you reside in Thailand)
Date: (date Will & Testament was produced)
Testator: (Your Name)
Estate Executor and Sole Beneficiary: (Your Partners Name)

I, (enter your name), XX years of age, a citizen of (enter your country of citizenship) born (enter your birthdate), social security number XXX-XX-XXXX, holding a (enter your country of citizenship) passport with number XXXXXXXX, currently residing at (enter your full address in Thailand) being of sound mind and body, and of my own free will, make this my Last Will and Testament on (enter date you produced the Will & Testament).

I appoint (enter your partners name) to be the Estate Executor of this my Last Will and Testament. The Estate Executor of this Last Will and Testament shall be authorized to carry out all provisions of this Last Will and may appoint any person to act as its agent.

I, do hereby make, publish and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament in Thailand, hereby expressly revoking all wills and codicils heretofore made by me in so far as it relates and disposes of my properties and assets of whatever kind and character in the Kingdom of Thailand. It is now my intention that this last Will and Testament shall relate only to my present and future properties and assets of whatever kind and character located in the Kingdom of Thailand.

In the event that I shall die, I do hereby bequeath and transfer all my present and future properties and assets of whatever kind and character located in the Kingdom of Thailand to (enter your partners name) holding ID card number, XXXXXXXXXXXX, born (enter your partners birth date), as the sole beneficiary of all properties and assets in Thailand.

Current List of Properties and Assets (Example)

- (Any Real Property such as condominium, with complete address)
- (Any and all furniture, appliances, artwork, jewelry, and personal items contained in condominium).
- (Any financial savings deposits contained in Bank (enter bank name), Account Number XXX-XX-XXXX).
- (Any Vehicle Description(s) and Vehicle Identification Number(s) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
- (MFAS – You may need a second page to list all of your motorbikes and names of your puppy dogs).

No erasure, addition or other alteration in this Last Will is valid unless made and signed and dated at the time of the making of such erasure, addition or alteration by the testator in the presence of at least two witnesses who shall then and there sign their names certifying the signature of the testator.

I direct that my Estate Executor, who has also been named as Sole Beneficiary, shall have the right to plan my funeral arrangements as he deems appropriate. Should I die in Thailand, I request that my funeral be conducted under the direction of (enter partners name).

This last will and testament is made in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Thailand and shall be interpreted and governed in all respects according to the law of the Kingdom of Thailand.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand on this day, (enter date W&T was prepared), in the presence of the undersigned witnesses, who in my presence, and in the presence of each other and an authorized bank notary, have hereunto subscribed their names as Witnesses.

.Signed by_______________________________________(Testator ) Printed Name___________________________________________(Te stator)

Sign_________________________________(Witness), Address __________________________________________________ ________ID-card number____________________

Sign_________________________________(Witness), Address __________________________________________________ ________ID-card number____________________

Nirish guy
March 4th, 2021, 16:35
Very useful to some here Dodger - although I'm guessing that a few here may struggle when it comes to the signing off on the whole "being of sound mind and body" part perhaps :-)

March 4th, 2021, 19:56
Doesnt bother me as I intend to live for ever!

So far so good...!

Nirish guy
March 4th, 2021, 20:10
Be careful what you wish for perhaps !

I made a joking comment the other day to my mother ( who is 84) about just that. I'd said something like as she was wearing well she just might out live the rest of us for another 50 years or so - and she very quickly stopped me and put that idea to bed with a look of horror and an statement saying "Oh NO thank you, I can think of nothing worse than outliving my time, already all my friends are dead and young people talk down to me and treat me as if I'm stupid ( she's not) plus my body is failing on a day to day basis and it all simply gets worse year on year, plus your children get so busy in their lives you dont see them as much as you'd like ( yes that was a clear dig at me for sure :) so no, to hell with that, I'll go when it's my time and be quite ok with that!'

Not much I could say to that she she was finished other than "hmm ok then".

For the record I DO lift her and lay her, visit a lot, take her out etc etc ( covid allowing), as do my other siblings too - she's just not one to miss a good opportunity is all :-)

March 4th, 2021, 21:07
I can think of nothing worse than outliving my time

There's quite a lot of wisdom in that statement.

March 5th, 2021, 01:16
Some years ago, on a personal recommendation, I approached a Thai lawyer in Chiang Mai to prepare a will relating to my Thai property. It was straightforward with my partner as executor and sole beneficiary. She came to our home and took instructions, returning the following day with the document, copies and a .pdf of it. Since it requires two witnesses, she brought along her husband as the second witness. Alternate paragraphs were in Thai and English, all for a fee of Bht 1000.

The will itself uses terminology very similar to my English will which, while slightly more complex, cost a great deal more. Overall I was very satisfied with the service and the document in Thailand.

Funeral arrangements are covered... down ot the local Wat and go up in a blaze of glory, to be followed by a party for family and friends.

March 5th, 2021, 02:16
not sure her husband qualifies as a witness....

Nirish guy
March 5th, 2021, 03:49
It's Thailand - I wouldn't even be sure the will is legal no matter WHO had signed it !! :-(

Oh a PS to the original subject of this thread I'm glad to report that it seems that common sense prevailed and the Thai hospital did finally release the gentlemans body to his family for the single burial that they had requested, so at least that was some comfort for them I guess ( if not a shocking waste of money to mind but still....!)

On a lighter note......here's another story from the BBC today - basically confirming that Thai sailors are very fond of pussy !!!


March 5th, 2021, 07:47
Not surprising really.
In the Thai group social apps, one comes across acts of beastiality quite often.

March 5th, 2021, 13:59
Some years ago, on a personal recommendation, I approached a Thai lawyer in Chiang Mai to prepare a will relating to my Thai property. It was straightforward with my partner as executor and sole beneficiary. She came to our home and took instructions, returning the following day with the document, copies and a .pdf of it. Since it requires two witnesses, she brought along her husband as the second witness. Alternate paragraphs were in Thai and English, all for a fee of Bht 1000.

I only paid 5 bucks for my Will in America. It was made out to my ex-wife:


Yeah I'm going to hell.

Brad the Impala
March 5th, 2021, 14:12
Not surprising really.
In the Thai group social apps, one comes across acts of beastiality quite often.

That's quite a statement! Would you mind elaborating a little?

Nirish guy
March 5th, 2021, 16:00
I only paid 5 bucks for my Will in America. It was made out to my ex-wife: YOU GET NOTHING! Yeah I'm going to hell.

Actually that's a will I would HAPPILY have paid top dollar for in a high end law firm - just to make SURE there were no loop holes !! :-)

Currently I seem to have developed a more sure fire way of having / leaving nothing to those coming behind me when I die - it's called the Covid pandemic !:-(

March 5th, 2021, 18:42
That's quite a statement! Would you mind elaborating a little?

By simply joining a few Thai LINE groups I've been inundated with video clips, some of which are shocking and scandalous in nature that would make the Pope blush. Most of the clips are of Thai origin and also from neighbouring countries as well as falang sources, depicting humans of all ages, pets, and domesticated animals. Does the Thai authority ever monitors the Internet? It makes me wonder...

March 5th, 2021, 18:48
Does the Thai authority ever monitors the Internet? It makes me wonder...Only where a specific dog lover is mentioned.

Nirish guy
March 5th, 2021, 20:06
I've been inundated with video clips,........from falang sources

Hang on I thought we were meant to keep PM's private ? Im sure poor Latin in raging that you're sharing his private messages ......... :)))

March 5th, 2021, 20:16
If I'm not mistaken, this is one of Latin's branded ponies.

March 6th, 2021, 11:01
Most of the clips are of Thai origin and also from neighboring countries as well as falang sources, depicting humans of all ages, pets, and domesticated animals. Does the Thai authority ever monitors the Internet? It makes me wonder...

Pets, and domesticated animals... What about wild animals???

I always wanted to see someone fuck a wild Bengal tiger. A domestic one would probably be a bit of a layback.

March 6th, 2021, 16:21
Pets, and domesticated animals... What about wild animals???

I always wanted to see someone fuck a wild Bengal tiger. A domestic one would probably be a bit of a layback.

You are kinky!!

Nirish guy
March 6th, 2021, 17:21
Pets, and domesticated animals... What about wild animals??? I always wanted to see someone fuck a wild Bengal tiger. A domestic one would probably be a bit of a layback.

And the award for weirdest post of the year so far goes to....... :)

March 6th, 2021, 18:58
You are kinky!!

Erotic is using a feather, Kinky is using the whole chicken, Perverted is serving it up the next night for dinner!

mr giggles
March 7th, 2021, 09:53
A story as appearing just now on the BBC news site, basically of a guy from the UK who has lived in Thailand for 15 years who died there but the Thai hospital wont release his body for individual cremation and return of his ashes to the UK as when he went to hospital he'd taken his old passport as ID but as he died the British Consulate had to issue a letter re that and they used his new passport reference and as the two numbers were different the Thai hospital so far are refusing to recognise the letter as suitable.

Sad for the guy etc but Im nearly thinking that the option of him just being cremated in a mass cremation in Thailand sounds like it would probably have suited the guy just fine as his last wishes were to have his ashes scattered there anyway. You'd think mind you with him being a Tourist Policeman that SOMEONE in authority in Thailand would step in and have a quiet word with the hospital concerned to ease the situation.


He's dead so why would he care- dust to dust........

mr giggles
March 7th, 2021, 10:00
The law is that EVERYONE must carry photo ID. Nothing special about farang, it just so happens that the passport shows their entitlement to be in Thailand. The same applies to Khmer, Lao, Burmese etc. The locals must show their Thai ID card. Having said that I don’t actually know an ex-pat who does tote any photo ID around 24/7. .

You haven't met ChristianPFC?

mr giggles
March 7th, 2021, 10:03

When a foreigner dies in Thailand, the body is usually preserved until instructions are received from the next-of-kin regarding the disposition of remains. One alternative to this, which is actually my preference, is that my partner in Thailand handle the disposition of my remains. In order to facilitate this I created a Last Will & Testament in accordance with Thai law, naming my partner as sole beneficiary, as well as Executor.

It’s a good idea for any foreigner residing in Thailand to have a Last Will & Testament (W&T). This legal document not only provides instructions regarding the distribution of any real properties and money, but also serves as the way to express your funeral request. I opted to create one W&T for my holdings in America naming a family member in America as Beneficiary and Executor, and a separate W&T for my holdings in Thailand naming my Thai partner as beneficiary and Executor. This keeps it nice and simple.

It’s recommended that you have a Thai lawyer prepare a W&T for you. They normally charge around 12,000 baht for this service. I opted to create my own, which in-turn has been reviewed by a Thai lawyer for 500 baht to make sure it was compliant. 12,000 baht sounded a bit steep just for typing a one page document, especially when Thai W&T templates can easily be obtained on-line for free.

You can summarize your funeral requests in one or two short sentences in the W&T. I opted to assign responsibility for making all funeral decisions to my partner. This is legally acceptable, and also keeps it very simple. God only knows where my ashes will end up...LOL.

The British and U.S. Embassy’s in Thailand are about as useful as screen doors in a submarine in general, thus the reason a W&T is an absolute must.

Below is a Draft Outline of the Will & Testament I prepared for myself a few years ago just so you can see what type of content is needed. I also have a signed and witnessed Thai version which is required by Thai law:

Last Will and Testament
Made at: (the city, sub district and province where you reside in Thailand)
Date: (date Will & Testament was produced)
Testator: (Your Name)
Estate Executor and Sole Beneficiary: (Your Partners Name)

I, (enter your name), XX years of age, a citizen of (enter your country of citizenship) born (enter your birthdate), social security number XXX-XX-XXXX, holding a (enter your country of citizenship) passport with number XXXXXXXX, currently residing at (enter your full address in Thailand) being of sound mind and body, and of my own free will, make this my Last Will and Testament on (enter date you produced the Will & Testament).

I appoint (enter your partners name) to be the Estate Executor of this my Last Will and Testament. The Estate Executor of this Last Will and Testament shall be authorized to carry out all provisions of this Last Will and may appoint any person to act as its agent.

I, do hereby make, publish and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament in Thailand, hereby expressly revoking all wills and codicils heretofore made by me in so far as it relates and disposes of my properties and assets of whatever kind and character in the Kingdom of Thailand. It is now my intention that this last Will and Testament shall relate only to my present and future properties and assets of whatever kind and character located in the Kingdom of Thailand.

In the event that I shall die, I do hereby bequeath and transfer all my present and future properties and assets of whatever kind and character located in the Kingdom of Thailand to (enter your partners name) holding ID card number, XXXXXXXXXXXX, born (enter your partners birth date), as the sole beneficiary of all properties and assets in Thailand.

Current List of Properties and Assets (Example)

- (Any Real Property such as condominium, with complete address)
- (Any and all furniture, appliances, artwork, jewelry, and personal items contained in condominium).
- (Any financial savings deposits contained in Bank (enter bank name), Account Number XXX-XX-XXXX).
- (Any Vehicle Description(s) and Vehicle Identification Number(s) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
- (MFAS – You may need a second page to list all of your motorbikes and names of your puppy dogs).

No erasure, addition or other alteration in this Last Will is valid unless made and signed and dated at the time of the making of such erasure, addition or alteration by the testator in the presence of at least two witnesses who shall then and there sign their names certifying the signature of the testator.

I direct that my Estate Executor, who has also been named as Sole Beneficiary, shall have the right to plan my funeral arrangements as he deems appropriate. Should I die in Thailand, I request that my funeral be conducted under the direction of (enter partners name).

This last will and testament is made in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Thailand and shall be interpreted and governed in all respects according to the law of the Kingdom of Thailand.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand on this day, (enter date W&T was prepared), in the presence of the undersigned witnesses, who in my presence, and in the presence of each other and an authorized bank notary, have hereunto subscribed their names as Witnesses.

.Signed by_______________________________________(Testator ) Printed Name___________________________________________(Te stator)

Sign_________________________________(Witness), Address __________________________________________________ ________ID-card number____________________

Sign_________________________________(Witness), Address __________________________________________________ ________ID-card number____________________

Life is too short to bother with this.....

March 7th, 2021, 10:16
You haven't met ChristianPFC?Met? No, but he admits to having a form of Aspergers so I’d expect obsessive behaviour like always carrying ID. I’ve actually met or at least seen a number of current posters including a447 with his trousers around his ankles one evening when I strolled into Golden Cock - or I’m assuming it was he because he posted about it the next day. I’ve also met one of 2G after their release from detention before they set out for Pattaya (your secret is safe with me, John).

March 7th, 2021, 10:22
You are kinky!!

Actually, the tiger fucking remark was intended to be humorous.

A bit "Kinky" that you would interpret it otherwise.

March 7th, 2021, 10:31
Life is too short to bother with this.....

In-other-words, there isn't anyone meaningful in your life that's worth the bother.

March 7th, 2021, 11:01
I’ve actually met or at least seen a number of current posters including a447 with his trousers around his ankles one evening when I strolled into Golden Cock - or I’m assuming it was he because he posted about it the next day.

You assumed wrong.

I have never done anything in Golden Cock in front of other customers. Any action I was involved in there took place with the doors locked and my regular guy keeping watch outside. There was no way you could have "strolled in" without breaking down the door.

Needless to say, my friend in GC will be one of a few beneficiaries of my will. He has looked after me well for years and deserves to be taken care of, even though he's quite well off financially. I've yet to make a will including them, but intend to do so on my next trip to Thailand, whenever that is. Dodger's advice regarding wills has been extremely useful.

March 7th, 2021, 12:07
You assumed wrong.

I have never done anything in Golden Cock in front of other customers. Any action I was involved in there took place with the doors locked and my regular guy keeping watch outside. There was no way you could have "strolled in" without breaking down the door. You're now claiming are you a447 that you've never been having sex in Golden Cock or any other bar when a customer walks in because they always lock the door for you?? Even a cursory search of your trip reports over the years shows that not to be true. Maybe it's what happened on your last trip (as far as you can remember it - the 2018 report actually does mention locking the door - https://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/showthread.php?19664-Bangkok-report-April-2018&highlight=Golden+Cock) but from reports chosen at random over the years there are references to public sex in bars in many of them, some of them referring to other customers either present or walking in. Here are just a couple, and I didn't have to look very far:

Chok dee or Chuck wow - take your pick

March 7th, 2021, 13:28
You assumed wrong.

Be careful. You've just been baited by a Bavarian Queen.

Word of advice: Never interfere with your enemy when he's making a mistake.

Those were his words, not mine, back when he was antagonizing people under the guise of "frequent".

You can reference the post where he made this comment below:


What's the matter Stevie...the White Rose still giving you nightmares?

March 7th, 2021, 13:56
Exegesis (/ˌɛksɪˈdʒiːsɪs/; from the Greek ἐξήγησις from ἐξηγεῖσθαι, "to lead out") is a critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially a religious text. Traditionally the term was used primarily for work with the Bible. In modern usage, biblical exegesis is used to distinguish it from other critical text explanation.

Textual criticism investigates the history and origins of the text, but exegesis may include the study of the historical and cultural backgrounds of the author, text, and original audience. Other analyses include classification of the type of literary genres presented in the text and analysis of grammatical and syntactical features in the text itself.


March 7th, 2021, 16:57
. I’ve also met one of 2G after their release from detention before they set out for Pattaya (your secret is safe with me, John).

Yes, I’m glad you had the pleasure. Trouble is I do not remember the little things any more.

It must one of those times when I really did foolishly part with my money!

March 7th, 2021, 17:05
Come along Dodgems, surely it’s time for you to move on from exegesis to some pesher (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pesher). I’m sure arsenal will be overjoyed to explain the Bavarian reference to you.

March 7th, 2021, 17:07
Yes, I’m glad you had the pleasure.It certainly wasn’t a pleasure

Nirish guy
March 7th, 2021, 17:22
Exegesis (/ˌɛksɪˈdʒiːsɪs/; from the Greek .......l]

And the award for the most off topic post of the month goes to.......

Note to all those red triangle pusher out there.....as the OP of this thread THIS is how you DONT have to press the red triangle EVERY time when someone deviates from the thread.......just saying..... :)

March 7th, 2021, 17:35
And the award for the most off topic post of the month goes to.......

Note to all those red triangle pusher out there.....as the OP of this thread THIS is how you DONT have to press the red triangle EVERY time when someone deviates from the thread.......just saying..... :)
Sorry NIrish, I should have quoted Dodgems’ post when referring to exegesis.

March 7th, 2021, 17:44
Come along Dodgems, surely it’s time for you to move on from exegesis to some Pesher.

I'll say one thing, you definitely have a handle on that biblical mumbo jumbo.

Does your date have to carry a dictionary, or do you calm down after the methamphetamines' wear off?

March 7th, 2021, 18:29
I'll say one thing, you definitely have a handle on that biblical mumbo jumbo.

Does your date have to carry a dictionary, or do you calm down after the methamphetamines' wear off?And here you were just the other day telling us all about your knowledge of Google Translate. I guess at your age the loss of grey matter speeds up exponentially huh.

March 7th, 2021, 18:50
I guess at your age the loss of grey matter speeds up exponentially huh.

What...nothing biblical???

March 7th, 2021, 19:00
What...nothing biblical???Mark 8:27

March 7th, 2021, 20:03
I make no inference whatsoever. But, I will just point out that mr giggles arrived very shortly after I started describing frequent as such. As stevie is probably coming to the end of his time here expect mg to make increasing appearances.

March 7th, 2021, 21:30
I make no inference whatsoever. But, I will just point out that mr giggles arrived very shortly after I started describing frequent as such. As stevie is probably coming to the end of his time here expect mg to make increasing appearances.Oh Dodgems, arsenal has overtaken you to become our resident pesher expert.

March 7th, 2021, 21:53
Alan Greenspan — “I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant”

Nirish guy
March 8th, 2021, 02:36
Mark 8:27

Well I know one thing.........You are NOT the Messiah - you're a very naughty boy !!! :-)

March 8th, 2021, 10:11
Oh Dodgems, arsenal has overtaken you to become our resident pesher expert.

With multiple identities (i.e., frequent, giggles, Stevie, Adolph, whatever), each exhibiting multiple disturbed personalities...I don't think arsenal wants the job.

In an effort to get us back on topic, Stevie please remember to carry your Ahnenpaß I.D Card and make sure the number is current.

March 8th, 2021, 10:53
Time for stevie to go if only because he's becoming repetitive and thus.....boring. The same quotes, Greenspan, noblesse, royal canines...etc....blah blah blah.

Bring on mr giggles.

March 8th, 2021, 12:15
Bring on mr giggles.

Wait...let's not leave "wingnut" out of the picture.

March 8th, 2021, 12:23
Deus autem est in fide

March 8th, 2021, 12:45
Deus autem est in fide

Atrapado sin salida

March 8th, 2021, 13:26
Atrapado sin salidaI’m not sure that characterising the Forum as a ward full of the mentally unstable will win you many friends, Dodgems, but I’m flattered that you see me as McMurphy. I’m assuming you see yourself as Nurse Ratched, intent on silencing me.

I’m now off to Samui to do some first-hand research for Smiles and his chum. I’m not sure that the Internet stretches that far.

March 8th, 2021, 14:19
I’m now off to Samui to do some first-hand research for Smiles and his chum. I’m not sure that the Internet stretches that far.

Will Mr. Giggles be staying behind to watch over us - or are you taking him with you?

March 8th, 2021, 15:13
Q1: Do the board rules permit Frequent posters to have 4 or more handles active ?

Q2: Do the board management think this low quality and disruptive content adds anything to the board, other than number of posts ?

Q3: Do the board management think this low quality and disruptive content subtracts anything ?
e.g. Prospective new members looking at the trashy input from certain Frequent posters and deciding they don't want to participate ?
Or existing established members being unwilling to attempt to put some better quality content on the board, since it will be picked over by the trolls ?

March 8th, 2021, 16:20
Atrapado sin salida


March 8th, 2021, 16:26
frequent/steviewonders wrote.
"I’m now off to Samui to do some first-hand research for Smiles and his chum. I’m not sure that the Internet stretches that far."

Into Google translate and it reads
'Oh fuck I've been rumbled, better lay low for a while.'

It's like watching a rodent after he's been bitten by a cobra.

Bring on mr giggles.

Nirish guy
March 8th, 2021, 16:32
Look you're all suggesting that Frequent, sorry Stevie, sorry Mr Giggles sorry Wingnut.......god it's hard to keep up these days are all one in the same but you're all forgetting that there's NASA grade software and teams of highly trained SGF hit men all over the world, all sitting like coiled springs just waiting to pounce on anyone foolish enough to even consider having multiple handles, profiles and it seems split personalities, so all of this just couldn't be true........could it !???

I believe it was Neal the ex owner who said that this board was merely his own personal play thing........OMG could it be, surely not........ah HA the game is up ! The wizard has been revealed, frequent is no more, arise Sir Neal, master of cunning and disguise !!!

ps I dont ACTUALLY think that ! ( but hey, you know what NOTHING surprises me in life anymore so who knows !???? :-) lol )

March 8th, 2021, 16:36
Hombres! Que es este drama sin final?
Por favor. Es mejor tomar un café.

mr giggles
March 8th, 2021, 18:24
Time for stevie to go if only because he's becoming repetitive and thus.....boring. The same quotes, Greenspan, noblesse, royal canines...etc....blah blah blah.

Bring on mr giggles.

Huh? Have I missed something?

March 8th, 2021, 19:09
"Huh? Have I missed something?"

And so it begins. Again.

March 8th, 2021, 19:34
Huh? Have I missed something?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news Stevie, but, unfortunately, you're missing "Reality".

Nirish guy
March 8th, 2021, 21:30
Q1: Do the board rules permit Frequent posters to have 4 or more handles active ?

lol "FREQUENT" posters lol - what a great choice of words :)

mr giggles
March 9th, 2021, 08:37
I hate to be the bearer of bad news Stevie, but, unfortunately, you're missing "Reality".

Yes, I don't log in much, just check in occas to what's happening in Thailand, I miss it like many,
however, I'm just me, but I don't really mind what you call me (as long as you call me).

Whatever you think is fine, I actually have better things to do, than to care...

March 9th, 2021, 09:15
Despite the authorities on Samui staging a power outage to dissuade me from staying I have managed to connect to the Internet. I’m looking forward to the official response to goji’s questions. I think they’re exactly the same ones he asks every few months and I suspect the answer(s) will be the same.

There’s a far more interesting question to be answered.

March 9th, 2021, 12:59

I actually have better things to do, than to care...

Try another island Stevie...kick some sand around...get a grip!

You're embarrassing yourself.

March 9th, 2021, 13:53
You're embarrassing yourself. https://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/128429-quot-You-re-embarrassing-yourself-quot?

March 9th, 2021, 14:10
mr giggles brought this to my attention with a pm.

1.1.2 An individual may register one handle only. The registering of multiple handles by the same individual is considered a violation of this Guideline. Once discovered, the additional handle(s) and identity(s) will be deleted, and the member will be suspended for one week.

March 9th, 2021, 14:53
mr giggles brought this to my attention with a pm.

1.1.2 An individual may register one handle only. The registering of multiple handles by the same individual is considered a violation of this Guideline. Once discovered, the additional handle(s) and identity(s) will be deleted, and the member will be suspended for one week.Matt devised a program to identify and ban duplicate accounts when Surfcrest owned the Forum. I assume it’s still operating.

March 9th, 2021, 14:55
1.1.2 An individual may register one handle only. The registering of multiple handles by the same individual is considered a violation of this Guideline. Once discovered, the additional handle(s) and identity(s) will be deleted, and the member will be suspended for one week.

The suspension is rather short and is going to be pretty ineffective. If the user has Frequently created new handles, it's unlikely all will be discovered and subject to suspension.

Of course, if the board owners want a forum dominated by trash and don't care if genuine new members are put off by all this nonsense, there is no need to change anything. The battle is almost won, trash dominates and others cease posting.

March 9th, 2021, 17:59
I also Wonder why a man who posits himself an expert (know-it-all) on English grammar resorts to trash talk? Judging by some of his posts, he is quite intelligent, yet he seems to revel in doing everything to destroy a forum, with his rubbish, for which he is otherwise addicted. What kind of man is this?

March 9th, 2021, 18:29
Francois wrote.
"What kind of man is this?"

The kind of man who needs to bring in reinforcements to fight Dodger.

March 9th, 2021, 19:53
Francois wrote.

"What kind of man is this?"

The kind of man who needs to bring in reinforcements to fight Dodger.

Don't be confused. Stevie's not fighting with me....he's fighting with his own insecurities and inflated sense of self.

Reinforcements like mr. giggles, wingnut, frequent, etc. are merely innocent imaginary bystanders.

Stevie, just be yourself...your "true self"...because you truly are a brilliant person... and you'll win every time.

March 9th, 2021, 22:49
Of course, if the board owners want a forum dominated by trash and don't care if genuine new members are put off by all this nonsense, there is no need to change anything. The battle is almost won, trash dominates and others cease posting.
Yes, and its not even "entertaining" it's just annoying. But it gets "clicks" and thats what the board wants it seems....sadly.

March 10th, 2021, 11:50
Yes, and its not even "entertaining" ......


March 10th, 2021, 11:59
"Yes, and its not even "entertaining""

The actual content is by and large pretty prosaic but watching the effort expended is joyous, perplexing but joyous.

March 10th, 2021, 20:32
Admin..take this off...boring topic altogether

Nirish guy
March 10th, 2021, 21:09
I think if the Op ( thats me by the way) can live with their thread being taken over then for a thread that had probably run it's course anyway then it's probably ok, as of course none of us HAVE to read what's here and thankfully we can simply skip on over to the next more exciting post as we chose.......

March 11th, 2021, 18:15
It's about the destructive power of obsession.

Nirish guy
March 11th, 2021, 18:18
It's about the destructive power of obsession.

Or perhaps the obsessive goal of destruction......

March 11th, 2021, 19:06
Yes. Sadly. Both are true. It's a superb film and has the added benefit of some full frontal swimming pool nudity. Thankfully neither Billy Connolly nor Ken Stott.