View Full Version : COVID - how many people have been vaccinated worldwide

February 17th, 2021, 05:20
For members who are interested I have provided a link below from the Australian media company Fairfax which has published a continuously updated global COVID-19 vaccination tracker


February 17th, 2021, 06:55
Well, hopefully it speeds up soon, because at this rate we're looking at rppox 15,000 more days = ~41 years.

February 17th, 2021, 07:07
Well, hopefully it speeds up soon, because at this rate we're looking at rppox 15,000 more days = ~41 years.I thought some of the figures rather interesting given the commentary in other threads

February 17th, 2021, 07:17
Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky, it'll be like the Spanish Flu and just go away in about another year or so.

Or maybe we won't get so lucky, and it'll continue mutating and we're stuck with it forever. Bit of an important coin toss, this one. :)

As a sidenote, looks like today is the day the US hits 500,000 KoVid deaths. Well, it's showing 499,941 right now, but it's still counting for the day. RIP.

February 17th, 2021, 09:31
It looks like the UK has set August for its deadline to have given every adult two jabs. No doubt a few member here have already been vaccinated but won't tell us cos it reveals their age.

February 17th, 2021, 10:36
Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky, it'll be like the Spanish Flu and just go away in about another year or so.

Or maybe we won't get so lucky, and it'll continue mutating and we're stuck with it forever. Bit of an important coin toss, this one. :) Some viruses mutate more readily than others. The ‘flu is one such, COVID-19 is clearly another and I anticipate we’re in for the long haul of variant, vaccine, variant, vaccine.

As a sidenote, looks like today is the day the US hits 500,000 KoVid deaths. Well, it's showing 499,941 right now, but it's still counting for the day. RIP.Something for goji to celebrate? They had it coming?

February 17th, 2021, 11:03
Something for goji to celebrate? They had it coming?

But won't someone please think of the traffic accidents!

February 17th, 2021, 12:22
Well in terms of evolution it's what evolution does. It's thinning out the old, the sick and the morbidly obese otherwise known as greedy. Basically the over consumers.

February 17th, 2021, 12:29
Well in terms of evolution it's what evolution does. It's thinning out the old, the sick and the morbidly obese otherwise known as greedy. Basically the over consumers.

What are you going off about? Ok, then why did the Spanish Flu hit young, strong healthy people the hardest? Not just by a little bit either, but by far. The Spanish Flu caused their immune systems to go into over drive, and since they were young and healthy, their immune systems REALLY went into overdrive, and they died,

Was that evolution just doing its thing too?

February 17th, 2021, 12:32
I'm not talking about Spanish Flu'. Only you are obsessed with it. I'm talking about this one.

February 17th, 2021, 14:48
It looks like the UK has set August for its deadline to have given every adult two jabs. No doubt a few member here have already been vaccinated but won't tell us cos it reveals their age.I’m happy to reveal that I’ve had my first jab. It hurt a bit for a day or two. But the more I read about the large gap between the first and second injections it seems that’s fertile ground for the virus to mutate. I’m still sceptical.

February 17th, 2021, 21:00
It looks like the UK has set August for its deadline to have given every adult two jabs. No doubt a few member here have already been vaccinated but won't tell us cos it reveals their age.

I’m happy to reveal that I’ve had my first jab. It hurt a bit for a day or two. But the more I read about the large gap between the first and second injections it seems that’s fertile ground for the virus to mutate. I’m still sceptical.

I can reveal I had my first Pfizer jab yesterday (February 16, 2021) and will get the second jab in three months time. There was a small queue of around six people waiting outside the Covid-19 vaccination centre at the local hospital. I didn’t have to wait long, checked in by showing my appointment letter and within a few minutes I was seen by a very pleasant and helpful nurse who asked me a series of questions and explained the procedure. After the jab, all patients had to wait 15 minutes before leaving just in case anyone had an adverse reaction.

We were given an explanatory pamphlet (see extract below) which, amongst other things, detailed what the possible side effects were likely to be. Nothing was amiss until late evening when I experienced a continuing sharp pain around the injection area. The pain continued at intervals throughout the night, but in the morning the pain was very much reduced and now I hardly even notice it. If I am lucky that’s the only side effects I will experience.


February 17th, 2021, 21:24
Ok, then why did the Spanish Flu hit young, strong healthy people the hardest? Not just by a little bit either, but by far. The Spanish Flu caused their immune systems to go into over drive, and since they were young and healthy, their immune systems REALLY went into overdrive, and they died,
The Spanish Flu was just after WWI, and few people were healthy then. People in Europe were malnourished, even starving.

February 18th, 2021, 02:55
Yes, mine was Pfizer too. Ok arsenal we've shown you ours, you show us yours. What jab have you had and what happened?

February 18th, 2021, 07:54
Obviously being in the most vulnerable category, ie, in my early nineties and bed ridden in a care home I got all of them.

February 18th, 2021, 08:51
Obviously being in the most vulnerable category, ie, in my early nineties and bed ridden in a care home I got all of them.All take, no give

February 18th, 2021, 13:37
I got all of them.
All the Chinese ones ?

February 18th, 2021, 13:41
All the Chinese ones ?I think a reasonable inference from arsenal’s reluctance to be specific is that he’s used the Chinese vaccine against the Chinese virus and is too embarrassed to say.

February 18th, 2021, 13:49
I think a reasonable inference from arsenal’s reluctance to be specific is that he’s used the Chinese vaccine against the Chinese virus and is too embarrassed to say.You took the words right out of my mouth!

February 18th, 2021, 15:31
arsenal, coy? Hard to believe.

February 18th, 2021, 15:37
And here I was assuming it was simply because in reality aresenal is a drop dead gorgeous 28 year old male stallion, and he didn't want anyone to feel nervous around him.

February 18th, 2021, 16:28

February 18th, 2021, 16:46
And here I was assuming it was simply because in reality aresenal is a drop dead gorgeous 28 year old male stallion, and he didn't want anyone to feel nervous around him.If you’ve ever read or watched a video adaptation of Pride & Prejudice you’ll immediately recognise arsenal as Mrs Bennett.

February 18th, 2021, 16:52
After reading this I'm concerned for the well being of young Stevie. I hope there's adult supervision near him.


February 18th, 2021, 23:03
After reading this I'm concerned for the well being of young Stevie. I hope there's adult supervision near him.
