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View Full Version : Yellowstone national park

August 12th, 2006, 21:17
Why not try contacting Yogi Bear, c/o The Picnic Ground, Yellowstone National Park - I hope this is right, I don't want to make a Booboo! :cheers:

August 12th, 2006, 22:00
Fly Vegas. After get bags, go ground transport and look sign say Jomtien Campground bus. Ride take 25 minute. Fatman give good advice. Ask driver take you Yogi place. Nice selection of bear like yourself you off cheap. But no haggle bear or fulang get big paw massage.

August 12th, 2006, 22:37
Tonight i saw a documentary on yellowstone national park in America and i want to go there.
its in a State called Wyoming.Anyone been there? anyone live near there?
i want to live near there one day.I have emailed the Yellowstone park and told them i want to buy a house inside the park,anyone else close to Yellowstone?

We ALL want you go live there. Presumably being the great outdoors there is no internet access. That should stop you insane drivel and stupid and pointless comments.

All those that agree with me say YES!!!

August 12th, 2006, 22:45
Sorry, Billy, you aren't allowed to come to the United States, let alone Wyoming or Colorado. Our standards may be low but they're not that low!!!

August 12th, 2006, 23:52
Sorry report our friend no heed advice here. When arrive Yellowstone he go internet find "hirsute bear." But get confused and enter "hasidic bear." Sad say hookup no go well. Boygeorge bear last seen sit on Old Faithful. Try get unclog.

August 13th, 2006, 00:27
Thing start look up for Boygeorge. Park Ranger find him top Old Faithful and ask where from. Boygeorge have hard time talk because high colonic he experience and he try say" Darlinghurst." Ranger think he say "Bensonhurt" and send him Brooklyn. When he drop off he wonder bout mutter "big hasidic." Passerby take him nearest temple. Boygeorge try impress hosts with his knowledge of haggle. They no amused. Decide he should work in kosher butcher shop. No see since.