View Full Version : Canada and its vaccination programme

February 6th, 2021, 12:11
Population = 60+ million
Number of doses per person = 2
Thailand’s ability to manage the vaccination of the entire population = ???
End date = 2024?

That means they're probably about two years ahead of Canada. Kudos to them.

February 6th, 2021, 19:52
That means they're probably about two years ahead of Canada. Kudos to them.
The Canadians can’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag but the Thais can?

February 6th, 2021, 23:29
The Canadians can’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag but the Thais can?

No, it's just Canada doesn't have mufacturing capacity for KoVid vaccines, and others don't want to stick with their contractual obligations. Biden activated the defnese production act, so no more shipments from the US, the EU is going to limit exports so none from Belgium, et al.

It'll probably be next Spring by the time we have our own vaccine approved by health Canada and manufacturing in place, so next Fall for everyone to get vaccinated. At least that's what it's looking like at the momment...

February 7th, 2021, 04:15
No, it's just Canada doesn't have mufacturing capacity for KoVid vaccines, and others don't want to stick with their contractual obligations. Biden activated the defnese production act, so no more shipments from the US, the EU is going to limit exports so none from Belgium, et al.

It'll probably be next Spring by the time we have our own vaccine approved by health Canada and manufacturing in place, so next Fall for everyone to get vaccinated. At least that's what it's looking like at the momment...
How does that make Canada any different to other countries - such as New Zealand - that also lack domestic vaccine production facilities? I see your Provincial governments have started vaccinations and your prime minister claims everyone will be vaccinated by the Fall. That’s a comparable timeline to the UK, Australia, New Zealand and other similar countries.

As I understand it the real issue in every country is the logistics of distribution and the jab itself. Supply is a lesser issue.


February 7th, 2021, 04:33
Yeah, yeah... and Trudeau doesn't lie, or steal money, or make corrupt deals, or ensure his mother gets paid $400k of taxpayer money to give a few speeches for WE charity, or muzzle the attorney general for doing the "wrong" investigations, or there was nothing shady about his dealings with SNC Lavelin, and I could go on. And I actually like the guy, and commend him for his KoVid response, but nonetheless... he's a typical politician, plus he thinks he has a right to be Prime Minister because his daddy was.

Of course he says everything is on target, but that's simply not true. Few weeks back Pfizer cut supply by 50%, then maybe some more in the near future again. Modurna just cut last week's shipments with no word on how much future shipments will be cut, and so on. It's pretty obvious what's going on... and I think Canada may be waiting until we have our own manufacturing in place before we can ensure proper vaccine supply to everyone, which should happen by Spring 2022.

We're the only country in the G7 who has put their hand in the cookie jar to obtain vaccine supply from the international KoVacs program, so... Granted, Canada is the second largest donator to that program, but still... those vaccines are meant for poorer nations.

February 7th, 2021, 04:38
Once again Matt your deranged obsessions have pulled a thread about vaccination and Thailand off in an irrelevant direction. Remember your most recent effort mentioning Git... ? That started in this thread as well.

February 7th, 2021, 16:45
"deranged obsessions" !!!

Hahahaha. It's not Matt waking up at 5.30am to troll the board.

February 7th, 2021, 17:05
"deranged obsessions" !!!

Hahahaha. It's not Matt waking up at 5.30am to troll the board.
And proud of it Mrs Bennett

February 7th, 2021, 17:21
A vanitatis arguentur responsum.

Nirish guy
February 7th, 2021, 19:29
Once again Matt your deranged obsessions have pulled a thread about vaccination and Thailand off in an irrelevant direction. .

Ha TO be FAIR to Matt the title of this thread IS clearly "CANADA and it's vaccination programme !!" lol So he can't really BE much more on topic there I think ! :-)

February 16th, 2021, 02:44
In a note, Scotiabank’s Derek Holt said there’s reason for optimism in Canada’s fight against the virus.

“The country may be arriving at the anticipated inflection point. Revised company guidance involves four million doses to be delivered to Canada by Pfizer by the end of March; being a two shot regimen and after adjusting for the 20pc extra derived from withdrawing six instead of five doses per vial with the same efficacy, that translates into 2.4 million inoculations.

“Revised company guidance points to 84 million doses to be delivered to Canada between now and the end of September from Moderna and Pfizer combined.

“If Health Canada moves toward approving the Oxford/AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson vaccines, then add another 20 million doses (10 million inoculations) and 38 million doses (and inoculations, being a one-shot vaccine) respectively. Let alone what would happen if the other vaccine candidates are approved.”

Mr Holt said “In a country with 38 million people, just the Moderna and Pfizer supply will take care of the whole population. Presumably overshoots through supply from other vaccine makers would be either stored for second rounds, shared with other countries or redirected.

“There remain plenty of risks. For one, we need vaccines and the sooner the better if mutations really spark a third wave soon, but thus far the case evidence remains pointed in the other direction and is being outpaced by doses administered so if that crossover point is maintained then net momentum has shifted more favourably.”

February 16th, 2021, 05:30
Yeah, the news just broke 2 or 3 days ago that the federal government has secured more vaccine doses from both Pfizer and Modurna than expected for the second quarter of 2021.

Great news, and will be even better news if they make good on their delivery promises. So far, their track records aren't that great...

February 18th, 2021, 03:14
The first nations in British Columbia are quite pissed off apparently. I guess some of their communities have less than half the population vaccinated, and it's just not acceptable to them. The government promised they'll all be vaccinated by end of March, but they're still quite upset about that too.

[censored, 4.7]

I don't have a problem with first nations getting priority, as that makes sense from pretty near every perspective especially medical, but to get priority then still bitch and moan about it? Rest of the population is around 3% vaccination, and they're complaining because some communities are less than 50% vaccinated. Come on...

February 18th, 2021, 04:07
Take it up with Surfcrest

February 18th, 2021, 04:50
Take it up with Surfcrest

I have drones on the way to his place to deliver a message.

February 21st, 2021, 14:05
Great news Matt: India will send COVISHIELD vaccine to Canada at next month, but may delay it a little bit since they need to vaccinate 300 mln in India "at first prioritized step"


February 22nd, 2021, 03:20
Take it up with Surfcrest

If you’d like to have those sorts of discussions with me, you’ll need to dust off your armour and come with your hillbilly points of view and see me on Twitter!


February 22nd, 2021, 14:47
Great news Matt: India will send COVISHIELD vaccine to Canada at next month, but may delay it a little bit since they need to vaccinate 300 mln in India "at first prioritized step

Obviously, you don't watch news much. Problem now is whether or not Canada can handle the large influx of vaccines we're getting.

Also, note on this you made in another thread:

By the way: India will supply Canada by vaccine, because other developed countries think more about own interests. may be it will be licensed Russian Sputnik. Are you ready to get humanitarian help?

Really? Canada is the second largest contributor to Kovax, and has contributed total of $760 million USD. Not too bad considering the population of Canada.

February 22nd, 2021, 15:06
Really? Canada is the second largest contributor to Kovax, and has contributed total of $760 million USD. Not too bad considering the population of Canada.

Yes, yes... Contribution is "largest"? Well, well...
Turkey 6.5 mln of injections
UAE 5.6 mln
Morocco 2.7 mln
Bangladesh 2.5 mln
Romania 1.5 mln
Canada 1.5 mln

February 22nd, 2021, 15:21
Yes, yes... Contribution is "largest"? Well, well...
Turkey 6.5 mln of injections
UAE 5.6 mln
Morocco 2.7 mln
Bangladesh 2.5 mln
Romania 1.5 mln
Canada 1.5 mln

heh, what a tiny little man you are. That must really suck.

I don't know what to tell you Moses. If it makes you happy to wander around life like a moron beating your chest, waving a big "Russia #1" foamy finger around, while trying to put others down, then by all means go for it. It makes you look quite weak and pathetic, but hey, as long as you're happy.

February 22nd, 2021, 16:27
heh, what a tiny little man you are. That must really suck.

I don't know what to tell you Moses. If it makes you happy to wander around life like a moron beating your chest, waving a big "Russia #1" foamy finger around, while trying to put others down, then by all means go for it. It makes you look quite weak and pathetic, but hey, as long as you're happy.

Matt you are funny guy. Saying in your post about "largest" but trying to give to me "foamy finger #1". Why you projecting your dreams on me?

Matt, it is your govt works more worst than govt of Bangladesh or Morocco, why you are running here with cries "Save me from Russian intervention, Novichok and Sputnik", instead of "Save me from my govt"?

Nirish guy
February 22nd, 2021, 18:18
@Moses and Matt - would you two just get a bloody room and FUCK already and get it over with and be done with all this verbal foreplay !! :-)

I think we all know who's going to be the top though...... :)

February 22nd, 2021, 18:27
Ewww... herpes.

February 23rd, 2021, 00:26
mat boy....looks like someones getting under your skin...giggle...giggle...