View Full Version : A447 - You're welcome - you can thank us later ! :-) Brits snap up Australian wine that didn't go to China

Nirish guy
February 4th, 2021, 17:01
"Sales of Australian wine to the UK have surged almost 30% in the last year as producers try to overcome crippling taxes on exports to China.

Wine producers have ramped up exports to Europe to a 10-year high, with the UK now the number one destination."


* Note - it might though be the case that we're actually more than pleased to help out as during our various lockdowns here in the UK there's damn all else sometimes but sit back and sample the delights of your various wine producers - China ( for once) may have caused us to endure something we actually quite enjoy here anyway !!

February 4th, 2021, 18:20
On behalf of my fellow Aussies, allow me to express the profound gratitude of our nation, Australia - or "Or-stralia" as the Queen calls us! Lol

Here's hoping we will reciprocate with numerous trade agreements with the UK now that you guys are out of the EU.

As for China, up until recently we had a rather high opinion of them. But after a disagreement with our country - we had the temerity to ask for an investigation into the origins of the virus - they turned nasty and we saw their true colours. Suddenly they decided to stop importing our products - wine, coal, barley, etc.

If they can do that to us without warning, they can do it to any country. Beware! They are not to be trusted.

We know who are true friends are. China can well and truly get fucked.

Enjoy the wine. Cheers!

February 5th, 2021, 01:07
...it took this for you to realise all of the above....kinda dim witted...reminds me of a former executive I klnew who when introducing himself and telling his life story let us know that after working for a cigarette company for 14 years he realised the product was bad and decided on a career change...any relation perhaps...

February 5th, 2021, 08:28
Don't worry a447 we're coming. We've applied to join your Pacific free trade agreement thingy and will no doubt be welcomed with open arms. So you can send us your boomerangs and we can send you some bowler hats.

China. The ultimate cowardly school bully with the prickly sensitivity of a blown up balloon.

February 5th, 2021, 08:58
...it took this for you to realise all of the above....kinda dim witted

Well, you could look at it that way perhaps.

But in my defence, I always take people at face value and trust them - until I'm betrayed and then see their real side. It doesn't happen very often but when it does it comes as a real shock.

Of course, we are not dealing with individuals here - we are dealing with the Chinese Communist Party. But the sentiment is the same. We have gotten along so well for so long. I think most Australians considered China a friendly country. They send around 260,000 students to study here every year. Mandarin Chinese is now a very popular language in our schools.

All of this suddenly changed. The cosy relationship is no more. And the change happened overnight without any warning. China decided to make an example of Australia to the world of what happens if you criticise them. Their clear message is, of you want to trade with us and be our "friend", you have do follow our instructions. Politicians must not criticise us and the same goes for your media. Take it or leave it.

Thankfully, we decided to leave it. A no-brainer.

Our decision to stand up to China won't affect me and my lifestyle, but it will have serious consequences for others, I would think.

Australia is now actively looking for other markets, and this is where we will see who our true friends are. India also looms large on the horizon. All is not lost.

By making the spat between us so public, and by engaging in "wolf warrior" diplomacy China has been well and truly outed to the world. For us, that is some consolation. Their behaviour may come back to bite them.

Having said all that, our argument is with the CCP, not the Chinese people. Although I find their behaviour when travelling to be boorish and unacceptable at times, during my trip to China a few years ago I found them helpful, friendly and even charming. Although I don't speak the language I had a lot of fun trying to communicate with them using hand gestures and scribbling Chinese characters on a piece of paper.

So the moral of the story is, when dealing with other governments, especially those with opposing values, don't let your guard down!

February 5th, 2021, 09:29
The Chinese govt is incapable of separating issues. Everything is one. Most countries are able to have different tables going at the same time. For example the UK and the EU. Bending over backwards to ensure trade can continue while chucking brickbsts over vaccine access. Not China. Just how childishly wet and insecure do you have to be to decide you won't show a football clubs matches cos one of their players voiced support for the Uyghur?

February 5th, 2021, 09:46
Some may find this product encouraging when it reaches the export market - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-55926248

February 5th, 2021, 10:39
Some may find this product encouraging when it reaches the export market - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-55926248

Yes, I saw that article last night.

I don't know about the situation in China but I think it may reflect the view of masculinity found in the pop music culture in Korea and Japan. It is these guys that have set a new definition of what it is to be male. Young male pop music fans look up to them and want to imitate their style. Who would you rather be if you were Chinese - a soldier or a pop star?

In Japan there is the concept of "bishounen" - literally "beautiful young guy." The Chinese character "bi" (美) means "beautiful" and was traditionally used to describe women, not men. I believe the same phenomenon exists in China.

So why are so many male singers "bishounen" types? I think the main reason is that they need to appeal to a female audience, so the music production teams seek out cute guys, apply copious make-up to them and give them a girlie hair style. They have to take on a gentle, soft-spoken persona and use the polite language often reserved for girls. That way they come across as non-threatening. Although they are male, they look like "one of us" and the female fans feel safe. They are not likely to be the type to sexually abuse girls or treat them like the typical Japanese male in their male-dominated society.

Australians have turned against all kinds of Chinese exports. Effeminate men is definitely one of them.

They can stick them up their arse!!

Nirish guy
February 5th, 2021, 17:48
So you can send us your boomerangs and we can send you some bowler hats.

Can I say though that no self respecting Irish man would ever sign up to the deal above as it’s more like something that Boris would negotiate as we’re not stupid as we know those boomerangs would be flying right back to Aus the second our bowler hats landed of course !!

Boomerangs indeed - a dirty trick worthy of the CCP themselves no less ! The Chinese have taught the Aussies well it seems after all !! :-)