View Full Version : New Covid-19 Variants

January 23rd, 2021, 19:30
On the subject of staying in prison/hotel lockdown in case you did took the effort to visit LOS: recent messages from other fora, mainly main Thai str8 couples, it is not too shiny.
It seems since the discovery of the british strain of covid Brits are completely banned from entering (or maybe this has since been changed) and whereas before some of the quarantine hotels were reported to be a bit more permissive after the 5day first testing, this has also been changed back to very strict isolation. So far for now.

January 24th, 2021, 13:20
since the discovery of the british strain of covid

What? Did you mean to write 'the new variant of Covid first diagnosed in the UK due to more advanced methods of genome sequencing used in the UK before other countries discovered it in their own testing'?.
Do you also believe that 'The Spanish Flu' originated in Spain?
Intelligible reply appreciated.

January 24th, 2021, 14:16
What? Did you mean to write 'the new variant of Covid first diagnosed in the UK due to more advanced methods of genome sequencing used in the UK before other countries discovered it in their own testing'?.
Do you also believe that 'The Spanish Flu' originated in Spain?
Intelligible reply appreciated.

Well. Let's recall how it was year ago: "Chinese virus", "created in Chinese laboratory" and rest shit. Now UK got their boomerang back. Sorry.

January 24th, 2021, 15:10
Ridiculous comment Moses. It's Chinese in origin. All the others are variants. Just because I add trompettes de mort to steak and kidney pudding doesn't make it French.

January 24th, 2021, 15:14
Pro-tip guys. Viruses don't have nationalities. They're viruses.

Nirish guy
January 24th, 2021, 17:48
Pro-tip guys. Viruses don't have nationalities. They're viruses.

The viruses themselves may not, but the Country of their manufacture once proven sure as hell does !

January 24th, 2021, 18:14
The viruses themselves may not, but the Country of their manufacture once proven sure as hell does !

By that logic we can all blame the US for Spanish Flu?

January 24th, 2021, 23:03
By that logic we can all blame the US for Spanish Flu?

The 1918 flu pandemic became known as the “Spanish flu” because wartime censors minimized reports of the illness while the Spanish press did not. Probably the same reason its become known as the British variant.

January 24th, 2021, 23:16
The 1918 flu pandemic became known as the “Spanish flu” because wartime censors minimized reports of the illness while the Spanish press did not.

Yes, I'm well aware of that. It's also suspected the Spanish Flu originated from a pig farm close to a military barracks in Kansas, then spread from there as the soldiers headed over to Europe to hunt them some Germans.

So if we're going to be blaming China for KoVid-19, and the UK for some new strain, then I guess we blame the US for Spanish Flu?

Or we can just grow up, and realize we're talking about a virus. Aside from things like natural climate and vegetation, originating country has very little to do with "manufacturing" a virus, or if any when a virus makes the leap from animal to human.

Nirish guy
January 25th, 2021, 00:23
originating country has very little to do with "manufacturing" a virus, or if any when a virus makes the leap from animal to human.

Actually I disagree as the key word there of course is MANUFACTURING ! Of course if a virus jumps from nature to man, so be it, that's life, but if it turns out that a Country manufactured a virus, from scratch, in a lab for reasons unknown and that same virus goes on to reek havoc around the world then I think it's more than fair than the Country to caused the problem gets it name added to the bloody thing.

January 25th, 2021, 00:29
Please don't tell me you believe this is all a secret Chinese military plan being put into action...

Nirish guy
January 25th, 2021, 00:36
Please don't tell me you believe this is all a secret Chinese military plan being put into action...

I don't believe anything as quite frankly i dont know WHAT to believe anymore. Between KGB Propaganda, American Propaganda, Chinese Propaganda and every other fucker who seems to be at it my head is pickled, all I know is if it's proven some Country 'made" Covid by fuck I'm calling it that fucking Chinese / America/ Russian ( an Country to be inserted thereafter being caught at it ) Covid !

Of Course if China had let the WHO inspectors in straight away and not made them wait a year and even then turn them away when they arrived at the border I'd be a little less suspicious of the buggers and what they felt they had to hide perhaps !

BUT as I say as I distrust ALL Governments fairly equally god knows WHAT the truth is and if there IS something other than "nature" behind it you can be shit sure that plebs such as ourselves will never get to hear the REAL truth behind it all, that part I have NO doubt about !

January 25th, 2021, 00:53
Couple things. I guess I'm not a doctor, but I'm assuming that upon sequencing the genome and after doing this much research on it, they'd be able to tell if it was human made, and not natural. I know there's been a few crackpot doctors who have "raised the alarm", but nothing credible.

That, and viruses like this happen all the time. Just in the recent past we've had several of them, remember Swine Flu, MERS, et al? Same thing, just this one happend to be really contagious, and has a long incubation period, and is transmissable while being asymptomatic, and... yeah...

Hey, at least the mortaliy rate isn't overly high. Imaging properties of Ko-Vid with the mortarliy rate of say MERS? Whew, definitely wouldn't have an over population problem to worry about anymore. A good 2 billion of us would be getting axed.

January 25th, 2021, 03:38
Couple things. I guess I'm not a doctor, but I'm assuming that upon sequencing the genome and after doing this much research on it, they'd be able to tell if it was human made, and not natural. I know there's been a few crackpot doctors who have "raised the alarm", but nothing credible.
Already resolved 6+ months ago

January 25th, 2021, 03:40
I don't believe anything as quite frankly i dont know WHAT to believe anymore. Between KGB Propaganda, American Propaganda, Chinese Propaganda and every other fucker who seems to be at it my head is pickled, all I know is if it's proven some Country 'made" Covid by fuck I'm calling it that fucking Chinese / America/ Russian ( an Country to be inserted thereafter being caught at it ) Covid !

Of Course if China had let the WHO inspectors in straight away and not made them wait a year and even then turn them away when they arrived at the border I'd be a little less suspicious of the buggers and what they felt they had to hide perhaps !

BUT as I say as I distrust ALL Governments fairly equally god knows WHAT the truth is and if there IS something other than "nature" behind it you can be shit sure that plebs such as ourselves will never get to hear the REAL truth behind it all, that part I have NO doubt about !Where’s the “80% like” button?

January 25th, 2021, 03:50
The 1918 flu pandemic became known as the “Spanish flu” because wartime censors minimized reports of the illness while the Spanish press did not. Probably the same reason its become known as the British variant.It’s consistent with the universal tendency to blame some other country for a perceived oddity, sickness or perversion - think the “French letter” or “Le vice anglais” (being whipped)

January 27th, 2021, 15:46
So if we're going to be blaming China for KoVid-19, ...
It's no coincidence that most recent contagious diseases, starting from HIV, come from central Africa or China. It's because they eat everything that has four legs, except chairs and tables, and everything that flies, except airplanes. It's that mix of every species, you can probably even find some that are thought to be extinct, and human under unsanitary conditions that breeds diseases.

January 27th, 2021, 16:15
It's no coincidence that most recent contagious diseases, starting from HIV, come from central Africa or China. It's because they eat everything that has four legs, except chairs and tables, and everything that flies, except airplanes. It's that mix of every species, you can probably even find some that are thought to be extinct, and human under unsanitary conditions that breeds diseases.

Don't know about China, but I know for Africa it's because, well... obviously the natural climate and terrain lead to a bounty of life and species, viruses included.

On top of that though, deforestation and developments / agriculture are playing a large part nowadays. They're clear cutting like crazy in parts of Africa right now, and when you do that in such terrain, all the neat things like hidden viruses come out closer to humans. This is one of the reasons the WHO gave a press briefing not too long ago saying KoVid-19 might not be the big one, and there may be a more destructive virus sometime in our future.

January 27th, 2021, 16:15
Christian wrote.
"It's no coincidence that most recent contagious diseases, starting from HIV, come from central Africa or China. It's because they eat everything that has four legs, except chairs and tables, and everything that flies, except airplanes. It's that mix of every species, you can probably even find some that are thought to be extinct, and human under unsanitary conditions that breeds diseases."

Yes. And equally bad. These things are not cooked and presented well. Boil and chew is the standard recipe.

January 27th, 2021, 16:40
Don't know about China, but I know for Africa it's because, well... obviously the natural climate and terrain lead to a bounty of life and species, viruses included.
I understand that those who have “French” kissed a camel have contracted MERS, a recent viral disease of neither Africa nor China. As for diet, poor Khmer farmers are catching rats in their fields and selling them to the Vietnamese who regard them as a delicacy. Then there’s a trade in dogs for the Vietnamese pot from Thailand. Just saying.

January 27th, 2021, 16:48
Matt wrote.
" This is one of the reasons the WHO gave a press briefing not too long ago saying KoVid-19 might not be the big one,"

I'm in that camp. I don't think this is the big one.

January 27th, 2021, 17:23
I'm in that camp. I don't think this is the big one.

Given our experience with Covid, the next time around should be handled much more effectively.

January 27th, 2021, 17:50
a447 wrote.
"Given our experience with Covid, the next time around should be handled much more effectively."

No. And at the risk of sounding.like some tub thumping phophet of doom from Revelations.

This one is worldwide pandemic lite. An amuse-bouche of disease. A little taste of what may come. Four strains and proven to jump from humans to animals, mutate and then jump back. It's a serious illness but the huge majority of people survive it. The 'big one' when it shows up ain't gonna be like that.

"I'm gonna hurt you, and not gentle like before but bad."
Gene Hackman in Unforgiven.

January 27th, 2021, 18:49
So you think that if and when "the big one" comes, Boris (if he's still around) will be just as indecisive as he's been with Covid?

I hope you are wrong. If not, God help you all.

January 28th, 2021, 19:46
Don't know about China, but I know for Africa it's because, well... obviously the natural climate and terrain lead to a bounty of life and species, viruses included.
But not in South and Central America. The Amazonas region is source of many pharmaceuticals (i.e. they are discovered in plants and animals and then produced synthetically), but no diseases.

Corona is pandemic light, a rehearsal. 90% of infected show no symtoms, 10% show symptoms, 1% have to be hospitalized, 0.1% die. But these would have died from a strong fart or 6 months later for no apparent reasons. The lockdown is much worse than the disease!

January 28th, 2021, 20:25
arsenal wrote.
"This one is worldwide pandemic lite. An amuse-bouche of disease. A little taste of what may come. Four strains and proven to jump from humans to animals, mutate and then jump back. It's a serious illness but the huge majority of people survive it"

Christian wrote.
"Corona is pandemic light, a rehearsal. 90% of infected show no symtoms, 10% show symptoms, 1% have to be hospitalized, 0.1% die. But these would have died from a strong fart or 6 months later for no apparent reasons."

Paraphrased for sure but academically speaking accreditation would be expected.

January 28th, 2021, 21:27
Paraphrased for sure but academically speaking accreditation would be expected.

There's still lots of these "it's just the flu" idiots out there. Kovid has already killed more Americans than all of WWII, and Kovid did it in just 10 months versus the almost 4 years it took during WWII.

And that's with all these lockdowns and everything in place. Just image what it'd be like if we didn't bother with any of that.

But sure, it's just the flu...

January 29th, 2021, 09:17
No Matt.
Neither Christian nor I are downplaying this virus. We're just saying that this is not the 'big one'.

January 29th, 2021, 10:27
Correct. Pandemics can be far worse than covid-19. The Spanish Flu killed about 50 million and of a variety of ages. From a much smaller global population.

January 29th, 2021, 10:31
Correct. Pandemics can be far worse than covid-19. The Spanish Flu killed about 50 million and of a variety of ages. From a much smaller global population.And without the medical advances of the last hundred years!

January 30th, 2021, 06:30
Kovid has already killed more Americans than all of WWII, and Kovid did it in just 10 months versus the almost 4 years it took during WWII.

An interesting analogy. How many 65+ year old fought in WW2?

January 30th, 2021, 06:34
An interesting analogy. How many 65+ year old fought in WW2?

Assemble the following words to make a well known saying - wit, sarcasm, form, lowestIndeed