View Full Version : #ParlerShutDown

January 12th, 2021, 02:12
With Google, Apple and now Amazon suspending social media platform Parler’s listing due to unmoderated content, it raises a question that has always been front and center on this Forum when it comes to moderating or not moderating content and the consequences of such.

Ive always been a “live and let” live guy, but when I moderated this Forum I always felt being pulled by both sides. Those that wanted the ability to post or read anything they saw fit...and those that were always reaching out for threads and topics to be moderated...the usual few who couldn’t sleep at night knowing a thread was in the wrong forum or getting a bit off topic.

Well...now that we’ve seen the dangers of letting the wrong people go unmoderated...as in the Parler example...where’s the balance?


January 12th, 2021, 02:45
I saw a great phrase this week that sums up the maiden aunts here: lips “puckered like a woebegone anus”. I doubt however that it’s the sort of content that would have Parler no-platformed.

January 12th, 2021, 03:58
How much would it cost in time or money to moderate this Forum with the number of posts it receives?

January 12th, 2021, 04:41
...amazing how fast the left can shut down stuff when they want to...latest is that the cia and fbi and evryone else with a uniform is hunting down the ring leaders of the capitol hill party....yet for months the blm partied all over the US...took over entire city blocks...burnt down police stations..harrassed right wing politicians...and not a peep out of law enforcement...makes me think...much as it disguits me..that trump might just have a point...

January 12th, 2021, 05:05
Funny how stupid people use left and right to sort politics into small bites they can understand.


January 12th, 2021, 05:07
Funny how stupid people use left and right to sort politics into small bites they can understand.
I put it in the same category as referring to everyone whose opinion you dislike as “a troll”.

January 12th, 2021, 07:20
Bit of a difference here....

We're talking about sexy times with legal age hookers in Thailand. That's all fine and perfectly legal.

They were talking about storming the US Capitol and killing as many police and federal agents as they could while they took politicians hostage and executed them. Then they went and acted on it and beseiged the US capitol for the first time since Canada did it back in 1814. At least they were nice enough to take selfies of themselves doing it though. Saves on the investigator's and prosecutor's time.

Get back to me when the threads start appearing about how all us are going to storm the Thai capital, overthrow the government, and turn Thailand into the gay paradise we know it was meant to be, and then we can talk...

January 12th, 2021, 07:32
...then why didint they kill...dozens of clips showing them walking into the place..seems like a lot of one sided news...like cnn claiming that the portland takeov er of a few city blocks and burning down a police station was peacefull....wghen one comes across such one sided news ...one starts doubting everything else they broadcast

January 12th, 2021, 08:36
...then why didint they kill...dozens of clips showing them walking into the place..seems like a lot of one sided news...like cnn claiming that the portland takeov er of a few city blocks and burning down a police station was peacefull....wghen one comes across such one sided news ...one starts doubting everything else they broadcast

Again, bit of a difference here. They're protesting about being killed by police just for being black, which like it or not, happens all the time.

Trump supported are rioting because they're absolutely certain there's secret tunnels underneath Central Park where democrats breed babies to drink they're blood. And for some reason, Trump is secretely saving the world from these evil, satanist, baby blood drinking, pedophile democrats. Trump just never mentions this, because you know, he's very humble like that...

January 12th, 2021, 09:21
PS. I don't know latin, but kinda seems like they were out for blood here:


I can't see it, but sounds pretty brutal at least. Oh, and again, this happend at the US Capitol building with the intention of overthrowing the US government! Not exactly a JC Penny's.

January 12th, 2021, 13:44
I saw a great phrase this week that sums up the maiden aunts here: lips “puckered like a woebegone anus”. I doubt however that it’s the sort of content that would have Parler no-platformed.

You must have been reading Rod Liddle’s wonderful article in The New Statesman in which he describes the leader of the Scottish National Party in the House of Commons, Ian Blackford: “You look at the SNP's Ian Blackford, with his brow perpetually furrowed in consternation and his tiny mouth puckered like a woebegone anus”.

January 12th, 2021, 13:48
You must have been reading Rod Liddle’s wonderful article in The New Statesman in which he describes the leader of the Scottish National Party in the House of Commons, Ian Blackford: “You look at the SNP's Ian Blackford, with his brow perpetually furrowed in consternation and his tiny mouth puckered like a woebegone anus”.
I imagine Liddle must be raking it in if he’s getting paid by both the Spectator and the New Statesman for exactly the same article.

January 12th, 2021, 15:05
Bit of a difference here....

They were talking about storming the US Capitol and killing as many police and federal agents as they could while they took politicians hostage and executed them.

So how much "police and federal agents" were killed? How much politicians were executed?

At time of BLM tens or maybe hundreds of shops were demolished, robbed. And participant of BLM still are named peaceful protesters, gerontocrats like Biden or Pelosi keels down in front of them.

Twitter, Facebook canceled Trump's accounts by political reason and this isn't censorship, right?

And these, who robbed zero shops and kills nobody named internal terrorists even without court decision. I'm correct?

At time of Maidan on Ukraine American ambassador went to protesters and gave them cookies and encourageв them to be brave. What you will tell if tomorrow will be found what some foreign ambassador was within protesters on Capitol's hill and ecouraged them to be brave?

How long you will use double standards?


January 12th, 2021, 16:07
Ok, you're comparing two totally different scenarios...

1.) Nationwide protests for civil rights and an end to systemic racism that went on for months and comprised of millions upon millions of people all across the country. By and large protests were very peaceful with some sporadic incidents and pckets of violence, looting, and fires.

2.) An armed insurrection with para-military troops who biesged the US Capitol with the sole intention of overthrowing the US government, while taking hostage and executing various politicians. They were out for blood, not social justice.

If you're unable to see the difference between the two, then I don't think it's possible for us to have a conversation.

January 12th, 2021, 16:17
Ok, you're comparing two totally different scenarios...

1.) Nationwide protests for civil rights and an end to systemic racism that went on for months and comprised of millions upon millions of people all across the country. By and large protests were very peaceful with some sporadic incidents and pckets of violence, looting, and fires.

2.) An armed insurrection with para-military troops who biesged the US Capitol with the sole intention of overthrowing the US government, while taking hostage and executing various politicians. They were out for blood, not social justice.

If you're unable to see the difference between the two, then I don't think it's possible for us to have a conversation.

1. Human right for resistance is in Declaration of human rights in UN
2. If these "internal terrorist" had win in Capitol then they now will be named "true patriots" and these who now win were "usurpers". Just coin lays on wrong side.

Once again: the same like this was on Ukraine at 2014. And whole pool of "democratic medias" named them protesters. Even when half of them were ultra-right nationalists. And American ambassador smiled to them on the photo. So please stop this stupid tricks "our brave agents and their coward spies". Propaganda...


January 12th, 2021, 16:25
Can anyone explain why it’s BLACK Lives Matter? I thought we’re using People of Colour these days, so it should be People of Colour Lives Matter? I ask as a Person of Colour myself.

January 12th, 2021, 17:17
Can anyone explain why it’s BLACK Lives Matter? I thought we’re using People of Colour these days, so it should be People of Colour Lives Matter? I ask as a Person of Colour myself.

Nobody will explain.

It is like to ask to explain why Pompeo now complains what al Qaeda has ties with Iran, when al Qaeda itself was created with money form CIA USA in 1980s. Isn't Pompeo just jealous?

January 12th, 2021, 17:38
He's a chameleon ( Pompeo, not StevieWonders).

January 12th, 2021, 18:50
People rarely need much of an excuse to complain about something and if it looks as if they might get away with criminal activity then so much the better. No one goes rioting alone.

The proletariat have always been eager to follow anyone who promised a better tomorrow. Jesus, Hitler, Mao, Scargill, Farage, Trump.

January 12th, 2021, 19:53
The proletariat have always been eager to follow anyone who promised a better tomorrow. Jesus, Hitler, Mao, Scargill, Farage, Trump.
The people of Israel coming out of Egypt?

Nirish guy
January 12th, 2021, 22:43
The proletariat have always been eager to follow anyone who promised a better tomorrow. Jesus, Hitler, Mao, Scargill, Farage, Trump.

But yet annoyingly for him it seems that no one has ever suggested rising up following Ian Macaskill and he was a guy who promised a better tomorrow SO many times - and sometimes was even right too no less !!! :-)


January 13th, 2021, 03:04
Those who cry “But what about BLM?” are failing (intentionally, maliciously or innocently) to distinguish the false equivalence implied by their question. Mobs damaging buildings are a feature of life. 18th Century London had a semi-permanent Mob.

However the attack on the Capitol building was intended to force a single legislative end (formal recognition of Biden’s win) on the one place where federal legislation is made in the USA. There is no equivalent intention in the vandalising of either government or private property that occurred during the BLM protests.

January 14th, 2021, 02:40
...oh go cry me a river...this is why the likes of trump will get voted in again....the blatant one sided reporting by the likes of cnn.....

January 14th, 2021, 03:37
...oh go cry me a river...this is why the likes of trump will get voted in again....the blatant one sided reporting by the likes of cnn.....I look to RT and Fox News to provide me with independent objective reporting.

January 14th, 2021, 04:37
...oh go cry me a river...this is why the likes of trump will get voted in again....the blatant one sided reporting by the likes of cnn.....

Trump just got impeached again, and this time for inciting insurrection. McConnell has also given signs that he's up for a conviction in the Senate, so if anything, your guy will be barred from ever holding public office again in his life.

Deutsche bank, city of New York, and PGA have all severed ties with Trump's businesses amoung others, and I'm sure there will continue being a domino effect. He has $340 million in debts coming due within two years, and contracts allow Deutsche bank to tap into his personal assets for repayment. And we still haven't even touched on the dozen or two lawsuits and charges coming his way once he becomes a private citizen again in about a week.

Gosh darnit, don't think Trump is going to have time to secretly save the world from a bunch of baby blood drinking, satanist democrats who fuck kids in the non-existent basements of pizza parlors.

January 14th, 2021, 05:10
Trump just got impeached again, and this time for inciting insurrection. McConnell has also given signs that he's up for a conviction in the Senate, so if anything, your guy will be barred from ever holding public office again in his life.Dream on. The Senate is not scheduled to meet again until the day of Biden’s inauguration and it’s arguable whether someone can be convicted under the impeachment rules once they no longer hold the office. As for that Machiavellian McConnell he’s simply initiating a purge of the Republican Party by having Trump utterly discredited. The ignominy of a twice-impeached President (the only one so far) is all that McConnell needs in that regard.

January 16th, 2021, 04:03
...oh go cry me a river...this is why the likes of trump will get voted in again....the blatant one sided reporting by the likes of cnn.....Rejoice. An gay ally for latintopxxx has been found

January 17th, 2021, 12:59
no sweetness...im no great fan of trump...but u would have to be stooopid not to recognise the totally biased news eminating from cnn...

January 17th, 2021, 15:40
no sweetness...im no great fan of trump...but u would have to be stooopid not to recognise the totally biased news eminating from cnn...Absolutely latin - all that video of election scenes in November. Fake CGI video generated by CNN resulting in a Fake News “victory” for Joe Biden.

January 17th, 2021, 15:55
Don't be so hard on latin. It's not his fault he belives in "alternative facts".

January 17th, 2021, 19:29
Anyone wanting a satirical “take” on our life and times need look no further than the Netflix mockumentary “Death to 2020”

January 18th, 2021, 01:41
stevie and matty....yeah like when cnn reports that the take over of entire city blocks, burning down of poilice stations..is a "peaceful protest"....

January 18th, 2021, 04:08
stevie and matty....yeah like when cnn reports that the take over of entire city blocks, burning down of poilice stations..is a "peaceful protest"....What is your invaluable source of accurate information?

January 18th, 2021, 12:16
What is your invaluable source of accurate information?


January 18th, 2021, 12:36
Yes, we all know about that. It was very well reported, even all over the world on pretty much every major news outlet.

You guys act as if CNN just stays silent and doesn't report things like this.

You do realize that with the current situation the US has about 5000 troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and 25,000 troops in Washington, right? Trying to justify what the rioters did during the armed insurrection of the capitol on Jan 6th and the current scares of inauguration with, "yeah, but, but... look, they burned a police station during months long worldwide protests for black rights, so there..." is a bit pretty.

January 18th, 2021, 12:52
...oh the hypocrisy.....all summer long the blm/antifa/common garden variety crims...terrorised whole communities...burnt down police stations and the democrats said nothing....on the contrary they sympathised with them and even to a certain extent justified the "peaceful" demonstrations....no thought or carte was given to all the ordinary citizens who lost lives/businesses and homes....the whole thing was downplayed...police were actively demonised and discouraged from interfering....but the moment it got close to those vile democrats....once they were being hunted down their whole tune changed...silly misguided criminal trumpers didnt even catch a single democrat...didint even burn the place down...bet that blm/antifa would have been a lot more succesful...one rule for u and another for me...masks and stay at home for u...party, island holidays and resaurant meals for them...

January 18th, 2021, 13:05
You do realize that with the current situation the US has about 5000 troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and 25,000 troops in Washington, right?

Democrats are so scared and ready to make dirty their pants? They can bring to Washington army and tanks then.

January 18th, 2021, 13:21
This is peaceful protest




And this is internal terrorism, right?



January 18th, 2021, 13:21
Democrats are so scared and ready to make dirty their pants? They can bring to Washington army and tanks then.Asking for a friend: what’s the equivalent programme on Russian television to America’s Saturday Night Live where national politicians get lampooned week after week?

January 18th, 2021, 13:26
Asking for a friend: what’s the equivalent programme on Russian television to America’s Saturday Night Live where national politicians get lampooned week after week?

I have no idea: I dropped my TV to garbage 15 years ago. Here only old people in countryside watching TV. For to understand situation: Russian advertising market in Internet is about 3 times bigger than advertising market on TV.

January 18th, 2021, 13:32
When few years ago Russia blocked (unsuccessfully) Telegram messenger in Russia then medias were full of angry propaganda "Censorship in Russia".

Now the same Telegram is under pressure to be removed from Apple store and Google "because it is used by republicans", twitter blocks accounts, and this is the triumph of democracy, right?

January 18th, 2021, 13:34
I have no idea: I dropped my TV to garbage 15 years ago. Here only old people in countryside watching TV. For to understand situation: Russian advertising market in Internet is about 3 times bigger than advertising market on TV.I’m sure it would be a very popular programme - real Russians making Putin and his gang of kleptocrats look complete fools week after week on Russian domestic television.

January 18th, 2021, 13:37
I know Moses, the US should take a note from Ussia, as there would simply never be any such protests there, right?


January 18th, 2021, 13:45
I’m sure it would be a very popular programme - real Russians making Putin and his gang of kleptocrats look complete fools week after week on Russian domestic television.

Hahaha... here was such program few years at past. It was canceled because of no advertisers.

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpLc9Cp-_SNG9LD6luFQOyklDIqUGRBEa here are 16 last series.

January 18th, 2021, 13:48
Hahaha... here was such program few years at past. It was canceled because of no advertisers.

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpLc9Cp-_SNG9LD6luFQOyklDIqUGRBEa here are 16 last series.
No advertisers? Oh dear, I wonder what scared them off.

January 18th, 2021, 13:50
No advertisers? Oh dear, I wonder what scared them off.

Ratings... Gallup.

January 18th, 2021, 13:52
Ratings... Gallup.I do love a man with a sense of humour.

January 18th, 2021, 14:00
I do love a man with a sense of humour.

It's your problem. Please take your head from your ass and look at Russia: the main difference of Russia and West is - here is no 50/50 public, main part of population supports Putin. By any measurement: state or private, Russian or Western. At 2000 - 2010 it was over 80% of support. What brand will be so stupid for to support show against him in this situation? It will means to loose customers. It is like to advertise pork hamburgers in UAE.

January 18th, 2021, 14:03
It's your problem. Please take your head from your ass and look at Russia: the main difference of Russia and West is - here is no 50/50 public, main part of population supports Putin. By any measurement: state or private, Russian or Western. At 2000 - 2010 it was over 80% of support. What brand will be so stupid for to support show against him in this situation? It will means to loose customers.If you control the opinion polls any result is possible.

January 18th, 2021, 14:06
If you control the opinion polls any result is possible.

Uh, yeah. Russia installed US president on elections and controls Gallup via him. Correct?

January 18th, 2021, 14:10
Uh, yeah. Russia installed US president on elections and controls Gallup via him. Correct?
We live in a post-truth world. The only things that matter are perceptions, and those who use social media are intent on shaping perceptions. Truth does not matter, it’s all propaganda.

January 18th, 2021, 14:17
We live in a post-truth world. The only things that matter are perceptions, and those who use social media are intent on shaping perceptions. Truth does not matter, it’s all propaganda.

I agree with that. Today on Reuters WIRE "news" about "Chinese tragedy" - 7 days 100+ cases of corona in 1.5-billions-populated country. And no one word about 137000 cases yesterday in US - country what is 5 times smaller by population. 137000 daily cases and no one word - everything is under control, why to disturb readers? But 100 cases on the opposite part of the world are tragedy what worthy to be on Reuters wire.


January 18th, 2021, 14:26
I agree with that. Today on Reuters WIRE "news" about "Chinese tragedy" - 7 days 100+ cases of corona in 1.5-billions-populated country. And no one word about 137000 cases yesterday in US - country what is 5 times smaller by population. 137000 daily cases and no one word - everything is under control, why to disturb readers? But 100 cases on the opposite part of the world are tragedy what worthy to be on Reuters wire.Buddhism would help you see how ephemeral and superficial everything you are saying is.

January 18th, 2021, 21:01
Besides, if you think the protesters in the US are bad now, just wait until if / when Biden kicks the bucket and they end up with a black female Democrat as President. That's really going to piss them off. :)

Nirish guy
January 18th, 2021, 21:21
Besides, if you think the protesters in the US are bad now...... they end up with a black female Democrat as President. That's really going to piss them off. :)

They should count their blessings as they could have ended up with a proper GAY as their President in the form of good old Pete Buttigieg.....although I'm not actually sure which of the two would annoy them more ........suggestions on a postcard to.... MAGA Campaign headquarters, Mar a Lago, Florida :-)

January 18th, 2021, 21:49
Oh yeah, this sounds just like the BLM protests. Splitting image, if you ask me.


A police station in St. Louris with no found intention of harming humans, or the US Capitol with every intention of murdering politicians. Potatoes petatoes, you know.

January 19th, 2021, 01:01
...gotta love u matty....no matter what...

January 19th, 2021, 17:31
Parler is working again. On Russian server.

January 19th, 2021, 21:26
Parler is working again. On Russian server.

You mean to say Russia is supportive of democracy failing in the US?

Well, no shit... would have never thought.

January 20th, 2021, 00:32
u call whats happening in the US a good example of democracy at work??? Its totally embarrassing. Half the country is boarded up, ...DC under military occupation...has civil war been declared already...

January 20th, 2021, 03:48
Parler is working again. On Russian server.Is the App back in the App store yet?