View Full Version : Re: Brexit

January 10th, 2021, 17:01
Re BREXIT Possibly some people don’t have a choice or just biding their time? I’m considering moving back to Australia after 30 years here. A German friend is moving to France she had been here longer. And possibly one of the reasons NHS front liners are understaffed as European staff quit the UK and moved back to Europe?

Nirish guy
January 10th, 2021, 18:57
While I’m not very happy with the whole Brexit thing as it’s a major pain in the ass for businesses here in Northern Ireland I’m not sure what difference it would actually make to you or your German friend as you can both still come and go both throughout the UK and also the EU with any change really ?

Genuine question - so what it is that might be forming your thinking about possibly leaving I wonder, aside from the actual “feeling” of Brexit taking place ?

January 10th, 2021, 19:23
Errr the fact we don’t feel wanted in this country? Maybe only Europeans will understand this. Many many have already left.

I heard something yesterday that made me chuckle: someone referring to the UK as a ‘‘small island trading nation’. (And of course I know British economy is/was bigger than Russian).

January 10th, 2021, 20:56
Many long-term and persistent critics of Brexit continue to live in the UK.

Yes. More than 48% of all British citizens. All those who voted against leaving Europe.

January 11th, 2021, 00:59
...there is life outside the EU...,several european countries do just well,...the English have never been very good at being bullied...can only take so much...

January 11th, 2021, 03:40
Yes. More than 48% of all British citizens. All those who voted against leaving Europe.Since voting is not compulsory in the UK the “all British citizens” claim cannot possibly be true. Does anyone know if Polly Toynbee has come through her grief counselling sessions?

January 11th, 2021, 05:23
Brexit is largely psychological. The actual differences it will make are almost negligible and over the next few decades even those will probably disappear. In the end the whole thing hinged upon fish and even that came down to the political equivalent of 'no, of course we don't want to do that, just the right to'.

We are indeed a "small island trading nation" or as Napoleon said "a nation of shopkeepers". That is exactly why the British economy is the 6th largest in the world. compared to population 21st and land mass 80th.

January 11th, 2021, 05:35
72% of those eligible to vote did so, which means that 35% of all voters were against Brexit. At the last General Election the Tories’ slogan was “Get Brexit Done” and they won by a thumping majority. The phrase “sore losers” springs to mind when considering the OP. As well, this week’s Economist (an anti-Brexit magazine) reports few non-Brits actually returning to their home countries. It’s a threat reminiscent of all those posturing lefties who announced they’d be moving to Canada when Trump won in 2016. It didn’t happen.

January 11th, 2021, 06:31
Cool, so Brexit finally happened. So I guess that means the NHS is cash rich again now, right? That was Fiarge's promise after all...

January 11th, 2021, 07:49
Cool, so Brexit finally happened. So I guess that means the NHS is cash rich again now, right? That was Fiarge's promise after all...I know from previous rants that you don’t expect everyone here to believe everything you say about, for example, your blindness so why do you think politicians should be trusted to deliver slogan-style policies? Good old “Fiarge” by the way. Remind us all what government post he now fills that would enable him to deliver on any of those promises.

Nirish guy
January 11th, 2021, 16:35
Plus it was Boris who promised that " £350 million a week would / could now be "taken back" from the EU and given to the NHS" - needless to say like most other things where Boris is concerned it's now quite apparently that he simply lied through his teeth re that !( as he does about most other things too it seems too when it suits him and says just whatever the hell suits in in the heat of the moment) !

I currently have a load of Customs declarations forms that I'm currently filling in to bring my companies usual supplier deliveries in from Manchester to Belfast - his "word" was that I / we definitely wouldn't have to do that under his "deal" and should I be asked to by the EU I was to rip up their forms and post him to him for returning to them unanswered ! If it wasn't such waste of paper I wish the whole of Northern Ireland would do EXACTLY that as it would be like a 5th Avenue Confetti parade with the amount of new paper work I'm now having to deal with thanks to Brexit - and all to bring a small box of goods from Manchester to Belfast !!! CRAZY !


January 11th, 2021, 17:01
So I don't even really know, what happened about all that? The Irish border, I mean?

I guess there's customs checks now as you stated, but what about things like freedom of movement? Is there any worry about violence erupting again? What happens to the GOod Friday agreement?

January 11th, 2021, 19:08
Plus it was Boris who promised that " £350 million a week would / could now be "taken back" from the EU and given to the NHS" - needless to say like most other things where Boris is concerned it's now quite apparently that he simply lied through his teeth re that !( as he does about most other things too it seems too when it suits him and says just whatever the hell suits in in the heat of the moment) !

I currently have a load of Customs declarations forms that I'm currently filling in to bring my companies usual supplier deliveries in from Manchester to Belfast - his "word" was that I / we definitely wouldn't have to do that under his "deal" and should I be asked to by the EU I was to rip up their forms and post him to him for returning to them unanswered ! If it wasn't such waste of paper I wish the whole of Northern Ireland would do EXACTLY that as it would be like a 5th Avenue Confetti parade with the amount of new paper work I'm now having to deal with thanks to Brexit - and all to bring a small box of goods from Manchester to Belfast !!! CRAZY !

How many companies do you own that you can’t hire someone to fill in tedious paperwork?

January 11th, 2021, 23:28
...clearly stevie has never owned/run a company...ah he life of a salaried worker bee....no worries...paycheck arriving every month...

Nirish guy
January 12th, 2021, 00:52
How many companies do you own that you can’t hire someone to fill in tedious paperwork?

If i could hand someone a document and say "here, do that" then perhaps......but thanks to our inept Government the complete paper trail required now for sending anything anywhere is a total bollox, with so many areas still undeclared by the Government and lots of "updates to follow" pins on their import / export advice portal. The whole thing is just a total cluster fuck - as can be seen by the less than full shelves in our supermarkets or the 250 lorries that left N.Ireland for GB to delivery and bring back goods, for only 100 of them to make it back as GB suppliers had NO idea what paperwork to fill in or how ! So, not a question of who can do it but it being a total head fuck to actually do just now - oh and dont forget to throw in a pandemic and half the staff in every company you ring Country wide being off on furlough etc......dont even start me.......Brexit and everything to do with it can fuck right off this week if you ask me !

Nirish guy
January 12th, 2021, 01:10
So I don't even really know, what happened about all that? The Irish border, I mean?

I guess there's customs checks now as you stated, but what about things like freedom of movement? Is there any worry about violence erupting again? What happens to the GOod Friday agreement?

That's a long series of questions with multiple differing answers there Matt and for detailed answers probably best just hitting google - but in a nut shell the EU and UK Governments ended up agreeing on drawing an imaginary ( very fucking real if you ask me) border down the middle of the Irish sea between GB and Northern Ireland.

For the sake of Customs regs under the EU agreement N.I is now being thought of both as still in UK AND and BUT also in the EU from a customs union point of view ( as it was before). So, in a way we are now "out" of the EU BUT also still very much in it - some might say we have the best of both worlds whereas others might says it's a royal pain in the arse to be stuck in a customs no mans land.

There are no "actual" customs checks i.e no land border with Customs officers between Northern and Southern Ireland ( as there hasn't been for many years now ) hence the need now that NI left the EU for the 'imaginary" sea (non) border, so that both the EU and UK Customs can keep check on goods going across that same NON border from GB into Ni ( i.e all still with in the UK but our suppliers in GB now in effect needing to "EXPORT" their goods to us !) just in case those same goods i.e EVERY single item shipping in to NI !! just in case it might happen to end up going on to Southern Ireland somehow ( confusing eh )

Free movement wise we're covered under the same free movement rules as the UK but have free access to Southern Ireland and them to us, but that's a long time arrangement and nothing really to do with Brexit. Likewise holders of Irish passports who live in Northern Ireland ( which everyone here is entitled should they wish to avail of it) then also still have free movement within the EU as normal as they are still in effect are EU citizens even though they come from the UK - many UK citizens in the rest of the UK might actually be slightly jealous of that wee quirk albeit they're not admitting it though but that will depend on how long the queues are at "NON EU" passport desks once we all start travelling again perhaps !.

Re violence - who knows in this fucked up Country, but my gut feeling would be to say no, that'll not happen and that's hopefully long past us now, as "in general" most people here can't be fucked with all of that shit anymore - but of course it only takes a few head cases to plant the odd bomb or two and off we go again so who knows. But in general people have little time for all of that anymore. And re the GFA, no it's all still there, unchanged ( for what it's worth)....but that's another whole story and one I'll definitely not waste time getting into.

There, that's your lot, I hate even talking about this stuff as I'm SO done with it all.

Nirish guy
January 12th, 2021, 01:54
And just to prove ( to myself if nothing else) that I'm not dreaming just happened to be reading a report on Brexit for Northern Ireland for our of our large banks here and their synopsis was that .... "While we should expect teething problems to emerge as firms on both sides of the Irish Sea get to grips with the new trading arrangements.
"Even when these are mastered the reality is that trade will be more restricted, involve more bureaucracy, and therefore be more costly than before."

So yeah, whoever first said "Here, I've got a great idea guys.....lets leave the EU and end up worse off than we were below perhaps " ( and in the middle of a pandemic too no less) needs a good bloody kicking IMHO.

January 12th, 2021, 02:14
I feel for Nirish. Although I’m that guy who grabs the pay check every 15th of the month. I worked in Customs in Oz I vaguely remember all the paperwork needed for import/export. at least they knew what they were doing. Protecting the revenue and quarantine were the biggies back then, still is.

Boris lies through his teeth, when Mayor of London he suppressed the air quality figures. Londoners know what he’s like that’s why we didn’t vote for him. That man and his government has done so many U turns. Let’s just see what happens with the 3rd Heathrow runway he was so vehemently opposed to.

January 12th, 2021, 02:22
If i could hand someone a document and say "here, do that" then perhaps......but thanks to our inept Government the complete paper trail required now for sending anything anywhere is a total bollox, with so many areas still undeclared by the Government and lots of "updates to follow" pins on their import / export advice portal. The whole thing is just a total cluster fuck - as can be seen by the less than full shelves in our supermarkets or the 250 lorries that left N.Ireland for GB to delivery and bring back goods, for only 100 of them to make it back as GB suppliers had NO idea what paperwork to fill in or how ! So, not a question of who can do it but it being a total head fuck to actually do just now - oh and dont forget to throw in a pandemic and half the staff in every company you ring Country wide being off on furlough etc......dont even start me.......Brexit and everything to do with it can fuck right off this week if you ask me !A wonderful rant NIrish, totally true to form. In summary, the paperwork is so complicated only the General Manager or Board Chairman of Ulster companies will have the skills needed to complete it properly. It inevitably leads to the conclusion in your case that it’s just as well Thailand is making entry difficult because you’ll never, ever have the time to visit again any time before you retire.

January 12th, 2021, 02:27
...clearly stevie has never owned/run a company...ah he life of a salaried worker bee....no worries...paycheck arriving every month...I certainly know how to value my time in pound/dollar/baht terms so as to determine the cost-benefit of who should be doing any given task.

Nirish guy
January 12th, 2021, 02:40
Why do you feel the need to be such a tit sometimes when I of course said no such thing as only I could do that.

The point being that during lockdowns, furlough, pandemics and the information needed not currently existing then in small businesses ( as I’ve said many times that mine is) then just “sometimes” the buck stops with the owner of the firm to step up and get on with things when there’s no other obvious person or way round getting it done, it’s called taking responsibility. I’m guessing Latin may be right Re you never owning a business if you don’t already know that.

Ps Re the great rant etc ..... you’re welcome.

Now, carry on and troll away there to your hearts content freeky, it’s all water off a ducks back to me my man after the day I’ve had I assure you :-)

January 12th, 2021, 02:48
as I’ve said many times that mine isStart-up, bought or inherited?

Nirish guy
January 12th, 2021, 02:54
Why would that be any of your business ?? But since you asked - started up, you know the old fashioned way, from being employed in a job and then putting my balls on the line and leaving it to start my own company.

This by way is a thread about Brexit, where I’ve shared my view on Brexit, as I see it on the ground as it affects one part of the U.K. - and the part that is probably most affected by it - so, that’s my contribution to this thread, what has yours been I would ask ?

Nirish guy
January 12th, 2021, 03:03
It inevitably leads to the conclusion in your case that it’s just as well Thailand is making entry difficult because you’ll never, ever have the time to visit again any time before you retire.

THAT PART you may well have right at the rate things are going of late. Whether it be Brexit paperwork or having to sell a kidney to afford my next trip Thailand may it seems just have to wait!

January 12th, 2021, 03:08
Why would that be any of your business ?? But since you asked - started up, you know the old fashioned way, from being employed in a job and then putting my balls on the line and leaving it to start my own company.
Damn, that’s a bet I’ve lost with another member. Still, it accounts for your self-righteous, “holier than thou” attitude typical of so many small business owners. I recall one of my business lecturers saying that most people went into business for themselves not because they would be good at it but because they were so bloody-minded they couldn’t get on with fellow employees. He also claimed that the favourite double-entry bookkeeping entry of the small business owner is Debit Till, Credit Hip Pocket.

Nirish guy
January 12th, 2021, 03:35
God that’s one hell of a chip you have on your shoulder there, you must find it hard getting up out of a chair carrying that weight around with you. So many deep issues going on there you’d keep a shrink busy for a year I think !

Ps just out of interest DO you actually have anything to contribute to the thread Re the actual thread subject Frequent, you know BREXIT or are you just here for more of the same old trolling nonsense that you got booted off the board the last time(s) ?