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January 6th, 2021, 09:36
Over the years and of about 180+ boys four have told me that I'm the first person they smoked. I've tended to believe them, they gained nothing from it as I don't pay any extra but unlike Latin I do enjoy breaking in new talent.

N. He worked at Nice Boys and perhaps he still does. I'd avoided offing him thinking he would be disappointing. Anyway he promised he'd deliver the goods so off we went. Well, down he went and was gagging within seconds, he gathered himself and tried again with the same result. That was it. He was prepared to try again but I wouldn't let him, he'd tried and that was fair enough. Later offs with him would see his skills finely honed.

T. I'd offed him.a few times from Eros and New Cupidol where he worked for all of two days and he'd never smoked but was good company and liked to talk about motorbikes and football. Then one night he was working at Ting Tong Bar, it was 2.00am and they were just closing. I said I can off you but you have to smoke me. He replied "I've never done it before but I need money so OK" in such a matter if fact fashion that I took it to be true. He did well.

J. I'd offed him twice before. The first time was from Funny Boys where he was a go go boy and the second from Power Boys where he worked as a doorman. Neither time had he smoked but was great to be with, boyish to the nth degree and had the floppiest of floppy hair. He's also the second best kisser I've had and I've had loads. For two nights running he arrived at Power Boys. I'd give him a cigarette and say I can off you but you have to smoke me. Both times he declined. On the third night he agreed He smoked in 5 second bursts before looking at me as if to say 'is that enough?' Future offs with him have ranged from the sublime to the average but the kissing has always been worth the ticket price and the hair, oh that hair.

M. I stole him from Royal House Karaoke where after 2 auctions no one had chosen him. I put 20 baht down his pants and he offered to come with me. He would kiss but not smoke so for 1000 baht tip it was a fair deal. A Day or two later he contacted me. I said he could come to my hotel but he needed to smoke me. He agreed but speaks virtually no English so who knows. When he showed up I went through it and he said no smoking but that he'd come on the same deal as before. I said no, it was all or nothing. He stood there at the hotel car park entrance, his face deadly serious as he weighed things up for over a minute. Then he agreed. At the door to my room I went through it again, I had no interest in having any sort of disagreement in the room. After we'd showered he sat on the bed, his face told me that the enthusiasm for him sucking me off was all one way. Again I told him he didn't have to do it, that he can just get dressed and go, I wouldn't get angry with him but he stayed. I had him a further two times before fucking Coronavirus spoilt the world and we ended up having a meal together st the street food market near my hotel.

January 6th, 2021, 14:12
Anyone who enjoys, or has enjoyed, meeting our beautiful and willing Thai friends and paying a fair price for services, should take note. Respecting the guys and understanding their limits is not only the right thing to so but a process that brings its own rewards. Often these are more enduring than just an hour of sanuk.

January 6th, 2021, 15:22
Yes ,absolutely!! It is genuinely refreshing to read the compassion shown on the boy's limits.

January 6th, 2021, 15:53
My regular in Pattaya, Nom, was a pretty pathetic "sa-moker" when I first offed him. He went through the motions but was certainly not very enthusiastic. I told him not to worry if he didn't like it; there are other fun things to do.

To his credit he persevered throughout the 2 weeks I spent with him but he never really improved his technique.

When I went back for my next holiday a few months later, WOW! What a surprise! He was awesome.

"I make you happy now?"

"Where did you learn that??"

"My friend taught me. Also I watch lots of porn."

He then thanked me for not getting angry at his original lack of expertise. So sweet!

I was so happy that he went out of his way to please me, even though I told him it didn't matter. And it's not as though he thought I'd go and look for someone else because I made it perfectly clear at the end of my first holiday with him that he was the one for me.

On subsequent holidays we spent a lot of time 69'ing before the main event. And he always asked me not to tell his mates in the bar that he sa-moked. "Shhh...must be secret.". Lol.

It's all about mutual respect and making the effort to please one another. Just give and take.

And there's a bonus in this for everyone - word gets around and your reputation soars among the other guys in the bar. And even though they know you won't be offing them, they become much more friendly and treat you really nicely.

I LOVED all those guys in Eros where Nom used to work. I hope they all found jobs when Eros closed.

January 6th, 2021, 17:25
Some great ‘smokers’ at old Eros boys. One lad Bank kissed great and ‘smoked’ great too considering he was ‘man’

January 6th, 2021, 17:53
Some great ‘smokers’ at old Eros boys. One lad Bank kissed great and ‘smoked’ great too considering he was ‘man’

I believe I witnessed that, certainly a sight I have tried to forget!

January 6th, 2021, 19:05
Anyone who enjoys, or has enjoyed, meeting our beautiful and willing Thai friends and paying a fair price for services, should take note. Respecting the guys and understanding their limits is not only the right thing to so but a process that brings its own rewards.

I am very happy to respect limits, but there needs to be full honesty. If a guy agrees to provide certain services, he should provide them, assuming the customer maintains good hygiene.
It's fairly common for guys to say "I do everything".
When going through item by item, it turns out everything can exclude kissing or other oral services.

Now a boy is entitled to decide what he will do and what he won't do. I just prefer to have that conversation before he gets to the bedroom.

I've offed a couple of lads from bars, where there was some minor celebration as it was his first time.

January 7th, 2021, 00:39
I always thought the owner/manager of the bars/massage houses, had the newbies perform/taught before the began working there...guess I am totally wrong after reading the above...

January 7th, 2021, 01:59
in response to saint arsenal and saint a447...u guys may have the time and patience....but I certainly dont....am more with goji...am no trainer..they gotta come fully trained and lubed up and bubble butted...ready to perform...as far as I'm concerned oral, kissing, anal is all expected...nithing special..part of the regular menu....afterall they suppoosed to be specialists...and with the easy access to porn they can learn it all in a day...

January 7th, 2021, 03:38
I am very happy to respect limits, but there needs to be full honesty. If a guy agrees to provide certain services, he should provide them, assuming the customer maintains good hygiene.
It's fairly common for guys to say "I do everything".
When going through item by item, it turns out everything can exclude kissing or other oral services.It’s simpler to say “no kiss/whatever, no tip” before agreeing to take the boy off. That’s why the Apps (and Google Translate) are my preferred tool if I’m seeking some variety beyond my standard harem.

January 7th, 2021, 05:17
latin wrote.
"saint arsenal"

Saint Arsenal. I like it. The patron saint of money boys.

January 7th, 2021, 06:39
Saint Arsenal. I like it. The patron saint of money boys.Be careful what you wish for. Saints are those who have already gone to Heaven, a sexless place (Matthew 22:30).

January 7th, 2021, 10:10
latin wrote.
"saint arsenal"

Saint Arsenal. I like it. The patron saint of money boys.

Maybe we should have a special day every year to celebrate St. Arsenal's day, with a parade around Jomtien Complex a few times. You would of course be carried in a palanquin ( Litter ) by four sexy money boys,with the streets lined by the lustful and admirers waving little rainbow flags. Of course there would have to be police presence for crowd control and to manage the worldwide media! We'd need a special prayer to our patron Saint Arsenal to grant our desires.

January 7th, 2021, 14:19
There can be no saints without sinners so let us also have a parade in honour of our very own Dark Lord.

It could be led by Latin's "fully trained and lubed up and bubble butted...ready to perform" money boys seated, naturally, on ponies.

January 7th, 2021, 14:52
And I'll make sure I'm there so I can write a report on the parade!

January 7th, 2021, 16:18
It's official,we've all lost the plot!

January 7th, 2021, 21:37
I vaguely remember I once was a boy's first customer, and everyone applauded when I offed him.

And I remember a new boy entering the bar accompanied by staff, with eyes wide as saucers.

Years ago in Prachuap Khiri Khan, I had one boy who claimed I was his first sexual contact, and that might well have been the case considering how awkward everything was.

Last week I had a boy in Battambang who claimed I was his second sexual contact, and he never got fucked but wanted to try and begged me to fuck him which I declined. I told him to practice with a carrot and we can do in a month.

January 7th, 2021, 22:00
Last week I had a boy in Battambang who claimed I was his second sexual contact, and he never got fucked but wanted to try and begged me to fuck him which I declined. I told him to practice with a carrot and we can do in a month.

Lol Lol

I would loved to have seen the look on his face when you told him to use a carrot !!!

Him being a newbie ,he replied: "A carrot, but there's nothing wrong with my eyesight" ?

January 7th, 2021, 22:04
On balance, my experiences with guys who jave been in the trade for a while have been better than the ones who get cheered out of the bar for their first off. It's so much easier when the other guy knows what to do and has been "run in" as well.

Brad the Impala
January 8th, 2021, 00:12
Indeed. It must be strange enough to have sex with a farang who is as old as your father or grandfather, without it also being your first time to lift a shirt!

January 8th, 2021, 00:51
You held out for unsafe sex.
Quite a saint.

January 8th, 2021, 02:22
guess its a kink like any other...straight boys...1st time...old/young.....personally i insist they come fully trained...all bright eyed bubbled butted and lubed up....willing to do muy bidding...sole focus should be on my pleasure...i should feel totally uninhibited and free to do what i like without the slightest hint of criticism from the mb...thats why we patronise whores...so we can do stuff that the wife will not.
BTW...have been there more than once....totally annoying...all I wanna do is get on with it...at my pace....

January 8th, 2021, 17:02
. I told him to practice with a carrot and we can do in a month.

Training plan:
first week: a carrot
second week: a banana
third week: a cucumber
fourth week: an aubergine

After a month he will be ready for boom-boom!

January 8th, 2021, 17:53
Salad days.

https://www.dictionary.com/browse/salad-days#:~:text=salad%20days.%20See%20more%20synonyms %20for%20salad%20days,lost%20the%20immature%20atti tudes%20of%20his%20salad%20days.

January 8th, 2021, 18:04
I would loved to have seen the look on his face when you told him to use a carrot !!!
The carrot was artistic liberty.

I vaguely remember the first time I got fucked (actually it took three attempts by three different boys) and told him it will hurt and we cannot do it now.

The real reason was that I felt that the my time between penetrational hardness and ejaculation would be too short for me to enjoy it.

Nirish guy
January 8th, 2021, 18:28
Speaking of cucumbers ....that reminded me of a time many years ago when I was staying over at a girlfriends house for some hot action ( go figure) we’d ended up using a cucumber on her, when finished late at night we both dropped off to sleep but I noticed the cucumber had wilted somewhat and had all sorts of fluids all over it.

Anyways, so I got up the next morning, showered and as I was leaving my girl gave me my “piece” ( my sandwiches ) for my lunch later - and as I opened my lunchbox at 1pm, what was the filling fir my sandwiches, yep, you guessed it cucumber sandwiches, made from from THAT cucumber!

The dirty bitch :-) - I didn’t know whether to be disgusted or turned on ( actually I’m sure it was a little bit of both probably knowing me back then ( and now ) :-).

And before anyone asks NO, I didn’t eat them ! But that to be fair was more just as I don’t like cucumber sandwiches more than anything else ! :-) lol

January 8th, 2021, 18:56
Mothers often remind their children not to play with their food.

January 9th, 2021, 00:45
Mothers often remind their children not to play with their food.
There’s plenty of protein in cum.

January 9th, 2021, 01:44
...a g/friend...yuck....

January 9th, 2021, 02:39
While we’re on the topic of sex and food, let’s not forget the episode of the peach in Call me by your name

Nirish guy
January 9th, 2021, 02:41
...a g/friend...yuck....

And there I thought you were a fuck anything that moves and a try anything once kinda guy, perhaps you're more vanilla than you like to think ! :-)

January 9th, 2021, 03:51
And there I thought you were a fuck anything that moves and a try anything once kinda guy, perhaps you're more vanilla than you like to think ! :-)All mouth, no trousers OR as the Americans say, All hat, no cattle.

January 9th, 2021, 14:58
...I've got standards...unless its a group thing with then odd vagina support system thrown in...there is no way im gonna do the whole chopped liver thing...im no lesbian..

January 9th, 2021, 18:59
There’s plenty of protein in cum.

and the zinc and calcium in semen actually help to prevent tooth decay

and the old joke about desperate sex workers swallow because it is at least a "hot meal"

Nirish guy
January 9th, 2021, 19:13
...I've got standards...

Since WHEN !!!! ?? :)

Nirish guy
January 9th, 2021, 19:16
and the zinc and calcium in semen actually help to prevent tooth decay

On that note I was having a conversation with my friendly dentist the other day who in the course of conversation happened to drop in the fact that apparently dentists can tell when their clients have been sucking dick !!!

Something to do with the pattern of the abrasions and small bruising that appear on the inside of the mouth tongue and throat ! So, the next time you're in for a filling just know that THEY know that's not the only thing you were getting filled probably that week !!! :-)

* PS I've very friendly with my dentist as you can imagine to even be having a conversation like that !:-) Either that or he was trying to wind me up to see did I throw my hands up and confess just perhaps - HA chance would be a fine thing these days mind ! :)

January 9th, 2021, 19:44
"Locked jaw" may well happen if you deeply throat like a maniac too often and all of a sudden the mandibular joints slip out of the sockets and your compassionate dentist will have to push the jaw back to the original place with a gentle advice to refrain from giving blow jobs wantonly for the next six weeks.

Cock rings have been known to cause abrasive lacerations of the palate, cheeks, lips and throat. Ensure jewellery grade adornments of exquisite craftsmanship.

January 9th, 2021, 20:37
...I've got standards...

Everything's relative, I guess! Lol

January 10th, 2021, 03:58
and the zinc and calcium in semen actually help to prevent tooth decay.Zinc supplements have been recommended in some quarters to strengthen the immune system. Surely teeth-strengthening would require using semen in the mouth in the style of a mouth wash before swallowing?

January 10th, 2021, 04:01
On that note I was having a conversation with my friendly dentist the other day who in the course of conversation happened to drop in the fact that apparently dentists can tell when their clients have been sucking dick !!!

Something to do with the pattern of the abrasions and small bruising that appear on the inside of the mouth tongue and throat Did you check the date of your appointment? If true I’d confess that my diet includes Isaan sausage regularly.