View Full Version : CBD and jet lag

January 2nd, 2021, 18:53
Has anyone had experience using CBD to ease jet lag?

January 3rd, 2021, 08:19
Has anyone had experience using CBD to ease jet lag?

If you're referring to CBD oil (cannabidiol ) or hemp oil, which is contained in marijuana, then I doubt it would do anything to ease jet lag. I would frequently smoke a joint after a long flight to Thailand, and, with the exception of giving me a buzz and the desire to devour 10 bags of potato chips in a single sitting, it did very little to ease the jet lag.

The best cure for jet lag is to get drunk on your first night after the long flight...bounce around on the bed with a naked brown boy...and then sleep the entire next day. Works like a charm.

January 3rd, 2021, 09:58
I take a gummy bear once in a while, and can't really see it helping with jet lag. Gives you a nice mellow buzz, but can't see it really helping you fall asleep unless you're already tired. Your mileage may differ though.

It's actually quite handy marijuana is legal now. At the local strip mall, just between the bank and a subway is a weed store. :)

January 3rd, 2021, 19:42
Dodger, totally agree with you! 'Get drunk and ....'

Google CBD and jet lag turns up a number of interesting articles including a guy flying from Chiang Mai to the US:


January 3rd, 2021, 20:42
Agree to USA takes ~30 hours and only one time could I hey more than 10 minutes of sleep sitting upright in a plane seat.
I arrive looking like death.

Then with all the excitement I get about 4-5 hours sleep the first day there.
Next time I am going to be rocking Benadryl (Valium/Diphenhydramine HCl).
Sleep like a baby.

January 5th, 2021, 20:45
I would think the last thing on anyone's mind would be JET LAG....14 days in hotel quarantine.......the expense of it......getting the vaccine shot......getting a flight either in or out of the country....seems the jet lag is not so important....

January 6th, 2021, 07:24
14 days of solitude in a hotel should be plenty of time to get over jet lag.
Surely in 6 months time things will begin to change, hopefully for the better.
But I know Thailand will be a couple months behind us in vaccinations.

January 20th, 2021, 18:27
numerous studies:


January 20th, 2021, 20:35
14 days of solitude in a hotel should be plenty of time to get over jet lag.

It's 15 nights.

I didn't sleep well during quarantine, which was unexpected.
The bed was comfy. I got up between 7:45 and 8:30 every day. Walked at least a mile by 10:00 am, plus a few more miles later in the day. Drank less coffee than normal and had melatonin from those very efficient people at iHerb. The melatonin normally helps the jet lag problem.

The first night out of quarantine, no problem.

I believe a board member quarantining in another country didn't sleep too well either.

January 21st, 2021, 04:05
Never have noticed the slightest effect from melatonin.
I prefer Benadryl/diphenhydramine as a sleep aid occasionally.

January 22nd, 2021, 08:11
Way back in the 1980s, Ronald Reagan's doctors were concerned how the President would cope with the long trip to Tokyo. So they devised a special diet for him that they believed would help counter jetlag. It was a complicated regimen that had to start three days before travel and involved times when caffeine could be taken, alternating feast days and fast days, exposure to light and other small things. The day of the flight would be a fast day permitting a maximum of 800 calories.

Reagan survived that trip and seemed reasonably coherent on arrival. So a slim book 'The Jet Lag Diet' was published supposedly to help other long haul travellers. I bought it and thought I'd try it. On the first long flight, I was a bit late checking in and was delighted to be upgraded to first class. But this was a fast day. Looking at the menu starting with caviar and the wine list with some fabulous wines, I had to decide did I stick to the diet or ditch it and just gorge myself. It took little more than a second to ditch the diet. I ate and drank everything arriving at my destination 12 hours later somewhat the worse for wear. After a short sleep in my hotel, I woke up feeling great with virtually no jet lag. The book ended up in the trash can.

January 30th, 2021, 23:54
The bottom line is, if you want to avoid jet lag when going to Thailand, fly first class.