View Full Version : Pattaya Lockdown Again

December 30th, 2020, 13:19


December 30th, 2020, 13:53
Welcome to the club, glad you all could join us.

December 30th, 2020, 17:35
All bars must close until further notice!

December 30th, 2020, 18:20
Considering the remaining bars this basically means Jomtien Complex

December 30th, 2020, 19:33
Considering the remaining bars this basically means Jomtien Complex

Pattaya as an entertainment resort is finished. This latest lockdown will make sure of that.

December 30th, 2020, 21:38
Having arrived in Pattaya less than 24 hours previously this shutdown this was naturally disheartening.

This afternoon I walked down Pattaya South Road past Walking Street then along Beach Road. After a bit I decided to return via a favourite restaurant near Boyztown which I was amazed to find open. So I decided to eat and drink there! Fortunately they said they are open tomorrow onwards.

After that at about 8 pm I walked through BT and this is what I saw ..pic below. It’s taken from Panorama and Castro is on the right and Ambiance is on the left. Maybe MFAS has got his wish already! Not exactly the pic I promised to send Arsenal a few weeks ago as I walked through BT!!

Along Pattaya Tai I did see a few places were open so decided for old times sake to take a walk through Sunne Plaza. Was somewhat surprised to see the Green Chairs had been open and was closing up (it was about 8.30) and as I walked past there I saw a lot of activity outside Winner Bar.

As I got closer I could see about 6 farangs outside and about 10 boys also sitting outside. Great I thought.

As they all ignored my question as to whether it was open (boys included) I could see I was certainly not welcome for some reason. As I walked off someone with an American accent said they were using up some food brought in for the cancelled New Year. Thank you for the explanation....

My favourite Hamburger Lady near Sunne was open so I enjoyed a burger and beer there.

Welcome to Pattaya.

December 30th, 2020, 21:38
Nil desperandum.

The premises will still be there when the customers return to Thailand. And the working guys (and girls) will still need the dosh to support Mama and Papa , whether it be in Isaan , Vientianne or Siam Reap.

After all, it's not as if Thailand is alone in taking this hit. Entertainment everywhere is struggling and when the good times roll, lots of punters will have money in their pockets.

It may well be that flights will be fewer, more expensive and more crowded. But I'll start worrying about that later.

December 30th, 2020, 22:13
My favourite Hamburger Lady near Sunne was open so I enjoyed a burger and beer there.
Welcome to Pattaya.

So basically you went through all the hoops to get a cheap burger and a beer.....Welcome to Pattaya....Lol

December 30th, 2020, 22:16
Gerefan2, your trip was always going to be a gamble as we all know how unpredictable this virus is and things change very quickly.

Still it's sad things haven't worked out for you.

I hope you can salvage something, even if it's just enjoying the food.

Don't forget the apps. The guys still need an income and should be very eager to please.

Best of luck!

December 30th, 2020, 22:21
So basically you went through all the hoops to get a cheap burger and a beer.....Welcome to Pattaya....Lol

You just love it don’t you?

Actually I, and I believe goji, both came here to avoid the UK winter and everything that goes with it. I assume you’re here for the culture and the cynicism?

As far as I’m concerned, i’m not missing the UK weather or anything else there. As AK47 says there are still the apps!!

December 30th, 2020, 22:31
The new lockdown is just the icing on the cake, the scene has been deteriorating for years and took a big hit with the first Covid lookdown but some refused to believe those here so you got what you deserve! As for you saying I got my wish you are very wrong as I am actively looking for alternatives to Thailand.

December 31st, 2020, 00:25
I am actively looking for alternatives to Thailand.

When you have found somewhere akin to Thailand, please let us know. I also want to go there!

Brad the Impala
December 31st, 2020, 00:44
The new lockdown is just the icing on the cake, the scene has been deteriorating for years and took a big hit with the first Covid lookdown but some refused to believe those here so you got what you deserve! As for you saying I got my wish you are very wrong as I am actively looking for alternatives to Thailand.

You've been actively looking for alternatives for years! Your jaundiced view of your life as an expat in Thailand permeates your posts. I wish you could find somewhere to be happy soon!

Nirish guy
December 31st, 2020, 00:46
Having arrived in Pattaya less than 24 hours previously this shutdown this was naturally disheartening.

Sorry to hear the start of your trip has developed as it has Gerefan2 BUT as you rightly point out the bars being opened or closed isn't the be all and end all of everything and I too would STILL say your trip was worthwhile. I totally agree with you that I too would much rather find myself IN Thailand, with warm weather, cute guys around every corner still if you bother to look ( I presume) - and ones who are maybe more keen than EVER to meet up AND you've got the beach and generally relaxing and enjoying NOT being in the UK and our lockdown by any other name.

So whether the bars are closed or not I STILL think you made the right decision and I've no doubt you'll still more than enjoy your time there - and in fact perhaps without the hangovers and late nights in clubs maybe even MORE SO than you might even expect ! I certainly hope so anyway.

But do please though keep posting pics, no matter how bad they might make the place look, warts and all, as it is great that you're there to give us a true picture of things - and just assuming that we do remember then that no matter how bad things might "look" we've no doubt it's it's still fun for you - no matter what old tired and jaded MFAS seems to think now about being anywhere in Thailand it seems .......

Brad the Impala
December 31st, 2020, 01:03
Sorry to hear the start of your trip has developed as it has Gerefan2 BUT as you rightly point out the bars being opened or closed isn't the be all and end all of everything and I too would STILL say your trip was worthwhile. I totally agree with you that I too would much rather find myself IN Thailand, with warm weather, cute guys around every corner still if you bother to look ( I presume) - and ones who are maybe more keen than EVER to meet up AND you've got the beach and generally relaxing and enjoying NOT being in the UK.

But do please though keep posting pics, no matter how bad they might make the place look, warts and all, as it is great that you're there to give us a true picture of things - and just assuming that we do remember then that no matter how bad things might "look" we've no doubt it's it's still fun for you - no matter what old tired and jaded MFAS seems to think now about being anywhere in Thailand it seems .......

Agree completely! It's good to feel oneself in your or Goji's shoes.

Although, from the sex point of view, should such a thing be of interest, I would still wonder, given our probable ages, whether I would indulge and if so so what precautions I might take! Of course a mask can be a turn on for some people, and the face in the pillow, or pillow biter(see Jeremy Thorpe), can be a turn on for others. Of course kissing is not a safe activity, but how about cock sucking?! Is precum, if it appears, capable of providing covid transmission to me or him?

As I go through the alternatives I do think that, if I was there, I might just have to settle for a masked massage and a masked hand job. Although with such handsome and horny guys readily available, it would require an element of self control and willpower that I fear I don't possess for guys.

December 31st, 2020, 02:18
Given the choice of being in Pattaya or here in the UK with -3°C temperatures and with worse to come, I know where I would choose. You definitely made the right decision gerefan2. And, if you follow the advice given by NIrish-guy and Brad the Impala, you won’t go far wrong. :)


PS Probably an unfair photo comparison, but if your next photo is that of a beach or a swimming pool and a partial shot of you and your new best friend enjoying cocktails, then many of us not in Thailand will be green with envy.

Nirish guy
December 31st, 2020, 03:07
whether I would indulge and if so so what precautions I might take........

!!! I have to confess that THAT side of things never even crossed my mind and I was concentrating on transmission all being a one way risk ( us to them) but of COURSE the alternative risk is also something now that one would probably be wise to think about as well :( And I have to say IF they outcome of that decision was to not avail of the locals services I think I might have to downgrade my better there than here to an "only just" better as being there and deciding NOT to shag the locals could in fact turn out to several weeks of HELL perhaps ! :-) But hey at least you've still got the nice weather and the beach .......he said always trying to look on the bright side of things...

December 31st, 2020, 04:01
Gerefan2 /Goji, I'm genuinely sorry to hear how things have turned out regarding the lockdown in Pattaya,but as others have pointed out here you still have the APPS and the good weather, so those are a huge plus in themselves compared to staying at home. Who knows you might meet the boy of your dreams and stay together for the duration of your trip. Lets face it, for many of us you guys still have the main draw card "at your disposal" i.e. the boys! Enjoy.

December 31st, 2020, 04:37
Why are some acting so doom and gloom here, as if this is permanently the end, or something?

Pro tip -- Prostition isn't going away. It's the oldest professional on the planet, and if anything, it's going to pick up massively once this whole KoVid thing finishes up. There's going to be a lot of disruption and unemployment around, so finding people willing to take their pants off won't be exactly difficult in the future.

December 31st, 2020, 05:20
Why are some acting so doom and gloom here, as if this is permanently the end, or something?

Pro tip -- Prostition isn't going away. It's the oldest professional on the planet, and if anything, it's going to pick up massively once this whole KoVid thing finishes up. There's going to be a lot of disruption and unemployment around, so finding people willing to take their pants off won't be exactly difficult in the future.
difficThere’s nothing specifically Thai about the oldest profession. I’ve always thought Eastern Europe a potential playground for Europeans and the Americas south of Texas the obvious hunting ground for North Americans.

December 31st, 2020, 05:45
Americas south of Texas the obvious hunting ground for North Americans.

Yeah, but they speak English, so then you're stuck actually having to converse with them.

I'm kidding, of course.

December 31st, 2020, 06:36
Yeah, but they speak English, so then you're stuck actually having to converse with them. Matt's conversation topics with Thai boys (in Thai)

How Bitcoin works - the theory and practice of the distributed ledger
Privacy and social media
The US electoral college and its potential application as a model for Thailand
Does God exist?
Pikkety and social cohesion

Thai boys' conversation topics with Matt

You think too much

December 31st, 2020, 06:39
"Pattaya has faced many crises in the past. She has been rubbished by international travel magazines as the worst destination in Asia, haunted by the international press as a paradise for criminals, threatened with extinction by the AIDS crisis and denounced for its pollution and wastefulness. Pattaya survived all these stereotypical assaults because she is forever changing and evolving to capture new markets. The city which arises from the Covid-19 pandemic will be different again. But arise she surely will."
Barry Kenyon


December 31st, 2020, 06:42
"Pattaya has faced many crises in the past. She has been rubbished by international travel magazines as the worst destination in Asia, haunted by the international press as a paradise for criminals, threatened with extinction by the AIDS crisis and denounced for its pollution and wastefulness.”The truth often hurts.

December 31st, 2020, 07:40
You've been actively looking for alternatives for years! Your jaundiced view of your life as an expat in Thailand permeates your posts. I wish you could find somewhere to be happy soon!

Happy New Yea Brad. You have posted on this board for many years and have not been here for about the same time so I understand you post here for the sociability aspect and obviously at you age great joy can be had merely by a good bowel movement.

December 31st, 2020, 09:46
Come on, mfas - admit it. Your Schadenfreude at gerefan2's predicament was uncalled for.

Here in Western Australia life goes on as normal- no lockdown. Also the daily temperature is above 40 degrees. So I completely forgot about the fact that people in the UK are dealing with winter weather and a very strict lock own.

Given that situation you and goji (did he make it?) are most probably better off in Thailand, bars or no bars.

You could do worse that find yourselves sitting under a tree at the beach, beer in one hand and gorgeous guy from the apps in the other.

I'd be there too, if only Australia would open is borders.

December 31st, 2020, 10:20
Come on, mfas - admit it. Your Schadenfreude at gerefan2's predicament was uncalled for.An interesting concept a447 - “called-for” schadenfreude.

December 31st, 2020, 12:33
Gerefan2 & Goji,

I've always believed that hidden behind every disappointment in life - is an opportunity just waiting to be found.

I know if I was in your shoes I would be pleased as hell just to miss a Chicago Winter, and, regardless of the bar closures in Pattaya, there are certainly a host of other opportunities to stretch ones legs (or someone's legs) and have a great time.

Just because the bars are closed doesn't meant the "boys" are gone. Even if you're not fans of the cruising apps, you could very well hookup with your "dream boy" just by giving it a try. As long as Dongtan Beach is still open, there's always the chance of meeting someone special who's doing the same thing you are - looking to hookup. Granted, you're not going to see as many boys, but all it takes is one to turn things around.

Good luck to both of you. You're in a better place now than you were before - and once you get a naked brown boy bouncing in your beds (if you haven't already) the last thing on your minds will be memories of home..

Enjoy to the max.

December 31st, 2020, 12:53
Along Pattaya Tai I did see a few places were open so decided for old times sake to take a walk through Sunne Plaza. Was somewhat surprised to see the Green Chairs had been open and was closing up (it was about 8.30) and as I walked past there I saw a lot of activity outside Winner Bar.

As I got closer I could see about 6 farangs outside and about 10 boys also sitting outside. Great I thought.

As they all ignored my question as to whether it was open (boys included) I could see I was certainly not welcome for some reason. As I walked off someone with an American accent said they were using up some food brought in for the cancelled New Year. Thank you for the explanation....

My favourite Hamburger Lady near Sunne was open so I enjoyed a burger and beer there.

Welcome to Pattaya.

So that was you gerefan! The club was closed for business, just a private party primarily for the staff to give them a farewell going away as a result of the new lockdown. A couple of the farang were not English speakers which is why one American responded to your inquiry. I believe everyone was expecting the owner to reply to you but, as he is also not an English speaker, he may not have understood fully.

As for the Hamburger Lady, that is the first time I have seen her open in some time so you did luck out in that respect.

December 31st, 2020, 13:18
Fear not gerefan2 the local government has decided to meet Jan 14 do discuss the ongoing status of this second lockdown, many a cheap burger and a beer can be consumed between now and then!

December 31st, 2020, 14:03
An interesting concept a447 - “called-for” schadenfreude.

Well, no more interesting than talking about "bridled" joy or a "mitigated" disaster.

December 31st, 2020, 15:39
Fear not gerefan2 the local government has decided to meet Jan 14 do discuss the ongoing status of this second lockdown, many a cheap burger and a beer can be consumed between now and then!Only slightly less confined to a hotel room than when in quarantine.

December 31st, 2020, 18:16
Pattaya lockdown:
Coffee shop -Open
Dongtan beach -Open
Phone apps -Open

Apparently restaurants are now allowed to open again, so I shall investegate shortly. If not, I have a microwave in the appartment.

Seems OK to me.

December 31st, 2020, 18:42
Thankfully restaurants can reopen.....government should have thought this through as New Years Eve and Day are money makers for restaurants now they are in disarray.

Jomtien Complex:

December 31st, 2020, 18:51
Pattaya lockdown:
Coffee shop -Open
Dongtan beach -Open
Phone apps -Open

Apparently restaurants are now allowed to open again, so I shall investegate shortly. If not, I have a microwave in the appartment.

Seems OK to me.

What more does man need!

A Beach - a Boy - and a Beer (not necessarily in that order).

December 31st, 2020, 19:29
What more does man need!

A Beach - a Boy - a Beer and a viagra (not necessarily in that order)....

December 31st, 2020, 19:41
"What more does man need!

A Beach - a Boy - and a Beer (not necessarily in that order)."


As Osker Wild said.
"A man who is tired of Pattaya is tired of life."

"A walk on the beach without a boy is a good walk ruined."

"I cannot resist tempting things."

"Never off anyone who treats you like you're ordinary."

And of course his most famous quote.
"We will off them from the beaches.
We will off them from the bars.
We will off them from the streets and we will off them from their cars.
We will never surrender our libido."

December 31st, 2020, 21:17
As Osker Wild said.
"A man who is tired of Pattaya is tired of life."What a priceless end to a fascinating year. It’s a reflection I suppose that the Forum is hardly Dr Johnson’s Club

January 1st, 2021, 02:43
arsenal is a total poet...churchill would have been real proud

January 1st, 2021, 04:35
arsenal is a total poet...churchill would have been real proudEvocative of the line uttered by a minor character in Four weddings and a funeral “the novels of Wordsworth”.

January 1st, 2021, 09:27
Just got "Balcony Pub News.
Bangkok has no lockdown/closures.

Why Pattaya?

January 1st, 2021, 10:30
Just got "Balcony Pub News.
Bangkok has no lockdown/closures.

Why Pattaya?

Pattaya is in Chonburi Province, all provincial governors can close down their individual provinces of which Chonburi as of late has many new Covid infections.

January 1st, 2021, 12:16
Apparently restaurants are now allowed to open again, so I shall investegate shortly.

Yes, you are correct.

The mayor of Chonburi just announced that all restaurants in Pattaya can reopen...dining in OK...alcohol OK.

January 1st, 2021, 14:35
Yes, you are correct.

The mayor of Chonburi just announced that all restaurants in Pattaya can reopen...dining in OK...alcohol OK.

I can confirm that!
Restaurants are open in my neighborhood!.

Nirish guy
January 3rd, 2021, 08:19
Post as just placed on Richard Barrows blog and Bangkok Post etc in case it may affect anyone in Pattaya........( Gerefan2 / Goji etc perhaps Re travel)

”Ministry of Public Health will ask the CCSA to impose lockdown restrictions on the eastern provinces of Rayong, Chonburi & Chanthaburi for 28 days to stop the continuing surge of Covid-19 infections.”


January 3rd, 2021, 09:30
Why do they keep announcing lockdowns prematurely like this? Have we not learned?

Again, for a prime example look what happened when Boris Johnson announced teir 4 lockdowns in London. Everyone crowded on the trains to get out of London. Same thing happened here in Canada when BC decided to close itself off to the rest of the country for a little while, although not on a large scale.

If you're going to lock an area down, then just do it without notice. Those deserving of exemptions can get them.

January 3rd, 2021, 09:36
Post as just placed on Richard Barrows blog and Bangkok Post etc in case it may affect anyone in Pattaya........( Gerefan2 / Goji etc perhaps Re travel)

”Ministry of Public Health will ask the CCSA to impose lockdown restrictions on the eastern provinces of Rayong, Chonburi & Chanthaburi for 28 days to stop the continuing surge of Covid-19 infections.”

I never bother with driving around but friends tell me road blocks are being set up on the main roads in and out of Bangkok.

Nirish guy
January 5th, 2021, 02:59
And should anyone in Pattaya be thinking of a quick get away trip to Koh Lan it seems you can scrub that idea now as well.

From Richard Burrows blog ...

“BREAKING : Koh Lan, a small island off the coast of Pattaya will be put into lockdown from 5-20 January 2021. All resorts are told to clear out their guests today. Only local people allowed to remain. Curfew is 10pm-5am”.

January 5th, 2021, 21:57
Beach Road without the prostitutes and Ladyboys and Walking Street at 9.30 pm.

You could actually get quite used to it!

Nirish guy
January 5th, 2021, 22:39
WOW ! Really brings it home. I think though if I was the mayor I'd be having all my road crews in working ( safely of course - or not!) and get every road that needs repaired done NOW whilst they can ! No traffic, no crowds, must be a road repairs crew dream situation!

January 5th, 2021, 22:55
WOW ! Really brings it home. I think though if I was the mayor I'd be having all my road crews in working ( safely of course - or not!) and get every road that needs repaired done NOW whilst they can ! No traffic, no crowds, must be a road repairs crew dream situation!

This is exactly what is occurring at the moment road construction is going on all over Pattaya.

Marc K
January 6th, 2021, 03:18
Beach Road without the prostitutes and Ladyboys and Walking Street at 9.30 pm.

You could actually get quite used to it!

Yes, I could! It was a pretty grotesque sight, actually. With the girls in their extravagant cocktail dresses and the sticky-fingered ladyboys plying their trade.

One question though that I have often wondered about -- why was there never a 'gay section' on Beach Road? We never seemed to have gay street cruising in Pattaya. Nothing like the old Robinson's corner in Bangkok or at Sanam Luang or at Muscle Corner in Suan Lumphini. That kind of street cruising never developed in Pattaya, or did I miss something? ;) Yes, there was always the Big Buddha Hill (mostly non-commercial)cruising in Pratumnak but it took place long after my beddie-bye time. : )

January 6th, 2021, 08:27
That kind of street cruising never developed in Pattaya, or did I miss something?
All the boys showing up at Dongtan Beach later in the afternoon was probably the closest we got to cruising in Pattaya.

January 6th, 2021, 08:42
Yes, I could! It was a pretty grotesque sight, actually. With the girls in their extravagant cocktail dresses and the sticky-fingered ladyboys plying their trade.

One question though that I have often wondered about -- why was there never a 'gay section' on Beach Road? We never seemed to have gay street cruising in Pattaya. Nothing like the old Robinson's corner in Bangkok or at Sanam Luang or at Muscle Corner in Suan Lumphini. That kind of street cruising never developed in Pattaya, or did I miss something? ;) Yes, there was always the Big Buddha Hill (mostly non-commercial)cruising in Pratumnak but it took place long after my beddie-bye time. : )

Oh, but there was, many a year ago in Royal Garden Plaza and on second road directly across from Royal Garden.

January 6th, 2021, 14:17
An Old Timer tells me that, twenty or so years ago, un-offed bar staff would try two hunting grounds after the bars closed; the beach area outside the Dusit hotel and, if transport were available, the grounds of the Buddha at Pratumnak..

January 6th, 2021, 20:35
One question though that I have often wondered about -- why was there never a 'gay section' on Beach Road?
I counted between 0 and 5 available boys on Beach Road near Boystown in previous years..

Nirish guy
January 6th, 2021, 22:06
I counted between 0 and 5 available boys on Beach Road near Boystown in previous years..

BETWEEN 0 and 5 !? BETWEEN not 2,3 or 4 but merely BETWEEN 0 and 5 - well, we're very disappointed Christian, this isn't up to your usual standard of record keeping at all, you're starting to get shoddy in your work, if this was a report card you'd be getting a D+ and a "must do better" ! :-)

Marc K
January 7th, 2021, 06:48
Oh, but there was, many a year ago in Royal Garden Plaza and on second road directly across from Royal Garden.

Yes I do remember the RGP cruise but that seemed to dry up at least 5 years ago, no?

January 7th, 2021, 08:42
I'm confused. It's Pattaya...

How about the area in front and around Mosaik? Or that main street just down from it where all the food / market stalls are / were?

I don't know, but I'd often end up back at Mosaik with guys I picked up on the street. There would be times I was just walking back from Family Mart for example, putting my key in to unlcok the door to Mosaik only to hear, "hey! you want me!". I turn around and see this cute, smiling Thai guy looking at me. Shrug my shoulders motion for him to come in, and 15 minutes later he's sitting on my lap, freshly showered, wearing nothing but a towel.

It's Pattaya... it's pretty much the entire place a cruising area?

January 7th, 2021, 09:37
How about the area in front and around Mosaik? Or that main street just down from it where all the food / market stalls are / were?Your sight has returned Matt?

January 7th, 2021, 10:11
Your sight has returned Matt?

Still? It's been years, give it up. Life is short, so why would I ever waste my time and energy trying to convince a bunch of old, gay, horny, anonymous gay guys on the internet that I'm blind. What possible benefit would that be to my life? You're a complete moron if you think that.

I've only been blind for a little over 4 years. I was able to see before that.

January 7th, 2021, 11:28
Pattaya lockdown latest - what plays in Pattaya stays in Pattaya


January 7th, 2021, 11:30
Still? It's been years, give it up. Life is short, so why would I ever waste my time and energy trying to convince a bunch of old, gay, horny, anonymous gay guys on the internet that I'm blind. What possible benefit would that be to my life? You're a complete moron if you think that.

I've only been blind for a little over 4 years. I was able to see before that.
So how can you describe what’s in a photograph? Did Mummy do it for you?

January 7th, 2021, 11:41
What photograph are you talking about? I've spent a good amount of time in Pattaya, and Mosaik was generally my go to place back then.

January 7th, 2021, 12:55
What photograph are you talking about? I've spent a good amount of time in Pattaya, and Mosaik was generally my go to place back then.From what you wrote I inferred you were discussing one of gerefan2’s photos.

January 7th, 2021, 17:39
So... What are people on the ground in Pattaya doing now for hooking up?

January 7th, 2021, 17:45
So... What are people on the ground in Pattaya doing now for hooking up?

Grindr, Hornet, Planet Romeo or going to a massage shop.

There's a selection of Thai, Khmer, Lao, Filipino and probably other lads.

January 7th, 2021, 19:35
Grindr, Hornet, Planet Romeo or going to a massage shop.

There's a selection of Thai, Khmer, Lao, Filipino and probably other lads.
What has your first hand experience with each of them been in the past week or so?

January 7th, 2021, 19:53
What has your first hand experience with each of them been in the past week or so?

First hand? An intentional slip of the tongue there eh freq....Stevie!

January 7th, 2021, 20:04
First hand? An intentional slip of the tongue there eh freq....Stevie!
Tongues do slip during sucking someone off so the slip of the tongue was a tribute to the wonderful post by arsenal on oral sex, and therefore entirely intentional.

January 7th, 2021, 21:22
I'm confused. It's Pattaya...

How about the area in front and around Mosaik? Or that main street just down from it where all the food / market stalls are / were?

I don't know, but I'd often end up back at Mosaik with guys I picked up on the street. There would be times I was just walking back from Family Mart for example, putting my key in to unlcok the door to Mosaik only to hear, "hey! you want me!". I turn around and see this cute, smiling Thai guy looking at me. Shrug my shoulders motion for him to come in, and 15 minutes later he's sitting on my lap, freshly showered, wearing nothing but a towel.

It's Pattaya... it's pretty much the entire place a cruising area?
You can find available boys anywhere in Pattaya, on their way to/from errands or out with friends or eating. But for crusing, i.e. going to a specific place just for purpose of sex (free or for money), there are/were just Jomtien/Dongtan beach, Pratamnak hill and the area of Beach Road near Boystown.

January 7th, 2021, 21:53
What has your first hand experience with each of them been in the past week or so?

Well the Filipino seemed to think his services were worth twice as much as the others. Sex is not a Veblen good and I've also never seen any hint of positive correlation between price paid and quality of service. I suspect negative correlation.
All very odd, as in The Philippines, lads show up and provide great service with very modest tips.
As you may guess, we did not meet.

The Thais, Khmers and Laos guys have all been rather good so far. My favourite Laos guy is unfortunately not one of the ones who has crossed the river and he remains at home. There are plenty of others to keep one entertained.
Some get younger every year, due to the use of some fancy phone apps. Thankfully I've recognised them so far and have not been duped.
Although, perhaps I could just bribe one to use this know how and sort out my profile pics.

January 7th, 2021, 23:28
Sex is not a Veblen good and I've also never seen any hint of positive correlation between price paid and quality of service. I suspect negative correlation.True but not all sex is prostitution is it.

January 8th, 2021, 02:31
filipinos r totally the worst at sex...fuck em once and u r engaged...fuck 'em twice and they move bin...soooo clingy...and all m oan like a cheap 1970s porn movie

January 8th, 2021, 03:47
like a cheap 1970s porn movieWhat an odd hobby to have - aficionado of 1970s porn movies. You were a teenager then?

January 8th, 2021, 06:22
nah...just like old mivies ...natural bodies...bareback...jeff stryker...