View Full Version : The joy of podcasts

December 29th, 2020, 04:44
For those looking for an alternative to reading may I recommend podcasts? I use the publicly available services rather than Ginge & Cringe's preferred commercial alternative Spotify. One of the best series all year has been The Big Steal, a series about Putin's Russia

Ginge & Cringe = widely used scornful reference to Harry and Meghan

Nirish guy
December 29th, 2020, 05:35
Oh yes that would be the Harry and Meagan who fled the UK insisting no demanding no less that they were entitled to some damned privacy, right before signing their Hollywood, Spotify and Netflix contracts ..... yep, that would be them I guess ...... let’s hope they get more privacy than they could ever dream of !

December 29th, 2020, 06:15
Thanks, will check it out. I'm all about podcasts and documentaries nowadays, for obvious reasons.

And radio, I like radio. For example, that James o'Brian guy on LBC is good, and like his phone calls with Brexiters.

Or like this radio show. Only watch if you want a really good laugh -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bK2ZmjRY7Y

December 29th, 2020, 07:11
Here are some more that may be of interest to you
Brave New Planet; Cautionary Tales; Clear & Vivid; Crazy/Genius; Culture Wars; Get WIRED; Wired UK; Go for broke; Land of the Giants (the Netflix effect); More than a number; People fixing the world; Science Clear & Vivid; Science Weekly; The happiness lab;

Happy listening