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View Full Version : A dicey Chrismas ...

December 25th, 2020, 07:50
That 2020 was one crazy year.
But whatever ... A happy Christmas to all the members of Sawatdee.

A sweet kick off into 2021? Not sure about that ...


December 25th, 2020, 08:04
You're still alive?

Ok, Merry Christmas to you.

December 25th, 2020, 16:42
Merry Christmas to Moses and all my fellow members!

As a memento of the occasion, I have put together a montage, which includes over twenty members’ avatars using arsenal’s avatar as a base, as he had the space to add further images. Apologies in advance for taking liberties with some members’ avatars, inventing new avatars, substituting avatars to fit and not including more avatars due to the limited space.


And one last thing, remember ‘tis the season to be jolly and goodwill to all men!

December 25th, 2020, 16:43
Yep, still in this world. Going blind though.

Brad the Impala
December 25th, 2020, 17:15
Wishing a Happy and Safe Christmas to all those posters who provide information and entertainment throughout good times and bad!


December 25th, 2020, 17:22
Wuzz's up J-Bean ... a bit squirmish when it comes with suicide are we?

December 26th, 2020, 05:32
Wuzz's up J-Bean ... a bit squirmish when it comes with suicide are we?

Only when it comes to my own, Smiles. ;)

It was however very remiss of me not to give you your own slot. To make up for my earlier omission, here’s a special Boxing Day edition just for you . . .


December 26th, 2020, 07:23
"MERRY CHRISTMAS" and "HAPPY NEW YEAR" to all you maniacs.

If you're able to read this, that means you're still alive and at least you have that to be grateful for.

Not a Christmas tree in sight ...not a single snow flake...no colored lights...no sounds of Bing Crosby...no reindeers perched on the rooftops...no hobo's standing on the street corners wearing Santa hats with their tin cups extended (it's a Chicago thing)...no nothing...maybe I'm dead and don't know it.

All I saw on Christmas morning was Jai standing in the kitchen wearing his baggy boxer shorts mashing a bunch of chilies in a mortar and pestle...a glimpse out the balcony at a pack of dogs fighting over a scrap from the garbage...and the sounds of an old ladies voice crackling over the loudspeaker saying God-knows -what. Just another day!

I missed my visit back home due to this fucking pandemic...still glad to be stuck here in LaLa Land...but miss doing shots of Jack Daniels with my friends and playing hockey drunk on Christmas day, which is a tradition stemming back to the beginning of time.

Trump losing the election was the only gift I had on my list, so I'm grateful for that.

Smiles...I had to buy reading glasses this year... tinges of arthritis starting in both knees...and have to do 3 hail Mary's to get my dick hard. Knowing that it will only get worse in the future is such a delightful thought. I think I'll go out and but a bottle of Jack and get a blowjob to bring the new year in right.

December 26th, 2020, 08:35
What on earth is Moses doing? He appears to be trying to stuff something into a reluctant pussy.

Most unlike him, I would have thought! Lol

December 26th, 2020, 09:14
" ... It was however very remiss of me not to give you your own slot ..."I don't need "just another slut" thank you. This one just won't go away.

December 26th, 2020, 17:47
What on earth is Moses doing? He appears to be trying to stuff something into a reluctant pussy.

Most unlike him, I would have thought! Lol



Nirish guy
December 26th, 2020, 18:48
I think I'll go out and buy a bottle of Jack and get a blowjob to bring the new year in right.

Man I wish the shop assistants in my local liquor store were so accommodating !!!! :-)

December 27th, 2020, 01:22
im sad...no pony rider...oh well...so is life...

December 27th, 2020, 16:30
im sad...no pony rider...oh well...so is life...

Since we were all round at arsenal’s pad, latintopxxx, I’ll leave it up to him to explain. ;)


December 27th, 2020, 17:42
Jellybean wrote.
"Since we were all round at arsenal’s pad, latintopxxx, I’ll leave it up to him to explain."

Can do ya b&b latin its a pony a night cash only ad some bloke an is missus ere the over night came on a bleedin donkey said she was preggers and could I do em a room but we was chockers what with lockdown an all. Take it or leave it.

December 27th, 2020, 21:08
Surely you have a stable for the pony?

December 28th, 2020, 01:28
..better....much better...I'll stop suking now...though u could have depicted me as a handsome virile thing I am riding on a steed with a mb impaled on my engorged member...

December 28th, 2020, 20:19
For those who may have not seen it, I thought it was worth sharing the 2020 Alternative Queen’s Christmas Message, as broadcast on Channel 4 in the UK . . .


December 28th, 2020, 20:59
When it comes to comedy you have to hand it to the Brits. They are in a class of their own.
