View Full Version : The Windsors & associated matters

December 22nd, 2020, 03:18
And Hey you're meant to be a Canadian, you're meant to be our friend !! TURNCOAT ! :-p :-)

heh, true, true.... I should watch my mouth a little here, less I anger my Queen. :)

December 22nd, 2020, 04:13
can't you guys go get your OWN queen?

December 22nd, 2020, 04:27
heh, true, true.... I should watch my mouth a little here, less I anger my Queen. :)

can't you guys go get your OWN queen?

Looks like the Queen of Canada to me. ;)


December 22nd, 2020, 04:48
can't you guys go get your OWN queen?

Nah, we like yours. Besides, we prefer to be ruled by pretty boys who make good selfies while doing yoga poses.

Nirish guy
December 22nd, 2020, 05:45
Its ok, we dont mind sharing, we're nice like that us Brits......well, unless you're French / European it seems and perhaps after some of our fish and then you can FUCK right off "apparently" :)

December 22nd, 2020, 07:19
As for the Queen, the citizens of Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the UK etc might enjoy the portrayal of their Head of State on Spitting Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69z12QUJj8k
Note, access to UK citizens might be blocked, since they are trying to sell access via Britbox.

December 22nd, 2020, 09:59
Nirish wrote.
"Its ok, we dont mind sharing, we're nice like that us Brits......well, unless you're French / European it seems and perhaps after some of our fish and then you can FUCK right off "apparently" "

I think we should start charging Canada, Australia et al rent on the Queen. They'd have to pay bzillions for their own head of state. Cone on all ex colonials...time to cough up. Bleedin' chisslers.

December 22nd, 2020, 10:05
We already paid enough to baby sit Harry and Megan, thank you very much. They actually just used to live about an hour down the road from me, before they fucked off to California.
I don't even think security for our Prime Minister costs as much as tax payers coughed up for their security.

December 22nd, 2020, 11:27
As I recall the Forum’s proprietor has already expressed trenchant criticism of monarchy as a form of government so perhaps he can join in? On the other hand I’m surprised that the “off-topic obsessives”, at least one of whom has posted in this thread, have not objected that the several posts about Brenda and her family have no place in a thread on a new strain of COVID-19. Just a thought.

As for Spitting Image, the best thing about its latest incarnation is the description of its scriptwriters in a recent Spectator (31/10/20) as “blinkered chatterati”

December 22nd, 2020, 13:32
Matt wrote.
"We already paid enough to baby sit Harry and Megan, thank you very much. ...
I don't even think security for our Prime Minister costs as much as tax payers coughed up for their security."

I've done a thorough and detailed costing of what having your own head of state would cost per year.

Presidential Palaces. £45m
Crowns and gowns. £9m
Overseas trips. £30m
Planes and limos. £27m
Wayward Children. £19m
Security. £25m
Weddings amd funerals. £12m
Miscellaneous. £12m
Total amount....................£179m

I therefore think Canada should pay a very reasonable £89.5m although a discount could be offered for prompt payment.

December 22nd, 2020, 13:48
Nah, we don't really want Harry and Megan back, but thanks anyway. Most Canadians weren't thrilled about having them here -- spending tend of millions of taxpayers dollars on them, and they'd just complain that the media wants to talk to them too much.

Gosh darnit, they just wanted their privacy! So they did the logical thing, left a small community on Vancouver Island, headed to Los Angeles and signed a deal with Netflix.

December 22nd, 2020, 15:08
Nah, we like yours. Besides, we prefer to be ruled by pretty boys who make good selfies while doing yoga poses.

I’m so pleased you have now got your sight back Matt....

Nirish guy
December 22nd, 2020, 17:48
Nah, we don't really want Harry and Megan back, but thanks anyway.

Ahhh here's a news flash for you.....neither do WE ! The US is welcome to them, I just feel sorry for Harry having been bamboozled by HER, lets hope its something he doesn't come to regret later on in left. But still, he / they wanted "out", they've got their wish and I wish them every happiness, just as long as they dont try the hoaky coaky dance thing - you know, like wanting to be in, out and shaking it all about. Ya can't have it both ways Mister !

December 23rd, 2020, 01:35
Yeah, here in Canada we collectively seem to all think Megan is kinda a straight up bitch. We all seem to like Harry though, but just wish he'd grab a set of balls, and quit being so pussy whipped. I'm gay, so I don't really know, but that pussy must sure be powerful.

Thinking about it, then again, we're a bunch of guys who constantly travel half way across the world, spending thousands upon thousands of dollars just to get some ass, so it's not like we're glowing examples of morality. :)

December 23rd, 2020, 06:29
...whats imoral about no strings attached paid sex???...don't impose your Baptist/Presbeterian moral rules on the rest of us fun lovers...

December 23rd, 2020, 20:58
Having just watched episode 2 of series 4 of The Crown I'm going to revise my figures. Matt. You can have the whole bloody family for a case of maple syrup. How's that.

Actually the series is almost wholly fictitious and inaccurate but awfully good fun don't ya know.

December 23rd, 2020, 22:18
I've never watched "The Crown" but programs on the Windsors are standard fare on TV here, along with programs on Hitler. (!)

Although I'm a committed republican I do admire Elizabeth. I think she has carried out her duties contentiously and with dignity and admirable discretion. Even today nobody knows her views on politics and politicians, although we can probably guess.

And when she appeared in that Olympic Games stunt with Daniel Craig she won lots of new admirers.

It's a shame her children have not been able to live up to her high standards.

Nirish guy
December 24th, 2020, 04:17
Even today nobody knows her views on politics and politicians, although we can probably guess. .

Well, there was that ONE time when hosting a Garden party she was "caught" discussing how "very rude" a delegation of Chinese embassy staff were to her staff when they were having meetings to arrange a State list. Unfortunately ( or fortunately depending on your view) it seems that someone was recording and caught the lot on camera. Saying that HM is of course no slouch and cynics (such as myself) might well like to think that HM knew EXACTLY what she was doing and that every word would be reported back to the Chinese President ! i.e Dont even think of fucking with ME or my staff you little shits as I"ll drop you all clean in it diplomatically with just a few words ! :-) Well I like to think that was her plan anyway ! :-)


December 24th, 2020, 05:00
a447 wrote.
"Even today nobody knows her views on politics and politicians, although we can probably guess."

She was in awe of Churchill who became a father figure. She adored Wilson and had a notoriously frosty relationship with Thatcher. If you can find it, The Audience is a play about her weekly meetings with the residents of Number 10.

December 24th, 2020, 13:04
good German stock...her silly kids have diluted the bloodline by shacking up with dreadful common nondescript commoners...

December 25th, 2020, 11:20
good German stock...her silly kids have diluted the bloodline by shacking up with dreadful common nondescript commoners...

Perhaps her inbred kids decided the gene pool needs widening.

December 25th, 2020, 15:27
...agree...but they could have chosen better...a hussy starlet...and the daughter of a caterer...really...standards my dear...standards..

December 26th, 2020, 10:39
It never goes well when they get involved with Americans. Edward VIII from King to beggar exile and now Prince Harry from hot and spicy war hero to Tinseltown rent-a-royal.

December 27th, 2020, 01:20
..yes for a change agree with arsenal..

December 29th, 2020, 05:02
I’m looking forward to a video of Princess Anne dressed in a Santa outfit singing “We wish you a merry Christmas”

December 29th, 2020, 08:39
Finished series 4 and it's brilliantly entertaining with a few stand out performances and a few absolute stinkers.

Tobias Menzies is very good as Prince Philip and Helena Bonham Carter conveys the agony of Princess Margaret to the alcohol soaked tear. Charles Dance is the perfect Mountbatten.

Olivia Colman is one dimensional as QE II but Gillian Anderson as Margaret Thatcher is full on atrocious.The worst Thatcher portrayal ever.