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View Full Version : Barebacking, PrEP & HIV transmission in Thailand

December 3rd, 2020, 14:53
...bareback sweetie...bareback...love the skin on skin experience...doing my bit for global warming and the enviornment by minimising plastic use...

December 3rd, 2020, 15:13
And assisting in the battle against over-population.

December 4th, 2020, 00:48
...exactly...like diet coke,,,,same taste...without the guilt

December 6th, 2020, 20:45
...exactly...like diet coke,,,,same taste...without the guilt

Train them to accept unsafe sex
and have them die off right and left...


December 6th, 2020, 21:17
There are many desperate Thais in Pattaya and elsewhere. Ripe for exploitation. And if they are infected , there will always be more to take their place.

December 6th, 2020, 21:53
I'm all for a laugh now and then, but this is decidedly NOT funny!

December 6th, 2020, 22:03
Train them to accept unsafe sex
and have them die off right and left...


First mistake! Never reply to any of Latin’s inane comments.

December 7th, 2020, 01:19
...sooo many learned compassionate people...sooo quick to judge....but none have heard of prep...sooo strange...

December 7th, 2020, 02:54
And after giving them some Prep for two weeks, unsafe sex would be up to 98% safe...
assuming it wasn't out of date or totally counterfeit.

December 7th, 2020, 11:06
And after giving them some Prep for two weeks, unsafe sex would be up to 98% safe...
assuming it wasn't out of date or totally counterfeit.
Safe against syphillis, chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhoea, HPV and others? Well, you live and learn on SGT!

December 7th, 2020, 14:22
Safe against syphillis, chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhoea, HPV and others? Well, you live and learn on SGT!

+ all micro-flora what usually habitats in rectum and is healthy for it, will populate your urination system and it isn't normal and healthy (for example: some bacteria may be source of cancer (not directly))

December 7th, 2020, 15:11
...might as well noit live...

December 7th, 2020, 15:22
.. if i recall there was a thread some time ago on this topic...as in how many gogos used condoms and if my memory serves me lots dont care..where HIV is concerned if Im on prep I cant infect my partner and cant be infected either...as for other stds...condoms are not fool proof especially when oral is unprotercted and used as part of the forplay...in reality i use condoms mostly but do enjoy the occasional bareback..depends on the guy...cant really explain it...

December 7th, 2020, 16:24
Given the power imbalance between you as a client and the gogo guy, your attitude is irresponsible to say the least. He should not be asked to participate in activities which you would refuse to do.

I actually find it hard to believe you bareback with a money boy, especially as you have told us in the past that you have a permanent partner.

December 7th, 2020, 17:36
I actually find it hard to believe you bareback with a money boy, especially as you have told us in the past that you have a permanent partner.

He’s told us so many things, Lol....:rolleyes:

December 7th, 2020, 18:01
...might as well noit live...Is that a cry for volunteers for assisted suicide?

December 7th, 2020, 18:03
Given the power imbalance between you as a client and the gogo guy, your attitude is irresponsible to say the least. He should not be asked to participate in activities which you would refuse to do.

I actually find it hard to believe you bareback with a money boy, especially as you have told us in the past that you have a permanent partner.
Is it true you were raised in a Presbyterian manse?

December 7th, 2020, 19:23
Is it true you were raised in a Presbyterian manse?


I was raised in a Japanese "mansion."

December 7th, 2020, 19:34
I was raised in a Japanese "mansion."
Ah yes, the Japanese “art of bullshito”

December 7th, 2020, 21:55
Nevertheless Latin’s attitude is closer to the traditional queer approach than your Calvinist one.

December 8th, 2020, 00:55
a447...i do have a pzrtner...however we do not align with the traditional monagamous white picket fence and 2,2 kids formula...u see...we are both whore seeking sluts...thats how we stay together...anything else wouyld be betraying one another..
dab...my boy...u need to educate yourself...only one of the 2 need to be on prep ...clearly if both are thats even better...
as for the power imbalance..what an old tired viewpoint...

December 8th, 2020, 13:46
No one who has any experience of the effects of hiv transmission would take such a casual position. Some take the view that improvements in care and prevention mean that being hiv+ nowadays is a minor inconvenience. Or similar to diabetes, where diet and medication are almost universally successful.

Becoming hiv+ is a life-changing experience for Thais. Even those who are on effective medication live with the effects. Some are distressingly physical, others social and financial. One moment, one bad decision driven by financial desperation, specifically the need to support parents back home, led to many guys- some in or barely out of their teens, and some in ignorance- to take the money that was offered.

Twenty or even thirty years later, they continue to pay the price. The lucky ones, that is; others died quickly and excruciatingly of TB and pneumonia in the early stages. It is not just the victim who suffers but family and friends...anyone who loves him or her.

The client, whether he meant to or not- and he himself may not have been aware that he was already infected- used the MB's desperation to his own advantage.

Sometimes " tired old viewpoints" are correct. Viewpoints such as knowing right from wrong.

December 8th, 2020, 16:31
oh go hug a tree.....or save some whales or something...I'm on prep...thats my responsibility done..

Nirish guy
December 8th, 2020, 21:54
No one who has any experience of the effects of hiv transmission would take such a casual position. .

Oliver your post was BANG ON and is EXACTLY the position at least one of my Thai friends now finds himself in. His (good) looks have been raged by the virus, and each and every time he managed to find a job in Issan his employer(s) dismissed him each the second they discovered his Status. Likewise the family neighbours quietly shun him and his family when they can and his parents who are now old still depend on him to bring in the money and THAT is a rare occurrence for them now and they all live very poorly.

THAT was all caused when he was in Pattaya trying his hand at finding a farang "husband" when he was 18, where the said farang got him drunk, took him back to the hotel and fucked him bareback, knowing fully that he had HIV it seems ( as was told to my Thai friend later with the faring using some bullshit excuse about "well you should have protected yourself' - when the balance of power was SO skewed in the farangs favour back then).

That one moment of craziness of my friend no doubt trying to keep his faring BF and keep him happy has literally cost that guy his life, if not by death, but by his young life and the years ahead ( he's 33 now) being wrecked beyond repair. He's also gone through the whole TB thing too and has been close to death a few times now, this leaving his elderly parents often to have to fend for themselves.

That one (selfish) farang ruined that guy and his families lives, that takes a lot more than tree hugging to fix that I fear - and it's ok saying "they should take PREP then too" but of course THAT costs money as well. And this isn't a dig at your position, but just a reiteration that Olivers post is EXACTLY the case for many (poor in every sense of the word) Thai guys that we've all encountered over the years no doubt now. Some of my other friends weren't so "lucky" and just didn't survive even to tell their story today.

December 8th, 2020, 22:13
Why take PrEP if not to have unprotected sex?

Nirish guy
December 8th, 2020, 22:30
Thats one argument, the other being condoms ( which protect you from many other nasties too of course) sometimes burst. So I guess it's a double bubble level of protection. And if both parties are on Prep and happy with the other other risks then yeah I guess why not if that's your thing.

December 8th, 2020, 22:37
Thats one argument, the other being condoms ( which protect you from many other nasties too of course) sometimes burst. So I guess it's a double bubble level of protection. And if both parties are on Prep and happy with the other other risks then yeah I guess why not if that's your thing.And Latin says he’s on PrEP so why the hoo-ha about guys who became HIV+ before PrEP came along?

Nirish guy
December 8th, 2020, 23:13
You'll have read that part where I said "And this isn't a dig at your position" re Latin, we're having a general discussion here not any dig at Latin in particular ( well I'm certainly not anyway).

I'm merely relating how ( granted before PREP) my friends life has been affected by his one moment of silliness and how I guess if Thai guys now either cant afford Prep or simply "go with the flow" to please their ( paying or otherwise) farang with some farang saying of course "yeah SURE I'm on prep you've no need to worry" still might not be the smartest move for them - as some farang ( and Thai boys ) LIE.

December 8th, 2020, 23:31
You'll have read that part where I said "And this isn't a dig at your position" re Latin, we're having a general discussion here not any dig at Latin in particular ( well I'm certainly not anyway).

I'm merely relating how ( granted before PREP) my friends life has been affected by his one moment of silliness and how I guess if Thai guys now either cant afford Prep or simply "go with the flow" to please their ( paying or otherwise) farang with some farang saying of course "yeah SURE I'm on prep you've no need to worry" still might not be the smartest move for them - as some farang ( and Thai boys ) LIE.
Indeed - more than one of my farang friends in Bangkok is HIV+ courtesy of a Thai. Again all of these before PrEP anecdotes are of a purely historical interest. I’m looking as I write at the photo on my desk of one of my lovers from the early 80s. When he found he had AIDS in the mid Nineties he committed suicide; a friendly doctor provided him with the wherewithal. I seem to remember that was almost a weekly occurrence at one point.

BUT IT’S IN THE PAST. I don’t go around beating my chest and rending my garments now, and drawing lessons about how I (and certainly not anyone else) should conduct themselves - that’s an exercise in futility.

Nirish guy
December 8th, 2020, 23:34
I BUT IT’S IN THE PAST. I don’t go around beating my chest and rending my garments now, and drawing lessons about how I (and certainly not anyone else) should conduct themselves - that’s an exercise in futility.

And you'll certainly not read that in my post either. good man, keep it up.

December 9th, 2020, 00:03
And you'll certainly not read that in my post either. good man, keep it up.Sidegra?

Brad the Impala
December 9th, 2020, 00:55
BUT IT’S IN THE PAST. I don’t go around beating my chest and rending my garments now, and drawing lessons about how I (and certainly not anyone else) should conduct themselves - that’s an exercise in futility.

It isn't in the past. There are still people barebacking without PrEP, and there are still customers telling their partners that it is safe to bareback because they are on PrEP, when they aren't but just getting a kick out of their position of power.

As for rending your own garments, don't you have memsahibs to do that for you?

December 9th, 2020, 01:22
It isn't in the past. There are still people barebacking without PrEP, and there are still customers telling their partners that it is safe to bareback because they are on PrEP, when they aren't but just getting a kick out of their position of power.Your argument is therefore that we should ignore all the advances of modern medicine because some people are liars?

It’s simply a question of risk assessment, as in everything else in life. I fully expect to die in a traffic accident in Bangkok so I avoid taxis and take public transport almost everywhere. Crossing the road here is possibly more dangerous than unprotected sex.

Brad the Impala
December 9th, 2020, 01:50
Your argument is therefore that we should ignore all the advances of modern medicine because some people are liars?


Don’t be ridiculous! That’s a facile straw dog argument. You’re arguing with yourself on that one.

Marc K
December 9th, 2020, 02:30
Oh my, here we go again. It's simple: We should respect our partners (paid or otherwise). They are human beings just as we are. Has no one heard of the Golden Rule?

December 9th, 2020, 02:48
Don’t be ridiculous! That’s a facile straw dog argument. You’re arguing with yourself on that one.What millennium are you living in? Facts, logic, statistics, evidence - none of these things matter any more. It’s the advertising executives’ nirvana. Perception is everything. That’s why authoritarian regimes expend so much time and effort on social media. They’re not there to state facts, they’re there to massage perceptions. It’s why some people refer to this as the “post-truth” age. It’s the main reason I post the way I do - to challenge perceptions (and judging from the Forum haters I’m achieving my goal). Look at the number of posts that you could find within SGT on certain topics that precisely echo posts on social media from certain sources, all of them perception-based.

December 9th, 2020, 02:50
Oh my, here we go again. It's simple: We should respect our partners (paid or otherwise). They are human beings just as we are. Has no one heard of the Golden Rule?My “golden rule” is simple - What’s In It For Me?

December 9th, 2020, 08:25
My “golden rule” is simple - What’s In It For Me?
Well isn't that great - for YOU!

I do not believe in the theory put forward by some posters that because they take PrEP they are safe and their partners are safe. Safer - yes. Much safer - yes. Totally safe - no. Safer than condoms - not in the slightest.

I have a good Thai friend who comes from the far north of the country. Once we had got to know each other as good friends, he told me he had been raped several times by an uncle when he was 14. As a result he was infected with HIV. Fortunately he was able to start medication as soon as it was discovered. His one aim in life was always to work in the airline industry. He is an extremely bright young man and sailed through aviation college in Bangkok with flying colours (oops mixed metaphors). I helped him write his application for jobs. He was invited to many interviews. He knew that some airlines had a strict anti-HIV policy and tested successful applicants. But he did not know that all did. The result was that all turned him down for that reason. He eventually took a job on the front desk of a first class hotel. He didn't enjoy it. He tried a few other jobs. For now there is little chance he will ever fulfil his dream.

My friend is no bar boy and has rarely been into a gay establishment. He was not infected by irresponsible tourists. But to my mind he illustrates the problems that some Thai boys can face if they do get infected. Also to my way of thinking, those sex tourists who think that taking PrEP makes their partners safe are still playing with the lives and livelihoods of the boys they are with. Oh I forgot! These sex tourists believe that the boys chose to become prostitutes and if they get sick it's just one of the risks of their job. "So fuck 'em. I sure will and I will get my kicks."

To me, that view is utterly disgraceful.

December 9th, 2020, 09:37
What millennium are you living in? Facts, logic, statistics, evidence - none of these things matter any more. It’s the advertising executives’ nirvana. Perception is everything. That’s why authoritarian regimes expend so much time and effort on social media. They’re not there to state facts, they’re there to massage perceptions. It’s why some people refer to this as the “post-truth” age. It’s the main reason I post the way I do - to challenge perceptions (and judging from the Forum haters I’m achieving my goal). Look at the number of posts that you could find within SGT on certain topics that precisely echo posts on social media from certain sources, all of them perception-based.

If what you're saying is correct, and we're living in a "post-truth" age, is everything you just said intended to create a false perception that you're a idiot - or are you in fact really an idiot?

December 9th, 2020, 12:04
If what you're saying is correct, and we're living in a "post-truth" age, is everything you just said intended to create a false perception that you're a idiot - or are you in fact really an idiot?Let me know when you have a definitive answer.

December 9th, 2020, 12:06
Well isn't that great - for YOU!

To me, that view is utterly disgraceful.I assume from this rant that you assume I take PrEP and bareback. Otherwise what is your point?

Perhaps you’re unaware of a discussion Moses and I had about coronavirus vaccines where I asked and he agreed that he believes most people act entirely out of self-interest.

December 10th, 2020, 04:17
I would think also that bare backing during this virus is just another deadly encounter...don't chance it fools....

December 10th, 2020, 04:30
I would think also that bare backing during this virus is just another deadly encounter...don't chance it fools....I learn something new every day. So the anus is connected to the lungs? Well I never.

I guess that’s the origin of the phrase “blowing smoke up your arse” except in reverse.

December 12th, 2020, 18:17
Looks like many here think that it’s farangs who give hiv to the thai boys. It’s more the opposite. Most of these boys do bareback. Nobody forced them I guess.

Nirish guy
December 12th, 2020, 18:22
Looks like many here think that it’s farangs who give hiv to the thai boys. It’s more the opposite. Most of these boys do bareback. Nobody forced them I guess.

Surely very much a case of which came first the chicken or the egg there as the chances are that the boys didn't catch HIV in their village in Issan mind ( although that cant be ruled out either of course, but then you'd have to ask where THAT cross infection originally came from too of course) so [ersonally I'm doubting that your "it's moire the opposite" view is correct I fear :(

December 12th, 2020, 21:06
I learn something new every day. So the anus is connected to the lungs? Well I never.

I guess that’s the origin of the phrase “blowing smoke up your arse” except in reverse.

ARSE...exactly what you are.....and barebacking is dangerous and YOUR no doctor,,,,sex with a virus infected person is dangerous...

December 13th, 2020, 03:13
ARSE...exactly what you are.....and barebacking is dangerous and YOUR no doctor,,,,sex with a virus infected person is dangerous...My no doctor. What’s that?

There’s been some discussion around whether gargling with mouthwash can kill this coronavirus. Perhaps Blueskytoday (whose posts are anything but “blue sky”) might consider having a Listerine enema before or/and after anal sex.


December 13th, 2020, 06:09
Surely very much a case of which came first the chicken or the egg there as the chances are that the boys didn't catch HIV in their village in Issan mind ( although that cant be ruled out either of course, but then you'd have to ask where THAT cross infection originally came from too of course) so [ersonally I'm doubting that your "it's moire the opposite" view is correct I fear :(

The boys could have stayed in their village but they chose otherwise and go for easy money. Bareback is very easy and that’s because they don’t care if they give you hiv or not. It’s the culture of never mind.

December 13th, 2020, 06:47
The boys could have stayed in their village but they chose otherwise and go for easy money. Bareback is very easy and that’s because they don’t care if they give you hiv or not. It’s the culture of never mind.I guess it depends on personal experience. I don’t bareback because I’m not on PrEP and I’ve never knowingly met a Thai who will bareback unless they’re using PrEP. I’ve certainly had (protected) sex with a few Thai who I’ve subsequently found out were HIV+ at the time and (coincidentally) they’d all been in Germany (so draw your own conclusions). So although there may be SOME Thai who work on the Clinton basis (“don’t ask, don’t tell”) I’m not sure I can generalise to the same extent as you.

December 13th, 2020, 07:16
I guess it depends on personal experience. I don’t bareback because I’m not on PrEP and I’ve never knowingly met a Thai who will bareback unless they’re using PrEP. I’ve certainly had (protected) sex with a few Thai who I’ve subsequently found out were HIV+ at the time and (coincidentally) they’d all been in Germany (so draw your own conclusions). So although there may be SOME Thai who work on the Clinton basis (“don’t ask, don’t tell”) I’m not sure I can generalise to the same extent as you.

Probably your experience is limited lol

December 13th, 2020, 07:26
Probably your experience is limited lolI’ve LIVED here for 31 years. How long have you lived here?

December 13th, 2020, 08:32
I’ve LIVED here for 31 years. How long have you lived here?

Not as long as you, but apparently enough for me to understand how the Thai boys behave and have enough experience to know that the vast majority of them will bareback anyone for money. It’s less of a rosy and romantic picture, but closer to the truth lol

December 13th, 2020, 11:15
I’ve LIVED here for 31 years. How long have you lived here?

If you've lived here in LaLa Land for 31 years and are still bouncing on the bed with brown boys, you probably don't have any need for a condom. The boy may.

December 13th, 2020, 11:37
If you've lived here in LaLa Land for 31 years and are still bouncing on the bed with brown boys, you probably don't have any need for a condom. The boy may.
As clear as mud, Dodgems.

December 14th, 2020, 00:14
i really do wonder if one gets ultra moralistic as one ages into impotence...

December 14th, 2020, 05:14
i really do wonder if one gets ultra moralistic as one ages into impotence...I prefer an alternative explanation: there’s something in the Pattaya water supply - so potent it works even if you only shower in it - that rots the brain.

December 14th, 2020, 08:57
A person either has good moral substance - or they don't.

Regardless of how old you are, or what water supply you use, it just boils down to one very basic factor: Are you concerned with the wellbeing of the person you are engaged in sex with, or not. If the answer is yes, then I guess you could be judged as having good moral footing. If the answer is "no", and all you're concerned with is your own personal pleasure, and willing to risk the safety and wellbeing of your sex partner by exploiting him, then one could assume you have very low moral character.

You can't have it both ways.

I've lost too many friends over the years to HIV - and sure that if the Thai friends I've lost had a second chance at life - they'd tell you to either put on a condom, or keep your money - PrEP, or no PrEP.

It doesn't take a genius to figure this stuff out.

December 14th, 2020, 09:07
If the answer is "no", and all you're concerned with is your own personal pleasure, and willing to risk the safety and wellbeing of your sex partner by exploiting him, then one could assume you have very low moral character.What if the answer is “no” but equally not exploiting the well-being and safety etc etc? The two are not mutually exclusive despite your superficial attempt to paint a more binary picture.

December 14th, 2020, 09:51
What if the answer is “no” but equally not exploiting the well-being and safety etc etc?

If the answer is "no", and you have no concern about the another persons wellbeing, you lack empathy. If you're also putting him at risk, knowing full-well that you are, you lack empathy and are being immoral.

People who fall is this category, and I'm saying that you do (only you know), can attempt to rationalize (or, intellectualize) their behavior any way they chose, but it doesn't change the outcome.

Unfortunate as it is, most people who lack empathy and/or have low moral values like the ones being discussed, seem to be totally blind to their own blindness, defend their own insecurities to the death, and strike out at anyone who challenges their person.

December 14th, 2020, 09:59
If the answer is "no", and you have no concern about the another persons wellbeing, you lack empathy. If you're also putting him at risk, knowing full-well that you are, you lack empathy and are being immoral.How completely dim are you? Using AND means one part is dependent on the other. They may be dependent, they may not be dependent. They’re not necessarily dependent but you’re trying to make them so.

December 14th, 2020, 10:12
How completely dim are you? Using AND means one part is dependent on the other. They may be dependent, they may not be dependent. They’re not necessarily dependent but you’re trying to make them so.

A) Not concerned about the safety of the guy your with = Lack of Empathy
B) Putting him at Risk = Immoral
C) Not concerned about his safety and putting him at risk = Lack of Empathy and Immoral
(A + B = C)

That's as simple as I care to make it.

Why don't you just say what's on your mind instead of talking in riddles.

December 14th, 2020, 10:23
your withMy with. What’s that?

December 14th, 2020, 10:30
My with. What’s that?

You're starting to scare me.

This conversation is like traveling through the Twilight Zone.

December 14th, 2020, 11:26
A) Not concerned about the safety of the guy your with = Lack of Empathy
B) Putting him at Risk = Immoral
C) Not concerned about his safety and putting him at risk = Lack of Empathy and Immoral
(A + B = C)

That's as simple as I care to make it.

Why don't you just say what's on your mind instead of talking in riddles.

Do you think that these boys think about this when they cum in someone?

December 14th, 2020, 12:30
Do you think that these boys think about this when they cum in someone?I think you’ll find that Dodgems is asserting that as white men (aka. the master race) we have a superior moral obligation than the guys who service us have. The massage guy who decides to straddle us bareback when all we wanted was a simple happy ending* is dependent on our superior moral sensibilities to protect him from danger in the world of The Dodgems.

* actual Soi Twilight experience

December 14th, 2020, 12:59
I think you’ll find that Dodgems is asserting that as white men (aka. the master race) we have a superior moral obligation than the guys who service us have. The massage guy who decides to straddle us bareback when all we wanted was a simple happy ending* is dependent on our superior moral sensibilities to protect him from danger in the world of The Dodgems.

* actual Soi Twilight experience

Aw... I prefer to make my life simpler and ask myself less questions. Like the Thai boys.

December 14th, 2020, 13:05
Aw... I prefer to make my life simplerAh, a fellow customer of Krungsri Bank.

December 14th, 2020, 13:33
The massage guy who decides to straddle us bareback when all we wanted was a simple happy ending*

* actual Soi Twilight experience

Perhaps the massage guys assume that all easily laid and prelubed bottom customers are already on PrEP.

December 14th, 2020, 13:39
This thread now resembles an Escher sketch.

December 14th, 2020, 13:43
Perhaps the massage guys assume that all easily laid and prelubed bottom customers are already on PrEP.I’m trying (and failing) to picture how a guy lying comfortably on a massage table ready for his happy ending would successfully “bottom” for the massage boy who was straddling him bareback. Are you able to illustrate with a diagram such as the one that follows?

The image attached to this post has been removed as it violated rule 3.2.3 (5). However, an unexpurgated copy of the post has been placed in the members’ only Holding Room. To view the post, please click on the following link: https://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/showthread.php?21739-Re-Barebacking-PrEP-amp-HIV-transmission-in-Thailand


December 14th, 2020, 14:04
im confused....my little brain sore...i need beer...

December 14th, 2020, 14:07
Me need Beer too. The one who operates Nice Boys.

December 14th, 2020, 16:21
[QUOTE=StevieWonders;272049]I’m trying (and failing) to picture how a guy lying comfortably on a massage table ready for his happy ending would successfully “bottom” for the massage boy who was straddling him bareback.


Lying comfortably on a massage table, one is adopting either a supine or prone position, though the permutations are endless. When you slide your body so that your gluteus is at the edge, the masseur who is standing will conveniently support your ankles on his broad shoulders. If you're on your belly, your legs will hang down giving him easy access to the cloaca. I shall not hazard showing shocking illustrations in order not to embarrass Latin and invite a red notice from the administrator.

December 14th, 2020, 16:59
Lying comfortably on a massage table, one is adopting either a supine or prone position, though the permutations are endless. When you slide your body so that your gluteus is at the edge, the masseur who is standing will conveniently support your ankles on his broad shoulders. If you're on your belly, your legs will hang down giving him easy access to the cloaca. I shall not hazard showing shocking illustrations in order not to embarrass Latin and invite a red notice from the administrator.No change in the absolute position of either protagonist was envisaged by the question. Your response has therefore been marked down to an F and a “Must Try Harder” notation.

December 14th, 2020, 17:30
The severe Catholic in you is starting to unravel.
Do loosen up a bit to let the oxygen in and bring back the glow in those tired cheeks.

December 14th, 2020, 18:57
Do you think that these boys think about this when they cum in someone?

With 470,000 people living in Thailand with HIV - one would assume some of the boys aren't thinking too much about anything.

Do their actions influence your actions? Just curious.

December 14th, 2020, 23:07
With 470,000 people living in Thailand with HIV - one would assume some of the boys aren't thinking too much about anything.

Do their actions influence your actions? Just curious.

Yes. I guess

December 15th, 2020, 03:37
Following several reports via the red triangle icon, some posts in this thread have been moved to the existing, My quest for a Visa topic.

To contribute to the visa/ quarantine topic, please click on the following link:

December 15th, 2020, 05:39
The severe Catholic in you is starting to unravel.
Do loosen up a bit to let the oxygen in and bring back the glow in those tired cheeks.Here’s a Xmas thought especially for you:


December 15th, 2020, 06:31
I've always suspected that you're into flagellation.

December 15th, 2020, 07:15
Yes. I guess

That's why there are 470,000 people living in Thailand with HIV.

Good luck...you're gonna need it.

December 15th, 2020, 07:26
I've always suspected that you're into flagellation.I think that must be a typo - flagella is more my style

It gives rise to this sort of thing

December 15th, 2020, 08:03
That's why there are 470,000 people living in Thailand with HIV.

Good luck...you're gonna need it.
Perhaps as a public service Dodgems you could summarise what you believe goodtimeth’s position on this topic to be?

December 15th, 2020, 15:01
Perhaps as a public service Dodgems you could summarise what you believe goodtimeth’s position on this topic to be?

Beats the hell out of me...ask him.

December 15th, 2020, 15:10
beats the hell out of me...ask him.
:d. :d. :d.