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View Full Version : The closet is popular with populists

December 2nd, 2020, 04:19
Oh dear oh dear oh dear. Populist Hungarian politician József Szájer was found at a (mostly) male Brussels "sex party" (never use a single word like "orgy" where two words can be used - a tip for wannabee English language teachers) and recreational drugs were also found. How many other populist politicians are lurking in the closet in, say, Russia?


Nirish guy
December 2nd, 2020, 08:19
I doubt many Russian men would fall into that category, actually you'd probably find the only ones who did went to ridiculous lengths to hide that fact, so much so it would look preposterously obvious what they were trying to hide to any casual observer. I mean you just know the type, going about posing for pictures with your shirt off and being into unprotected sex so much that you end up taking sexy pics of you going BEARback and whatnot !


PS Moses - dont worry it's just a JOKE !! we all know that Putin is ALL man :-)