View Full Version : I would like to ask Moses if he is a surpporter of Putin ?

November 24th, 2020, 20:22
I would like to ask Moses if he is a surpporter of Putin ?

November 24th, 2020, 20:44
I would like to ask Moses if he is a surpporter of Putin ?

No. I support Russia and unfortunately here right now is no another adequate leader :( these who are on the second row in power - all are conservative right and quite nationalists, opposition is even more disgusting than these who is in power... Navalniy is populist like Orban in Hungary or Corbin in UK and the same as them sometimes "dancing" with nationalists. We have here few good economists here, but they have no support from power block (army, security, police) in govt.

There are no democrats in country who has respect from nation in Russia. Imagine: whole "politic nest" - ruling sector and sector of opposition is filled with representatives of Republican party of US. These who is in the middle of specter - are in power now, these who are marginals from right and left - they are in opposition. And all of them - whole "nest" - are disgusting.

Brad the Impala
November 24th, 2020, 23:46
Just seems that the quality of politician has reduced all over the world, or is it just that their failings are more obvious due to greater exposure.

November 25th, 2020, 01:01
all politicians are vile ....its a necessary qualification...in fact the only one needed

November 25th, 2020, 01:30
But not all politicians allow their agents to use things such as novercheck in other countries

November 25th, 2020, 03:32
But not all politicians allow their agents to use things such as novercheck in other countries

Should I remind what there still is no any criminal investigation and court decision, and that means what there is no real evidence and proof? What nobody is declared guilty by court? What there are only political "bla-bla-bla" and speculations? What closest lab which is able to manufacture Novichok is located just in 15 miles from criminal scene and is owned by UK state? What besides Russia only in Europe exists at least 5 countries which manufactured and made experiments with Novichok because at time of "event" in UK Novichok wasn't forbidden by international law?

Brad the Impala
November 25th, 2020, 03:59
What closest lab which is able to manufacture Novichok is located just in 15 miles from criminal scene and is owned by UK state?

On the balance of probability, what's your theory for all the novichok poisonings?

November 25th, 2020, 04:30
On the balance of probability, what's your theory for all the novichok poisonings?

Russia may be involved. But not as it is declared in British propaganda - not on state's level, not by Putin's order. Scripal got to UK after he spent time in Russian prison. Do you see? Russian state had a lot of chances to "make accident" or to organize "heart stroke" on own territory. But exists possibility what there was some private agreement btw Scripal and his formerly colleagues - maybe something commercial - on the level of middle level bosses. Scripal maybe broke some promises and got revenge from his formerly colleagues. Russian state has no profit from killing in UK - 10 times more dangerous than to kill on own territory, why to give to Scripal to leave Russia?

Also Novichok is dangerous by itself - in transportation and in use. Russia has binary poisons for sure - 2 components what are safe to transport and what looks very regular at time of border check, and what should be mixed together directly on surface where they should be applied, for example some powder + some spray. Official will not use such dangerous substance like Novichok abroad.

Also it may be provocation by third country. Can't say which one, but inventor of Novichok is living in USA since 1995, laboratory what is able to manufacture Novichok is located right "behind the corner of criminal scene" and is owned by UK.

November 25th, 2020, 04:47
There have been several "unlucky" deaths or illnesses among opponents of the regime.

Now instead of the victim quietly disappearing, the incidents are high profile, like poisoning by polonium, Novichok or getting gunned down in a heavily policed area by the Kremlin. There was another recent high profile poisoning within Russia & the German hospital that treated him also said it was Novichok.

Some think these "unlucky events" are deliberately high profile, in order to ensure other opponents think carefully about their behaviour.

I couldn't possibly comment on that, but what I do know is this thread has gone badly off topic again.

November 25th, 2020, 04:58
There have been several "unlucky" deaths among opponents of the regime.

Now instead of the victim quietly disappearing, or having a road traffic accident, it can be something high profile, like polonium, Novichok or getting gunned down in a heavily policed area by the Kremlin. There was another recent high profile poisoning within Russia.

Some think these are deliberately high profile, in order to ensure other opponents think carefully about their behaviour.

Polonium is totally different case: Litvinenko fled to UK, Russian state had no chance to kill him here on own territory and I trust what it was state's revenge - one of such cases what so much loves Israel when intelligence officers works on other state's territory. In court a public inquiry began on 27 January 2015, and concluded in January 2016 that Litvinenko's murder was an FSB operation. Court!

Scripal was in hands or Russia for long time: he spend in Russian prison 5+ years - over 1500 days to "accidentally kill". And all we have "on hands now" - British propaganda "highly likely it was Russia"...

PS: you can comment, tomorrow I will move all posts to separate thread.

November 25th, 2020, 05:51
The poisoning of Russians may well have been ordered from the top back in Russia we don't know for certain as pointed out by Moses, it is difficult to believe anything in the western press these days.However we do know for certain that Trump is/was refusing to concede defeat in a democratic election, we do know the police in the US are killing black people practically at will, that far right groups are encouraged by the President of the USA, that the US has a disgraceful record in dealing with Covid-19 leading to thousands of unnecessary deaths. Admittedly hard to say the Covid-19 deaths are a result of incompetence or refusal to accept the scientific/medical evidence, either way Trump seems to get a free pass with his supporters.
The UK is imploding politically, socially, and economically, and still the ruling party has continued support from the electorate. Australia (one of the least affected by Covid-19 ) has done US bidding by leading the attack on China in relation to Covid-19, resulting in increasing trade damage to Australia in the middle of a global pandemic. Australian SAS members have finally been accused of murder in Afghanistan, it remains to be seen if anyone will actually be punished. It seems to me we ( in the "west" ) should get our own houses in order before pointing the finger at other jurisdictions.

November 25th, 2020, 06:00
There have been several "unlucky" deaths or illnesses among opponents of the regime.

Now instead of the victim quietly disappearing, the incidents are high profile, like poisoning by polonium, Novichok or getting gunned down in a heavily policed area by the Kremlin. There was another recent high profile poisoning within Russia & the German hospital that treated him also said it was Novichok.

Some think these "unlucky events" are deliberately high profile, in order to ensure other opponents think carefully about their behaviour. The fate of Thomas a Becket springs to mind.

I couldn't possibly comment on that, but what I do know is this thread has gone badly off topic again.Posters have been excommunicated for less - at your instigation I believe.

November 25th, 2020, 06:42
it is difficult to believe anything in the western press these days A list of 10 stories from today's Western press that you find difficult to believe would help establish your credibility (there will be thousands of stories in today's Western press so you should be able to list 10 in no time at all since you claim the criteria is “anything”).

November 25th, 2020, 07:06
Ok Rupert Murdoch is not controlling the agenda, he is not manipulating politicians, he is not feeding the people horse manure in order to " guide" them. Whatever you say.

November 25th, 2020, 07:21
Ok Rupert Murdoch is not controlling the agenda, he is not manipulating politicians, he is not feeding the people horse manure in order to " guide" them. Whatever you say.
So Rupert Murdoch constitutes the beginning and the end, the totality of the “Western press”? There are no non-Murdoch sources? I never read a single Murdoch rag nor subscribe to any part of his media empire BTW.

November 25th, 2020, 14:22
Australian SAS members have finally been accused of murder in Afghanistan, it remains to be seen if anyone will actually be punished. It seems to me we ( in the "west" ) should get our own houses in order before pointing the finger at other jurisdictions.

Most nations have a few skeletons in the cupboard. Numerous nations and armies have interfered in Afghanistan over the centuries. I doubt the British, Russians (Soviet), Americans or the Taliban could prove a 100% perfect record of behaviour.

However, whilst there might be allegations of offences among lower ranking people serving in Afghanistan, I'm not aware of a string of deaths/accidents with high profile opponents of the leadership in Australia. You know, the kind of thing that goes on for so long it must be authorized at a high level.

November 25th, 2020, 14:50
Most nations have a few skeletons in the cupboard. Numerous nations and armies have interfered in Afghanistan over the centuries. I doubt the British, Russians (Soviet), Americans or the Taliban could prove a 100% perfect record of behaviour.

However, whilst there might be allegations of offences among lower ranking people serving in Afghanistan, I'm not aware of a string of deaths/accidents with high profile opponents of the leadership in Australia. You know, the kind of thing that goes on for so long it must be authorized at a high level.

I must agree with Zebedee. The Australians are letting the side down. We in the West have a duty to show how much better we are than all those dreadful countries who practice that sort of thing as a matter of course.

November 25th, 2020, 15:24
We in the West have a duty to show how much better we are

Too much bold. You can do it better.
2.1 from 10.

November 25th, 2020, 15:49
Too much bold. You can do it better.
2.1 from 10.
One of the more interesting questions is why Zebedee commented on it all. After all he spent quite a long couple of posts earlier today which, taken together, say that that perennial liar Rupert Murdoch has a monopoly over the Western media. This means that one simply cannot believe a word written therein - including, inevitably, stories of atrocities by Western soldiers. It’s such a conundrum.

November 25th, 2020, 15:59
Most nations have a few skeletons in the cupboard.
I'm not aware of a string of deaths/accidents with high profile opponents of the leadership in Australia. You know, the kind of thing that goes on for so long it must be authorized at a high level.

Aussies of Caucasian stock have been committing genocide on the Aborigines of the British colony since they first landed in Australia.

November 25th, 2020, 16:18
Aussies of Caucasian stock have been committing genocide on the Aborigines of the British colony since they first landed in Australia.As I understand it, it harks back as a policy towards native populations to the Norman William the Conqueror’s ethnic cleansing of the Anglo-Saxon population in the Harrying of the North. I’m considering starting a claim for compensation on behalf of my ancestors against the French/Welsh/Germans known colloquially as the “Royal Family”. Who will join me?

Brad the Impala
November 25th, 2020, 18:55
Russia may be involved. But not as it is declared in British propaganda - not on state's level, not by Putin's order. Scripal got to UK after he spent time in Russian prison. Do you see? Russian state had a lot of chances to "make accident" or to organize "heart stroke" on own territory. But exists possibility what there was some private agreement btw Scripal and his formerly colleagues - maybe something commercial - on the level of middle level bosses. Scripal maybe broke some promises and got revenge from his formerly colleagues. Russian state has no profit from killing in UK - 10 times more dangerous than to kill on own territory, why to give to Scripal to leave Russia?

Interesting, always good to hear a different viewpoint. But don't you think that in the scenario that it was his former colleagues, ie state agents, who were motivated to organise the attack and then state agents who carried out the attack, then isn't it effectively the state who have carried out the attack? No matter at what level it was actually authorised.

Or are you thinking that the two GRU agents identified as being in Salisbury at the time, and who subsequently appeared on television, were in fact as they claimed only visiting the cathedral, albeit under assumed names.

There has been extensive research into the identities of the two agents.



November 25th, 2020, 19:27
Or are you thinking that the two GRU agents identified as being in Salisbury at the time, and who subsequently appeared on television, were in fact as they claimed only visiting the cathedral, albeit under assumed names.

There has been extensive research into the identities of the two agents.

I almost sure what these 2 were in Salisbury and also I'm almost sure they are from GRU. GRU is military intelligence. If Putin will need someone to die he will send FSB or own security FSS. GRU's specific is intelligence service in mountains/forests/from satellites. They don't know how to work in cities - they are army. I think these two were in Salisbury for some intelligence business, but were not involved into Scripal's case.

Brad the Impala
November 26th, 2020, 00:57
It's quite a coincidence!

Separately it's fascinating how in this case Bellingcat, see links above, could work with underground Russian sources to expose the GRU agents travelling with false passports.

Alternatively one could look at the questions about the western assumptions in the case in a UK newspaper, The Independent.


Of course the owner of the Independent is a Russian expat resident in the UK. Does that mean that he has GRU connections or has an axe to grind? Or does it mean that his newspaper is searching after truth?

November 26th, 2020, 02:14
Of course the owner of the Independent is a Russian expat resident in the UK. Does that mean that he has GRU connections or has an axe to grind? Or does it mean that his newspaper is searching after truth?

Good question. Owner of Independent is UK lord from House of lords (since few days ago when El. II signed order and promoted him to baron Syberian (yes, is it kind of British humor, but it is true)), his name is Eugeny Lebedev and he is son of Russian oligarch and high level KGB officer Alexander Lebedev, who is living in UK sometimes (or mostly).

November 26th, 2020, 02:40
Good question. Owner of Independent is UK lord from House of lords (since few days ago when El. II signed order and promoted him to baron Syberian (yes, is it kind of British humor, but it is true)), his name is Eugeny Lebedev and he is son of Russian oligarch and high level KGB officer Alexander Lebedev, who is living in UK sometimes (or mostly).

Interesting, I was not previously aware of the new peerage, Moses and post below the official confirmation:


Crown Office

THE QUEEN has been pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm dated 19 November 2020 to confer the dignity of a Barony of the United Kingdom for life upon Evgeny Alexandrovich Lebedev, by the name, style and title of BARON LEBEDEV, of Hampton in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames and of Siberia in the Russian Federation.

Link to The Gazette: https://www.thegazette.co.uk/notice/3681133

November 26th, 2020, 12:46
Interesting, I was not previously aware of the new peerage

Yeah. I think it is right time for Putin to appoint also somebody with strange title. For example vice-king of GB.

November 26th, 2020, 18:17
Well the Prince of Wales is de jure vice King of the UK and has been so since Edward II gave the Welsh a good going over.

Clearly the Siberia part of the title is a poke at Pooty Poots and no nation can mock power like the British can.

As for our favourite horse riding, tiger wrestling, war mongerer making an appointment to our scepteted isle. How about a Cultural and Pharmacutical Attache to the Court of The Old Bailey.

November 26th, 2020, 18:50
Ok, the appointed by Putin will be First vice King.

November 26th, 2020, 19:57
Well Queen Elizabeth II is related to your last Tsar, Nicholas II. Initially King George V said that the Russian Royal family could have asylum in Britain. However he withdrew the invitation upon the advice of his government, fearing perhaps that their presence could fuel the republican sentiments abound at the time. It must have broken George's heart. He was very close to his cousin and in fact they look more like twin brothers than cousins.

Nirish guy
November 26th, 2020, 20:47
And indeed the current Prince Michael of Kent still shares the family resemblance and in fact when the bodies of the Tsar and some of his family were recovered in 1991, the remains were later identified by DNA using, among others, a sample from Prince Michael for recognition. He also attended the 1998 burial of the Tsar and his family in St Petersburg and he is an Honorary Member of the Romanov Family Association.


November 27th, 2020, 02:35
arent they mostly German from the same region...like massive intermarriage...cousin kissing territory..

November 27th, 2020, 03:27
Romanov Family Association.

You can save them all for yourself as an "Associations of spare kings and queens".

November 27th, 2020, 20:26
arent they mostly German from the same region...like massive intermarriage...cousin kissing territory..

There have been centuries of inbreeding in European royal families, particularly back in the days when they were not expected to marry plebs. Including some current heads of state.