View Full Version : Sean Connery Dies, aged 90

October 31st, 2020, 20:39
So long, adieu, my favourite James Bond.

October 31st, 2020, 22:32
Three well known James Bond scenes played by Sean Connery, a Scot from my home city of Edinburgh:





November 1st, 2020, 11:56
One of the most vicious one-on-one fight ever shot. Gives the word "claustrophobic" a new concept.
I was sweating like a pig at the final.

'From Russia With Love' is still my favourite 007 movie. Strangely, I thought that Connery would never die.
I agree with Dinagram regarding Connery as the best of the herd of 007's over the years. The rest were mostly quite boring ... that is until Daniel Craig came along, who would have been #1 if Connery had never said yes to 007.


November 1st, 2020, 13:30
I have the feeling that his passing happened on an auspicious date.
Below is a picture of the unique Scottish warrior that he was.

November 1st, 2020, 15:30
Fake news. Gotta be ... Rice Queens (like us) would be horrified.

November 2nd, 2020, 15:27
Totally agree. He was the best Bond by far. I recall how eagerly I looked forward to all those Bond movies, unlike those watered down versions with Moore and Brosnan. Craig is a worthy successor up to a point. Sadly the scripts are now packed with too many scenes and stunts similar to those seen in so many other action movies like the Mission Impossible and Bourne series. The fun that Connery and those scripts brought to the character have largely disappeared.

While he was a great movie actor, I found it sad that too many of his other scripts did not do him justice. I felt only The Untouchables and The Name of the Rose showed him at his best.

Nirish guy
November 2nd, 2020, 18:11
Always enjoyed him as Bond. The clip of him being interviewed saying he thought it was ok if a woman was getting hard to manage to give them a good slap ( but only with an open hand not a fist though said he) did make me look at him in a slightly different way perhaps :-(

November 2nd, 2020, 18:38
Loved him in this short interview with Dame Edna Everage although he does not end up saying much.


Nirish guy
November 2nd, 2020, 18:56
Sorry i really should have added the clip I was referring to above re the whole hitting women thing so people can judge his comments for themselves. Opinion seems to divide between - "he was spot on and women do need a good slap every now and then" moving to "well he was a man of his time it's just the way things were back then" or right to " No way, that's just unacceptable by anyones standards" - it seems accordingly to some websites that he really didn't give a damn what anyone else's view was and he basically stuck with that same view until he died - although for balance there are one or two websites claiming he tried to roll back from that position as he got older - but without much success it seems and maybe without trying too hard maybe ( as a simple press statement would have sufficed I'm sure)



November 3rd, 2020, 12:38
A staunch Scottish Nationalist he would no doubt, as I did, have loved the irony of Nicola Sturgeon saying she needed funding from Westminster to get through the virus crisis.

November 7th, 2020, 16:30
He said he would return from his tax haven to live in Scotland if the nats won. Lost the nats a few votes.