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October 28th, 2020, 04:20
I see the breeder bars have invented a Virtual Bar where you can mingle on line with the tarts in your favourite bar, buy them a drink and maybe much more. Apparently it has been hugely successful.

Now, what are the chances of gay bar owners opening a virtual bar, or a virtual Gogo bar? Lots of Falangs must be sitting at home wondering what to spend their air fare on and dying of thirst!

Come on bar owners get it together...

October 28th, 2020, 08:23
Not sure I want to get touchy feely with a computer screen.

October 28th, 2020, 08:55
Just make sure that your keyboard and screen can cope with the torrent of spillage.

Nirish guy
October 28th, 2020, 19:03
Considering some on here can barely tolerate buying the boys a drink whilst trying to get their pants off I can't imagine them buying them a "virtual" drink with no flesh grabbing return being available to counter that cost ! :)

October 28th, 2020, 19:16
"whose computer screen dosen't feel warm enough?

October 28th, 2020, 19:39
Considering some on here can barely tolerate buying the boys a drink whilst trying to get their pants off I can't imagine them buying them a "virtual" drink with no flesh grabbing return being available to counter that cost ! :)

Agreed! Also, there are any number of porn sites on the internet and I see very little additional utility in being able to visit a virtual site in Pattaya. Unless they manage to produce some higher quality 1080p videos from the best gogo bars in the country, which seems unlikely.

If there is anyone we already know, then a chat using Line should suffice.

October 28th, 2020, 20:57
Telephone used to try to stream ~5 channels of slow low resolution
forever to buffer videos. It was a waste of time.

Nirish guy
October 28th, 2020, 21:00
On a slightly more serious note there re the whole virtual bar thing - and don't know if anyone else seen the clip in that video but I actually felt and feel quite sorry for ( in this case the girls) working in the bar where they've obviously been told to take part to generate some income for the bar and themselves.

It's bad enough that the girls / boys are obliged to sit with you and drink when you're there ( and yes I know half times the drinks are almost all watered down etc but many times when it's whiskey rounds etc they're not as you're drinking from the same bottle of course).

I've alway hated watching when in bars or clubs some cute young guy starting out his night in the best of form and then after only an hour or two of "enforced" drinking, either in the bar or when out at a disco with a faring or his mates and all playing drinking games etc, the next thing you see is that he's TOTALLY written off and incapable of even standing almost. It always leaves me with a slight tinge of guilt almost that most likely your presence (money) probably caused that. And yeah I know he probably loved it and its all part of their culture etc, but so it rampant alcoholism later in left too it seems and I often think we're maybe even helping to contribute to that very culture but hammering the whiskey into young guys who OBVIOUSLY cant or dont know how to handle it or drink smartly.

Mind you as I've been known to leave many a club half written off myself in the day perhaps we're not so different after all, the only differernce being perhaps my drunkeness was by choice whereas theirs may have been more induced by peer pressure or in the case of this conversation a bar owner telling them they need to drink to keep their "virtual" cusotmers spending ;-(. So I think that's one new idea that I think I'll pass on perhaps.

PS anyone who thinks the boys / girls ARE being served actual alcohol at those virtual bar sessions needs their head examined as that for sure would be the first thing both they and the bar owner would agree would NOT be happening so they could split the profit from the (non) bottle of whiskey some daft farang in Europe or the US just bought for them all ! :-)

October 28th, 2020, 22:17
One very special waiter used NOT to drink at Nice Boys.
I happily bought him at least three Coca colas every night.
I was quite impressed by this and also his BEAUTIFUL smile.

October 29th, 2020, 00:29
nirish...your problem is u think too much...must be that whole protestant ethos thing you got working for you...

Nirish guy
October 29th, 2020, 00:55
nirish...your problem is u think too much...must be that whole protestant ethos thing you got working for you...

Not a bad complaint to have surely and better than the alternative for sure ! :)

So, I take it you'll be logging on to buy virtual drinks by the bucket load then LT ?? ( I think NOT somehow ! :-)

October 29th, 2020, 07:50
SCAM !!!

Enjoy your "virtual experience" on one of a million free porno sites on-line and keep your money in your pockets.

October 29th, 2020, 16:51
Enjoy your "virtual experience" on one of a million free porno sites on-line and keep your money in your pockets.

Exactly. Plenty of free material on the internet and it's likely to have better image quality than any virtual Pattaya bar would provide.

Admittedly, "free" has it's downsides, as when it's almost impossible to prevent piracy and charge for good content, there is little incentive for people to go out and shoot 4k videos of the hottest twinks. I don't envisage Pattaya bars fixing this.

October 29th, 2020, 21:44
Your "virtual experience" can be a little frustrating if you're sitting in front of the wrong appliance.

November 11th, 2020, 17:00
I wish Nice Boys had something like this!
Just to see a few boys and chat now and then and see who was available soon
after I got my vaccine to come and visit in person.

More direct way of giving than donation to Jomtien food drive.

November 11th, 2020, 21:36
I wish Nice Boys had something like this!
Just to see a few boys and chat now and then and see who was available soon
after I got my vaccine to come and visit in person.

More direct way of giving than donation to Jomtien food drive.

No more food drives, the smart ones already went back to their families. I don’t here much of anything about N.B. other than a few have gone to the army.