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View Full Version : RIP Mr James Randi, sceptic and fellow gay.......

Nirish guy
October 22nd, 2020, 18:21
James Randi: Magician and sceptic dies aged 92So as someone who is accused by friends at times of holding a somewhat sceptical and cynical view of the world I noted with sadness today the passing of James Randi. James happened to be a fellow gay by the way and he is survived by his husband ( hence me posting this on the board). He was also perhaps THE biggest sceptic of them all as he put his money where his month was in terms of offering one million pounds to anyone who could prove their alleged paranormal powers under controlled conditions, needless to say that was a safe bet and the money has yet to be paid out !



October 22nd, 2020, 19:51
I've been watching some of his videos on YouTube. I saw one where he exposed Yuri Geller as a fraud. It made him look like a real fool in front of millions of viewers but it didn't convince the "fans".

I had no idea Randi was gay.

October 23rd, 2020, 08:05
..your gaydar is faulty...return it for a retune...