View Full Version : The Future of Dongtan Beach

Marc K
October 17th, 2020, 03:53
Of much larger concern to me than the emasculation of the gay bar areas in Pattaya, is what will become of Dongtarn Beach? It is the other side of the former equation -- you go to the beach during the day and the bars at night. That was a near-perfect routine for many of us for many years I suspect.

So we have talked about the bars ad nauseum, but what about our beloved beach? It used to be a place where one could find solace, acceptance, friendship, entertainment, a good "massage", nice food on the beach (I miss Tui's Place), and an occasional "surprise".

Like many on this forum, I am away from Thailand at present (last visit October 2019) but in my correspondence with my friends and compatriots who are still there (some happily "marooned", some not so happily "marooned" there) that at present of course Dongtarn is a figment of its former glory.

But can it survive? Will it survive? Will it morph into just another (editorial, "boring") Pattaya/Jomtien beach plot? Or will we be squeezed out of this one remaining delight?

As for me, I am still grieving over the "improvements" to Dongtarn from 1-2 years ago when (almost) all of the nice shade trees were cut down and the road widened from a nice path to regular (boring) road, and the rules for contact there began to be dictated by the "gestapo's" rules.

I hope we can find a way to save the remaining joys of that beach. But I am not so sure we will be able to do so.

October 17th, 2020, 07:34
I hope we can find a way to save the remaining joys of that beach. But I am not so sure we will be able to do so.

The remaining boys are ageing well into their forties and fifties...

October 17th, 2020, 07:38
Not a beach person but I thought the allure of Dongtan beach ended about 10 years ago.

October 17th, 2020, 09:22
The gay beach will be reborn when and if the gay tourists return. As a former beach "regular" the removal of free wifi by government officials was the last straw. I know several masseurs that are now in their home villages just waiting for the gay beach to "reopen".

October 17th, 2020, 09:41
Not a beach person but I thought the allure of Dongtan beach ended about 10 years ago.
As did I. The boys disappeared from the beach years ago and that was part of its special attraction. With no improvement in the quality of the water, what is left is not worth the trip over.

Marc K
October 17th, 2020, 09:50
RIP it sounds like this daytime delight is already either dead or on life support. Pity.

October 17th, 2020, 10:06
I stopped going to Dongtan beach after the army reduced the space the concessions had. Recently however, after the concessions reopened after the lockdown I started going back regularly just to give some financial support to people trying to make a living. The air is so much more clean and clear and even the water quality has improved. There are very few customers and I do hate having the road open all day every day and having to dodge the cars and motorbikes as I walk along. I sit in a concession in front of the White House so good food available and toilet accessible. These days the rain is around a lot so not able to go every day but I will support them as much as I can when the rain eases.

October 17th, 2020, 12:27
One of the reasons (there were others) why I chose Bang Saray to live after retirement over Pattaya is because you can actually swim in the water. What a concept!

I agree with everyone; Dongtan went downhill years ago...very few boys around these days...polluted water...cramped seating, etc.

I spot more boys hanging around the volleyball court on the far North side of the beach (just past Pattaya Park) than the Dongtan concessions these days. I've occasionally run into gay boys who work in the Complex during the early-morning hours still partying from the night before.

Frankly, with times being so hard, I can't figure out why more of the bar boys don't work the beach concessions in the day time. Granted, there aren't too many customers...but all they need is one. I often see the same 4 or 5 freelancers working the beach, although they typically "roam" versus sit at any of the concessions.

October 20th, 2020, 20:54
The remaining boys are ageing well into their forties and fifties...

Ohh, so they've got tenure at Boyz Boyz Boyz now?

October 20th, 2020, 20:59
I stopped going to Dongtan beach after the army reduced the space the concessions had.

Perhaps that's problem - the whales no longer have the space to beach themselves.

October 20th, 2020, 21:36
Perhaps that's problem - the whales no longer have the space to beach themselves.

They no longer have to do that as from current media reports the sea water has been pristine of late.

October 21st, 2020, 06:05
They no longer have to do that as from current media reports the sea water has been pristine of late.
Oh really?

After black, smelly water was found running into the ocean next to Pattaya’s Walking Street, many are still wondering about the Gulf of Thailand’s water quality when swimming after beaches reopened this week.

Just last Monday, black water was seen again flowing into the ocean from a pumping station. The ‘We Love Pattaya’ Facebook page showed the video of the filthy water sparking Pattaya’s Mayor to offer an explanation.

He reportedly said that the dark-colored water wasn’t sewage, but muddy storm runoff, intentionally released into the sea rather than remaining on the streets to flood homes and businesses.

“All wastewater is sent via different pipes to sewage treatment plants.”
Mmmnnn, Wonder when that sewage plant was built.


October 21st, 2020, 13:21
It would be a pity if the gay Dongtan beach did not revive when tourism opens up. During my regular trips it was part of my routine to sit in one or other of the concessions. I sometimes became friendly with other gay visitors or expats and liked to take my young boyfriends there for a few hours. Over the last few years females, normally Russians have encroached into our space - that did not happen when I first visited Pattaya 20 years ago. Then it was 100% gay farangs plus a good supply of Thai rent boys.

October 21st, 2020, 13:59
Over the last few years females, normally Russians have encroached into our space - that did not happen when I first visited Pattaya 20 years ago. Then it was 100% gay farangs plus a good supply of Thai rent boys.
The times they are a-changing. A great deal more has changed in Pattaya in 20 years. The new normal will be nothing like the old past.

October 21st, 2020, 15:14
I've never really associated dongtan beach with sex...its been more of a refugee...a place to while the day away...recharge my balls...doze off...go for the occasional dip...drink beer...cross the street for the odd meal or two...basically relax...

October 21st, 2020, 16:33
In the days before Sansuk and when there were few massage places (I can recall Nobody's in Naklua and no other), the only ways to meet a Thai guy were by cruising Royal Garden or by going to the beach and waiting for someone to cruise you. It was quite a scene in the 90s.
You youngsters are spoilt for choice nowadays, even if the overall number of candidates is well-down.

October 22nd, 2020, 02:38
,,,number of candidates are NOT down...they have simply moved online...there is a wide choice ...a plethora...of willing and able mbs waiting online..all bright eyed and lubed up...

October 22nd, 2020, 04:43
In the days before Sansuk and when there were few massage places (I can recall Nobody's in Naklua and no other), the only ways to meet a Thai guy were by cruising Royal Garden or by going to the beach and waiting for someone to cruise you. It was quite a scene in the 90s.
You youngsters are spoilt for choice nowadays, even if the overall number of candidates is well-down.
My first trips to Pattaya were in year 2000 and I very quickly discovered the gay beach which was thriving at that time. In between the ranks of farangs there was a fair number of Thai boys sometimes wearing brief speedos, mostly looking for action, especially in the late afternoon. They would usually come over to you on an invitation Conveyed by one of the concession boys, to join you for a drink. From there it escalated to a trip to the hotel and an hour or two in bed with them.
A huge variety of articles could be bought from the beach venders - I still have a wooden model of a Spanish galleon purchased when a little drunk.

Marc K
October 23rd, 2020, 04:12
Ah the vendors, always a delight if not sometimes annoying. The ice cream (ice keem, ka?) boy oops girl. The old lady manicurist who I swear was mostly blind, how she managed to not cut off my toe was always a mystery. The big-cocked belt salesman boy, I loved to inspect his ... belts. The straight gay-CD vendor boy who mostly giggled at each question about the movies he was selling. "Do you like 3-way"?

Ah yes the vendors were part of the entertainment for sure, and even at my last visit to Dongtan (October 2019) they had already been mostly gone for at least two years. It's a pity.

October 23rd, 2020, 08:04
...ice cream vendor...yes...he would shriek...i scream..u scream...we scream...then flounce off in a huff when nobody bought anything...

October 23rd, 2020, 09:46
Then of course there was the fat lady who ruled the important toilet facility. You would be in big trouble if you entered her disgusting realm without paying the 5 baht fee. I only entered when my need was overwhelming !

October 23rd, 2020, 09:51
Then of course there was the fat lady who ruled the important toilet facility. You would be in big trouble if you entered her disgusting realm !

Kept specially for “Dirty Falangs”? She was ahead of her time!

Marc K
October 24th, 2020, 04:56
...ice cream vendor...yes...he would shriek...i scream..u scream...we scream...then flounce off in a huff when nobody bought anything...

Yeah Latin dat's da one! I tried to figure out whether that was his 'act' or his true personality. Never did figure it out. Last time I saw him he was walking on Jomtien beach road looking very disheveled and needy. A rather pitiful sight sadly.