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October 10th, 2020, 10:25
With all of Thailand's focus being on the $$Money$$ they're losing by foreigners not being able to enter Thailand, where is the concern about the expats who resided in Thailand before this pandemic hit who are stranded offshore???

I'm getting nauseous reading about how much $$Money$$ the tourist industry is losing...how much $$Money$$ Thailand can make by allowing special tourists across the border...or how much $$money$$ Thailand wants to make by letting select groups of tourists to cross the border. What about the thousands of foreigners who call Thailand home from all over the world who are blocked from returning to their homes???

I feel sorry for the tourists, especially those who have been coming here routinely for years on their holidays, but there's a big difference between someone having to cancel or alter their holiday plans, and a person who can't return home.

I have a dozen friends who fall in this category and can't imagine how they're dealing with this. I'm sure they're scouring the news articles and updates on the various embassy websites daily waiting for a miracle, but, unfortunately, all they've had to read thus far pertains to $$Money$$" with no regard whatsoever about their plights.

Retiree's in Thailand were forced to route a minimum of 65,000 THB from their retirement funds directly to Thailand in 2019 in order to comply with new immigration mandates. The only other option was to maintain a minimum of 800,000 THB in a Thai bank which had to be frozen (not used) for 5 months out of the year. With these mandates in place, stranded expats could now be facing serious financial hardships, besides a whole host of other personal hardships.

If Thai nationals were allowed to return to Thailand (even from high-risk countries). Why aren't foreign expats allowed to return?

As always, the Thai embassy's are as useful as screen doors in a submarine.

October 10th, 2020, 10:55
They had time. There was a warning issued. If they chose not to return then it was their choice. They probably thought they'd be better off where they were.


October 10th, 2020, 11:25
They had time. There was a warning issued. If they chose not to return then it was their choice. They probably thought they'd be better off where they were.


I think it's a fair assumption that most people didn't think this pandemic was going to be as devastating as it is - or last nearly as long as it has. I imagine some thought this thing would last weeks - not years. I know I was.

If holiday-goers could have forecast these effects, they would probably have postponed their 2020 holidays back in March - versus waiting to receive life-support as they are now.

October 10th, 2020, 11:38
Fair points all.

Now I may well be very wide of the mark here. I exclude myself because as you've pointed out I'm only missing out on my holidays, normal life here (China) has returned to normal.

But it does seem as though those in pandemic riddled countries are in pretty OK spirits and making the best of things, cracking jokes and bantering. Whereas those actually in Thailand come across as somewhat despondent and down in the dumps. I'm referring specifically to you, MFAS, a few others and the Bangkok based coterie. Am I wrong in this?

October 10th, 2020, 12:40
But it does seem as though those in pandemic riddled countries are in pretty OK spirits and making the best of things, cracking jokes and bantering. Whereas those actually in Thailand come across as somewhat despondent and down in the dumps. I'm referring specifically to you, MFAS, a few others and the Bangkok based coterie. Am I wrong in this?

You must be reading the wrong media. I have friends stuck in Europe - a English/Thai with a British passport and his Australian bf of 20 years. They have their home in Chiang Mai and live mostly on the Australian's pension. Circumstances resulted in their being in different countries when the country locked down. Tthe Thai was in London and like too many assumed the lockdown would last only about 2 or 3 months. After all that's what most pundits were saying. Then it got extended. Then his bf got ill and quite agitated at his absence.

In July the Thai decided to get his bf to Germany. Lufthansa had flights. Again they both thought Thailand would be open by now. They were told they were on a wait list for repatriation flights back to Thailand but the earliest would be April 2012. With cashflow deteriorating, they moved to Athens. Then they moved from a nice part of the city and are now in a glorified slum in a poorer part. They will run out of cash before the end of the year.

Of course their mistake was to make wrong assumptions. Had the Thai just dropped everything and got one of the last flights back, they would be at home together and much better off financially. Soon they will be dependent on friends financial help just to survive.

A friend told me of a JAL pilot who also got stuck in London. He lives in Thailand with his Thai wife and kids. It took him 5 months to get on a repatriation flight. As Dodger pointed out, who knows how many are also stuck overseas and in severe financial straits?

October 10th, 2020, 15:54
vast majority of western immigrants will have their home governments to fall back on....annoying situation...but not exactly on a par with genuine refugees...total storm in a (little) tea cup...

October 10th, 2020, 16:17
You must be reading the wrong media. I have friends stuck in Europe - a English/Thai with a British passport and his Australian bf of 20 years. They have their home in Chiang Mai and live mostly on the Australian's pension. Circumstances resulted in their being in different countries when the country locked down. Tthe Thai was in London and like too many assumed the lockdown would last only about 2 or 3 months. After all that's what most pundits were saying. Then it got extended. Then his bf got ill and quite agitated at his absence.

In July the Thai decided to get his bf to Germany. Lufthansa had flights. Again they both thought Thailand would be open by now. They were told they were on a wait list for repatriation flights back to Thailand but the earliest would be April 2012. With cashflow deteriorating, they moved to Athens. Then they moved from a nice part of the city and are now in a glorified slum in a poorer part. They will run out of cash before the end of the year.

Of course their mistake was to make wrong assumptions. Had the Thai just dropped everything and got one of the last flights back, they would be at home together and much better off financially. Soon they will be dependent on friends financial help just to survive.

A friend told me of a JAL pilot who also got stuck in London. He lives in Thailand with his Thai wife and kids. It took him 5 months to get on a repatriation flight. As Dodger pointed out, who knows how many are also stuck overseas and in severe financial straits?

Wow, what a horror story, I hope they get their old life back again soon.
You wouldn't think your life could be turned upside down, for what on the surface seems like an ordinary event....taking a trip. And yet they are now struggling to survive. Sad.

October 10th, 2020, 19:09
.....But it does seem as though those in pandemic riddled countries are in pretty OK spirits and making the best of things, cracking jokes and bantering. Whereas those actually in Thailand come across as somewhat despondent and down in the dumps. I'm referring specifically to you, MFAS, a few others and the Bangkok based coterie. Am I wrong in this?

Honestly, and I mean this sincerely, the lifestyle I enjoy in Thailand has been effected very little by the virus, and I rarely, if ever, feel down in the dumps. I've cautioned myself several times in these discussions not to come across as being "overly delighted" about some of the changes which have taken place, e.g., less traffic, safer roads, cleaner environment, no tour buses, no Chinese, etc., etc., to avoid inadvertently rubbing salt in the wounds of those who have been seriously effected, because that would certainly not be my intent.

There are definitely people getting despondent and depressed over this on both sides of the ocean. I have one friend who's stranded in the UK who actually sounds suicidal in his messages to me, and another from the U.S. who adapted to the situation without a hitch...says he and his partner have scratched Thailand off their list until a vaccine in available, and have now embarked in a 3 state tour in their mobile camper...just as happy as a lark. Some people just adapt to change better than others.

October 10th, 2020, 19:35
Nice reply. I think that many here might enjoy reading some 'having a great time, wish you were here' stuff and if accompanied by photographs of bars and beaches etc so much the better. I know I would.

I reiterate my view that most will be able to enjoy a Thailand Willy warmer over the winter.

October 10th, 2020, 20:56
Honestly, and I mean this sincerely, the lifestyle I enjoy in Thailand has been effected very little by the virus, and I rarely, if ever, feel down in the dumps. I've cautioned myself several times in these discussions not to come across as being "overly delighted" about some of the changes which have taken place, e.g., less traffic, safer roads, cleaner environment, no tour buses, no Chinese, etc., etc., to avoid inadvertently rubbing salt in the wounds of those who have been seriously effected, because that would certainly not be my intent..

I totally agree with Dodger, life in many day to day aspects has actually improved.
Arsenal your in China and long to come back here, now that’s a bit Freaky.....Lol

October 11th, 2020, 01:32
Well, as a tourist who can't return to Thailand, at least I have my home to live in.

If the poor expats have their only home in Thailand and cannot return to it, then presumably they have to rent accommodation abroad at great expense.
I'd imagine most of the people PERMANENTLY resident in Thailand would not keep an empty house in their own country, as even if they keep a property, it probably makes sense to rent it out.
Then a policy of allowing Thais to return home, but not foreigners with residence has no scientific basis and is nothing more than racism. Of course, Thailand is not the only country with such policies.

I see no scientific basis for stopping movement at all, at any time during this pandemic. All they need to do is set the quarantine rules and enforce them. This protects the rest of the country.

October 11th, 2020, 09:27
vast majority of western immigrants will have their home governments to fall back on....annoying situation...but not exactly on a par with genuine refugees...total storm in a (little) tea cup...
Just what one would expect from a sex tourist with no interest in the welfare of those whose asses he rams bareback and to hell with the result for the boys..

Re my two friends, they have nothing to fall back on. Their only home has been in Chiang Mai for several years. The Australian is stuck in Europe. He is retired. He has no work permit and no job. Even if he had any desire to return to Australia he would be on a long list for repatriation flights. Only 4,000 a week are permitted. His bf could leave him and return to London. But to what? He is largely dependent on his bf's pension. He has no home and no job return to. He qualifies for no government support apart from healthcare. Their life is in Chiang Mai.

And you, latintopxxx, call this a storm in a teacup! That is disgraceful.

October 11th, 2020, 13:31
" ... And you, latintopxxx, call this a storm in a teacup! That is disgraceful ... "
What? What? What? Wow Nelly!!. You've been on this board for two months (unless you are a Hydra ... but I doubt that) and you call Latincolvinopoxx a wishy washy Victorian style 'disgrace'?
Shirley at least you could go for a mild 'contemptible'. You might at least give me/us the possibility of allowing me a slight smile.

There's lots of space here to give it some serious thought regarding our long living circa 2008 sex-troll, cum-licker, asshole-flash lighting, scewing-anything-that-moves, virus spreading, cock measuring, bare-backing-4-at-once, fucking-a-Thai-Guy-in-the-nose-if-he-thought-there-might-be-some-3-days-of-mucous-left-there. And on and on ... Fodder man, fodder!

October 11th, 2020, 15:23
You might at least give me/us the possibility of allowing me a slight smile.
I though I already did

October 11th, 2020, 22:17
Arsenal your in China and long to come back here, now that’s a bit Freaky.....Lol

Yes, it is a bit odd considering many of the Chinese boys are cuties, unless arsenal needs to be discreet because of work. That would be frustrating.

October 11th, 2020, 23:14
Not discreet at all, quite the opposite. See my previous postings on Chinese boys. Rarely does the photo match the goods when he shows up. And I'm not longing to get to Pattaya. Not yet anyway. However when November/ December arrive and with it the freezing cold weather I certainly will be.

October 11th, 2020, 23:57
Wow Nelly!!. You've been on this board for two months (unless you are a Hydra ... but I doubt that) and you call Latincolvinopoxx a wishy washy Victorian style...

As Armando has only been here for a few months (?) he will be unaware of that great effluent post when Latinhasthepox begged forgiveness for his verbose, made up,fictitious, wet dream, posting history. As I recall he said a “friend” had offered him some “advice”.

Was a few years ago so I cannot bring it up to remind him!

October 12th, 2020, 01:19
I think it is a great mistake to sel all possessions in your own country and set definitely in Thailand if you are a Westerner.
It is far more intelligent to do half and half: have something in your own country and stay in Thailand half a year just as a long holiday.
You forget something important and that is that you will ALWAYS be a foreigner in Thailand and consequently renounce your privileges as a Westerner and accept that you will not have the same rights as Thai citizens.
To set in Thailand and pretend to be always welcomed as it was some time ago is foolish IMHO.

October 12th, 2020, 09:46
I think it is a great mistake to sel all possessions in your own country and set definitely in Thailand if you are a Westerner.
It is far more intelligent to do half and half: have something in your own country and stay in Thailand half a year just as a long holiday.
You forget something important and that is that you will ALWAYS be a foreigner in Thailand and consequently renounce your privileges as a Westerner and accept that you will not have the same rights as Thai citizens.
To set in Thailand and pretend to be always welcomed as it was some time ago is foolish IMHO.

As a rule for the future this makes complete sense. For those who already sold up and now live here permanently like the two friends now stuck in Greece, they are too late to abide by that rule. I suspect the same will be true of many already living in retirement in Thailand.

October 12th, 2020, 10:13
I think it is a great mistake to sell all possessions in your own country and set definitely in Thailand if you are a Westerner.
It is far more intelligent to do half and half: have something in your own country and stay in Thailand half a year just as a long holiday.

You make some good points, but doing half and half as you suggested wouldn't work for everyone.

I did half and half for years and couldn't wait for the chance to retire and not have to endure those tortuous flights around the planet any more. The travel time one-way from Chicago to Thailand (3 airplanes) was 27 hours. That amounts to flying around the circumference of the Planet Earth twice a year (108 hours total travel time/year).

When I decided to retire, I flipped a coin to see if Chicago or Thailand would be my permanent home, and didn't even wait for the coin to stop spinning in air before deciding on Thailand. I have a place to stay with family members when I want to return to Chicago for visits, but not everyone is as fortunate.

October 12th, 2020, 13:42
As Armando has only been here for a few months (?) he will be unaware of that great effluent post when Latinhasthepox begged forgiveness for his verbose, made up,fictitious, wet dream, posting history. As I recall he said a “friend” had offered him some “advice”.

Was a few years ago so I cannot bring it up to remind him!

What a shame! Covering oneself with a bit of shit from time to time could do wonders for the soul. Provided of course it is worthy of salvation.

October 12th, 2020, 14:29
"...Covering oneself with a bit of shit from time to time could do wonders for the soul..."Better, much better. I knew you had it inya. Excellent.
(Next time though, a bag of shit instead of a bit would be more regency.)