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View Full Version : Thailand To Get Vaccine Early Next Year?

October 10th, 2020, 00:04

Nirish guy
October 10th, 2020, 00:54
They must all know something the rest of us dont then re when a vaccine will be available ......

October 10th, 2020, 01:00
This won’t help those of us trapped outside Thailand!

Nirish guy
October 10th, 2020, 01:23
You would imagine that IF and when a vaccine becomes available, both in the UK and in Thailand ( at the same time according to the article) that the obvious thing for (all) Governments to do would be to agree on some form of "vaccine passport" showing you'd already received the vaccine in your own Country and so were safe and able to travel.

Mind you even IF the vaccine comes out as planned it's sounding very unlikely that that will be early in the new year before us of the great unwashed are offered it.

October 10th, 2020, 03:30
Mind you even IF the vaccine comes out as planned it's sounding very unlikely that that will be early in the new year before us of the great unwashed are offered it.There are plenty of “informed sources” now saying that not only will there be a priority queue but the manufacturing constraints of producing sufficient doses together with the logistical constraints of distribution mean that it’s unlikely those great unwashed will be vaccinated in 2021 at all.

However - assuming a vaccine is proven both safe and effective - “vulnerable” people ie. old farts like most of us SGT members will be in the priority queue. The other manufacturing/distribution challenge will be whether a second, booster shot is required shortly after the first vaccination.

On the “safe and effective” front one of the things being downplayed is the side effects experienced by some of the trial vaccine participants, especially similarities to strong reactions to the annual ‘flu shot. It was announced recently that the Australian government has indemnified the drug companies against unspecified “unforeseen circumstances” of vaccination.

October 10th, 2020, 04:56
You can bet your bottom dollar that the Thais will invent some longwinded, convoluted, bureaucratic, nonsensical, paperwork requirement prior to accepting your “vaccine passport”.
It all been seen already...

October 10th, 2020, 07:27
You can bet your bottom dollar that the Thais will invent some longwinded, convoluted, bureaucratic, nonsensical, paperwork requirement prior to accepting your “vaccine passport”.
It all been seen already...I used to think the only thing the Thai military were any good at was shooting their own civilian population but latterly they have added a new skill - shooting themselves in the foot. AFAIK Thailand is the only country so reliant on mass tourism that’s attempting to make medical travel insurance mandatory. It’s an interesting concept given that the moment this coronavirus was declared a pandemic most insurance companies voided their policies for anything related to COVID-19.

October 10th, 2020, 09:05
The Oxford Vaccine failed trials in early September when volunteers became ill after taking the vaccine. Phase 3 testing has just started...could take months...could take years...may, or may not, even get approved.

Thailand's "hype" regarding the availably of this vaccine in early 2021 is just that... "hype".

October 10th, 2020, 12:22
The Oxford Vaccine failed trials in early September when volunteers became ill after taking the vaccine. Phase 3 testing has just started...could take months...could take years...may, or may not, even get approved.

Thailand's "hype" regarding the availably of this vaccine in early 2021 is just that... "hype".

There are 1,102 participants in the trial and ONE became ill this triggered the shutdown of the trial, it was a woman in the UK who experienced neurological symptoms consistent with transverse myelitis. Since the trial has restarted.

October 10th, 2020, 16:19
There are 1,102 participants in the trial and ONE became ill this triggered the shutdown of the trial, it was a woman in the UK who experienced neurological symptoms consistent with transverse myelitis. Since the trial has restarted.

Your numbers are a little low. There are just over 10,000 participants in the UK phase 3 trial, of which about 50% get the vaccine and 50% get a placebo. The same vaccine is also undergoing trials in Brazil, South Africa and the US, although I'm not sure if the US has restarted the trial. I think India was also going to arrange a trial.

October 10th, 2020, 19:26
Well, I guess the tests will have to be complete soon, since Thailand will begin using this vaccine early next year.

October 11th, 2020, 01:16
Well, I guess the tests will have to be complete soon, since Thailand will begin using this vaccine early next year.
The Astra Zeneca CEO said the earliest time at which results might be submitted could be the end of October.
Furthermore, there are references to 400 million doses being ready at the end of the year.

October 11th, 2020, 21:52
I currently rate my chances of returning to Thailand by Christmas 2021 at 80%. Returning by next summer at 60% and returning by Easter/Songkran at 30%. All based on the hope of a vaccine and a welcome from the Thai government for vaccinated tourists.
I am not really worried about bars and venues closing during the crisis. They will open again in some form.
Pattaya does not exist so much on supply and demand as "You demand, we supply."
Not so much If you build it they will come , more If you cum, we will build it.
When we return in numbers as part of some new normal, Pattaya will return too.
In a strange way we are Pattaya.

October 13th, 2020, 13:59
I think that Thailand will welcome visitors as soon as they have had a vaccination.
But they will have to lose their ridiculous insurance and quarantine requirements.

Marc K
October 14th, 2020, 05:10
I currently rate my chances of returning to Thailand by Christmas 2021 at 80%. Returning by next summer at 60% and returning by Easter/Songkran at 30%.

If you build it they will come , more If you cum, we will build it.
When we return in numbers as part of some new normal, Pattaya will return too.
In a strange way we are Pattaya.

Kenny, I think your odds are pretty well reasoned. I would assess them similarly. It is a bit harrowing to point out however that, according to your odds, there is still a 20% we won't even be back by next Christmas. But yes I think your projections are spot on.

As for the second part of our enjoyable analysis, I also generally agree with your assessment, depending on who the "we" is. If "we" is us over-age Westerners then I would not agree. If however there is a new wave of gay 30-somethings and 40-somethings then I would be very optimistic about the future of Pattaya.

One more point, I think the "New Pattaya" in any case will be very different from our nostalgic reminisces. I think the "New Pattaya" will be even more technologically enabled (the "apps" that we know today are still very crude IMHO) and most of the visible sleaze will have been erased (for all the reasons which have been discussed on this forum). The reason I am optimistic is that Thais in general are fun loving, much more relaxed about sex than the rest of the "Victorian" world, and also strangely entrepreneurial.

Here's an idea for a new (5G-enabled?) app -- you turn it on and whenever there is another "brother of certain characteristics" within range the app alerts you. Then the next phase is to discreetly signal level of interest in each other (MB or otherwise). Well,cum to think about it, maybe this method has no better chance of yielding satisfying results than a simple smile, huh. :)

October 15th, 2020, 04:33
Following a suggestion from a member, via the red triangle system, the posts unrelated to finding a vaccine and discussing the merits of bars v apps have been removed from this thread and given their own topic with the title, Go-go bars v apps.

To continue the discussion about this new topic please follow the link below:

October 15th, 2020, 08:40
Whenever Thailand gets the vaccine, the Bank of Thailand does not expect tourism to recover until the end of next year seems to be the inference of this report -

October 16th, 2020, 18:32
I would bet that as soon as a trusted vaccine is introduced, Thai authorities will welcome vaccinated with open arms.