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October 5th, 2020, 19:54
originally posted here:

Brazil Sep2020 Gay activities 2

Wed16sep2020 boys at Sugarloaf beach, Henrique
A shapely boy, shirtless and no mask, is playing ball game with friends. When they stand around and I walk past, one of them talks to me, but the only word I understand is “gay”, and I reply that I like boys. They make some (indecent or inviting?) gestures and invite me (or ask me to invite them?) for a meal and show me a menu (or they work serving food at the beach?). I wonder how they got the idea I might be gay. I was wearing face mask and hat. Do I look that gay, even with face mask or hat, or was my interest in the boy that obvious?

But for lack of common language, and lack of somewhere to go, and lack of knowledge of local customs, I make an excuse and continue my sightseeing. But someone with better people skill could have made something interesting out of this encounter.

A boy Henrique from gayromeo speaks good English and we have been chatting for over a week. I ignored two requests for money, but now the third request I offer 100, he asks for 150, I repeat my offer of 100, he accepts.

For prices see here and following posts:

We meet in hotel lobby, schedule was 18:00, real 18:30. Hotel was busy, we can just walk past reception. Slim, brown and tall, but some hair on chest, abdomen, crotch, balls. It seems he shaved his abdomen and pubes a week ago, and now it has grown back, even worse than full hair. I feel like hugging a wire brush/cactus/hedgehog!

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-unS9ylMR8Bk/X3hsR7wRpPI/AAAAAAAAQO8/k8GvS65FBmYwVI2UGne6P1yr2GCsHOH3wCLcBGAsYHQ/w480-h640/cactus%2Bpenis%2BEUTXsa-WsAEfYYu.jpg (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-unS9ylMR8Bk/X3hsR7wRpPI/AAAAAAAAQO8/k8GvS65FBmYwVI2UGne6P1yr2GCsHOH3wCLcBGAsYHQ/s680/cactus%2Bpenis%2BEUTXsa-WsAEfYYu.jpg)
From: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EUTXsa-WsAEfYYu?format=jpg
Sidenote hedgehog jokes:
How do hedgehogs reproduce? Very, very carefully!
Errare humanum est, said the hedgehog and got off the toilet brush.

We have a so-so time in bed (I’m not horny with body hair, and he is not enthusiastic either). Invite him for dinner afterwards, pleasant company and interesting conversation.

Sat19sep2020 Sauna Copacabana, Point 202
Entry 60 BRL, stay 17:54-18:55. About 10 customers, among them one slim brown big cock Indian looking, but hairy and not interested anyway. 4 massage boy/men, one of them Black slim and no hair on lower arms and leg, but can’t see more of him (shorts, shirt, face mask).

Two red towels of good quality, sauna, steam room, herbal steam can sit 10 each.

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-t4LU8UpRwm4/X3hs1zZGkWI/AAAAAAAAQPE/GcQODBpFsfgoU2bEQxaRBpNgXiYvGn-1QCLcBGAsYHQ/w640-h360/P_20200919_175414_p.jpg (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-t4LU8UpRwm4/X3hs1zZGkWI/AAAAAAAAQPE/GcQODBpFsfgoU2bEQxaRBpNgXiYvGn-1QCLcBGAsYHQ/s2048/P_20200919_175414_p.jpg)
Continue to Point 202. High expectations when walking up their staircase (two floors from road).

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-F7WR28ZZCs8/X3htP1lfowI/AAAAAAAAQPQ/ZFSipcofIA4fhHUSKVcm17oDLgwpDrXAgCLcBGAsYHQ/w640-h568/P_20200919_213105_1_p.jpg (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-F7WR28ZZCs8/X3htP1lfowI/AAAAAAAAQPQ/ZFSipcofIA4fhHUSKVcm17oDLgwpDrXAgCLcBGAsYHQ/s2048/P_20200919_213105_1_p.jpg)
Entry 70 BRL, stay 19:14-21:30. About 10 customers and about 10 boys (in towel). Two Blacks approach me, but no my type. A third would be worth a closer look, but moving around, then gone. Nobody on 2nd and 3rd floor.

Another customer chats me up and turns out to be a forum member. Interesting conversation over Brazil and Thailand. Show schedule 21, real 21:20. Ladyboy lipsynch, leave soon.

Mon21sep2020 Point 117
Hiking on a rock on a beach far away from touristy areas, I come across a group of youth (boys and girls) in swimmwear, and they all show interest in me, but none of them speaks English. That serves just to show how poor English language skills are, and how easy it is to get in contact with locals, but to make more of it, you would have to speak Portuguese.

Entry 50 BRL includes drink at bar. Stay 19:47-20:42. Try to rectify my mistake (not going with the Black) from last week, but the boy was not in. About 10 customers and 10 boys during my stay. Steam room hot, can sit 10. Leave when show starts.

Light rain in the evening; decide against going to Lion’s club.

I regret not going with the boy in Lagoa or in Point117. Not speaking a common language and not knowing local customs and tipping expectations has not prevented me from going to gay massages in Myanmar, which turned out to be a great success.

This trip was just scratching at the surface. I’m not a disco-goer, but I would have gone to get an idea, but they were all (?) closed for covid. If saunas had been busier, I would certainly have found someone to my taste and taken him to a room. I didn’t even dip into the large online gay4pay scene.

The internet gives an idea what could be available:

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-TmnRj4AC3Z8/X3htmvxsOII/AAAAAAAAQPY/mcj4sOXOZIwvjkKl-JXuzW396j94Ko2-wCLcBGAsYHQ/w428-h640/dan%2Bsmit%2B3092644.jpg (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-TmnRj4AC3Z8/X3htmvxsOII/AAAAAAAAQPY/mcj4sOXOZIwvjkKl-JXuzW396j94Ko2-wCLcBGAsYHQ/s800/dan%2Bsmit%2B3092644.jpg)
https://www.boytoyflirt.com/?model=dan-smit (works only when he is online?)
https://twitter.com/dansmitf4f Dan Smit from Colombia

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PSpHT2Qvu78/X3ht6Z2nRII/AAAAAAAAQPg/niMSCwkubBEICVoH_3DmpgZkrC2nP2XPQCLcBGAsYHQ/w640-h426/josh-megans-3066983.jpg (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PSpHT2Qvu78/X3ht6Z2nRII/AAAAAAAAQPg/niMSCwkubBEICVoH_3DmpgZkrC2nP2XPQCLcBGAsYHQ/s800/josh-megans-3066983.jpg)
from: https://ssl-cdn2.vscdns.com/images/models/samples-1600x1200/3385276.jpg
Josh Megans https://nakedgirlslive.com/latino/

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Y9M76ytNofw/X3hufXM9g_I/AAAAAAAAQPo/vjsOqwHmZuE0UyeONWzpjfhGxTtvFhiDQCLcBGAsYHQ/w640-h456/50-502586_neymar-junior.jpg (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Y9M76ytNofw/X3hufXM9g_I/AAAAAAAAQPo/vjsOqwHmZuE0UyeONWzpjfhGxTtvFhiDQCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/50-502586_neymar-junior.jpg)
Neymar junior from: https://www.wallpapertip.com/wmimgs/50-502586_neymar-junior.jpg

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ZnlCFMbSNEY/X3huuNPQekI/AAAAAAAAQPs/4832nxaHCxEBnKkyacxJdGr8m2TkTfgNgCLcBGAsYHQ/w640-h360/taylor%2Blautner%2Bthen%2Band%2Bnow.jpg (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ZnlCFMbSNEY/X3huuNPQekI/AAAAAAAAQPs/4832nxaHCxEBnKkyacxJdGr8m2TkTfgNgCLcBGAsYHQ/s1280/taylor%2Blautner%2Bthen%2Band%2Bnow.jpg)The young Taylor Lautner (not Brazilian, but his looks when young would fit perfectly) https://i.ytimg.com/vi/FVRpCcb7vNc/maxresdefault.jpg

General observations
Advertising for lady prostitutes, accepting credit card:

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Ty9sBZcAPhA/X3ipI9piSUI/AAAAAAAAQQE/9PPi9a13NRkLx58nXFKN2goJ1oaKlrQxQCLcBGAsYHQ/w640-h360/P_20200920_105806_1_p.jpg (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Ty9sBZcAPhA/X3ipI9piSUI/AAAAAAAAQQE/9PPi9a13NRkLx58nXFKN2goJ1oaKlrQxQCLcBGAsYHQ/s2048/P_20200920_105806_1_p.jpg)

Underwear in 25 Marco markets in Sao Paulo. Boys in sauna were mostly in towel (for easy access), those in underwear mostly trunks. I like briefs more.

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-06HgoX-_3DU/X3ipW1G8kVI/AAAAAAAAQQI/0Mw3Y7FzTKcgM5ZrlVLsxzA8Cf9fS6LvwCLcBGAsYHQ/w360-h640/P_20200911_124706_1_p.jpg (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-06HgoX-_3DU/X3ipW1G8kVI/AAAAAAAAQQI/0Mw3Y7FzTKcgM5ZrlVLsxzA8Cf9fS6LvwCLcBGAsYHQ/s1024/P_20200911_124706_1_p.jpg)

I saw slim boys, cute as far as I could judge with face mask, who had little hair on lower arms and lower thighs.

Extrapolating everything I saw, there must be a cute slim brown no body hair English speaking gay twink with big cock hiding somewhere in Brazil, and I will return some day to find him and to visit gay venues that were closed during this trip or had low number of customers.

I reference to Blacks a few times in this post. I have a sexual interest in Blacks and would go to Africa if there was an organized gay scene somewhere. But everything I read and hear is at best disappointing, at worst scam.

Copyright 2020 ChristianPFC except linked pictures

October 5th, 2020, 23:58
Thanks for the report Christian.

I also have a strong preference for less body hair.
However, if Asia is closed to tourists and I could an get a cute slim & submissive Brazilian with some body hair, then the body hair can be overlooked.

However, as I'm over 50, I think I'd better wait for Covid infection rates in Brazil to fall before going there.