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September 17th, 2021, 15:59
Arsenal, your experiences of being a foreigner in China bring back so many memories.

I had similar ones growing up in Japan at a time when foreigners were only seen in the movies. Everyone was very polite, but I still found it annoying. So I understand where you are coming from with this.

I would go into a shop and all hell would break loose. Nobody would come forward to serve me as they thought their English was inadequate. And of course, as far as they were concerned, anyone non-Japanese only ever spoke English! Other languages seemed not to exist. We were all automatically thought to be American.

When I finally accosted someone to get served and I spoke to them in Japanese, more hell broke loose!

"Quick! Go and find a camera! Go and get the boss! Help!! There's this alien from Mars here! And he's speaking Japanese! And he's in our shop!!"

It was so funny watching them all running around as if their arses were on fire.

These days nobody pays us foreigners any attention, at least not in the big cities. It still sometimes occurs out in the countryside but everyone is always very polite and friendly. And the reactions are not quite as extreme as before.

And when I go into a Japanese-owned establishment here in Perth and speak Japanese it's selfie time! And fellow customers look on bemused, wondering what all the fuss is about.

"Are you famous in Japan?".


September 17th, 2021, 16:34
And of course, as far as they were concerned, anyone non-Japanese only ever spoke English! Other languages seemed not to exist.

They grow up speaking Japanese.
Learning English is useful as the language of international business.
After that, learning any other European language will have much less use for most Japanese, since they will rarely get to use it.

September 18th, 2021, 20:08
1.To the basketball court on this balmy late summer evening. Number 23 is a right looker and we were conversing on blued until he got very angry cos I wouldn't send him a photo of my willy. He's clearly a dinky twinky with a very cute arse. But, believe it or not he's also the best basketball player in town in as much as such a thing exists in what is basically a game of catch.

2. The bats were out in force feasting away.

3. A magnificent example of Chinese manliness.

4. This lady came and chatted to me several times as she often does. I don't know what she says but this never seems to bother her.

September 18th, 2021, 22:39
If all you guys are interested in in is the price of a haircut then maybe start your own thread rather than carpet bag this one. I find Christian odd and francois is rapidly becoming the boards most irritating member with his inability to post more than a single off topic sentence.

September 18th, 2021, 22:55
History has told me (us all in fact) that when the board starts to get annoying it's time to take a break. I'm therefore logging out for a few months to recharge my batteries. Au revoir.

September 18th, 2021, 22:59
A copy of post # 250 together with unrelated posts have been moved to the Everything Else forum under the title, What price a haircut?

To contribute to the new topic, please click on the following link:

September 20th, 2021, 21:57
Enjoy your holiday from the forum.


September 21st, 2021, 09:11
Whether he's making a grand entrance or exit, this man exudes poise and confidence.

September 21st, 2021, 13:14
Try this place Christian. Its very you.

September 30th, 2021, 17:12
The Chinese have announced their restrictions for the upcoming Winter Olympics. No.one can come in, even the athletes must do 21 days quarantine. Definitely more cautious than anywhere else (Except maybe Australia)...perhaps because they know, and I suspect that this thing started in a Wuhan lab as a potential weapon of war.

September 30th, 2021, 17:54
Right. On we go and Piggy Backers (MFAS apt description) can go somewhere else. This is a China thread. Out and about on this hot late late summer day.

A film of oily pollution making it's way down the river probably killing everything...and yet. The largest fish I've seen personally caught in China. A meter long and feisty. Interestingly the guy could not get it away quick enough as he and his mate shot off on their e-bikes. Many red hatred tourists walking in order. From a senior high school I think with some rather attractive young men.

October 1st, 2021, 20:36
Enjoyed watching this little kid play basketball. A genuine protege. Running up and down the court bouncing the full sized ball in a coordinated fashion and only unable to score cos he couldn't get it high enough. Yao Ming in miniature.

October 2nd, 2021, 18:12
A new spa has opened and I am being inundated with MBs. The standard has gone into the stratosphere. The boy in the first pic cane today, looked like his photo and played majestically. About fucking time. Planning on having numbers 2 and 3 this week. Number 2 even sent me a selection of nakedphotos.

October 2nd, 2021, 18:24
I'm quite certain that his seedless watermelons will quench your thirst all summer.

October 3rd, 2021, 18:04
Late late late summer. The kite is huge and it took three of them to bring it down. A hardy soul with some specialist equipment could winch his way up and then slide down. That would be a fantastic race to watch.

October 6th, 2021, 20:22
The city at night.

October 7th, 2021, 01:28
Why does practically everyone wear a white shirt?

October 7th, 2021, 07:47
Why does practically everyone wear a white shirt?

For the same reason they wear white socks and white underwear.

I think it is an Asian thing, indicating cleanliness.

October 7th, 2021, 08:59
White underwear! Very rarely here in China. They tend to wear underwear that you might associate with a child. Garish colours and patterns.

October 7th, 2021, 22:58
I like garish colors and patterns! On the boys, not for me to dress in. Pictures please.

The one mainland Chinese boy I met in Taipei years ago wore white underwear of a style that could have been 50 years ago, totally unattractive to me.

October 8th, 2021, 08:45
The one mainland Chinese boy I met in Taipei years ago wore white underwear of a style that could have been 50 years ago, totally unattractive to me.

Sounds very familiar. I can't ever recall seeing any colour other then pure white on any guys in Japan. Never, ever.

And yes, their underwear was also very old-fashioned Y-fronts.

October 8th, 2021, 09:23
Y-fronts are for sparrows...

October 8th, 2021, 10:08
Y-fronts are for sparrows...

I beg your pardon!!
I have been wearing Y-front briefs since I was 20yo and in college.
My roommate told me I needed to switch from Boxers. Because I was showing too much...
First I bought Jockey Brand and now I am hip and buy Calvin Klein.

October 8th, 2021, 20:32
As endlessly fascinating as members underwear is I'm sure I reluctantly bring this thread back on topic.

Pleasure boat and the swings down by the river.

October 9th, 2021, 15:56
As requested by Christian although with his habit of sneaking into posts via the back door to 'correct' posts and other behaviours he doesn't deserve such treats.

October 9th, 2021, 23:41
Odds and sods.

A rather good looking boy contacted me last night. He was a foot fetishest. (sort of) He wanted me to send me photos of my shoes, which I did. He was unimpressed with my selection of footwear and in particular he disliked my sandals. Oh well.

Then today I got stopped by the police for no helmet, annoying as they usually look away when they see me. Usual procedure is to keep me for ten minutes and then let me go. However they kept me there for 20 minutes and THEN tried to extract the 20rmb fine from me. I told them that if they were going to fine me they should have done so immediately. So we reached a compromise of community service. One of the junction bods* gave me his red cap and flag and I was seconded as Special Agent Arsenal. Really it's just stopping people going when they're not supposed to but the power was intoxicating and I flagged down everyone I saw for even the most innocuous transgression. After ten minutes I was relieved of my command, considered too strict for the Chinese police. Hahaha hahaha.

Junction Bods. Patrol the crossroads at busy times and use a flag to stop anyone simply riding into the moving traffic.

October 9th, 2021, 23:58
Special Agent Arsenal.

October 10th, 2021, 02:04
Interesting to note the photo of the last lad in the above set has the background pixelated. Clearly they don't want anyone figuring out where it was taken. Wouldn't want to trace it back to anyone's apartment or hotel room :)

October 10th, 2021, 08:48
Special Agent Arsenal.

Slouching again aren't you?
Remember to keep your spine straight!
You wouldn't want to appear like a ladyboy would you?

October 10th, 2021, 09:24
Not slouching but a slight barely noticeable paunch.

October 10th, 2021, 09:43
Special Agent Arsenal.

I'm surprised that the sight of a "gweilo" (farang) directing traffic in China would have in itself caused a massive traffic jam.

Then again, you are wearing a large "mask" so maybe they thought you were one of them! Lol

October 20th, 2021, 23:09
Some boys.

October 23rd, 2021, 18:00
goji sent me a nice pm and I sent him an even nicer reply. So nice in fact that I've decided to put it here.

There's good and bad like everywhere. Overall I think life is much easier here than most other places and until recently I could do door to door to Pattaya in about 9 hours.

There is no denying Chinese behaviour is often grotesque but then people's who have no pride in their country rarely have pride in themselves.

The Chinese tour groups are as detested by the 'normal' Chinese as they are by everyone else. They are a breed apart...basically Mao's children whose intellectual capacity was retarded by the political system.

An analogy would be a playground full of three year olds all doing just what They want to do with zero thought for anyone else....which can be annoying.

But...They don't want to go into Richmond Park with machetes and rob people of their bikes, the latest horror crime I've read about from UK.

There is a strange mindset here. People put bars on their 8th floor apt windows cos apparently someone broke into one somewhere in China. Yet a shopkeeper will leave the shop open and unatended while he goes off for lunch.

So. I dunno. I don't understand them any more now than when I first got here.


Multi-Quote This Message

October 23rd, 2021, 21:46
Like many others I have had some bad experiences with Chinese tour groups whilst travelling.

For example, I'll be standing in front of a painting when I'm suddenly bundled out of the way by a large group who force their way in. What makes me especially angry is that many are not even looking at the painting - they are all chatting away together or are playing on their phones.

And the spitting in public is a total turn-off.

But having said that, I found that the Chinese people I met in China itself were very polite and helpful.

Tour groups bond together in weird ways and it is that bonding which sees them supporting bad behaviour from members of the group.

October 24th, 2021, 03:15
Like many others I have had some bad experiences with Chinese tour groups whilst travelling.

For example, I'll be standing in front of a painting when I'm suddenly bundled out of the way by a large group who force their way in.

On the subject of bundling people out of the way.....

I remember standing at the front of a short queue to by lunch on a day out in London, with the system clearly being one queue feeding 2 tills.
A Chinese tourist decides to jump the queue and go directly to one till as it frees up.
I spot this happening and make a move, intending to beat him to the spot, but we both arrive there at the same time and with more momentum, I literally knock him out of the way. [This won't win "post of the day", but I can assure you it was very satisfying at the time]

The Chinese student community are far better behaved.

Nirish guy
October 26th, 2021, 22:49
Like many others I have had some bad experiences with Chinese tour groups whilst travelling..

Dont even start me on the run in's I've had with the buggers at various breakfast bars in Hotels. Punches were almost thrown they were that rude and pushy, not to metion them grabbiing newly delivered plates of fresh bacon etc, all by the handful ( and I mean quite literally with their hands)

The worst being that after them getting my blood boiling enough for me to explode they then look at me with a "WHATTTTTT???? what are you getting so annoyed about" as they head back to their already overflowing table thats already coming down with a ton of wasted food, while I'm left standing there with steam coming out of my ears ready to kill dead things!

Like Goji i too have had many "pushing" incidents and thankfully they do tend to get the message after a while ( until the next time at least) - or so I like to tell myself anyway.

October 26th, 2021, 22:59
plates of fresh bacon

You should see them when the prawns arrive at the buffet!


Yet I never saw any of that behaviour in China itself. What's going on?

I went to the breakfast buffet every morning at the hotels in Beijing and Shanghai and everyone's behaviour was impeccable.

Brad the Impala
October 27th, 2021, 01:00
Yet I never saw any of that behaviour in China itself. What's going on?

Perhaps it's because outside China they perceive themselves as only competing with their version of "the great unwashed masses". Be they thai or farang they are still inferior to them, because the mainland Chinese are after all the master race, at least that's what the tour group mentality is.

October 27th, 2021, 07:44
Many famines over the last 150 years have left this nation psychologically scarred with regards to food. That's in addition to the other psychological scars they have and a total lack.of empathy. If they have a complex it's one of inferiority to the west, Japan etc. Like a447, I've been to countless hotel buffets in China and never noticed anything especially noteworthy behaviour wise except by me when I've got bacon, eggs, hash browns, salad, fresh fruit and a croissant on the same plate and have a bowl of sweet cereal as a 'dessert'.

There is a fantastic western restaurant I go to several times a week. The food is superb and the behaviour is as you would expect in a western establishment of similar standing. The Chinese habit of buying food for the table remains and so they tend to order way more than they can eat...I'm occasionally gladdened to see it taken away in a doggy bag.

The bacon behaviour described by NIrish can be witnessed in the supermarkets as they pick.up and manhandle several pieces of meat before deciding which one to buy. Fresh or frozen pre packaged meat is the answer to this.

My hotel in Pattaya did, for a while 'welcome' the tour groups but they were placed on separate floors and never bothered me. But after not that long the hotel let them go as did so many other businesses in Pattaya, the cost was just too high and the staff began to suffer and feel mentally violated.

October 27th, 2021, 16:18
The Chinese habit of buying food for the table remains and so they tend to order way more than they can eat...I'm occasionally gladdened to see it taken away in a doggy bag.

There's a buffet restaurant in Pattaya Central Festival which charges for any food left on the plate. And I recently went to a Japanese bbq wagyuu all-you-can-eat restaurant here in Perth which does the same.

Maybe that's the solution.

October 27th, 2021, 22:41
There's a buffet restaurant in Pattaya Central Festival which charges for any food left on the plate. And I recently went to a Japanese bbq wagyuu all-you-can-eat restaurant here in Perth which does the same.

Maybe that's the solution.

I have seen this notice before. But how do they Charge? Do they weight the plates before and after??? Stop the diners before leaving or add the cost to the Bill...

October 28th, 2021, 06:51
But how do they Charge? Do they weight the plates before and after??? Stop the diners before leaving or add the cost to the Bill...

I'm not sure how they do it, but I have a feeling that it is by weight.

I think it is mainly just a case of putting diners on notice that they should only take what they can eat.

I imagine it would be difficult if the restaurant were dealing with a huge tour group. There would be a riot!

Nirish guy
October 29th, 2021, 22:06
I've eaten in a few of those "we charge for what you leave on your plate" places and I've actually yet to see then charge anyone and I got the impression that A447 is right in that it's intended more as a put off to people or tables ( Chinese ??) who needlessly blatently and wastefully fill their plates either because of greed or culture perhaps.

I have to say it's rarely a situation I would have found myself in as coming from Ireland if you left food on your plate there was a fair chance you'd be getting back again on your plate the next night until you ate it as wasting food wasn't somehting my mother ever encoraged ( or tolerated ) - thankfully me being a greedy sod that was somehting we rarely quarrelled about anyway !! :-)

October 30th, 2021, 08:58
I wonder if young Chinese tourists behave like that at buffets? I can only recall seeing older tourists fighting over food. The young have grown up in relatively prosperous times (thanks, comrade president Xi!) and don't know about earlier famines. They haven't had to literally fight for survival like their elders.

Mind you, it's not just food they fight over. I've seen elderly Chinese women actually fighting over handbags at Louis Vuitton and watched as the staff stood back and cowered in disgust and horror, waiting for the police to arrive. Their husbands were just sitting down chatting, totally ignoring the mayhem. They'd seen it all before. Is it because so many Chinese are now part of the nouveau riche?

And of course, I was really pissed off when the handbag I was after was unceremoniously ripped from my hot little hands! Damn! It was a perfect match for my shoes. Lol

November 11th, 2021, 02:08
Another Chinese nightclub spectacular. Lots of drinking, dancing and lovely boys bottoms you'll all be pleased to hear.

November 11th, 2021, 02:38
May I suggest we start a GoFundMe so we can gift a high-resolution camera to Arsenal?

November 11th, 2021, 03:15
May I suggest we start a GoFundMe so we can gift a high-resolution camera to Arsenal?

Well, vnman, I certainly think it's time he ditched his Kodak box brownie or, failing that, give his camera lens a clean from time to time. :))

November 11th, 2021, 08:00
What arsenal needs is a pair of steady hands...

November 11th, 2021, 09:26
All complaints have been passed to the customer services department and will be treated with all due respect.

November 11th, 2021, 13:26
All complaints have been passed to the customer services department and will be treated with all due respect.

Beggars can't be choosers.


Nirish guy
November 11th, 2021, 22:18
or failing that, give his camera lens a clean from time to time. :))

Considering he surrounding himself with cute guys it's what's blurring his camera lense that's more concerning perhaps !

Meanwhile while we're waiting on his new crowedfunded camera to arrive with him me being the ever constructive type hope that perhaps this link might help....:-)


November 12th, 2021, 00:32
Taking clear photos with a smartphone at night is easier said than done, particularly if the person of interest is some distance away, or if discretion requires that the flash is switched off.

Here's my attempt to photograph a lad, whilst I was sat on the opposite side of the street in Jomtien. This is one of the clearer photos & most are FAR worse.
My TZ100 might have done slightly better, but who takes a proper camera on a night out ?

I wasn't the only one trying to take this shot (inviting competition).

November 12th, 2021, 08:53
Well I've just reviewed the photos (posted at 4.30am after a night at a club) and I think they're fucking awesome. Totally capturing the 2000 people constantly smoking cigarettes, lasers shooting off, colour changes every few seconds, people swinging from the ceiling, ticker tape, smoke machine, life sized dragons head, Chinese larger than life nightclub perfectly. But for those who want perfectly clear still life photos here is one for you.

November 12th, 2021, 09:07
I like his collar bone.

November 12th, 2021, 09:29
His trouser bone is rather agreeable too.

November 12th, 2021, 13:32
Considering he surrounding himself with cute guys it's what's blurring his camera lense that's more concerning perhaps !

Meanwhile while we're waiting on his new crowedfunded camera to arrive with him me being the ever constructive type hope that perhaps this link might help....:-)


These advices will not help in club:
1. Smoke is problem for camera to focus
2. Blinking light is problem for camera to make right exposure
3. Weak light need long exposure, but everyone in club moves nonstop, so people will be blurred

November 12th, 2021, 21:35
When taking pictures in a disco, I usually take 10 pictures of the same scene, so there is a good chance one is during strobe light and okay in quality. Here two examples from my blog https://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2020/01/gay-activities-nov-2019.html



November 16th, 2021, 09:22

Nirish guy
November 16th, 2021, 15:44
your camera work is still poor it seems - as it appears he still has all his clothes on !!! :-( You really must try harder ! :-) lol

November 18th, 2021, 09:47
NIrish. You asked me before if I find it frustrating, so much beauty and unavailable. I answered "Yes and no." Further to that. I often compare an out of reach Chinese boy with a very much in reach and previously enjoyed Thai one. This comparison often favours the Thai or at least it's a draw..Below are two photos. One of the boy above who goes by the wonderful name of Black Rose and the other is Ball from Nice Boys. Members van decide which ones they'd choose. Black Rose has a more sensual body and a smile to melt ice. Ball is bigger below and speaks very good English. I haven't altered the photos in any way, I've simply given them.the same greyscale hue.

November 18th, 2021, 13:40
Ball would be a nightmare in bed. I can hear it already.

"Don't touch my hair! Don't touch my hair!"

But if he is "bigger down below" I'll take him over Black Rose.

I'll just use earplugs.

November 18th, 2021, 14:55
As a bottom you shouldn't be touching his coiffure. Your fingers and hands will be too busy working his hairy balls and throbbing shaft and surfacing for air from time to time until he's ready to beat the daylight out of you.

November 18th, 2021, 15:01
Actually, I was thinking about topping him!

But I'm easy.

Nirish guy
November 18th, 2021, 15:53
But I'm easy.

Yeah, we heard ! :-)

November 18th, 2021, 17:20
Yeah, we heard ! :-)

Guilty as charged!

November 18th, 2021, 22:55
Always nice to see chickens slaughtered at the side of the road. A rather macabre but transfixing scene. They didn't do too much of the running around thing but they did somersault over a meter high with wings flapping. A Frenchman would be furious, the blood should go into a Coq au Vin, not be wasted. I particularly like the optimism of the cat who thought he might get a bit for himself.

November 19th, 2021, 19:36
Similar happens in markets elsewhere, e.g. Klong Toey in Bangkok. There it's only 50 m from road where chicken are delivered by truckloads alive, to the table where chicken (boiled, without feathers) are sold. I had an eye on some of the boys who slaughter the chicken, after cutting their throat, they toss them into a barrel where they can flatter a few seconds.

But what's the point of slaughtering them on the side of the road? As soon as dead, they will attract bacteria and vermin. They keep better while alive.

November 19th, 2021, 21:46
But what's the point of slaughtering them on the side of the road? As soon as dead, they will attract bacteria and vermin.

A culinary secret?

Nirish guy
November 19th, 2021, 23:37
, they toss them into a barrel where they can flatter a few seconds. .

What, like "ohhh I DO like your beak and those feathers just look just DEVINE on you darliing!!" before they die you mean!? :-))

November 22nd, 2021, 02:21
Without me having to read all 32+ tabs. Can anyone refresh me on where in China this is? Does OP give any indication of the city/ neighborhoods, etc?

Ps why do all pics attached show as little paper clips that I can’t open? And yes I’m logged in.


November 25th, 2021, 03:22

But what's the point of slaughtering them on the side of the road? As soon as dead, they will attract bacteria and vermin. They keep better while alive.

May be they do some "blood donations" to the Buddha this way? Same as they do when open the bottle of whiskey and throw the first shot to the bar steps?..

December 10th, 2021, 08:54
The first photo is the one on blued and his profile clearly states it's him. Well maybe from some time ago. The second one is the reality that's showing up at your door with the nerve to expect 600rmb, 800rmb if you want to fuck him. A lucky escape.

December 10th, 2021, 10:05
He's still OK for a free quick f*ck in the sauna...

December 11th, 2021, 00:07
nah...too podgy....if I'm handing over my hard earned cash I want prime A++ meat....

December 11th, 2021, 10:19
Yea, me too..

December 14th, 2021, 15:34
Memorial Day here when the Chinese bitch and wail about the brutality of the Japanese. No such bitching and wailing is permitted in Tibet or Xinjiang.

December 15th, 2021, 08:17
With regards to the above post. After the communist party took control in 1949 Mau and his premier Zhou Enlai both agreed the most important thing was stability. To that end a one party state with absolute power was essential and that's what China is today. No fissure however small will be allowed to open up for fear of the consequences. Bordered by 14 countries, most of whom could be described as leaning towards hostile and with little sense of national pride there's no chance of political reform on the horizon.

December 15th, 2021, 09:43
And this delightful message arrived this morning. Here here..

"Dear citizens, everyone is the master of building a high-quality national civilized city. Every citizen should actively participate in, start from me, strive to be a new era of civilization and courtesy."

December 16th, 2021, 12:58

December 27th, 2021, 08:49
A new young-fella-melad has entered the stage to rival gorgeous Chinese money boy. A bit of a tranny his blued profile has photos of him dressed up in silk gowns and make up. Yuk. I'd put off meeting him because u find them unappealing. Then last week he contacted me again and I agreed to have him over with very clear instructions...No dresses and NO make up.

Well he showed up and wow. Hair length past his neck, black cargo jeans and a full length black winter coat. He looked like Judd Nelson in The Breakfast Club. He speaks some English so instant Thai money boy style rapport was possible and great company. As he was getting dressed he got a late night call from his college form tutor to berate him for something.
"He is so bad, always saying bad things to me." Lovely boy.

December 27th, 2021, 10:08
Any pics... of his sexy neck?

January 15th, 2022, 18:13
This delightful old hag was cutting her fingernails in the supermarket checkout queue. Lovely.

January 16th, 2022, 19:56
Better than cutting her toenails in the checkout queue!

I have heard/read so many things, good and bad, about mainland China, can't wait to go there. But that will have to wait until travel to and from is open for everyone.

January 17th, 2022, 20:20
The simply delightful Seven came to see me. Even more attractive than his photo, superb bedroom skills and quite good English. A triumph. I'll ask him if he doesn't mind me posting some of his more Gardenof Eden photos so fingers crossed.

January 17th, 2022, 21:29
I have heard/read so many things, good and bad, about mainland China, can't wait to go there. But that will have to wait until travel to and from is open for everyone.

I found the Chinese delightful in their own country. They were very polite and always eager to assist.

January 19th, 2022, 10:08
And he said yes. Lucky us.

Not too hard on the eye.

But in the wrong forum.

January 19th, 2022, 13:24
Not really. He's a 21 year old semi naked gorgeous Asian boy. He belongs in any forum. I thought he deserved the widest possible audience.