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View Full Version : Lack of Sex Tourists Cripples Thailand's Economy

September 22nd, 2020, 13:04
Ok…ok…the title of this thread may be a bit of an exaggeration, but still a point that needs to be considered.

With all the data and statistics being tossed out there to measure the impact of this pandemic on the Thai economy, nowhere is there any data that shows how much money Thailand is losing in the Sex Industry.

I read earlier this year that the Sex Industry is supported by approximately 200,000 prostitutes (I can vouch for half of them), which Thai media commonly refers to as “Informal Workers”. Informal Workers perform services for pay where accounting records are not maintained. With no records/data it’s impossible to determine how much money Thailand is losing in this Industry.

The average punter (Gay or Str8) probably spends half of his holiday money on Sex (I know I did...ouch!). The money that sex tourists dish out to these informal workers is often more than just a tip for services provided, it sometimes includes other things like; sponsoring the family of a money girl (or, money-boy), financial investments in farmland, housing, businesses, educational funds, not to mention gifts like clothing, mobile phones, gold necklaces, and the occasional water buffalo…resulting in significant contributions to Thailand’s economy.

If Thailand wants to increase its revenue they’d better find a way for the sex tourists to return. Fuck the GNP data, just focus on the reality of what put Thailand on the map to begin with...SEX.

What should Thailand’s Tourist Authority do next:

Create a Special Visa for Sex Tourists. Let them return to Thailand immediately regardless of what country they’re coming from…approve hotels with discounted rates right in the middle of the major sex areas…send out flyers urging prostitutes to return to work….no quarantine whatsoever (only covid test record and a face mask)…and provide Sex Tourists with 50% discount bar fine coupons (at least 100) upon their arrival in Thailand. Last-but-not least, the length of stay for the Sex Tourist Visa would be indefinite.

Qualifications for this visa should be limited to a tourist’s ability to get a hard-on and a photo-copy of at least one major credit card. That’s all that matters. Hard-On tests could be administered in the airport lobby. Sex tourists are so horny by the time their planes land they can get a stiff cock just staring at a water cooler.

Reported cases of Covid will go up. Good. Let the younger generations start building an immunity to this dam thing and let the old farts die with smiles on their faces.

September 22nd, 2020, 13:15
Gotta agree with you there. Being in Thailand, in a shower with four young, cute gay lads with their smooth bodies, flat bellies, and beutiful asses while we each have a bottle of shampoo / bath gel and soaping each other up while having some slippery fun sounds like a great plan to me at the moment.

September 22nd, 2020, 15:13
Dream on, Dodger and Matt.:devilsh:

September 22nd, 2020, 15:18
Dream on, Dodger and Matt.:devilsh:

That's exactly what sexual fantasies are meant for! :)

Gotta do something to help tame blue balls.

September 22nd, 2020, 18:30

Qualifications for this visa should be limited to a tourist’s ability to get a hard-on and a photo-copy of at least one major credit card. That’s all that matters. Hard-On tests could be administered in the airport lobby. Sex tourists are so horny by the time their planes land they can get a stiff cock just staring at a water cooler.


Actually there is already a contraption in use as a repository for donor sperm. It only takes some modifications to the overall design to suit breeders and top gays. Mundane data like penis length, girth, and hardness can be collected for statistical purposes.

September 22nd, 2020, 22:05
It look like a treadmill, although heaven help you if you don't keep up the pace while you're depositing !

September 23rd, 2020, 07:29
Actually there is already a contraption in use as a repository for donor sperm..

These could cum in handy at Quarantine Hotels.

September 23rd, 2020, 09:07
Nice post Dodger. A Sex Visa is an appealing thought as long as holders get preference. :clapping:

But you can't be serious about the lack of a sex industry crippling the Thai economy? I assume not. Western tourists make up a small part of the overall Thai sex business. We all know a vast amount goes on behind closed doors in Thailand but it's for Thais only. Farang never get through those particular doors. How many of those 200,000 prostitutes service tourists and how many are found exclusively in the Thai only establishments?

Besides the contribution of western sex tourists to GDP is very small. Most, not all but most, stay in cheap hotels, spend little on food and drink inexpensive beer. I read somewhere that half of the spend is likely to go on the boys - or gals if that is their fancy. Are we really surprised that the government wants the high spenders? These are the couples and families who happily stay at the much more expensive hotels, drop large dollops of cash in the big malls and department stores, eat in the more expensive restaurants blah blah. Then there are the business men and women travelling on fat expense accounts. A few thousand of those will likely spend vastly more than any group of 100,000 or more sex tourists.

September 23rd, 2020, 10:27
Nice post Dodger.
Besides the contribution of western sex tourists to GDP is very small. Most, not all but most, stay in cheap hotels, spend little on food and drink inexpensive beer. I read somewhere that half of the spend is likely to go on the boys - or gals if that is their fancy. Are we really surprised that the government wants the high spenders?
And its actually worse than that when you read what certain posters here get up to in their attempts to
"bargain " down the boys for an "off".
The Thai Government are correct in their strategy, they and fair minded Farang could do without these cheap charlies types.

September 23rd, 2020, 16:05
This thread is clear evidence that we’re in the third stage of grieving - “Bargaining”

September 25th, 2020, 15:28
Sex Industry Generates Massive Income for the Country...read more:


September 25th, 2020, 15:37
Sex Industry Generates Mighty Erection for Jomtien Complex....read less get out more.

September 26th, 2020, 03:24
the only reason I visit Thailand is sex...cheap sex that is...must have spent millions of baht over the last 20 years...sure while my balls are recharging I occasionally visit the odd temple/palace/market.....but its the sex ...only the sex that drives my visits..

September 26th, 2020, 08:44
the only reason I visit Thailand is sex...cheap sex that is...must have spent millions of baht over the last 20 years...sure while my balls are recharging I occasionally visit the odd temple/palace/market.....but its the sex ...only the sex that drives my visits..

latintopxxx,what EXACTLY are you trying to tell us? For heavens sake can't you just come to the point!


September 29th, 2020, 13:53
Nice post Dodger. A Sex Visa is an appealing thought as long as holders get preference. :clapping:

But you can't be serious about the lack of a sex industry crippling the Thai economy? I assume not. Western tourists make up a small part of the overall Thai sex business. We all know a vast amount goes on behind closed doors in Thailand but it's for Thais only. Farang never get through those particular doors. How many of those 200,000 prostitutes service tourists and how many are found exclusively in the Thai only establishments?

Besides the contribution of western sex tourists to GDP is very small. Most, not all but most, stay in cheap hotels, spend little on food and drink inexpensive beer. I read somewhere that half of the spend is likely to go on the boys - or gals if that is their fancy. Are we really surprised that the government wants the high spenders? These are the couples and families who happily stay at the much more expensive hotels, drop large dollops of cash in the big malls and department stores, eat in the more expensive restaurants blah blah. Then there are the business men and women travelling on fat expense accounts. A few thousand of those will likely spend vastly more than any group of 100,000 or more sex tourists.

This reminds me of my last trip to BKK... back in October 2019. I was in a massage shop waiting on my guy of choice to prepare a room. While waiting, the front door opens and a middle-aged woman (obviously from the US as I am) walks in with her suitcase. She had mistaken the massage shop for a nearby hotel. The manager immediately starts saying "excuse me, lady I think you are in the wrong place, this not for you." She looks around and makes eye-contact with me, an upper 20s American guy, surrounded by obviously gay Thai guys. Her jaw dropped and she just froze. Her husband comes in and immediately sees they are in the wrong place and almost had to carry her out yelling "Go Karen!"

I look back on it now and always laugh. At the time it was super awkward for me as well.

The point is - they were the kind of people that definitely don't partake in the sex/massage industry. They were most likely "average" spenders. I feel that's the "type" of tourist Thailand will ultimately want to attract back.

I like to feel that when I'm in Thailand I usually spend a fair amount, stay in one of the nicer hotels, eat at the nice restaurants, visit the malls, etc. My main focus isn't necessarily the massage shops, but it is a part of every trip in the recent years.

September 30th, 2020, 00:06
the only reason I visit Thailand is sex...cheap sex that is...must have spent millions of baht over the last 20 years...sure while my balls are recharging I occasionally visit the odd temple/palace/market.....but its the sex ...only the sex that drives my visits..

I'm similar. Being fond of longer trips, I do visit temples and travel all over Thailand & other SE Asian countries. The trips always start in Bangkok. After that, I am prepared to go to places which have other attractions, but where getting someone of a suitable standard into my bed is more difficult. However, I'm unlikely to spend too long in such places before moving onto cities where some action is guaranteed.

Nirish guy
September 30th, 2020, 01:34
Her husband comes in and immediately sees they are in the wrong place and almost had to carry her out yelling "Go Karen!" .

What with her being a Karen you perhaps are lucky that it wasn't just the massage boy getting a mouthful that day ! :-)

September 30th, 2020, 02:42
...dont think u understand the definition of a karen

September 30th, 2020, 03:34
...dont think u understand the definition of a karen

Your post aroused my curiosity latintopxxx. I wasn’t entirely sure what it means to be called a Karen, so I decided to investigate further and was quite surprised at what I unearthed:

Karen is a pejorative term used in the United States and other English-speaking countries for a woman perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is appropriate or necessary. A common stereotype is that of a white woman who uses her privilege to demand her own way at the expense of others. Depictions also include demanding to "speak to the manager," being racist, or sporting a particular bob cut hairstyle. As of 2020, the term was increasingly being used as a general-purpose term of disapproval for middle-aged white women

Source: Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karen_(pejorative))

Or from BBC News:

What exactly is a 'Karen' and where did the meme come from?

By Ashitha Nagesh BBC News
31 July 2020

Earlier this week Domino's Pizza had to issue an apology over a promotion it ran in Australia and New Zealand, offering free pizza to "nice Karens".

The company didn't pick out the name Karen at random. "Karen" has, in recent years, become a widespread meme referencing a specific type of middle-class white woman, who exhibits behaviours that stem from privilege.

To give some examples, "Karen" is associated with the kind of person who demands to "speak to the manager" in order to belittle service industry workers, is anti-vaccination, and carries out racist micro-aggressions, such as asking to touch black people's hair.

But a predominant feature of the "Karen" stereotype is that they weaponise their relative privilege against people of colour - for example, when making police complaints against black people for minor or even - in numerous cases - fictitious infringements . . .

For the full article see: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-53588201

Old git
September 30th, 2020, 04:10
Thai friends, some of nearly 20 years standing, with interests in the bar trade, have been texting me recently.

They are getting really worried now that the regular visitors to Thailand are going to give up on the place and start going elsewhere - notably the Caribbean, which they understand to be open to tourists (I've not checked..)

The dependency of the people of Issan on the tourist trade, be it as bar staff, masseurs or hotel maids, to provide the hard cash to support an otherwise threadbare subsidence economy, is immense. I feel the red shirts will be on the war path very soon if the government does not smell the coffee and realise the imperative of restoring mass tourism..

September 30th, 2020, 05:39
....bit of a worry as now we also have student unrest...guess there is a danger if what was once an oasis of peace and calm will emulate its neighbours...and do agree that much as some dislike the business but obviously prostituting oneself regardless of sexual orientation is one way of paying the bills and actually stepping up a rung or two of the wealth ladder

September 30th, 2020, 09:18
....bit of a worry as now we also have student unrest...guess there is a danger if what was once an oasis of peace and calm will emulate its neighbours...and do agree that much as some dislike the business but obviously prostituting oneself regardless of sexual orientation is one way of paying the bills and actually stepping up a rung or two of the wealth ladderWhere were you in 2010?

September 30th, 2020, 09:20
From Nikkei Asia comes this report and for those residents of countries in the naughty corner (USA, UK) it’s not good news:

“ Thailand is making plans to reopen the country for foreign tourists and investors early next year, expecting them to help reenergize an economy made lackluster by the coronavirus pandemic.

Supattanapong Punmeechaow, the deputy prime minister who oversees economic issues, said the government is brainstorming how to prepare for resuming international flights and relaxing other quarantine rules.

"Next year, we will be focusing on the opening of the country," Supattanapong told Nikkei.

But a reopening would be done bilaterally, and case by case, as Thailand talks with some countries that also are regarded as handling the COVID-19 pandemic well including Japan, Singapore and Vietnam. Thailand has reported just over 3,500 total coronavirus infections, with 59 deaths.”

October 1st, 2020, 14:59
......the government is brainstorming how to prepare for resuming international flights and relaxing other quarantine rules.

Whenever you hear the term "brainstorming" being used in Thailand, it gets scary.

October 1st, 2020, 16:53
. Thailand has reported just over 3,500 total coronavirus infections, with 59 deaths.”

Will it would wouldn’t it? If you look here https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ Thailand is recorded as having conducted 10727 tests and that number hasnt changed for weeks while I have been watching it.

No tests = no infections recorded.

However : they have recorded new cases in the last few days so....

How can one trust any of their figures?

October 1st, 2020, 21:06
Will it would wouldn’t it? If you look here https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ Thailand is recorded as having conducted 10727 tests and that number hasnt changed for weeks while I have been watching it.

No tests = no infections recorded.

However : they have recorded new cases in the last few days so....

How can one trust any of their figures?

Wrong. Thailand has recorded 749,213 tests. You have reported the per million figure. I admit I have not been reading these particular statistics. According to the WHO website on 29 June Thailand had tested 603,657. So there has been testing over the last 3 months. Do you expect everyone to be tested? I for one believe Thailand's anti-covid measures have been amazingly successful, the more so when you consider that the first case was a taxi driver who had been infected by a passenger from Wuhan on 13 January. That was the first known exported case directly from Wuhan.

But if you do not trust Thailand's figures, do you trust those submitted by all other countries? For whatever reason would Thailand fake its statistics? Because it affects tourism? That cant be the case as tourism is dead and will continue on life support for many, many more months.

October 2nd, 2020, 10:14
Whenever you hear the term "brainstorming" being used in Thailand, it gets scary.Strangely, I'm more inclined to Think-Trump when it's all about the word 'brain'.

October 2nd, 2020, 14:29
Strangely, I'm more inclined to Think-Trump when it's all about the word 'brain'.

I have the same inclinations.

Mr. Brain Power himself now has Corona. Go figure!

October 2nd, 2020, 15:09
I have the same inclinations, Mr. Brain Power himself now has Corona. Go figure!

Time to think about the next move. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_line_of_succession

Until the end of January Nancy Pelosi (Democrat) might well be the President if we get to #2. Pence was on that plane.
What a weird four years.

Nirish guy
October 2nd, 2020, 20:57
. Pence was on that plane. .

Was he ? ( not doubting you, I've no idea). I'm just more surprised to read he may have been on the same plane as I always thought the Secret service had fairly strict rules about splitting all those on the list of "succession" ( if that's the right word for Presidents as opposed to Royalty) in case of any plane crashes and the like so the next person was still alive to take over !?

October 2nd, 2020, 23:35

What me make a mistake? Unheard of!

October 3rd, 2020, 07:55
Was he ? ( not doubting you, I've no idea). I'm just more surprised to read he may have been on the same plane as I always thought the Secret service had fairly strict rules about splitting all those on the list of "succession" ( if that's the right word for Presidents as opposed to Royalty) in case of any plane crashes and the like so the next person was still alive to take over !?
Yes, you are correct. Most of the time the Prez and the Vice Prez fly on different planes. The Secret Service likes it like that.
But it's not an actual law that it should be that way. I've seen Pence and Trump fly together (not this time), waving to the folks on the green grass of the White House. But I assume that flying apart is the norm.

But whatever, I should have written " ... Was Pence on that plane? ..." instead of " ... Pence was on that plane ... "

(Jellybean will be having a conniption ~ as will LatinSmallpoxxx ~ that this post has gone a-kilter)