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View Full Version : Order food for somebody from outside Thailand

September 16th, 2020, 04:27

is it possible, to order food for somebody in Thailand while staying far away?
Maybe with apps like foodpanda or grab food and paying with my credit card?
Or buying vouchers online?

September 16th, 2020, 13:05
Why not just send cash to pay for food? Are you afraid they willl just spend the cash on something else?

September 16th, 2020, 13:38
Why not just send cash to pay for food? Are you afraid they willl just spend the cash on something else?


September 16th, 2020, 14:05


September 16th, 2020, 14:10
Why not just send cash to pay for food? Are you afraid they willl just spend the cash on something else?

Armando, sometimes the boys do not spend their money wisely. In this case I suspect DonMuang is more concerned for his friend's health than his entertainment, and wants to ensure he eats properly.
If that is the case then kudos to DonMuang.

September 16th, 2020, 14:15
Why not just send cash to pay for food? Are you afraid they willl just spend the cash on something else?


September 16th, 2020, 18:54
You might be surprised how good their priorities are. A boyfriend of my friend (now deceased) has apparently not asked much for himself. Instead, most ot what he asks for goes to my friends mother and another friend that is verifiably injured as a pedestrian crossing the street. I have noted very little he asks for himself. I am afraid to ask where he now is staying.

September 17th, 2020, 09:00
God forbid he should use 5 baht for restroom or 20 baht for a shower...

September 17th, 2020, 09:11
I get the desire not to have the bf spend the food money on an iPhone. But if he is not going to use some cash to spend on things he wants, is DonMuang seriously wanting to become a waiter and pay and deliver three separate meals a day? Won't that mean sending about $5 max every few hours? Even if it is one remittance of $15 a day the cc and bank charges will mount up pretty fast. When the bf can purchase food a lot cheaper than that offered by foodpanda, it seems an expensive solution, even though it may be the only one.

September 17th, 2020, 09:47
I don't agree with this premise. If you want to help someone, then help them. Don't put preconditions or controls on it. Once the money leaves your bank account, it's now his, end of story.

September 17th, 2020, 10:22
Maybe DonMuang is also giving his friend spending money,we don't know all the facts, he already has an airport named after him so he might be loaded! LOL
Seriously though, he is doing something positive to help someone in these crazy times, I'm sure he knows what he's doing. It's not for anyone to criticise or tell him how to spend his money. The important thing is he is reaching out to help and that is to be commended !

September 17th, 2020, 11:55
DonMuang ≠ Don Mueang.
my mistake

September 17th, 2020, 13:51
Cdmatt's post is absolutely correct.

In the early days of my relationship with P, this was a persistent concern. I'd return to London , leaving him with money for his keep (he'd retired from the scene and gone back to the north) and it would become apparent that some of it, or even much of it, was given to his parents.
It is difficult for Thais to say no their parents; the bonds are both social and religious and it was particularly so in his case. Accordingly, the choice was to give or not give.


September 17th, 2020, 14:59
Maybe its a situation where DonMuang is compelled to take this course of action, where the guy in question has "issues" addiction or something, only DonMuang would know the full story,and he is acting in the guys best interest. Then again it could be a case where he is using money to control the guy, admittedly that would not be nice behaviour. The point is we do not know, until I learn otherwise, I consider DonMuang to be doing good.