View Full Version : China started vaccination at September 7

September 8th, 2020, 06:10
China started vaccination at September 7 as per local (Chinese) press.

September 8th, 2020, 09:52
"China started vaccination at September 7 as per local (Chinese) press."


September 8th, 2020, 20:26


Brad the Impala
September 8th, 2020, 23:40
Like the previous thread about Russia starting vaccination, this is just PR. In reality these are just the same phase three trials on a limited number of people, in China 30,000 and in Russia 40,000, that are being conducted all over the world without trumpeting individual national vaccination programmes!

Great that it's happening....... everywhere.

In yesterday's Global Times a Chinese daily newspaper :

Chinese military infectious disease expert Chen Wei said a COVID-19 vaccine her team produced can be effective against all existing mutations of the novel coronavirus, noting that they are preparing for mass vaccination at a low price whenever phase three clinical trial results come out.

From todays Moscow Times:

Gamaleya said earlier that 25,000 out of the needed 40,000 volunteers have been recruited to take part in Phase 3 trials. Ten thousand of them will receive placebos in the double-blind trial.



September 9th, 2020, 02:37
they should also supply it free to the rest of the universe since they not only launched the virus but failed to warn us until it was far too late...

Nirish guy
September 9th, 2020, 05:12
Mind you the question if even if the Chinese offered it - would we take it !?

September 9th, 2020, 06:55
From The Guardian newspaper:

The development of a promising Covid-19 vaccine has been put on hold due to an adverse reaction in a trial participant.
A spokesman for AstraZeneca, the company working with a team from Oxford University, told the Guardian the trial has been stopped to review the “potentially unexplained illness” in one of the participants.

September 9th, 2020, 16:43
Why do people keep saying vaccinations have started? No, they haven't.

Phase 3 clinical trials have been going on since July with some of the vaccine candidates, so don't get too excited just yet. Besides, if you're under say 65, not a frontline worker such as medical personnel, and are for all intents fairly healthy and not compromised, then don't expect to get your hands on a vaccine anytime soon. Assuming it gets rolled out properly, it's going to the people at highest risk first. I'm probably stuck waiting until next fall.

September 9th, 2020, 19:36
From The Guardian newspaper:

I suppose it depends on the take-away you want people to have from a news event, but this single, limited, quote I think creates quite a different impression than I got from the original Guardian report I read, similarly to initial reports in other news sources, and certainly in the later reports in the Guardian and other sources as the day progressed, all of which stressed that medical experts say pausing trials is common in such trials, the pause is actually a “promising” sign of rigour in the development process and this has only been widely reported because “the world’s eyes are on this vaccine".

this episode may or may not be a significant result, it may or may not disrupt the final vaccine delivery timeline, or in the worst case scenario it may mean rejection of this vaccine candidate, but this is what phase III trials are all about, and the final results will not be available for months

there are no safe quick and easy answers to this, it is all wait and see!

September 10th, 2020, 02:41
Why do people keep saying vaccinations have started? No, they haven't.

Phase 3 clinical trials have been going on since July with some of the vaccine candidates, so don't get too excited just yet. Besides, if you're under say 65, not a frontline worker such as medical personnel, and are for all intents fairly healthy and not compromised, then don't expect to get your hands on a vaccine anytime soon.

You're correct about the phase 3 trials and several other members are pointing this out as well.
However, some of the phase 3 trials are taking place with people in the 18~55 years age range only, at present.

So whether it would be licensed for older people before trials on them is an interesting question.
Being towards the top end of the 18~55 year range, I quite fancy my chances for being near the top of the queue for a jab. Unless they string development out for several years.