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View Full Version : differeing age of consent...

August 26th, 2020, 07:25
At the risk of being banned (temporarily only I hope) and to clarify I'm NOT promoting or justifying anything illegal was just wondering when it comes to the age of consent can one run into trouble in one's country if one resides in a country where the age of consent is 21 but holidays in a country where the age is 18 and enjoys the company of 18, 19 and 20 year olds. I dont want to confuse the issue by adding Mbs to the discussion, talking about consensual non commercial sexual activities.

August 26th, 2020, 11:34
At the risk of being banned (temporarily only I hope) and to clarify I'm NOT promoting or justifying anything illegal was just wondering when it comes to the age of consent can one run into trouble in one's country if one resides in a country where the age of consent is 21 but holidays in a country where the age is 18 and enjoys the company of 18, 19 and 20 year olds. I dont want to confuse the issue by adding Mbs to the discussion, talking about consensual non commercial sexual activities.

Hi, I think this is most likely all different for the many countries. Question thus too broad for a definitive answer. But you will have (mostly) just 1 nationality and most of us come from the well-known western countries. But then I also think you are deliberately setting the quoted ages in your example as too high. For lower ages it certainly does apply to some very strict and vigilant countries. There are even some examples of afterwards allowing a neat&strict country a person in as accepted refugee if s/he can claim s/he was misused that way long time ago by a citizen of that neat&tidy country. Mutual consent is a rather hazy thing for many afterwards.
Let all the others who always react on your name as a red flag for the bull now have their say.

August 26th, 2020, 13:45
question is not broad...age of consent in Germany is 18...its 16 in most of Australia ....so if a 88 year old white German multi millionaire has consensual non commercial annonomous public toilet sex with a 16 year old penniless Australian white twink in Sydney......could he be prosecuted in Germany??

August 26th, 2020, 13:50
Latin are you really in such need of attention?

August 26th, 2020, 14:13
.could he be prosecuted in Germany??

It depends on Germany and how it manages territorial principle for this or that group of criminal acts. If Germany respect territorial principle then - no prosecution. If not - then gent will be punished when he will be back to Germany and if his act will be known to local govt. I know what USA denies territorial principle of group of sexual crimes, and American citizen can be punished for crimes abroad when he is back to USA.

August 26th, 2020, 14:27

August 26th, 2020, 16:15
mfas...learn from goji and contribute...
goji...thanks, does throw new light on the subject, appears that this could be a tricky situation even in the same country like the US where different states have differ in the age of consent.
Whole topic arose during a dinner with friends last weekend...topic was when did one leave home...like what age...a Brazilian friend left home at 17 against his parents wishes to shack up with a 20 something guy...nothing the parents could do
Personally I was active long before reaching the age of consent and guess my partners could have gotten into trouble....not that I would have reported it as in all cases I was looking for it....but shudder to think of the consequences had a family member found out...I was terribly careless about covering my tracks but guess luck was on my side

August 26th, 2020, 16:54
The answer to your question, as far as the UK is concerned, is No.
You cannot be prosecuted unless you have sex with an underage person in the country you are visiting and are prosecuted for it.
If you can believe newspaper articles see here

August 26th, 2020, 18:39
a Brazilian friend left home at 17 against his parents wishes to shack up with a 20 something guy...nothing the parents could do
Well, the age of consent in the UK is 16. Or 18 if you are paying for it.
So if he's 17 & it's unpaid, no problem.

August 27th, 2020, 07:26
For Americans, the situation is quite simple. Anywhere in the world outside of U. S. territory, the age of consent is 18.

August 27th, 2020, 12:07
And for US Citizens, it does not matter if the Country he might be visiting has a lower age of consent, like 16.
You can be prosecuted if the US Govt finds out and decides to take legal action.
Now, I do not know how the US might look at a 16 yo in Australia deciding to leave home with an older man!
I think the older man would still be in deep shit back in the US. Better the older man adopt the 16 yo!!!

September 3rd, 2020, 11:47
The answer to your question, as far as the UK is concerned, is No.
You cannot be prosecuted unless you have sex with an underage person in the country you are visiting and are prosecuted for it.
If you can believe newspaper articles see here

That piece is dated 2006. Another from the same paper indicates almost nothing has been done since then. Seems there already is a reciprocal prosecution 2003 law in England but it is rarely used. Only one prosecution every three years. But is it worth the risk?
