View Full Version : Prisoners in Paradise

August 18th, 2020, 17:23
With all the focus being on Tourists who can’t return to Thailand, another group of foreigners seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle…and that’s the Expats, who are now prisoners in paradise.

When I retired 2 years ago I never in a million years imagined being trapped in Thailand and not able to return home to visit friends and family members at my leisure. If an emergency ever occurred involving one of my family members, the only choice I would have would be to return home, and accept the fact that I would not be able to return to Thailand in the foreseeable future. Tough bullet to bite.

Thank God for Skype!

August 18th, 2020, 17:38
I'm sure I speak for all when I offer my deepest sympathy. As it happens I think that I'm currently in the best place on earth with absolutely everything running as normal. Nightclubs aren't even bothering to temperature check any more.

However. Yesterday I enjoyed the services of a quite gorgeously pretty twink and today the boys at the lake were gallivanting around in their skimpy clingy underwear. And yet both just served to remind me of the riches on offer in Paradise on Sea. There is no substitute.

August 18th, 2020, 18:23
Paradise certainly has it’s advantages, as I’ve adapted to the new norm rather well and frankly other than my concern for Thais affected economically if the situation is prolonged it will be just fine with me.

August 18th, 2020, 19:41
90 percent agree with MFAS. (Can't recall what the 10% was ... unless it was stuck being in a bar with overweight Farangs screaming about how Thailand is such a shit hole.)
Thailand is weird in an around-every-corner enjoyable way. The old man seems to put up with me and lets me put up with him. Guess I'll just kick the bucket here.

August 18th, 2020, 19:56
I agree with what MFAS said as well, although will welcome the freedom to travel outside Thailand again when that day comes.

After canceling my visit back home to visit family which was tentatively planned for October, Jai and I have also scrapped plans for a European vacation next Spring which has been on my bucket list for years. I'm not crying...grateful to be here and all that stuff, but don't like having my wings clipped one bit.

August 18th, 2020, 21:37
The title does not represent reality. You are not a prisoner, you are free to go to your home country (you just have to find a flight and submit to their quarantine rules), but most foreigners cannot come back to Thailand in the current situation.

Every foreigner can leave, but only few can return (and for those, the return is much more difficult than the departure).

A gruesome story of one who left and returned:
I flew out of Thailand to get a new visa – one person’s experience with the “new normal” 16-08-2020

I have one Farang friend who left Thailand for his home country last month, another one will do next month, but several more are fine to stay.

August 19th, 2020, 10:55
The title does not represent reality. You are not a prisoner, you are free to go to your home country (you just have to find a flight and submit to their quarantine rules), but most foreigners cannot come back to Thailand in the current situation.

The fact that I would be banned from reentering Thailand (which is now my home) is where the obvious lack of freedom comes in.

Technically you're correct, we can leave any time we want, but, like the old Alcatraz Prison surrounded by shark infested waters, good luck swimming back.

All said, I'm grateful for being on the inside looking out, but won't be content until I'm free to travel again....and yes, by "travel" I do mean being able to return home versus being stranded.

August 19th, 2020, 16:49
...even though I love visiting Thailand I most definitely would not want to live there for more than 3 months at a time...

August 19th, 2020, 18:12
Whilst it's good to be reminded of people who cannot easily leave Thailand, I doubt we will have long lasting restrictions on freedom of movement.
So it's not like being stuck in North Korea after the Korean war, East Germany after the construction of the Berlin wall and so on. Things could be much worse !

I presume the people in most difficulty would be those with marginal finances & only a home in Thailand, who have been relying on doing visa runs and so on, due to lack of eligibility for other options ? Taking a one way flight out of Thailand, with no home outside Thailand would be bad news.

Anyone on a legitimate visa can at least sit it out.

August 19th, 2020, 22:08
I presume the people in most difficulty would be those with marginal finances & only a home in Thailand, who have been relying on doing visa runs and so on, due to lack of eligibility for other options ? Taking a one way flight out of Thailand, with no home outside Thailand would be bad news.

Anyone on a legitimate visa can at least sit it out.

The group that you referred to has all but disappeared since the visa rules and requirements have changed aver the last 2 years. The government does not want those that live in the kingdom that do “visa runs” every few months, even before Covid these have become almost extinct, you either qualify for a 1 year (retirement) type visa or you don’t.
The government has adopted the attitude that you are welcome for a short period of time to spend as much as you can and go home unless you hold a long term retirement extension of stay etc.