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June 18th, 2020, 07:17
Searching " นักสืบเอกชนพัทยา " (private investigator Pattaya) I find several links Bangkok and Pattaya.
If there are ever any questions you need resolved /looked into while you are away -
I am sure it's far cheaper in Thailand to have any matter looked into.

This one might keep friends honest if you need one.
Easily messaged from Facebook:

https://th-th.facebook.com/%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%B7%E0%B 8%9A-%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%8A%E0%B8%99-%E0%B8%A0%E0%B8%B9%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%81%E0%B9%87%E0%B 8%95-2040750606063616/

June 18th, 2020, 12:43
First thing that pops to mind:...Regardless of an Investigators rates - it would be far cheaper to avoid interactions with the type of person who would have to be investigated in the first place. Why pay someone money to prove what you already know?

Nirish guy
June 18th, 2020, 17:27
I wonder does he have a pre-typed proforma reply email that he sends out to new clients saying " I'm sorry to have to tell you that yes, she does still work in the bar and no, you are not the only man sending money to her and finally yes she is actually married and has two kids ! Would save a lot of typing each time if nothing else ! :)

June 18th, 2020, 17:38
Do people seriously do this? Hookup with someone at a bar in Pattaya, then out of jealousy pay a PI to keep an eye on them, and see what they're up to?

It's Pattaya, what the hell do you think they're up to when you're out of country? Are some people really that delusional? By all means enter into a relationship of that nature if you want, but at least understand what you're entering into, be happy with your decision, and enjoy the good times.

Nirish guy
June 18th, 2020, 18:21
you seem to be forgetting that the men that hire P.I's aren't doing for every bar girl they meet, just the "special" one, who assured him that she LOVED him and him only, so why would the guy have any reason to doubt that after her telling him that, right to his face, you'd almost think he suspected her of lying or something, I mean how DARE he, does he not know that Thai's dont lie and to even suggest such a thing to them would be a terrible loss of face for them. Shame on him ! :)

June 18th, 2020, 19:30
He also needs a better disguise for when out taking photos. Looking similar to the former head of state will attract attention :).

June 18th, 2020, 19:30
I personally would not hire a private investigator to watch my beloved in Pattaya. No siree, that's open to dishonesty and corruption.

I'd insist on nothing less than an electronic tagging to keep my lover true. There would, of course also be a curfew at say 8.00pm whereby said beloved must be home to receive my call on the landline. Hourly calls through the night are also part of the love of my life's life. Naturally he'd have line on his phone and he can also send me photos and his location at random times. This is in force 24 hours a day. The cctv footage of the apartment block is also going to be given a direct link to my computer so I can watch his comings and goings. The block's receptionists will be on a retainer and get a bonus if they report anything to me that smacks of 'funny business' regarding my one and only.

So you can see with just a few things in place there is no need for an intrusive private eye.

Nirish guy
June 18th, 2020, 19:59
I personally would not hire a private investigator to watch my beloved in Pattaya. ...... said beloved must be home to receive my call on the landline. So you can see with just a few things in place there is no need for an intrusive private eye.

The landline would be a critical piece to the jigsaw as I've lost count the number of conversations I've had to sit through in my apartment, with some guy in a state of undress and perhaps my caressing various parts of his anatomy and more and all whilst he sits there smiling at me whilst having a loving conversation with his dearest and telling him "no, I not go out tonight, I tired and stomach have problem and also I have no money, can you send as I owe my friend" for 10 minutes - then when the poor farang has heard from his loved one for long enough and is happy and convinced that tonight at least he's home and that he's the only farang for his boy who loves him dearly, only then do we resume fucking.

And as for the rest there Arsenal - whilst it's a valiant attempt I doubt even those actions would be enough to keep a pattaya hardened bar boy or girl away from their evening work / entertainment once they decided they were going ! But it was a good try. :)

June 18th, 2020, 20:08
There is also the danger that the PI will in turn start to blackmail their client. "your boy/girl is squeaky clean and you have really won the lottery with them. Now pay up an extra 10k or I will spill the beans and tell them how you hired a PI to investigate them!"

June 18th, 2020, 20:20
Colmx. Can we at least try and keep it to the realms of reality. If you're 'squeaky clean' in Thailand you're not doing it right.*

*The exception.is when some dozy delusional farang sap's 'boyfriend and I exit the shower. Then we're both squeaky clean. Temporarily.

And Nirish is right. Wild horses couldn't keep a Thai boy from his friends and a party.

Nirish guy
June 18th, 2020, 21:43
There is also the danger that the PI will in turn start to blackmail their client. "your boy/girl is squeaky clean and you have really won the lottery with them. Now pay up an extra 10k or I will spill the beans and tell them how you hired a PI to investigate them!"

As well as extorting the boy / girl in question with "hey I know you're getting 10K a month each from 3 different farang - so you give me 10% or "I" spill the beans - whilst also collecting their fees from the various farang of course too for "work undertaken" and also "not grassing them up for them checking up on their beloved int the first place" - actually this whole PI thing sounds like it could be quite a money spinner if you were anyway corrupt !

* Which for record no one here is suggesting that the PI mentioned above is - this is just light heart chat and better in general ( for those reading this months from now)