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View Full Version : Somewhere in between virus-usss, Sunneeists feeling the heat, pink money ...

June 15th, 2020, 12:34
Covid-19 makes for serious seriousness. This board is inundated with planes flying out of Suvarnaphumi with seven or eight customers on Aibus 380's (Emirates is lovin' this!).
In late February my old man and myself were in a fly-away hotel in Lat Krabang, waking up early to take a flight to Canada. At that time ~ seeming like ages ~ the virus had been found but still just a drop in the bucket. The planes were still coming and going.

The minute the bell rang I woke up and tried to stand up. The dizziness knocked my for a loop. I could not stand and would have come crashing to the floor if I had not been grab the side of the bed. The whole world was spinning unstoppedly. Pot stood there like a statue for a few seconds, having no idea what was happening .... as I was. He grabbed me and and helped me over to the bathroom where I vomited and there I stayed, helpless, horrified, unknown to what was happening to me.
Making my way back to the bed was something which seemed to partly work. I lay there, but the minute I tried to do anything besides lying down the whole thing started up again.
As long I was lying down and trying to calm my body and mind it seemed to be the only place in the room which could love me. Was this the beginnings of The Virus? Was this some kind of psychosomatic torment which had overtaken my existence?
Thinking again ... I had never had anything in my life like this.

I looked at Pot and said to him that there's no chance in hell that the airline would let me board in my state.
My plane would take off in about 5 hours, so let me sleep and lie down. 3 hours later I was still a total mess ... the plane would fly away without me. And it did.
We booked the hotel for another day, and I slept for most of that as well. By checkout time the next day I was able to walk properly ... but slowly, cautiously, holdlng on to Pot and banisters.

We got in the car and drove back to Hua Hin.
The next day I was told I had a very bout of vertigo. But "why" they could not tell me. I've never had another bout.

February came and went, March things were much worst Virus-wise. Airlines were starting to abandon certain countries both coming an going. April was much worse than March ... May was tip-over time. June ... and on and on.
I stayed in Thailand, and frankly it was the best decision I could have ever have made.

Why this longish story you say? Time to get this board smiling time again, as I have done for myself these months which would never have
been. Just another bout of serendipity. Perhaps you could find some, your own serendipity that is, in these photos.
These photos have languished away over the years and they are All About Thailand.
This group is all about Thais ~ and one not ~ laughing, grinning, even a bit of Mona Lisa lips.

I took this group of young army cadets during some kind of march down the main road in Hua Hin (about 2008). Take a real good look and you will see what I see: every one of these cadets, and every one of the non-cadet Thai guys on the side of the road watching are sparkingly hadsome.
I can't remember thinking that when I took it, but now, 12 yrs ago, I see it in spades.
Look closely at the crowd.


Not Thai, by any means. Neymar has always, in the mood, been the the quintessential melt-me-the-grass. At the same time eyes squinting at the very special time. A nose which is perfectly placed in the perfect size. A scalawag mouth "come get me". Them facial cheeks ... my my.


There's something about this Thai guy which makes me think of what he is thinking.
I did not take this shot, but it's one I can remember. Not a huge laugh by any means, but a sly thinker non the less. Could be just after sex?? Could be just buying a new pair of orange running shoes. Orange!!? No farang could EVER pull that off. But he does.


This is my Mom. She died two months after this shot of mine, sitting out in the cool back yard of her old folks home. She was not always smiling this way, but frankly she could be quite curmudgeonly at times. But she was excellent on gauging other people (she was 90) and knew how to say "... just kidding ... " when she felt she had hurt someone. (about 2017)


This is Suphot's mother and two of her grand kids. (She has about 57 of them, Pot has 11 brothers and sisters). I got a good shot of the two girls in this photo ... both smiling beautifully. And then there's the alpha male in front, trying to figure out what the hell was going on here. There's a lot of laughter in this family, all the time. You can tell.


We live in Hua Hin in a townhouse. We chose it because I wanted to be walkable to all things I need when alone. We live a 10 minute walk to the beach, 8 minutes to downtown, 20 minute walk to the 2 malls, etc etc.
But our townhouse is one of 40 or 50 on our Soi, all built at the same time, i.e. around 1996 .... so not young for sure, but very strong bones.
We also on that Soi know lots of folks here, Thai and farang. There is a street party often, for this or that, mostly birth parties. But every New Year we have a huge street party ~ blocked for cars. And every New Years the Queen of the Soi hires a group of army guys to come and plays the music for everyone. They are all in the Army bands, but they play what ever some one calls it out ... it starts with 40 year old western music (I hate now the very thought of "Take Me Home Country Road"), but once every is completely drunk it's Isaan music. These boys love that changeover!
This photo is a couple years old. As you can see, firstly they (and all) love their selfies, and secondly, they love free food.
(About 2016)


This shot was at Sukhothai. There was a festival going on which as a rule I normally kind of stray away, especially in the afternoon when the sun is high and the temperature higher. But this time I got quite close and shot this one. Not laughing for sure but they seem proud and and want their part in the thing to go right, almost perfect. Their four shoulders are at the same angle, their sashes also. The head pieces catch the same sweat in the heat and if I were them I'd go home.
I respect that immensely.
(About 2013)


Yep ... none of that, above. The bourgeoisie jump in the pool.
I can't remember where this was taken. But I'm pretty certain that the juxtaposition of my two legs and that fish sitting on the side is almost perfect. I guess I didn't laugh underwater, but I did when I saw it later. (About 2010)


Krang Khashan in Petchburi Province about 2011.
Not many people go to this place (farang that is) but it's a huge man made lake about 60 miles north of Hua Hin. Pot took his girl friends (actual friends that is, no touching allowed) for a day trip on the lake.
This guy was a hoot. Not sure if he was drinking, but there was at least one large whiskey bottle under his seat. There was no dripping that I could see but I wouldn't doubt it. Thai men of his age (and looks) drink a lot.
But whatever, he got us where we wanted to go with him laughing for hours non stop. I got into the noise after awhile, and Pot and the girls were doing the same thing.
If that dude couldn't make one laugh (in Thai!) you may as well shoot yourself.

This is looking at the captain at the engine.


This is looking from the captain to the girls. he had them all crying with laughter. The noise reverberated over the water for miles.


Last but possibly least. (2006)


Yep, that's me.
Surrounded by school kids. Dragged through my claustrophobia ~ of which I explained but to no avail.
But I got into it. Their english (which was what it all about) could do with a bit of the whiskey from The Captain. Questions were asked, answers were given by hand wringing and lots of laughter. I gave the group a wai but didn't know whether it was the right way (it wasn't) but the laughter, you could tell, was not "stupid farang". I counted myself lucky.

June 15th, 2020, 13:32
Great post,Smiles.

June 15th, 2020, 15:19
Not a huge laugh by any means, but a sly thinker non the less. Could be just after sex?? Could be just buying a new pair of orange running shoes

I think it's before sex- he appears to be asking for 2,000 baht!

June 15th, 2020, 16:27
This board should ban all photos of Thais. It's bad enough being stuck thousands of miles away without being reminded so blatantly of what I am missing.

June 15th, 2020, 17:27
I wonder what it is that we can see when we look at these gorgeous guys, that others can't.

None of my friends finds Asian guys attractive in any way.

It's a total mystery to me.

Nirish guy
June 15th, 2020, 20:54
I often think the same - and when I read "no blacks, No asians" on Grindr etc I firstly think " EWWW what a cunt" then think " but what's WRONG with him that he doesn't see how stunning (some) of them are" and then finally "Either way, GREAT as thats all the more for me !!" :)

June 15th, 2020, 21:02
None of my friends finds Asian guys attractive in any way.

It's a total mystery to me.

Same as with many of my friends at home.

June 15th, 2020, 22:56
It's perhaps a perception issue. In the UK 'Asians' would usually be taken to mean those from East Asia. Thais, Vietnamese etc would probably be described as Oriental.

No matter. We here know that straight South East Asian money boys are the best there is and have won the World's Best value-for-money award for the last 30 years.

Fabulous post Smiles. I disagree with a447's interpretation of the two fingered gesture. I think he's telling Latin where he can stick his 500 baht short time offer. Hahaha.

June 16th, 2020, 02:21
It's perhaps a perception issue. In the UK 'Asians' would usually be taken to mean those from East Asia. Thais, Vietnamese etc would probably be described as Oriental.

Oriental? Yikes! That sounds very archaic and colonial. Are these farangs in their hundreds?

June 16th, 2020, 02:36
I often think the same - and when I read "no blacks, No asians" on Grindr etc I firstly think " EWWW what a cunt"...

I know right. And more often than not, the advertisers with all these "exclusions" are no oil paintings themselves, like the lumpy, bald sixty-year-who says "no fat", "no fem", "no guys over 25!" They could have indicated their preferences without being offensive and if they weren't interested in a respondent they could have easily ignored or blocked him. It's not as if their inboxes were going to be flooded with messages anyway.

June 16th, 2020, 02:53
I took this group of young army cadets during some kind of march down the main road in Hua Hin (about 2008). Take a real good look and you will see what I see: every one of these cadets, and every one of the non-cadet Thai guys on the side of the road watching are sparkingly hadsome.
Look closely at the crowd.

Sorry, Smiles, I did take a close look at the pic and I disagree with you. Not every single one of the cadets is handsome; one of them is actually beautiful. That's right, the single rose among the thorns (second cadet from the right). More power to her!

PS Your mother looks lovely, Smiles - may she rest in peace. I love her get up and smile. That pink cape and hat could start a trend in Dongtan Beach.

June 16th, 2020, 03:29
....so true, many if my friends...oh ok, acquaintances....are totally put off by Asians, be it Indian or Chinese model...I think it all depends on your upbringing and the people you see around you on a daily basis. I was never into the Chinese model until I started spending time in that part of the world ,,,found them too feminine...smooth...until I sampled one and was instantly converted ...like joseph or whatever his name was on the way to Damascus.
My preference has always been for masculine hairy legged guys...generally speaking europeans/south americans (Brazilians...yum) with a sprinkling of african (West Africans or US) thrown in.....but must admit have grown partial to South East asian.
Tastes have changed too as far as age is concerned...when I was a little twinky I loved older guys...had no interst in the geeky/pimply teens surrounding me...now as I approach 50 its talent in the 20's that I'm after.

June 16th, 2020, 08:58
" ... This board should ban all photos of Thais ... "I hit the roof when I read this first sentence. Also (I admit) I didn't go any further!
After five minutes of serious frothing at the mouth ... I went back and read the whole post!
Let's just say ~ head-hanging-low ~ my horse broke a leg 6 seconds before the pole.
My apologies.

June 16th, 2020, 12:51
Smies, thank you very much for your post. It is a fresh air :)