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View Full Version : The footprints that you leave behind in Thailand.

June 8th, 2020, 12:07
One could start with the crates of empty alcoholic drinks bottles and other food containers. Not to mention the used condoms and lubes and other sex paraphernalia. Last but not least the broken hearts of vulnerable young men pining away waiting for your return.

June 8th, 2020, 12:26
"Last but not least the broken hearts of vulnerable young men pining away waiting for your return."

Hahaha. Were she not dead I'd swear Barbara Cartland wrote that. No,. I'm being cynical, you're right. Tis a nightly event to see the broken hearted vulnerable young men.of Pattya gazing into the distance looking for the hero farang astride a white horse.

June 8th, 2020, 14:11
You are confusing “broken hearts” with empty wallets.

June 8th, 2020, 19:51
When in Thailand, MY rubbish goes in the bin. From what I observe, your average westerner is more likely to dispose of his rubbish properly in Thailand than the locals. Places like Myanmar & Cambodia have an even more careless attitude to rubbish disposal.
I would suggest that wherever the beach photo is taken, a good proportion of the rubbish on the beach would be washed onto the beach and if it's in Asia, most of that will be from careless disposal by locals.
At Jomtien beach, nearly all tourist rubbish goes in the bins provided.

I also leave behind several thousand baht per day & zero broken hearts. It's all about the wallet, as Manforallseasons says.

OK, no doubt it's possible to break hearts, for example, by pretending you're looking for a long term relationship, then disappearing.
However, like quite a few others here, I don't do that.
I just make it clear I'm a butterfly.

June 9th, 2020, 03:26
...read a statistic somewhere...cant recal...but do recall it saying that something like 80% of all p0lastic waste in the ocean is washed into it by a few Asian rivers mainly the ganges and Yangtse ....shocking really...

June 9th, 2020, 07:03
You are confusing “broken hearts” with empty wallets.

Again, a very narrow and damning portrait of Thai guys. Have you ever had an employer or boss who was kind to you and perhaps provided with you with a meaningful and fun personal experience on top of the financial rewards? Probably not, given your own fundamental personality flaws. But I have and I'm sure many others too. It's the same with the Thai guys in the sex industry whom you so casually denigrate and sneer at. Of course they're working for money but from speaking to many of these guys and girls, all of them have reported of having a customer or two or three whom they were fond of, whom they thought of and some still keep in touch with and have become lifelong friends.

June 10th, 2020, 18:35
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June 10th, 2020, 19:11
.........Last but not least the broken hearts of vulnerable young men pining away waiting for your return.

This reminds me of Tom Hanks relationship with a volleyball he named Wilson in the movie "Cast Away". He relied on Wilson for filling the void of love and companionship during his time on the island and even cried hysterically when Wilson got caught in a tidal flow and was swept out to sea His emotional connection with Wilson was of course delusional, but, at the time, it was a reality to him and that’s all that mattered. Hanks was devastated and heartbroken and spent his last remaining days on the island pining for Wilson’s return. I guess if Wilson could have talked he would have told Hanks that he was simply a ball for him to play with.

Looking back at my own footprints I see the color "green" for all the money I scattered along the yellow brick road here in the Land of Oz. No regrets whatsoever...so many great guys...some lasting friendships...love...intrigue...sexual adventures...things dreams are made of...and even a few guys I treated like Wilson.

June 10th, 2020, 22:58
This reminds me of Tom Hanks relationship with a volleyball he named Wilson in the movie "Cast Away".

Hanks was devastated and heartbroken and spent his last remaining days on the island pining for Wilson’s return.

Good post, Dodger, but as I recall, Wilson floated away as Wilson and Tom made their departure on a raft from the Island. Tom did not spend the last remaining days on the island pining away. Although he did pine for Wilson while on the raft. At least as I recall.