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View Full Version : Sex shows in BKK

August 9th, 2006, 00:39
Name your favourite f**k shows and bar boys in BKK...

Mine was Screwboys but I hear its closed now...

August 9th, 2006, 01:23
Are there any f..k shows in BKK? :cyclopsani: :blackeye:

August 9th, 2006, 01:29
Classic still has them - depends on how many customers and if police around etc as to frequency.

August 9th, 2006, 07:43
All of the big bars have them these days...they've been back "on" for a long time now.

Jupiter for quality of the show, but it is not XXX.

Any of the others -- Future Boys, Dreamboys, etc. -- for the XXX ones.

Yes, Screwboys is long gone.

August 9th, 2006, 09:48
whether they're around or not but as around and there are still plenty.

Alternatively you an pay for Edith and I for a suite at the Dusit and we will perform a classic lesbian routine which is guaranteed to get your lad aroused and looking upon you as a much better prospect.

August 9th, 2006, 09:53
Thanks dear... but I think I'll pass... wouldn't mind paying good money to watch 2 GWMs get it off tho! :)

August 9th, 2006, 10:32
Try logging onto Fridae. There are a lot of guys on there looking for group sex partners and some are willing to let you watch .

August 9th, 2006, 10:34
the best sex shows omit the ladyboys entirely and the boys/men do each other, or sometimes three or four manage to penetrate each other
and it is eye popping good when the boys are hot.. It is deadly when they mount ladyboys (who mercifully always cover their genitals) and also
sucks when they start the whipping with the rubber hoses..
the big cock shows are also a treat , especially if one hasn't seen the show in a while.. it is also a great preview if one likes the hung guys and
you will know what to expect when you off them.. If only they didn't use the ladyboys, well you can't have everything...

August 10th, 2006, 06:26
Yeah... man to man show will be real good.. really pisses me off that the muscle boys in tawan has to resort to screwing sissy katoeys.. what I'll give for a good man in BKK...

August 10th, 2006, 06:32
you should go and see a flamin psychiatrist catpiss.

Why do you like blokes when you are a bloke you dirty bastard.

Dont blame yaself,it was probaly the way your parents brought you up.Probaly your dad didnt play football with you when you were youinger and instead you probaly played with dolls and thats why your brain is a girl brain.

Why does boygeorge play with ladyboys the dirty midget bastard,

is it because he played with dolls and that is why his brain is a girl brain

August 10th, 2006, 16:11
DREAM BOYS anniversary show earlier this week takes my prize for best show of the year, finally the owners seem to have got a bit of common sense regarding their prices with 350 Baht getting 2 drinks in place of the rip off 220 per glass normally charged - perhaps the loss of freeman is making these characters/owners go back to revisiting and focusing on their core business; go-go bars with loads of great looking boys and slightly more reasonable drink prices

August 10th, 2006, 16:14
thanks for the update on Dream Boys..I have always liked the bar and the shows and if the new policy is
two drinks for 350B. , I will even spring for a drink for the boys..maybe even tonite, if there are any stalkers
out there , I am the handsome, tall farang with the fat wallet...

August 10th, 2006, 16:22

August 10th, 2006, 16:25
, I am the handsome, tall farang with the fat wallet...

Strange how the way we describe ourselves is often the complete opposite of the reality.

August 10th, 2006, 16:32
I am not certain as to whether they will in fact keep the new lower prices or if they only applied for that promotional night. Given the huge crowd and business generated it would seem a good idea- but in all truth it seems, to me at least, that the owners of the BBB group have the most fantastic ability to shoot themselves in the foot (or should that be feet?) e.g., Blue Star, Yes Bar, The Boys and Freemans

August 10th, 2006, 18:32
"Why does boygeorge play with ladyboys the dirty midget bastard?
Is it because he played with dolls and that is why his brain is a girl brain?"

1.] You seriously assume it has a brain?
2.] No. he played with GI Joes, and when he finally figured out how to get the pants off, total confusion!

And if she wants to find sluts, doesn't need look far from home.
BG: "Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the biggest slut of all?"
Mirror: You, yer fat slimy old c**t!"

August 10th, 2006, 19:12
..what is Fridae ??..is it a site..can we have the full address my dear ?

August 10th, 2006, 19:20
..what is Fridae ??..is it a site..can we have the full address my dear ?

http://fridae.com/ Empowering gay asia.

The shop/underwear section .........phewwwwwwwwww!

August 11th, 2006, 06:40
my buddy heard that some of the sex shows are by older guys aroun 30 huge dongers
we want 2 go bar next 2 dicks but not if the fuckee is ladyboy not old
babylon might be good 2 meet middle age guys n take home
thai maybe