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View Full Version : How dire is the situation on the ground in Pattaya among Thai boys/men?

Marc K
May 24th, 2020, 07:56
Hi All, Well I guess this is another of those "am I getting ripped off?" threads. Can those of you kind expats who are in Pattaya now please shed some light on the current situation there for out-of-work Thai boys/men? Being away from Thailand during this crisis makes it hard to evaluate reality there.

So here goes, I am receiving increasing desperate sounding messages from two of my "regulars" there. Both are kind people who I have known for years, who have never deceived me (to the best of my knowledge) and are not the type to make financial demands.

The last message I received (yesterday) was "I am nearly dead" which I presume is a rather dramatic overstatement. Nonetheless it is concerning and troubling. He is from Udon Thani and says he would like to return home to his family but that there is no transport(yet)that is possible. Is that true? There are no Isaan buses running yet?

I know the food lines are long there (YouTube videos are revealing). Are people getting sufficiently fed? If a guy there is out of work are they usually finding friends there who will provide shelter?

I certainly would never turn down a valid request from anyone in desperate need of help, much less a Thai friend, but neither do I want to feel like he is unable to fend for himself during this crisis in a reasonable way.

Your thoughts?
Thanks! Mahalo! Kawp koon krub!

May 24th, 2020, 10:52
Firstly, boys on the game come from poverty and currently the country’s economy is suffering so the poor like always do most of the suffering. If a boy asks for money to eat no matter true or false I will give it, I won’t pay rent as in my opinion they should be back with their families at this time. No matter what you decide to give once you do be prepared for requests for money to continue. If a boy wants money to leave Pattaya to return home the provinces are now open for travel bus fares seldom exceed 500 baht.....If a boy is with his family and asks for money to return to Pattaya as someone living in Pattaya I can say there is nothing to return to.

May 24th, 2020, 11:30
Good question Marc K.

I too have a few guys asking for money. I know for sure that one is taking the piss and ignore his frequent requests although I do send him a small amount once a month.

Another one pleaded for some money to eat so I sent him 2500 baht. He then asked for 3000 baht to return to Laos. He was supposed to go in two days time and I sent him the 3000. A few days later I talked to him on line and he admitted he was still in Pattaya. Some excuse about not being able to travel...he should have known that. No more for him.

A third one is so polite and honest I would almost believe anything he tells me (risky I know!). He has never, ever, asked for money in the seven years I’ve known him. So he gets money every month...

I think you have to take each case on it’s merits but maybe one way to stop constant requests is to send the deserving cases money once a month and make that clear that’s all they get.

May 24th, 2020, 14:11
I would suggest that if you can send money and not inflict financial harm on yourself, then do so. And as suggested make it a fixed amount as mentioned above. Travel within Thailand is open and available. Whether one can travel to other countries such as Laos, I don't know for sure.

May 24th, 2020, 14:32
If you can afford to send money you should do so.

There are undoubtedly occasions when someone takes advantage of us but some falangs could be accused of taking advantage of Thais by paying minimal amounts for services that would cost much more at home.

I've been treated well by the guys I've met in Thailand; and I hope they think that I've treated them equally well.

May 24th, 2020, 15:07
"Firstly, boys on the game come from poverty" MFAS

"some falangs could be accused of taking advantage of Thais by paying minimal amounts for services" Oliver

The two are related. I always find any farang boasting about how little he managed to pay a boy utterly repulsive.

May 24th, 2020, 16:15
From the group of guys I'm still in contact with, I would say that they (the Thai guys) do reasonably well. They seem to have enough financial reserves and most of them found a small sidejob (paint job, back to the farm, tattoo work, starting a food stall, ..). Their main problem is being bored, closely followed by relationship problems with their partner. I don't want to generalize, it is certainly possible that your Thai friend is in trouble and could use all the financial support he can get.

The money requests I receive are from guys from Myanmar, Laos or Cambodia, no matter if they are still in Pattaya or in their home country. Those 'migrant workers' seem to be hit far worse than the Thai.

May 24th, 2020, 17:40
michaelx, not quite sure what the purpose of your post ....Simply if you want to send money send it or don’t!

Nirish guy
May 24th, 2020, 20:08
I've too have had several requests, I send nothing, none of them seem to have died just yet - and before I hear "ohhh you're going to risk that?" after many years I dont think I've EVER heard of any Thai guy I know dying from actual starvation - maybe not having enough for whisky with his friends later or running out of cigaretttes etc perhaps or not being able to afford the new phone that he 'needs" so badly - but actual dropping from hunger, no not so much. At the rate our economy is going here I'm actually thinking of copying a pasting a of their messages back to them and asking THEM for some support more like.

Mind you it's funny how this last few weeks when messages from VERY old Thai contacts resurfaced asking for some money once I explained that I'd a live in Asian BF who "takes up all my money" ( not quite true lol) funnily their messages seem to stop and they ( I assume) move on to their next mark.

One Thai “friend “ I’ve known for years still copies me into his ( every forth day) begging message, he KNOWS I don’t / won’t send him money now as I know his MO and I’ve told him to stop sending me “those” messages several times now, whereon he apologises and admits they all go out in bulk as he’s got all of his various farang “friends” on a group “help me” list as it’s just easier to send in bulk and he can never be bothered deleting my name from that Particular list, needless to say he gets zero from me - but still keeps sending, I guess I’m case he catches me in a weak moment. I should add too that he lives in back of beyond near Kalasin so I’m guessing his needs in comparison to his requests are actually minimal and he’s probably doing quite well from his various farang benefactors each week, who I know for a fact aren’t aware of the others.

May 24th, 2020, 21:24
I know a few boys who I had repeatedly good time with without problems or drama. They wouldn't ask me for money, so I asked them how the situation is and asked for their bank account to send them money. That was mid-April. I think I will have a second round soon.

May 24th, 2020, 22:42
The last message I received (yesterday) was "I am nearly dead" which I presume is a rather dramatic overstatement. Nonetheless it is concerning and troubling. He is from Udon Thani and says he would like to return home to his family but that there is no transport(yet)that is possible. Is that true? There are no Isaan buses running yet?

I also have a Udon Thani friend that claimed he was going to kill himself (in messages to my BF) over the last few days as the bars were still closed, he wanted to go home and he couldn't survive another month of closures. I think this suicidal tendency was caused more by boredom than anything else.

Others have posted that the interprovincial buses are running, but I am not sure that is the case. You have to have a valid reason to move between provinces and "no money or farang in pattaya" is not a valid reason. It needs to be death of a relative or imminent death or similar necessary journeys.

e.g. My BFs sister has been unable to go back to Buriram to see her 7 month old Son for the last 3 months and is beside herself with worry, similarly neither BF nor any of his family were able to travel to Buriram to attend a favourite uncles recent funeral

May 25th, 2020, 00:55
The situation for the, mostly Shan, migrants in Chiang Mai is dire. Without jobs, and thus income, there is rent to be found and money needed for food. When there are food handouts, Thais get bottles of oil, rice and so on whereas migrants get a noodle pot and three bottles of water. My Shan partner tells me that they are unable to return home where they might have some sort of suport system but, in reality, they are generally the support system for those back 'home'. I guess this is pretty much the same elsewhere and for Cambodian and Lao guys. It would be a great kindness to help some of these people out, where appropriate.

May 25th, 2020, 09:39
Nirish _to have died just yet - and before I hear "ohhh you're going to risk that?" after many years I dont think I've EVER heard of any Thai guy I know dying from actual starvation - maybe not having enough for whisky with his friends later or running out of cigaretttes etc perhaps or not being able to afford the new phone that he '

This is a fair comment.

In Pattaya there are about 10,000 people (Thais) registered and eligible for a token financial help from the authorities, however the number of needy foreigners (including unemployed bar workers) are unaccounted for. These are the people who are desperate to stretch whatever cash they have and whatever items on them that can be redeemed for cash. That is why one keeps on seeing long lines of people queuing for free food and meagre charitable handouts like 5kg bags of rice and a tray of eggs. There's so much uncertainty in their present circumstances.

May 25th, 2020, 10:35
Others have posted that the interprovincial buses are running, but I am not sure that is the case. You have to have a valid reason to move between provinces and "no money or farang in pattaya" is not a valid reason. It needs to be death of a relative or imminent death or similar necessary journeys.

e.g. My BFs sister has been unable to go back to Buriram to see her 7 month old Son for the last 3 months and is beside herself with worry, similarly neither BF nor any of his family were able to travel to Buriram to attend a favourite uncles recent funeral

All travel restrictions within the Kingdom have been lifted.

May 25th, 2020, 13:41
All travel restrictions within the Kingdom have been lifted.

Not really.

There's still a mandatory 14 day quarantine (or isolation) restriction in place for those who are traveling from one province to another.

I've been in Buriram for 3 months now waiting for this restriction to be lifted so I can return to my primary residence in Bang Saray for this very reason.

Yes, the girl who colmx is referring to could travel to Buriram to visit her child, although would be forced to isolate inside her residence for 14 days.

According to a recent article in the Bangkok Post, there are approximately 200,000 unemployed prostitutes upset right now because they don't qualify for the 5,000 baht government handout, nor will the government even acknowledge their existence.

The majority of working boys I've known over the years always sent a portion of their earnings home to Mom, and I'm sure that they would have room and board covered if they simply returned home until this nightmare is over.

There is a lot more eye candy up here in Isaan right now because of this. None of them appear to be starving.

May 25th, 2020, 14:02
Travel from Petchaburi, Pattaya and elsewhere to and from Bangkok is unimpeded.
Dodger I took this photo yesterday morning at Bang Saray:

May 25th, 2020, 16:25
Travel from Petchaburi, Pattaya and elsewhere to and from Bangkok is unimpeded.
Dodger I took this photo yesterday morning at Bang Saray:

That's the lowest low tide I've ever seen - but it still makes me homesick.

May 25th, 2020, 20:27
A friend who worked in a hotel in Pattaya has been to Bangkok and Surin and back to Pattaya and is going to Surin again soon for a funeral of a relative.

Coming from Pattaya or Bangkok, you go through Buriram province before reaching Surin. Is there police who check people who want to get off bus or train in Buriram? Most buses have two doors, but for trains, each carriage has four doors and you would need someone at each door to control passengers leaving train.

May 26th, 2020, 03:27
Whether one can travel to other countries such as Laos, I don't know for sure.

Laos border is still closed to non-citizens. At least I don't believe Thais can enter Laos, as it may be different due to ASEAN, but don't think so as Laos took a pretty hard stance regarding Kovid-19. For example, if you're a Laos citizen working in Vientiance, you haven't been able to go back to your village and see your parents / family for months now. Villages are still all barricaded off, nobody allowed in, not even family members.

May 26th, 2020, 05:17
From the last video call I got the barbers are not open.

That's all I can say for certainty. Friend was messaging about "wanting to eat MK". (KFC)
I had just picked up Subway foot long/$5 and sent him a picture. He sent back a crying emoji.
Just a friend of a friend but I sent him $50.

Nirish guy
May 26th, 2020, 06:02
He sent a crying emoji. Just a friend of a friend but I sent him $50.

FAO Dab69 ������. ������. ������. ������. There you go, four emojis, by your maths I think that’s 200 bucks you owe me. Man if I knew it was that easy to get money out of farang I think I’d be sending crying emojis to every farang I knew, even if just friend of a friend night and day ! :-)

Edit - hmm maybe this sending farangs crying emojis IS harder than it looks as it seems the four emojis that are showing perfectly on my screen now appear on my post as question marks !!! Oh well Dab69 I suggest you just trust me and send me the money anyway eh ? :-)

May 26th, 2020, 07:13
From the last video call I got the barbers are not open.

That's all I can say for certainty. Friend was messaging about "wanting to eat MK". (KFC)
I had just picked up Subway foot long/$5 and sent him a picture. He sent back a crying emoji.
Just a friend of a friend but I sent him $50.

Barber shops are open had a haircut last Friday.

May 26th, 2020, 10:51
I'm always amazed that MB seem to be short on cash...most seem to have absolutely no savings, even an average MB could be earning say 1000bht/day and could squeeze a lifetime into 15 years of whoring if he started at 18 and due to good asian genetics stayed slim and fit and youngish looking, Ive seen 35 year olds that I thought were at least 10 years younger...are they all so stupid that its easy come easy go...

May 26th, 2020, 12:37
I'm always amazed that MB seem to be short on cash...most seem to have absolutely no savings, even an average MB could be earning say 1000bht/day and could squeeze a lifetime into 15 years of whoring if he started at 18 and due to good asian genetics stayed slim and fit and youngish looking, Ive seen 35 year olds that I thought were at least 10 years younger...are they all so stupid that its easy come easy go...

Excatly this is the main problem most of MB don't save money at all some of them help their family and spent all their remain earnings on alcohol, drugs,bets,girls and other stupid things .I once sent substantial amount of money to a boy who returned to his mum I hoped he stelled there and find proper job and won't return to sell his body in Phuket where I met him but instead he didn't have any intention to work at all his intention was to do nothing build a small house in the property of his family and hope I will send him money every month to fund this 'enchanted adventure' , I learnt my lesson and never ever sent money again to any boy. I received desperate messeges from desperate boys due the Convi virus but decided to ignore them because I know if I send money once endless requests will follow for more. If this boys saved money for gloomy days as I do their situation wasn't so desperate this days so why do I have to help them ?

May 26th, 2020, 12:45
As it has been from the beginning of time, boys in this profession will always survive with or without your additional help. Don't worry yourself too much.

May 26th, 2020, 12:52
Yes. Hard to believe your average money boy of little education and from extreme poverty doesn't have superb financial planning skills. Go figure. BtW. Anyone found it difficult during lockdown? Just asking like.

And please. We are gay men of refinement, not autoworkers from Pittsburgh. Can we stop calling it a barbers and use a more appropriate name such as a salon, stylist or hairdresser.

May 26th, 2020, 13:39
You can find the same lack of empathy in far- right websites complaining about Afro-Americans. Why can't everyone else be just like us?

May 26th, 2020, 14:33
Yes. Hard to believe your average money boy of little education and from extreme poverty doesn't have superb financial planning skills. Go figure. BtW. Anyone found it difficult during lockdown? Just asking like.

Yes, it is difficult during the lockdown; very boring for many of us expats. I agree, what you said about the money boys and others who live on a pittance and unable to save due to lack of financial skills.

May 26th, 2020, 14:38
And please. We are gay men of refinement, not autoworkers from Pittsburgh. Can we stop calling it a barbers and use a more appropriate name such as a salon, stylist or hairdresser.

Arsenal, the shops I frequent do use the name Barber. The ladies go to salons and sytlists and hairdressers, oh and some vain men.

May 26th, 2020, 14:44
You can find the same lack of empathy in far- right websites complaining about Afro-Americans. Why can't everyone else be just like us?

Oliver, the lack of empathy for those less fortunate is appalling.

May 26th, 2020, 14:52
A friend who worked in a hotel in Pattaya has been to Bangkok and Surin and back to Pattaya and is going to Surin again soon for a funeral of a relative.

Coming from Pattaya or Bangkok, you go through Buriram province before reaching Surin. Is there police who check people who want to get off bus or train in Buriram? Most buses have two doors, but for trains, each carriage has four doors and you would need someone at each door to control passengers leaving train.

I can only tell you what I've heard - but have not seen this with my own eyes:

According to an announcement that was published back in March, travelers entering Buriram via car, bus, rail or air, will be flagged upon arrival and either placed in a 14 day quarantine (if they are arriving from abroad) or a 14 day isolation for inter-province travelers. As far as the efficiency of these checks at the bus or rail stations, I really have no idea. I do know that they stop all cars entering the province. My partner Jai has family members residing in both Surin and neighboring Ubon Ratchathani who have not visited their homes here in Buriram since this mandate was announced.

My guess is that some travelers make it in - and some don't. Right now a farang and his Thai wife who live near Jai's home were placed on 14 day isolation for making a one day shopping trip to Ubon and then reentering Buriram by car.

All said, I would imagine this interprovincial travel restriction will be lifted (or modified) soon. Fingers crossed.

May 26th, 2020, 15:01
Yes, it is difficult during the lockdown; very boring for many of us expats. I agree, what you said about the money boys and others who live on a pittance and unable to save due to lack of financial skills.

Add to that the fact that they are young guys who are in perpetual party mode.

Weren't we like that at their age? I certainly was -and still am to some extent! - so I would be the last to criticize them.

I just hope they come to their senses early enough in their "career" and learn to put aside some money for the future.

Both my regulars in Thailand have done just that. My Bangkok guy in particular has well and truly set himself up for the future by buying up farmland and cattle in his home town.

As for all those other guys I've had fun times with over many years, I can only hope they are all well and safe and are somehow managing to get by. I'm reassured by the fact that they are quite willing to help each other out when times are tough. They are very quick to look after each other and I see that as one of their many admirable qualities.

Nirish guy
May 26th, 2020, 16:32
You can find the same lack of empathy in far- right websites complaining about Afro-Americans. Why can't everyone else be just like us?

It's a bit much to conflate people members here ( myself included) consciously choosing not to send money to random boys / prostitutes that they hardly know, especially when we know that that same boys / prostitutes main accepted job IS to extract just as much money out of us all as they possibly can, by all and any means necessary, either in the short term or if they're very good in the longer term too and putting that choice down to being akin to far right white supremacists / racists - dont you think ?

As Dinagam has already pointed out above the boys and their chosen job profession has been going on since time immemorial and our deciding not to donate further than our agreed "fee" to the ever continuing build of their mother, fathers or their own new house up country somewhere does not necessarily make us "better or worse people" than those who do - maybe just perhaps a little less gullible that those who do perhaps WITHOUT realising THAT is what they ( and many others ) have actually been doing.

And as for the boys lack of education and poor financial planning skills, well, just try short changing him and see how little time it takes before that situation is brought to your attention. Likewise on rent day ( which seems to come around about 10 times every month for some boys apparently) again "somehow" they always seem to manage - so perhaps they're not quite as unskilled in forward planning as some of us might like to think.

We are NOT their saviours or rescuers, the Thai population will manage quite well whether we're there or not, differently perhaps and not with the latest iPhone for sure maybe, but we ( and all the other groups that have visited Thailand) just come and go and we / they are simply "there for the taking" during our travels there ( and now even when returning home it seems too thanks to chat Apps !) - and all until the next group arrives ( Russians, Chinese etc etc) - which I dont criticise the Thais' for in ANY way by the way, good luck to them, if they can find people (stupid) enough to carry on giving them money for years for no more reason than the maybe fucked their son or daughter once or twice when they were working out trying to reel in a "rich stupid faring" whilst out at work being a prosititute then I take my hat off to them, again, not as stupid as some here would seem to think it seems !

The Thai population have managed just fine long before we came and will do long after we've all left, of that I'm sure. I'm guessing ALL of us, if we see a genuine case of real need, real hunger etc would step up in a heart beat but to suggest that people choosing not to send money to every / any boy / prostitute who decides to add us to their Whatsapp "sucker" list makes us somehow akin to a far right racist is simply ridiculous in my view ( and not to say offensive too of course).

So, if it makes you feel good about yourself then certainly you should carry on sending to each and every boy who decides to send you a request, but I wont be and I dont feel guilty about that in any way and I'm certainly not a far right supremacist either the last time I checked.

May 26th, 2020, 17:22
"the Thai population will manage quite well whether we're there or not,"

How dare you. You take that back. The Thai population, or at least a certain demographic of it will most absolutely definitely positively not manage quite well or otherwise without myself being there to ensure said demographic is managing well either quite or otherwise and myself in order to ensure said managing is up to the standards of myself will absolutely definitely positively be getting there as soon as possible entirely to assist in the managing of the aforementioned demographic. I hope that's clear. Manage without us indeed, whoever heard the like?

Nirish guy
May 26th, 2020, 17:59
Let me repeat......before we / you arrived and long after you / we're gone ........ they'll be JUST fine I wouldn't fret :-)

May 26th, 2020, 19:20
It's a bit much to conflate people members here ( myself included) consciously choosing not to send money to random boys / prostitutes that they hardly know, ad infinitum.

NIrish guy, that is the most woeful post you have made to date!

May 26th, 2020, 19:39
If by "we" you mean tourists then the 10s of thousands of Thais who derived their income entirely from the tourist industry aren't "just fine" are they because their income has dried up. And those same people lived/worked under the radar so are not entitled to any govt help. And those were the people that we went there for. So if they were "just fine" in the past and will be in the future they're most definitely not right now.

Nirish guy
May 26th, 2020, 20:52
ad infinitum.

NIrish guy, that is the most woeful post you have made to date!

We must be getting different levels of professional begging messages then is all I can assume, as I said if it makes you happy then please, feel free to go right ahead and send what you wish to who you wish, it's a free world - and that of course works both ways.

May 26th, 2020, 21:24
It is a bit galling receiving plea's for money when messages are sent from top of the range phones costing in the region of 30 to 45,000 bht

May 26th, 2020, 21:48
I'm a little puzzled...how do these guys gain access to customers' phone numbers and emails? Wouldn't hornet and Romeo be a better bet for contacts in Thailand?

May 26th, 2020, 22:05
We must be getting different levels of professional begging messages then is all I can assume, as I said if it makes you happy then please, feel free to go right ahead and send what you wish to who you wish, it's a free world - and that of course works both ways.

I completely agree. Some boys who I spoked addmited that falangs who are sending money are sukkers , instead of beeing grateful they perticipate money transactions as easy money from stupid falangs.

May 26th, 2020, 22:11
If by "we" you mean tourists then the 10s of thousands of Thais who derived their income entirely from the tourist industry aren't "just fine" are they because their income has dried up. And those same people lived/worked under the radar so are not entitled to any govt help. And those were the people that we went there for. So if they were "just fine" in the past and will be in the future they're most definitely not right now.

You ignore the fact that not only Thailand was affected badly from the Corrona virus but also our home countries the economic situation at the moment is poor and uncertain all over the world and my country is not exceptional so why do I have to send money to boys I hardly know when my own economic situation is not stable ?

Brad the Impala
May 26th, 2020, 23:15
You ignore the fact that not only Thailand was affected badly from the Corrona virus but also our home countries the economic situation at the moment is poor and uncertain all over the world and my country is not exceptional so why do I have to send money to boys I hardly know when my own economic situation is not stable ?

Did you hear of furlough? Did you hear of social security? All doubtless inadequate in our home countries, but imagine how much worse when you can't even access that, if it existed, for reasons that Arsenal has explained above.

A lack of empathy indeed. Reminds me of the colonel elating over how cheaply he could get syrian young men to sell themselves, as they were now refugees without any means in Greece.

Nirish guy
May 26th, 2020, 23:51
Did you hear of furlough? ....., but imagine how much worse when you can't even access that....

There are actually plenty of people here in the UK who are finding themselves in EXACTLY that situation right now - perhaps we should organise a whip round for them - or no wait, we're not fucking them so they don't matter quite so much - right ???

A lack of empathy indeed. .

And no lack of empathy whatsoever, if someone is going through a hard time in life I feel for them and if I feel they need REAL help and I'm in a position to give it I might if it's (really) needed, but as for whether I feel obliged to send money to bar boys in another country, so that they can tick me donation off their (long) list of charitable (gullible) farang to enable them to perhaps forward that money on to their parents for their new (insert this weeks latest request / demand accordingly) then no, sorry that doesn't cut it with me just so much.

As I've already said there's nothing stopping those who wish to send as much money as they wish to their many bar boy / girl acquaintances, the fact that others chose not do is an also equally valid choice and does NOT make that person a right wing / racist / non-empath who is akin to the Colonel boasting about getting boys "cheap" and all the other nonsense posted above - whether you like to accept that or not and to even try and conflate the two things is ridiculous.

If it makes you all feel better every time you next have a fuck pay the guy four times the going rate, then you'll be able to sleep better - just like I will without any trouble at all after paying them the usual normal rate.

You'd think this was about being a "cheap charlie" - it's not and anyone who knows me either here on in life in general can vouch for that fact, however as I've stated I wont be sending my hard earned money to someone I barely know, who messages me out of the blue, perhaps after several years with no contact in years on receipt of a quite obviously cut and pasted "Money, I not have, you can send some now, I want?" message, sorry but no, not happening here, but again good luck to those of you who wish to do so.

Brad the Impala
May 27th, 2020, 00:26
There are actually plenty of people here in the UK who are finding themselves in EXACTLY that situation right now - perhaps we should organise a whip round for them - or no wait, we're not fucking them so they don't matter quite so much - right ???

That's a distorting edit of my post. I repeat "Did you hear of furlough? Did you hear of social security?". If you can't be furloughed there is social security and social benefits. Doubtless some would say that they are inadequate and that's probably so, however it's a world better than nothing!

Regarding the empathy, methinks you do protest too much.

Nirish guy
May 27th, 2020, 00:34
[QUOTE=Brad the Impala;266918]That's a distorting edit of my post. I repeat "Did you hear of furlough? Did you hear of social security?". If you can't be furloughed there is social security and social benefits. Doubtless some would say that they are inadequate and that's probably so, however it's a world better than nothing!

I thought my intentional edit to save re reading was obvious, hence the dots - my point being simply that no NOT everyone here in the UK is getting furlough, social security, universal credit help etc for many various reasons - and they too are literally getting NOTHING - just the same as the people in other parts of the world it seems.

And as for protesting too much quite the opposite perhaps - as I think I'm clearly saying "fuck em" and that no I'm not sending money to guys I barely know just because they ASK / try to guilt trip me too - I dont think I can be clearer about that - that's nothing to do with empathy, just plain common sense as far as I'm concerned.

I think though we should draw one distinction though between guys that we KNOW, perhaps genuine long term friends / Bf's etc etc who are getting it tough, which IS helping a friend and so sure help if we chose to if we can, why not - in contrast mind then to almost total strangers who we just happened to have fucked once (or twice) and who were paid for their services ( at full price for fear of being compared to the Colonel again ! )who simply add us to their "farang list' and then go through the motions trying to extract donations - to that I clearly say no way, "fuck em" - not my problem. I trust that removes room for any doubt in that regard as to my levels of empathy for the habitual "I need money send me some" group - of which as we all know ( and seemingly have forgotten all of a sudden) there ARE many in Thailand and many other Countries that we visit - otherwise where does it stop.

May 27th, 2020, 01:01
I think though we should draw one distinction though between guys that we KNOW, perhaps genuine long term friends / Bf's etc etc who are getting it tough, which IS helping a friend and so sure help if we chose to if we can, why not - in contrast mind then to almost total strangers who we just happened to have fucked once (or twice) and who were paid for their services ( at full price for fear of being compared to the Colonel again ! )who simply add us to their "farang list' and then go through the motions trying to extract donations - to that I clearly say no way, "fuck em" - not my problem.

Agree 100%. We are not responsible for everyone's welfare when times are tough. Who's next- the employee at 7/11 who happens to serve us every day? But I know many of us would help out our long term friends in a heartbeat if they needed it.

You'd think this was about being a "cheap charlie" - it's not and anyone who knows me either here on in life in general can vouch for that fact

Yep, I'm happy to vouch for that.

May 27th, 2020, 01:25
I think though we should draw one distinction though between guys that we KNOW, perhaps genuine long term friends / Bf's etc etc who are getting it tough, which IS helping a friend and so sure help if we chose to if we can, why not - in contrast mind then to almost total strangers who we just happened to have fucked once (or twice) and who were paid for their services ( at full price for fear of being compared to the Colonel again ! )who simply add us to their "farang list' and then go through the motions trying to extract donations - to that I clearly say no way, "fuck em" - not my problem. I trust that removes room for any doubt in that regard as to my levels of empathy for the habitual "I need money send me some" group - of which as we all know ( and seemingly have forgotten all of a sudden) there ARE many in Thailand and many other Countries that we visit - otherwise where does it stop.

That's clear enough to me and I agree entirely.

If I've hired someone once or twice and paid them for the privilege, the transaction ended the moment they left my room and I'm not responsible for their ongoing welfare. Just the same as any other profession I encounter.

If I've seen someone several times, I might just send a donation.

As it happens, the only covid era request I've had was from a lad I've seen just twice. He asked for money. I didn't reply, whilst I was considering the request. He blocked me, so the decision was made.

Nirish guy
May 27th, 2020, 01:42
.....the only covid era request I've had was from a lad I've seen just twice. He asked for money. I didn't reply, whilst I was considering the request. He blocked me, so the decision was made.

Obviously just thinning out his call list so as not to waste time on the lower percentage chances - see, perhaps those Thai boys aren't as numerically stupid as we sometimes think ! :) I bet he's an excel chart with a percentage possibility chart all drawn up with the big money tippers to the top and a sliding scale of "whats my chances with this one" going to the bottom ! lol - ok I'm joking slightly there, but hey, NOTHING would surprise me ! :)

Marc K
May 27th, 2020, 03:00
hey guys I am the OP for this thread and have found your responses fascinating. Thanks for an indepth discussion. The messages seem to be somewhat evenly divided between those who are uber-skeptical (paranoid, cynical, "I am not going to allow myself to be fleeced", never again will I be so stupid!) and the uber-charitable (an easy touch, leading with the heart over the brain, concerned that maybe the request is a legitimate call for needed help, try to fix in a small way the inequalities in this world).

I myself vascillate often between these two states! In the past, no doubt, we have all been burnt and want to avoid being used (yes, it is a bit ironic, isn't it!) I have been pretty strong (well, not always) against the usual "dying buffalo" and "sick mother" entreaties.

But the reason I posted the OP was that I wondered whether this time was different. It has a different feel about it. And I wondered whether people on the scene in Pattaya could provide more of an insight into the situation there. Therefore it is really necessary to know which of you are comfortably (more or less) sheltering back home in the first world (as am I) at the moment, and which of you are seeing the current scene firsthand before your eyes. The YouTube drive through videos showing the food lines, etc. are quite concerning.

Has the coronavirus lockdown created a different world in Pattaya now from the usual (let's make as much money as we can!) world of the normal MB philosophy??

Take care all! And for those of us of a "tender age" and therefore stand to bear the brunt of the viral attack, pls be careful and sensible with your handwashing and masks!

As for going back to Pattaya there are days when I presume I will be able to travel there again in July. Other days it would appear that it will 2H 2021 (or later!) before things get rolling again. I guess nobody knows. Ugh.

Brad the Impala
May 27th, 2020, 04:46
I think though we should draw one distinction though between guys that we KNOW, perhaps genuine long term friends / Bf's etc etc who are getting it tough, which IS helping a friend and so sure help if we chose to if we can, why not - in contrast mind then to almost total strangers who we just happened to have fucked once (or twice) and who were paid for their services ( at full price for fear of being compared to the Colonel again !

I think that's rather a straw man argument as I'm not sure that anyone was suggesting donating funds to every fuck that asks for them!

I do think though that if you have sufficient interest in someone to provide them with your contact details in your home country, you shouldn't be surprised to be contacted, especially when times are hard, which is clearly the case now around the world but especially in countries where there is no safety net. If you do have that interest, in my eyes you have to have quite a black heart to summarily dismiss any request for assistance.

For the record I wasn't comparing you to the Colonel, and your previous posts demonstrate that you are not a cheap charlie, however some of the comments in this thread are close to obnoxious for their lack of humanity. We have all come across male farang visitors, to Pattaya especially, who are incapable of considering their local sex partners as actually being human.

Just calling that out!

Nirish guy
May 27th, 2020, 04:57
Without “knowing me” you are of course in no position to know or judge who or what I support in my life and again just because I chose NOT to send money to random guys I fuck in Thailand or anywhere else for that matter doesn’t make me a bad person, no matter who much you might like to think or suggest that.

Nor does it imply any question of my thinking of guys as I meet as anything other than human and I’ve no idea where you even get idea from even as it’s ridiculous and in fact in many posts I’ve often argued the exact opposite position.

But hey you’re entitled to your opinion, as to whether it’s correct or not is of course a different thing altogether.

My position you’ll not be surprised to hear hasn’t changed, in that if YOU wish to send funds to whoever you wish in Thailand or elsewhere then you should go right ahead and do that just as often as you wish, my choice however is not to and I have absolutely no problem with that choice.

Brad the Impala
May 27th, 2020, 05:15
I'm not judging you. I am responding to the comments of those who posted their opinions(of which you are only one) as I am posting mine. No one has put you in the dock, and as I wrote previously, you are protesting your innocence too much for something of which you have not even been accused, let alone judged!

Nirish guy
May 27th, 2020, 05:27
Well I'm glad we got that part cleared up at least.... :)

Brad the Impala
May 27th, 2020, 05:30
Well I'm glad we got that part cleared up at least.... :)


May 27th, 2020, 05:58
In the past I have sent loads of Thai and Viet men some cash. I expect I will again, though I'm I'm having a break at the minute. In Ao Nang once, a bar boy said to his mate, as a Scottish woman left in tears to go home: "If we have a good harvest of farang we'll eat in the low season". We're the rice crop. But we can be easier to harvest, because we love them.

Nirish guy
May 27th, 2020, 06:02
Still, depressing none the less to see people having to resort to queuing up like this at all as they had to just last week on Soi Bua Khao apparently .......


for nothing more important than a FREE ICE CREAM - and with zero social distancing taking place too it seems :-(.

Nirish guy
May 27th, 2020, 06:26
Ha so as if one of my Thai acquaintances was reading my posts he kindly just sent me two messages within minutes of each other ( obviously sending to two of his "faring" lists but forgetting that he'd previously added me to both of them it seems ) So, the first heart wrenching message almost worked the first time I received it ( but as I've now received it numerous times it was a fail) but my friend also forgets that he's also told me very recently about the several farang he (copy and pastes) "love" messages who then send him money. As I said earlier in this thread I've reminded him that as I KNOW that "I" wouldn't be sending anything, but it seems he's just too lazy to edit his farang list it seems.

Anyway, so message number one, which on reading it for the first time would get tears out of a stone eh.......then however scroll on down to message two -as sent to me just a few minutes later :) where he miraculously goes from near apparent starvation due to corona ( even though I know he hasn't worked in WELL over four years and has been supported by numerous faring throughout that time) straight to instantly emoji "crying" that he hasn't got the money for the very latest underwear that he wants..... lol Ha so glad to see the guy has his priorities in order at least - well, almost :)

From him......
"I have never received a Thai contribution :-( Very sad because almost everyone else in Thailand has received the money, but except I am the only one who does not receive money from Thailand and why, why, how? !? I don't have money to buy rice and food for me, my parents, grandchildren. Eat every meal of each day, breakfast and lunch, including dinner. And as this is real true of me now about " Please i need and want from you to helping me as :-(Please, i need the moneys to buy foods from you as i always unemployed jobs since year of 2016 to now 2020 "Please i need and want from you to helping me as :-( i'm always lost, lose, loss and as the loser :-(

and the second message....

And people wonder why I'm a cynic sometimes :)

May 27th, 2020, 06:51
No customers for two months. How were they supposed to pay their rent? "They should have saved up "- won't pay rent.
Free food isn't infinite. The food runs out way before the line of hungry skinny boys ends.
How Darwinian we all are here.

My last video chat from his friends phone (his broke months ago) I saw a friend looking too much like an Ethiopian/holocaust survivor
that hadn't had a haircut for months.

May 27th, 2020, 07:18
Begging letters from Thai money boys to farangs and begging letters from billionaire Sir Richard Branson to the government. Any difference?

May 27th, 2020, 08:30
yes the Thai boys need the money...
no money for rent and to eat

May 27th, 2020, 11:02
Exactly. And those businesses that have furloughed their staff and sent claims to the government. That's kind of begging too isn't it.

The only difference I can see is that at some point in the past you fucked the Thai boy whereas the government almost certainly fucked you.

May 27th, 2020, 11:40
I don't have money to buy rice and food for me, my parents, grandchildren.

He has grandchildren??

Nirish, are you now into Thai daddies?


Nirish guy
May 27th, 2020, 15:26
Ha I laughed when I read the grandchildren part myself as I happen to know he’s about 30 now and is an only child who is as gay as gay can be and most certainly doesn’t have any children - or grand children for that matter :/) . I’m guessing out of His usual laziness he simply cut and pasted that message from elsewhere perhaps - or was using that word hoping to “connect” with his audience and pulling on their heart strings as he knows several of them are probably grand parents I’m guessing.

May 27th, 2020, 18:11
I suspect dear veteran from Belfie in Ulster or N-I, that it may not even be his own writings, but he has paid like 50 bt for someone whoś job it is to write such begging messages in multiple and who also knows how to handle all these settings on the mysterious smartphone. Or not-who knows, who cares.
Perhaps this is also one major reason why I prefer BKK above Patters: most of the guys in big town do it as a job on the side and are not fully dependent on the income it generates in normal times. Though one favorite of mine of lately was a kind of professional football player in some Thai league (he even showed me pictures of it), so I assume that type of sports must also be put on hold there-as it is here.
Another one was a keen visitor of late-nite spots, but as these are also closed for the time being, I suspect he would not need the money that he cannot spend now.
In general I sympathise much more with the diligent and always very kind Burmese girls running the establishment I stayed and who are probably without any income as the place seems to be closed. Perhaps if the boss took pity on them they might be able to stay for as long as this lasts for free but without any support, as a kind of safety staff, but I really dont know.

May 27th, 2020, 19:03
...straight to instantly emoji "crying" that he hasn't got the money for the very latest underwear that he wants..... lol Ha so glad to see the guy has his priorities in order at least - well, almost :)
Not exactly an emergency.

But that underwear is my style, if the right boy asked me for money to buy, and to later show it to me (the boy wearing the underwear), I would send money!

May 27th, 2020, 20:59
I bet he's an excel chart with a percentage possibility chart all drawn up with the big money tippers to the top and a sliding scale of "whats my chances with this one" going to the bottom ! lol - ok I'm joking slightly there, but hey, NOTHING would surprise me ! :)

I met a lad in Prague a couple of times who kept a notebook, with notes on all his clients, obviously partly so he knows what they paid last time. He was charming and very interesting to talk to, with a good grasp on what's important in life.

May 27th, 2020, 21:15
Begging letters from Thai money boys to farangs and begging letters from billionaire Sir Richard Branson to the government. Any difference?

I made the mistake of trying to analyse this.

1 The requests are fundamentally similar, as in both cases, the request is made on the basis that the other party might be dumb enough to pay out (I'm referring to the more optimistic boy requests here, when they hardly know the farang).

2 Some European airlines have received bail outs and as Mr O'Leary of Ryan Air points out, the remaining airlines will have to compete with these bailed out airlines who can sell seats at below cost.

3 As for this forum, well I think the key point is any farang who gets a begging request is the one who decides whether a payment is made, whereas we don't decide if beardy Branson gets a bail out. Well, unless Boris or Rishi are lurking amongst the members. So since some are receiving begging requests, it's inevitably going to be discussed.

The request for money to buy underwear is about as weak as Mr Branson's effort.

May 27th, 2020, 21:50
I get a lot of messages from boys in Pattaya now with requests for money. "No have money for eat" and such. What I have noticed is their total lack of interest and gratitude when I respond with information and directions to the nearest free food giveaway. Usually they dont respond to that at all, but the ones who have responded have all been negative - "It is too far, I dont want to walk!" and similar.

May 27th, 2020, 22:13
If you really want to help Thai people it's better to send money directly to local Thai charity and aid organisations it's seems to me more logical then sending money to boys I barely know and had already been paid for their service. I assume many boys are facing hard times at the moment but they are not the only ones , We are facing very gloomy time at the moment . most of the money boys I met were lazy and uneducated and I assume will prefer to starve then trying to find hard temporary working job because they got used to do nothing , wake up late and adopt gigolo lifestyle ,Needless to say most of them did bother to save anything when they had better times,So I think it's better to send money to charity and aid organisations then to sponsor random money boys who send endless requests to long lists potential falangs.

May 27th, 2020, 22:40
I have donated a couple times to Jomtien food giveaway.
But my friends are far away a little north of Buakow.
Thats 2 baht bus transfers to Jomtien and two back.
One helluva way back to walk just from Boystown. I've done that.

Paying the transfers on the baht bus would buy a meal at TukCom.
They can't afford that either.

Couple give aways now and then closer by if they would hear about them in time.
Seems they have gotten used to eating regularly. How fucking silly.

Let them go and find a temporary working job in this environment?
Yeahsureright. Lotsa jobs around for them!

Make up stupid excuses and let them starve.
Post messages on a message board and have another doughnut.
You'll still have a holiday next high time.
You won't donate to "Thai charities."

May 28th, 2020, 00:01

Not Pattaya - Bangkok temple ordered to stop free food !


Wat Don Mueang in Bangkok has been temporarily ordered by local authorities to stop giving away free food and water daily after lines have grown to over a thousand and pictures have gone viral on social media, causing some people to raise concerns over social distancing, according to the Bangkok post and Bangkok radio station Jor Sor 100.

Pictures of people gathered along Song Prapha Road in the Don Mueang district for up to a kilometer went viral on social media, showing what appeared to be well over a thousand people in line for food and water being given by the temple.

The order comes as the Supreme Patriarch of Thailand asked temples nationwide to help those in need during the pandemic which has led to hundreds-even thousands-in some cases lining up at temples across the nation for food.

This comes as millions of Thai’s are out of work due to closures and restrictions due to Covid-19, with hundreds of thousands of “non-essential” businesses across the Nation closed as part of the plan to reduce the spread of Covid-19. The Thai Government has said they are meeting and discussing lessening restrictions later this month and they understand the plight of the people but they must be cautious in any sort of re-opening of the economy to avoid a possible second wave.

Paitoon Ngammuk, the assistant to the district chief in Don Mueang, told the media the closure was just temporary while officials worked with the temple on proper social distancing procedures and was not meant to stop people from finding food from charity organizations, responding to massive criticism online for stopping the donations.

In Pattaya lines are reaching similar levels leading to growing cries to re-open the economy and local businesses, even on a gradual basis and with proper social distancing measures in place.

May 28th, 2020, 01:11
It's very disturbing that the government is concerned the the lack of the social distancing rather than the huge number of people that are starving and have no choice but to wait long hours in line for food and water.

May 28th, 2020, 01:20
I have donated a couple times to Jomtien food giveaway.
But my friends are far away a little north of Buakow.
Thats 2 baht bus transfers to Jomtien and two back.
One helluva way back to walk just from Boystown. I've done that.

Paying the transfers on the baht bus would buy a meal at TukCom.
They can't afford that either.

Couple give aways now and then closer by if they would hear about them in time.
Seems they have gotten used to eating regularly. How fucking silly.

Let them go and find a temporary working job in this environment?
Yeahsureright. Lotsa jobs around for them!

Make up stupid excuses and let them starve.
Post messages on a message board and have another doughnut.
You'll still have a holiday next high time.
You won't donate to "Thai charities."

I didn't speak about me but made a general statement. Every person can to do with his money whatever he wants if someone want send money to every request he receive is more than welcome to do so ,I won't !
If I met a genuine honest boy who really care about me I have no doubt that I sent him money to help in this hard times unfortunately all the boys I met long my twenty years traveling to Thailand were lazy,greedy, unfaithful and liers so why should I soport them at all ?

May 28th, 2020, 03:30
...unfaithful ....there r money boys...thats their job ..like they r supposed to pleasure ANYONE with cash to pay...
....liers..............there r money boys...thats their job ..like they r supposed to say you NOT handsome...you NOT have big dick....

Marc K
May 28th, 2020, 03:31
If I met a genuinely honest boy who really cared about me, I'd have no doubt that I would sent him money to help him through hard times; unfortunately all the boys I have met during my twenty years long traveling to Thailand have been lazy, greedy, unfaithful and lairs so why should I support them at all?

Wow that is a bit harsh, my friend. Did you ever figure it was us who were lazy (sex the easy way), (sexually) greedy, unfaithful (a new boy every night), and, dare I say, have told at least a few white lies to the guys we have offed? Alas I would have to plead guilty to all those accusations, how about you? In short, our behaviors also have been far from stellar!

Marc K
May 28th, 2020, 03:49
So I think it's better to send money to charity and aid organisations than to sponsor random money boys who send endless requests to long lists potential falangs.

Yes, I do agree with you. When I am in India I am constantly hounded by beggars (some legitimate, most not) and don't give them money, instead giving to projects which try to alleviate poverty there. So I do see your valid point.

What we are missing is a (short) list of such LEGITIMATE aid organizations in Pattaya to which we can send money from abroad using TransferWise, or PayPal, or Xoom or Remitly or whatever. For me the only place I know is Yupin's restaurant in the Complex who I know has been giving away a lot of food. Come to think of it I should email them and ask them how I can send them some money for this purpose. I trust them implicitly.

Maybe someone of you who is in Pattaya now could start such a list of legitimate (gay-friendly would be nice) organizations? And boy69 you are right, this would be a far better way to help Pattaya than sending money to random MBs.

Brad the Impala
May 28th, 2020, 04:26
If I met a genuine honest boy who really care about me I have no doubt that I sent him money to help in this hard times unfortunately all the boys I met long my twenty years traveling to Thailand were lazy,greedy, unfaithful and liers so why should I soport them at all ?

And yet you still keep coming back for more! If I was you I would wonder why you only meet the guys that you make this damning judgment of? So many visitors seem to have better experiences. Are you just a bad judge of character, picking the wrong type of guys, or is it something in your interaction with them that leads to this behaviour.

May 28th, 2020, 04:48
If I met a genuine honest boy who really care about me I have no doubt that I sent him money to help in this hard times unfortunately all the boys I met long my twenty years traveling to Thailand were lazy,greedy, unfaithful and liers so why should I soport them at all ?

Common decency?

May 28th, 2020, 05:25
Searching "Thai charity" I find :

Cats and dogs

The list is rather meager.

Sun Bar donation :
Paypal send to Gildas44@aol.com

Still won't get to TukCom area, but better than nothing.


(Facebook and Leechi links are expired, but people are still hungry.)

May 28th, 2020, 06:11
I have donated a couple times to Jomtien food giveaway.
But my friends are far away a little north of Buakow.
Thats 2 baht bus transfers to Jomtien and two back.
One helluva way back to walk just from Boystown. I've done that.

Seems foolish to go to Jomtien for food if they live near soi Buakhao when there is probably at least 10 restaurants regularly giving out free food in soi Buakhao, Pattaya klang and sidesois.
Aswell as Cupidol bar in Boyztown as you mentioned Boyztown. If they live near city hall they give out free food there too.

May 28th, 2020, 09:09
Seems foolish to go to Jomtien for food if they live near soi Buakhao when there is probably at least 10 restaurants regularly giving out free food in soi Buakhao, Pattaya klang and sidesois.
Aswell as Cupidol bar in Boyztown as you mentioned Boyztown. If they live near city hall they give out free food there too.

wish they would post a link to donate to
that can't be inexpensive for them

May 28th, 2020, 10:45
unfortunately all the boys I met long my twenty years traveling to Thailand were lazy,greedy, unfaithful and liers(sic)

I'm very surprised to hear about your experiences with the guys, as 99% of the ones I've met over the years have been the exact opposite. My time with the guys, both in and out of bed, has been wonderful.

Brad has hit the nail on the head with this one. If you want to have the enjoyable experience that many (most) of us here enjoy when we hook up in Thailand, perhaps you should have a good think about what you might possibly be doing wrong.

May 28th, 2020, 11:45
Latin wrote.
"...unfaithful ....there r money boys...thats their job ..like they r supposed to pleasure ANYONE with cash to pay...
....liers..............there r money boys...thats their job ..like they r supposed to say you NOT handsome...you NOT have big dick...."

Haha. That is funny. And I'm hitting the same percentage as a447. If your offs are continually disappointing then look to change the MO.

May 28th, 2020, 21:20
And, I really don't think you can call them lazy. Those boys need Olympic athlete levels of fitness and stamina to go a session or two with a447.

May 28th, 2020, 21:33
Those boys need Olympic athlete levels of fitness and stamina to go a session or two with a447.

Only in my dreams! (sigh)

May 28th, 2020, 22:39
If your offs are continually disappointing then look to change the MO.

Lower your expectations to "they don't run out of the room screaming"

May 29th, 2020, 05:20
...u mean shrieking...

May 29th, 2020, 13:13
Dire? I'll give you dire ...





May 30th, 2020, 00:01
If you really want to help Thai people it's better to send money directly to local Thai charity and aid organisations it's seems to me more logical then sending money to boys I barely know and had already been paid for their service. ...So I think it's better to send money to charity and aid organisations then to sponsor random money boys who send endless requests to long lists potential falangs.

My approach is the opposite. I don't know any Thai charity, and if I searched for charities on the internet I wouldn't know if they are trustworthy. But I have a few regulars (minimum two encounters, average closer to five encounters) who didn't ask me for money, but I asked them how things are going and then offered to send money assuming they will put it to good use. I wouldn't send money to boys I rarely know or random money boys.

...unfortunately all the boys I met long my twenty years traveling to Thailand were lazy,greedy, unfaithful and liers so why should I soport them at all ?

A few years ago my situation was similar (even worse, I had a few thieves), and whenever I posted such judgements on the forums I got chastised. Now my situation has improved a lot and I would not agree with your statement any more. The reason for that change is not entirely clear to me, part is casting a wider net and having more choice, and better judgement so I can let go of boys when there are bad signs in communication instead of running after them.

In online chat, there are still plenty of stupid, lazy, greedy I chat with, but I detect this early and don't waste time on them as I did in the past.

May 30th, 2020, 06:04
My approach is the opposite. I don't know any Thai charity, and if I searched for charities on the internet I wouldn't know if they are trustworthy.

If contributing a significant amount to a charity or good cause, I would have 3 requirements:
(i) Supports what I consider to be a good cause
(ii) The charity has no religious connections (If the title is "Christian Aid", or something like that, they can **** off and get money off someone else)
(iii) The charity is efficient. I define efficiency as Amount going to the good cause/Total amount raised. A relative of a very good friend was briefly working for a charity many years ago and out of all the money raised, 95% went to run the charity and about 5% went to the good causes.

So far this year, I've made 2 significant donations. One to a request here and another to an initiative run by an ex work colleague who I hold in very high regard. I'm fairly sure more good comes from that than anything which is processed through the average charity machine.

Nirish guy
May 30th, 2020, 06:21
I've made 2 significant donations. One to a request here ........

Awww I'm sorry to tell you but it seems your money transfer didn't arrive after all, here let me forward you my bank details and see if you can send it again perhaps ?? Actually just to be sure maybe try it from two or three different bank accounts and I'll be sure to let you know when I receive it. Thanks :)

May 30th, 2020, 13:41
If the title is "Christian Aid", or something like that, they can **** off and get money off someone else

Goji - Did you mean Christianpfc Aid?

May 30th, 2020, 21:40
Goji - Did you mean Christianpfc Aid?

We are not amused.

June 1st, 2020, 22:47
All travel restrictions within the Kingdom have been lifted.

This is not true at all. Plenty of restrictions still; inter-provincial travel is limited to and from certain destinations only and the frequency of long-distance buses that ply these permitted routes has been greatly reduced (say from three or four departures per day to three departures per week).

June 4th, 2020, 20:54
And yet you still keep coming back for more! If I was you I would wonder why you only meet the guys that you make this damning judgment of? So many visitors seem to have better experiences. Are you just a bad judge of character, picking the wrong type of guys, or is it something in your interaction with them that leads to this behaviour.

Well said, Brad. ChristianPFC, a moderator on this board (boy they sure know how fo pick 'em), has often said similar harsh things about Thai guys and Thai people in general, not just those working in the sex industry. And he has bummed around in Thailand for years and claims to speak Thai! When you're having so many negative experiences when others are having the opposite, then you need to reflect and find the common denominator in these negative encounters and, if you're honest with yourself, you'll find that more often than not it's you.

June 5th, 2020, 16:10
My overall feeling about the Thais I've met is one of gratitude. Without them, I wouldn't have taken early retirement.

June 5th, 2020, 17:22
ChristianPFC, a moderator on this board (boy they sure know how fo pick 'em), has often said similar harsh things about Thai guys and...

Get a grip sglad and remember to keep the gnarled clit*ris under wrap. ChristianPFC is free to express his personal views. Afterall he's not a Singaporean.