View Full Version : Gangs of London

April 27th, 2020, 08:35
No doubt many of you are feeling frustrated and irritable. Locked in at home in whichever country you happen to be in and unable to get to our lovely Thai boys. Well help is at hand in the form of the TV show Gangs of London.

Fast paced and macho to it's blood soaked heart racing core it's an antidote to boredom. It's undoubtedly the most violent TV show I've ever seen, these guys make The Sopranos look like The Famous Five.

What is most striking is the way the violence is portrayed. Its new and fresh and clearly the brief was to come up with new ways to kill and maim. It's metrosexual too with total bastards from every continent and a beautifully shot gay orgy scene that actually conveys what a gay orgy in London is like.

April 27th, 2020, 11:37
I'm a full bottle on violence but don't know anything about gay orgies. Care to "fill me in"?

Seriously though, despite having black belts in three Japanese martial arts disciplines - 2 legitimate - (so watch out!!) I'm totally put off by violence, even the simulated type as seen in movies.

But it will probably appeal to heaps of other members.

(Btw, while you're at it, can you also recommend any recent British comedies available on YouTube? They are more my cup of tea.)

April 28th, 2020, 08:00
Give it a go a447. The violence is brutal but not gratuitous. Some of the fight scenes last several minutes and the choreography and movement is ballet-esque in its precision. The characters are 3 dimensional and come with back stories. The plot is thick and murky. Fabulous fun.

As for sitcoms.
Dad's Army....a local bank manager leads a 'crack team of highly trained men's against the Germans.
Porridge...life inside HMS Prison Slade.
Yes Minister/Prime Minister*....life of a politician and his civil servants.

*Make sure you watch the originals with Paul Edington and Sir Nigel Hawthorne.

April 29th, 2020, 04:25
u forgot Mrs Bucket (bouquet) ...and 1 ft in the grave...and r u being served...

Nirish guy
May 4th, 2020, 07:08
Well you certainly weren’t wrong about the violence ! Just finished the first episode and it’s shaping up to be a great show - and the snippet of the 2nd episode I’ve watched with the orgy going on looks like it has potential too ! :-)

May 4th, 2020, 11:25
Gangs of London, Giri/Haji and Carnival Row are all the sired bastards of Game of Thrones.

Multiple locations and plot lines, large cast of actors, back stories going back years gradually revealed, nudity, extrene but incredibly well done and throwaway violence but only used to advance the narrative and cinematic prodiction values and quality.

It's worth bearing in mind as you watch some scenes through clenched fingers and on one or two occasions unable to actually watch that while this does not happen in London it does occur daily in many parts of the world. And it's often carried out by the government or those they sponsor.

May 4th, 2020, 12:48
oh honestly arsenal...why do u have to be so earnest...

May 4th, 2020, 14:57
Ah latin. Most members here are aware of the importance of being earnest.


Nirish guy
May 6th, 2020, 22:03
So, now just about to start on episode 8 and it's a show that's still giving - perhaps TO much as I watched two episodes before bed last night and my bf had to wake me as I was having a audible nightmare it seems, which I remember, where some guy was about to burn me alive ! The chances of that seed NOT being planted there by the show are VERY minimal I would imagine ! Perhaps tonight I'll watch the last two episodes a bit earlier and not at 2.30am before bed !! lol

May 6th, 2020, 22:29
Lock away your power tools, pliers, hoses , machetes' pointed house railings and huge beatded men. Just to be sure.

June 5th, 2020, 00:47
We watched the first 2 episodes and loved the orgy!

June 5th, 2020, 11:10
I thought The Krays were enough for me to hide my face after the first 5 minutes of shoving a screw driver through a tongue and out through a cheek. Apparently that would be Mary Poppins these days.
Are the gangs on Netflix?

June 5th, 2020, 14:26
Screwdriver through hands. Little more than a friendly greeting compared to GoL

It's on Sky Atlantic and countless bootleg sites.
Spoiler alert.

The severed hand scene is particularly gruesome.

June 5th, 2020, 15:34
I think I will stay with Little Britain.

June 5th, 2020, 15:48
love 1 ft in the grave and mrs bouquet...

Nirish guy
June 5th, 2020, 23:29
Are the gangs on Netflix?

Yes they are.

Nirish guy
June 6th, 2020, 00:48
Yes they are.

Apologies I've just double checked re that and I'm wrong. I thought I'd saved it from Netflix and so had assumed that it was was on both Sky Atlantic AND Netflix, but it's not, it's just on Sky Atlantic as Arsenal had already said above. Sorry for the misinformation.