View Full Version : Has 'frequent' kicked the bucket ... ?

April 20th, 2020, 15:20
Disliked, loved, and all in between (sglad's legs)-- mostly rolling one's eyes (at sglad's legs -- for the life of me I cannot believe he would have run away from this home-within-a-home simply because he has gotten bored with This Place. He just wasn't that kinda dude.

Apparently his home at any given time was in Munich (feeling out the latest neo-nazi upheaval), or Houston Texas (studying the latest in Assassination Theory), or Sydney (attempting to find any truth that only gay men in Hawaiian shirts - and shorts!!--attend opera as well as over-done architecture).
Naturally I miss his sarcasm, his bullshit, his right wing summarizes, and his over-weaning and never ending use of the endearing word "cunt" around any corner.

Join Date Mar 2016
Location: Munich Bavaria, Houston TX, Sydney NSW
Posts 4,289
Liked 990

Who knows? Any one, any one?
Last appearance at This Place: January 8th of this sad year.

April 20th, 2020, 21:17
Who knows? Any one, any one?

It’s a mystery, as Toyah Wilcox used to say . . .


April 20th, 2020, 21:25
No mystery, he simply went to a better place; wherever that may be.:devilsh:

Nirish guy
April 20th, 2020, 21:27
I doubt it's as much a mystery as some would have us believe though eh JB / Moses !?? :-) :-)

The Bermuda Triangle / Who killed JFK ? Where's Wally ....sorry Freaky.....alll just some of life unanswered mysteriously ......or ARE they !!??? lol

April 20th, 2020, 22:30
Like the famous wrestler Kendo Nagasaki he had many faces beneath the mask. And stalk these halls he does to this day.

April 20th, 2020, 22:46
. . . The Bermuda Triangle / Who killed JFK ? Where's Wally ....sorry Freaky.....alll just some of life unanswered mysteriously ......or ARE they !!??? lol

Does anyone remember The Twilight Zone? As frequent used to say, don’t you think it’s apposite? Or, more recently, The X-Files? And does anyone believe the claim by Bob Lazar (https://decider.com/2019/06/24/bob-lazar-s4-ufo-netflix-documentary-area-51/)that he worked at Area 51 and saw nine alien flying saucers? Now there’s a real mystery!

Isn’t this great fun and can you believe that the highlight of my day was going to the local supermarket and finding that, 1) There was no queue (‘line’ for US members) and 2) That liquid soap was back on the shelves.

And, a wee bit off topic, does anyone think HMG will allow garden centres to reopen and allow me, and others of course, to go somewhere other than the supermarket and, at the same time, buy a bunch of plants to keep me occupied in the garden? ;)


And remember dear readers . . .


Nirish guy
April 20th, 2020, 23:23
You think you're good finding liquid soap !?

Well, whilst i don't want to sound like I'm boasting TO MUCH but "I" have just managed to score 3kg's of some pure and uncut bags of this.......only trouble is that if the people in my local area find out that I now have this in my cupboards I may be at severe risk of a house incursion and physical injury as others try to relieve me of it !


April 21st, 2020, 03:11
...nice neighbourhood...

Nirish guy
April 21st, 2020, 05:49
Which that they’re cold blooded murderers who’d kill you as you slept to rob you or that they can knock up a mean Royal Charlotte cake and Lemon Cheesecake with Raspberry Ruffle crumble as they do it !? :-)

April 21st, 2020, 07:09
And, a wee bit off topicJellybean, you are welcome to go off topic anytime, any reason. Think of it, as a Mod you could delete yourself, or even kick your own ass.

April 21st, 2020, 16:06
Jellybean, you are welcome to go off topic anytime, any reason. Think of it, as a Mod you could delete yourself, or even kick your own ass.

...and issue a red notice to himself!

I think frequent felt slighted by the coup apres coup he received in the penultimate weeks.

April 21st, 2020, 20:39
. . . "I" have just managed to score 3kg's of some pure and uncut bags of this . . .

Crikey! NIrish-guy, after reading the above, I was expecting nothing less than a reference to the ‘marching powder’ normally associated with Colombia and not bags of self-raising flour. Still, during the apocalypse, I dare say self-raising flour is more sought after than . . . ;)

Jellybean, you are welcome to go off topic anytime, any reason. Think of it, as a Mod you could delete yourself, or even kick your own ass.

Apologies for taking liberties with your topic, Smiles. I hope I judged correctly that you wouldn’t mind if I took a detour or two as I don’t think we will ever know why frequent has stopped posting unless he chooses to offer an answer. I sincerely hope he hasn’t passed on and has simply chosen to follow the advice of Roman Polanski (https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2rr007).

And while here, and for the record, let me say I am bound by the rules just like every other member, perhaps even more so. It’s never, to my knowledge, happened, but if I ever did go off the rails, then fear not, there is a higher authority than me with a Biblical name to do the deleting and ass kicking and thereby ensure order, peace and harmony is restored. :)

Lastly, when Smiles said, “Think of it”, it reminded me of the following image taken from facebook, which I couldn’t resist posting. Some may also see a connection to another topic in this forum:


April 21st, 2020, 20:49
Didn't frequent post a while back that he was going in for some medical treatment and that he may not return to the board?

Does anyone else remember something like that?

Mind you, we are talking about frequent, so.......

April 21st, 2020, 21:45
Hopefully "Frequent" has permanently retired from this forum.

The speculation about kicking the bucket reminds me of this:

Forgive me if I don't wish fat Kim a speedy recovery, or even any type of recovery.

Nirish guy
April 23rd, 2020, 02:00
So, scotty stops posting .... and then Freaky stops posting ..... just saying like ..... lol

( and no I don’t actually believe “that” underhand suggestion :-) lol

April 23rd, 2020, 03:39
The Freak stopped posting and never visited the board again, whereas Scotty visits regularly....
Ok maybe doesn’t mean a thing!

April 23rd, 2020, 04:31
So, scotty stops posting .... and then Freaky stops posting ..... just saying like ..... lol

( and no I don’t actually believe “that” underhand suggestion :-) lol

Yes within 12 days, I see ...

Nirish guy
April 23rd, 2020, 22:45
The Freak stopped posting and never visited the board again, whereas Scotty visits regularly...!Or

Or at least the Freaks PROFILE stopped posting whereas Scottys PROFILE still visits etc .......no, surely not, as that would mean that......and no, that just COULDN'T be the case......OR could it !?? :) lol

June 6th, 2020, 10:04
I'm now posting as "sglad" - I'd have thought that would be obvious

Nirish guy
June 6th, 2020, 18:15
But yet still posting as Frequent too it seems......my my - two accounts from (I assume) the same IP - and there we were told that between Nasa's hi-tech "dont think we cant spot you" software and the threat of nuclear missiles being dispatched to rain down instantly and take out anyone who even thought about trying that that this couldn't even happen - my my - shock horror !!

Wow, who'd have thunk it even possible (well, except for most of us probably !)

So, one person has two active accounts on here, well I for one am shocked ! .....:-)

June 10th, 2020, 22:05
frequent's gone now.

Nirish guy
June 10th, 2020, 23:03
frequent's gone now.

Ha why did that statement immediately make me think of an episode of the Sopranos where one of the "bosses" men walk into the bar, the boss asks "so, where's frequent? and the hit man replies "Frequents gone" to which the boss replies 'whatada mean GONE" and the hitman says " I mean he's gone boss, Frequent is GONE" and the boss replies "OHHHHHH you mean he's GONE! OK' lol

So, just for clarity I'm presuming you mean just that he's gone just and not actually GONE gone - as once Moses starts having members bumped off by his Russian Mafia mates I'm outta here !! lol

Ohhhhh getting back to the actual subject in hand :) So, gone - for posting under two profiles as he'd suggested he was doing just we presume ?

Either way RIP Frequent it seems then - for now at least........my guessing, watch this space perhaps more like for more of his fun and games :)

June 11th, 2020, 04:11
frequent's gone now.

I see he is no longer on the members list. I assume that’s what you meant by “gone”.

Looks like Moses has done the business, but what about Sglad?

June 11th, 2020, 08:53
He's swimming with the fishes after being clipped by a hit man from Russia named Costa Moses.

His time here had come to an end. He was fighting with absolutely everybody on a daily basis, even Sglad. Surreal.

June 12th, 2020, 03:26
personally I find the whole tone of this thread distasteful....

Nirish guy
June 12th, 2020, 05:03
As the Op of this thread - I'm delighted about that ! Now, would you ever feck away off and away and play round your own door and stop derailing this and every other thread you've posted on tonight outlining your abundance of general all round distastefulness ! :)

* PS you forgot to mention elsewhere that the situation in North and South Korea makes things even MORE distasteful - as that makes about as much sense :)