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View Full Version : A Pattaya Tale...........

August 8th, 2006, 17:59
A dear friend in Pattaya just emailed me a story he heard from a farang in Pattaya.. It seems this farang, a Dutchman I believe, took a boy
in, that he knew from earlier times..The boy was looking for work and didn't have a place to hang his cap.. After a few days, the farang was
awakened by the stirrings of the boy and heard his room door close..The farang looked around and noticed his laptop was missing and immediately
threw on his shorts and ran barefoot to the street..the boy had jumped on a motorbike taxi and the remaining motorbike taxi driver told the farang
the direction the boy went..The farang followed but to no avail...

The kicker to this tale is that the laptop was kaput and the boy had left the modem and the mouse when he disconnected it..The laptop was
worthless and the farang used it to play card games but the boy didn't know that..The boy left in such a hurry that he left all his clothes and
a copy of his ID card and telephone numbers of his mother and family..The farang filed a report with the police and the boy lost all his possessions
for a worthless laptop..
And the moral of this tale is .........

August 8th, 2006, 20:16
... if you are going to move in with a falung make sure he has a decent laptop and sleeps soundly?


August 8th, 2006, 21:31
Farang bad man.
Ruined life of good Thai boy over a worthless piece of junk.
Boy did farang a favor by providing his stellar company.

August 8th, 2006, 21:52
The moral is: you probably wouldn't be stupid enough to invite a homeless street person into your house at home, so don't be stupid enough to do so in a foreign country, either.

August 8th, 2006, 21:57
The moral is: you probably wouldn't be stupid enough to invite a homeless street person into your house at home, so don't be stupid enough to do so in a foreign country, either.
Speak for yourself. I would if he was cute. You have to take some risks in life, sometimes they turn out bad.

August 8th, 2006, 22:21
Lap top candy now there is a thought. Maybe I should withhold my lap top that I promised the maid, next there will be a steady stream of Farang type persons offing her senseless in her cottage all night. Her work would only suffer. Never mind the comings and goings of automobiles in the deep dark forest, that would drive me to distraction :idea:

August 8th, 2006, 23:16
The moral is: you probably wouldn't be stupid enough to invite a homeless street person into your house at home, so don't be stupid enough to do so in a foreign country, either.
Speak for yourself. I would if he was cute. You have to take some risks in life, sometimes they turn out bad.

You're absolutely right, Thaiquila. Allow me to revise my statement:

The moral is: unless you're as stupid as Thaiquila is, you probably woudn't invite a homeless street person into your house at home, so don't be stupid enough to do so in a foreign country. And if you ARE as stupid as Thaiquila, then you deserve what you've got coming to you. It may be a lost computer this time, it may be a knife in the gut next time.

August 8th, 2006, 23:19
Just being homeless doesn't make a person bad. For most homeless, it is a temporary crisis, and certainly not a lifestyle choice.

August 8th, 2006, 23:26
Suit yourself. I'll be tsk-tsking as I read your obit on the front page of the Pattaya Mail.

August 8th, 2006, 23:29
Suit yourself. I'll be tsk-tsking as I read your obit on the front page of the Pattaya Mail.
Yeah, whatever.
I don't see much difference between a freshly homeless Thai, and one sharing a 3,000 baht room a month with 3 mates. Both are desperate and many people invite the latter into their homes with no tragic results. It is the person you are dealing with, not the previous home.

August 8th, 2006, 23:38
There's a big difference in risk between taking someone out of a bar and picking up someone off the streets. If you don't know it already, you will eventually. I have spoken.

August 8th, 2006, 23:41
There's a big difference in risk between taking someone out of a bar and picking up someone off the streets. If you don't know it already, you will eventually. I have spoken.
Yes, I was referring to the story in which the farang knew the boy from earlier times.
He got burned, but it wouldn't be fair to assume that everyone would get burned in a similar situation.
He got off cheap, I do agree.
I still think if your heart tells you do something, sometimes you have to take risks. Case by case.

August 9th, 2006, 01:35
.... and the moral is........ the farang was crap in the sack or didnt feed him well?

August 9th, 2006, 01:56
Any body who hangs on to a useless broken laptop just to play card games is mean and deserves to be ripped off. To call to cops over a piece of stolen trash and put that boy in deep shit is tragic to say the least. The boy must have been really desperate. Did he really want that piece of shit pc back anyway. Perhaps a knife in the gut from a boy is what this man deserves next time, but its only usually good queens who get murdered.

August 9th, 2006, 07:20
Yeah, I do also wonder why he called the cops for something worthless. The boy did him a favor by revealing his lousy character. I would have just let it go and been grateful I got off so easy.

August 9th, 2006, 09:11
The boy deserved what he got....jail time for stealing.

August 9th, 2006, 11:12
... It's only when you look at an ant through a magnifying glass on a sunny day that you realise how often they burst into flames.
Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull--- before
or perhaps this last one is most apt!
A truly wise man never plays leap frog with a unicorn

(courtesy google search)