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View Full Version : Before You Come to Thailand Read This

March 19th, 2020, 10:21

March 19th, 2020, 11:50
And if you're flying with Qatar Airways read this. An almost unbelievable act of malice and spite.


March 19th, 2020, 16:50

The Thai government has announced that citizens of and those arriving from the Republic of Korea, Italy, Iran, as well as China and two of its territories Macau and Hong Kong, are to experience the kingdom’s most stringent screening.
Does not apply to the majority of members of this forum.

And if you're flying with Qatar Airways read this. An almost unbelievable act of malice and spite.


Not the first time that such thing has happened, I vaguely remember something similar with a Hello Kitty stamp in passport, problems at check-in or immigration. A bit harsh, but what where these people thinking (I mean the traveller who got a Machu Picchu or Hello Kitty stamp in their passport)?

March 19th, 2020, 18:20
I arrived yesterday travelling Dublin Amsterdam Bangkok. I was in fear of airport controls in Suvarnabhumi after reading many posts on this and other forums.
The controls were not as severe as expected. On leaving the plane passengers were asked if they had come from China, SK, Italy, Iran and HK and if so to fill in a T18 form. There was a temperature screening station which we all filed through and that was it. The check at immigration was very quick due to the low number of travellers.
I get that the list of countries with entry restrictions has now been expanded to include many western countries, however you can still enter with a medical cert, which is, after all, just another travel document.
I am in Pattaya now where things are quiet, the bars closed yesterday until April 1st. My condo building is quite busy with large numbers of large people by the pool, mainly Europeans.
Lots of guys on the Apps now that the bars and massage shops have closed, though a few still operate with a lower profile on the street.
In short - don't panic. Things always look worse on social media. Life goes on.

March 19th, 2020, 19:34

as seems to be the usual pattern here recently, just wait a while for the real story:

The Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand now requires air passengers, Thai and foreign, travelling from 15 countries to show Covid-19-free health certificates and Covid-19 insurance before boarding their flights to Thailand.

This clarifies earlier reports that all passengers boarding at all points would have to present the documents.

Bangkok Post 19 Mar 2020 updated at 16:39 (https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1882185/all-inbound-air-passengers-must-have-covid-free-certificates)

March 19th, 2020, 22:55
I get that the list of countries with entry restrictions has now been expanded to include many western countries, however you can still enter with a medical cert, which is, after all, just another travel document.

I realise you are travelling from Ireland, but just how do you get a medical certificate (presumably testifying that you do not have covid 19) in the England? We haven’t been able to see our own doctor here near London, for at least a year...let alone now!

March 19th, 2020, 23:42
I realise you are travelling from Ireland, but just how do you get a medical certificate (presumably testifying that you do not have covid 19) in the England? We haven’t been able to see our own doctor here near London, for at least a year...let alone now!
Yes. Thats a good point and i dont know the solution. Richard Barrow says the same in his excellent blog.
He also describes coming through Suvarnabhumi today as a GB citizen in his twitter feed. Well worth a read...

March 20th, 2020, 01:05
I was due to go today with Etihad but cancelled as the Dept of Foreign affairs suggested not to travel there..

March 23rd, 2020, 01:51
We haven’t been able to see our own doctor here near London, for at least a year...let alone now!

Is your doctor sick?

March 23rd, 2020, 02:27
Is your doctor sick?

No, the UK National Health system is sick.

March 23rd, 2020, 14:09
I'm hoping for a November trip. Am I being optimistic?

March 23rd, 2020, 14:32
I'm hoping for October since my June trip is off.... or even before. Hope before expectation. Who knows?

March 23rd, 2020, 14:49
Yes. October it is. See you all in Pattaya for coffee and cakes. Last one in the go go bar's a sissy.

March 23rd, 2020, 16:42
How shall I recognise you if you are wearing a mask? I'll be easily recognisable because I shall have a cute thirty seven year-old on my arm. And you?

March 23rd, 2020, 18:09
Very simple Oliver. I shall have a throbbing sleek lithe purring Oriental between my legs.

The Honda Click of course.

March 23rd, 2020, 19:09
I shall have a throbbing sleek lithe purring Oriental between my legs.

how times/stereotypes change - the joke always used to be about a women wanting something "big, red and throbbing" between her legs, don't remember the bike brand usually referred to

March 23rd, 2020, 22:34
It looks as if we'll have to book early....apparently, the Chinese tourists will be back next month. Well, that's what is claimed here.....


March 24th, 2020, 00:49
Now am as capitalist as they come...but this is ridiculous...risk is that the China virus will be exported back into China and the whole cycle starts all over again...seems like we humans collectively have the attention span of a goldfish

March 24th, 2020, 02:49
It looks as if we'll have to book early....apparently, the Chinese tourists will be back next month. Well, that's what is claimed here.....

No way... every person who came to China now will be in quarantine for 14 days. I doubt what tour-companies will find many people who will be ready to spend 1-2 week vacation in Thailand and will be ready to sit in quarantine for next 2 weeks after vacation...

March 24th, 2020, 05:34
Moses is correct.
Everyone arriving back in China is in quarantine for 14 days. No one will take a 1~2 week holiday, followed by 14 days of quarantine.

The lifting of travel restrictions in China is within parts of China without many cases. There is zero chance of hordes of tourists going from China to Thailand whilst the virus is spreading in China.
Actually, it's a pretty shoddy and lazy piece of journalism by the Bangkok Post.

Currently, the official figures suggest China has hardly any internal transmission of Covid at present. Also, outside of Hubei province, they presumably have hardly any herd immunity.
Therefore, in the absence of herd immunity, I don't envisage any mass outbound tourism from China until either other countries have mostly cleared up the virus or a vaccine is available (ie 2021 or later).

If/when a vaccine is available, I could imagine a scenario where some countries make it mandatory to take the vaccine before travelling. Outbound, or inbound.

March 24th, 2020, 09:45
So China reported 2 days ago NOT EVEN ONE NEW VIRUS CASE....Really?????????

March 24th, 2020, 09:49
I used to visit LOS until the $ fell like a rocket there. Since that time so much upheaval and such have occurred. The beach was ruined because of someones impulse of what I do not know. The cost of drinks has skyrocketed along with related costs of taking a boy off and his fee.. Too few cuties any more. Governmental regulations for entering staying are well overboard. You need to have a phone sim card for registeing all about you. For those who want or wanted to retire there you need now to be a circus performer to jump through all the hoops..Registrations for this that and the other thing. It sure doesnt seem like a fun place to go because the gov wont let you..

March 24th, 2020, 09:59
China isn't reporting no new cases. Just a dramatic fall in deaths and new cases..


March 24th, 2020, 10:13
Just picked up the following account of a tourist trying, and failing, to enter Thailand on Richard Barrows Twitter feed...
Richard Barrow in Thailand (@RichardBarrow) Tweeted: I’m getting mixed messages on how easy it is to fly into #Thailand now. Some people said they got in with just a health certificate signed by their local doctor. But, others, like this guy who posted on Facebook, is facing a nightmare: https://t.co/kmhrYJWyCy #COVID19 #Thailand https://t.co/BbSWK7xzFx https://twitter.com/RichardBarrow/status/1242117244038987776?s=206

March 24th, 2020, 15:27
China isn't reporting no new cases. Just a dramatic fall in deaths and new cases..


China reports no new domestic cases. For fifth day each and every of new reported cases is about new arrived from abroad - i.e. "imported".

March 29th, 2020, 10:32
Foreigners are now barred from entering China, not that many would want to or any other country for that matter. Travelling between countries is going to require both to be Deadly Killer Chinese Disease free and no interconnecting flights.

I'm still struggling to absorb the total world destruction this has caused.

March 29th, 2020, 23:20
I'm still struggling to absorb the total world destruction this has caused.

Alas I agree.
I cannot see that Thailand will reopen its borders without an astronomical amount of bureaucracy., some of which we have already seen.

If, and when, they reopen no doubt there will be countries on a black list, people on a black list (having been to specified countries) and many other restrictions they feel “appropriate”.

Then there’s the problem of finding an airline being allowed to operate into Thailand. If you find one will you be happy tto be cooped up with 400 odd passengers for up to 12 hours, bearing in mind many of us are in the high risk category?

I’m no doomsayer but Thailand as we knew it, only a few weeks ago, will no longer exist....

March 30th, 2020, 02:31
I’m no doomsayer but Thailand as we knew it, only a few weeks ago, will no longer exist....

No, not all. That was a calm, considered and circumspect response. :rolleyes:

Nirish guy
March 30th, 2020, 04:49
I am in Pattaya now where things are quiet...... Lots of guys on the Apps...... In short - don't panic. Things always look worse on social media. Life goes on.

I do realise the above list was made around ten days ago but can I suggest that whilst it “appears” that life is going on as normal that if you’re a man of a certain age and perhaps with underlying medical conditions ( or not even!) that hook ups and online meets etc are EXACTLY what you should be avoiding there as once this damned virus takes hold in a place “life going on as normal” is the LAST thing you should want to encourage or be here or your next hook up could well be your last !

And that’s not “panicking” or reading too much social media etc, but more just an observation of the medical facts and why almost everyone in the UK are now basically locked in our houses ( or should be), so please Kenny do be aware of that, Ireland, even in the last 10 days and since you left has gone to hell and Thailand will I’m sure not be to far behind perhaps.

So maybe a good time to enjoy the view from your condo and not much more for a few weeks perhaps.

March 30th, 2020, 05:08
I dont understand why countries have been placed on lockdown, would it not have been cheaper to ship all the oldies to fabulous 6 start resorts in southern Europe for 3 months(all staff would live on site) and let the virus spread among the rest of us knowing that the death rates would be real low. Instead we have europe crippled and thge Chinese sitting on the sidelines gleefully stroking their cash filled bags waiting to pounce.

March 30th, 2020, 06:55
I dont understand why countries have been placed on lockdown, would it not have been cheaper to ship all the oldies to fabulous 6 start resorts in southern Europe for 3 months(all staff would live on site) and let the virus spread among the rest of us knowing that the death rates would be real low. Instead we have europe crippled and thge Chinese sitting on the sidelines gleefully stroking their cash filled bags waiting to pounce.

I said the very same thing on the dark side
See my post dated 28 March here...


March 30th, 2020, 08:18
I like this guy and who's to say he's not right.


mr giggles
March 30th, 2020, 09:34
Sky News
A lot of credibility - not!

March 30th, 2020, 17:18
if the corfew and boarders closures will continue more people will die from poverty,lack of proper medical treatment and lack of basic products and medications than from the Corrona virus. When governments will realize that their current policy is a disaster it might be to late.