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View Full Version : Wow, talk about kicking yourself in the nuts when your tourism numbers are already through the floor !

Nirish guy
March 13th, 2020, 15:24
Wow! Talk about how an exercise in how to kick yourself in the nuts when your own tourism numbers are already falling through the floor !!

As just read on Richard Barrows great blog ....

Thailand’s deputy prime minister and health minister Anutin tweeted last night to warn his fellow Thais to be careful of those white foreigners who fled #COVID19 in their own country and came to #Thailand. He said “they don’t wear masks, never shower and wear dirty clothing.”

To be fair I can think one f two people like that perhaps but to tar “white foreigners” in such a way is disgraceful. Not to mention of course that as Health Minister too his “advice” is total nonsense in that you could be the most showered, we’ll dressed farang in Pattaya and STILL be a walking transmitter on the virus for several days without even knowing it of course !

Any other government minister who came out with such racist crap,,against a group of people his country depends on so much for tourism income would ( and should) be sacked on the spot ! ( but he won’t be of course)

The cheeky fuck !

March 13th, 2020, 15:53
I think he's Thailand's Donald. Lol

March 13th, 2020, 15:58
Fortunately Thailand hasn’t caught the Racist PC Card as bad as some Western countries, and still says it as it is.
Although maybe not in this case!

Nirish guy
March 13th, 2020, 16:13
Well I just sent my formal email to Mosaik cancelling my accommodation and in there I mentioned their Dep Prime Ministers comments and said how Rude and incorrect it was and how it had made me finally decide not to come this trip if that’s what he wants to say about white people.

That’s not the reason of course as my decision is 95% virus based but it’s just does no harm to remind ordinary Thais that they DO depend on tourism and so should they should be expecting their government to think before they speak.

Thais aren’t the only people who can play the “face” card and insist and demand not to be insulted as White people CAN take their business elsewhere too of course.

March 13th, 2020, 16:25
....gosh... non whites being racist...imagine...

Nirish guy
March 13th, 2020, 16:44
No it’s more the non whites who make such a noise about respecting “Thai people” as they are so gentle and kind unlike the rest of us mere mortals - it’s the hypocrisy that sticks in my throat more than the simple racism - as how dare he as we all know that it’s the bloody Chinese and the Blacks that are dirty ones !!!!! ( IM JOKING before anyone starts typing furiously :-) !!!). :-)

The difference of course being that I’m not the Deputy Prime Minister of a Country who are depending on said white people to come and boost their economy when they most need it just now perhaps !

March 13th, 2020, 17:41
The Dep. Prime Minister is out of order. What he said would not be acceptable by even an ordinary individual, but the fact he's a senior minister of government simply compounds the issue.
You are quite correct Nirish guy.

March 13th, 2020, 18:18
Remember that the generals and the junta are cast in the same mould as far-right thugs across the world....think Duterte, Bolsonaro and Orban. They have certain nativist and authoritarian views which makes them both despicable and dangerous. And don't get me started on Trump who, after all, has some opposition in the country- much to his obvious displeasure.
But we should remember one thing; such nativists not only have a belief in racial hierarchies, they tend also to be sexually prurient. Accordingly, we shouldn't rely on Thailand being as welcoming to our community as in the past.
Of course, the "little wife" culture is exempt from such feelings of disgust.

March 13th, 2020, 18:36
Minister...white foreigners..... https://youtu.be/J7OckmzrYh0

March 13th, 2020, 18:44
Link to Richard Barrow Blog with a screen shot of the relevant section:



And link to story in khaosodenglish:

Health Minister: ‘Dirty’ Europeans Pose Virus Risks to Thailand
By Khaosod English
March 13, 2020 1:04 pm

BANGKOK — A Twitter account reportedly operated by Health minister Anutin Charnvirakul doubled down on his discriminatory remark on Western tourists, saying that they are “dirty” and more likely to spread coronavirus than Asians . . .

For the full story see: https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2020/03/13/health-minister-dirty-europeans-pose-virus-risks-to-thailand/

I could not see any reference to the Twitter account reportedly operated by Health minister Anutin Charnvirakul, in the Bangkok Post, but the story was also reported by The Thaiger:

Thai health minister has a slash at ‘dirty farang’

Published 7 hours ago on March 13, 2020
By The Thaiger

Many farang dress dirty and don’t shower. As hosts we have to be very careful.”
Thailand’s Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul is at it again making public disparaging and xenophobic comments about ‘white’ foreigners (farang). This time he’s warned his fellow Thais about the foreigners fleeing their own countries for the ‘safe haven’ of Thailand . . .

For the full story see: https://thethaiger.com/coronavirus/thai-health-minister-has-a-slash-at-dirty-farang

March 13th, 2020, 22:40
@ oliver: No, its rather the opposite. As TH had so many military temp. govmts, most did not care much about this. They had other more pressing things/persons to suppress. This has been documented quite a few times in scientific publications.
This minister is, well, ahum, I am still in Th so cannot say much, but he has uttered more of similar phrases. He also blamed (us) for not wearing those overpriced masks. And do remember: you all here know Th at least a lttile bit: in general Thai do NOT think, they parrot. Thats why they also say all white men have giant big c..ks. And fat bellies from the beer. All these prejudices are simply that_someone ever told them that this is the truth. Farang nok-kee ma (westerner=bird shit). Blame the Khao Sarn bekpekkers for it.
But of course, NI is quite right. Thats the way westerners will think. Amazing or amusing TH?

Brad the Impala
March 14th, 2020, 00:21
Farang nok-kee ma (westerner=bird shit).

It would of course be an extremely rare occurrence for your posts to contain an inaccuracy, but shouldn't the order be reversed for it to be "Farang Kee Nok"?

March 14th, 2020, 07:12
funny this anti white sentiment when Thais (and all other Asians) strive to be as white as possible...sooo confusing...me thinks I need a beer and a nap now

March 14th, 2020, 09:15
..sooo confusing...me thinks I need a beer and a nap now

Is that all? You left out 'bubble butts'.

mr giggles
March 14th, 2020, 12:04
Well, contributors on here have been slagging off Thais for years.
What's the problem?

March 14th, 2020, 16:45
....on 2nd thoughts Siam has survived and thrived without being colonised...so guess they can be a little arrogant