View Full Version : Health Check for boy

August 8th, 2006, 07:53
Am contemplating a long term off, say 1 month, for a nice boy.
What about getting a health check for the boy beorehand? HIV, STD etc.

Any recommendations for where to go and what to ask for and likely price?

August 8th, 2006, 07:58
Sounds like this could be a bit embarrassing for the boy. What if he where to ask you to do the same ?

August 8th, 2006, 09:42
Exposure to HIV can happen up to 6 months before the antibodies appear as positive in a blood test. Whenever you sleep with any guy - you sleep with everyone he ever bedded. I suggest you stick to safe sex and of course, that is not always fail proof.

August 8th, 2006, 09:53
So I guess you would have no problem with your employer requiring an STD/HIV check as a condition of employment?

August 8th, 2006, 11:03
I see nothing wrong with getting the boy tested.If he doesnt want to he can say no.There are some small booths along south pattaya road which offer instant hiv testing.Its a 3 month window but at least you can weed him out if he contracted it earlier.As far as other stds,they can test for them at numerous clinics but you might have to wait a week for some results.Syphilus also has a 3 month window.

August 8th, 2006, 11:38
You are wasting your time. All these tests will do is to lull you into a false sense of security that the 'boy' is 'safe'. As pointed out above, practice safe sex ALL THE TIME or don't practice sex at all. And what about you John, are you clean?


August 8th, 2006, 11:40
Not a complete waste of time if he shows up positive before you do the nasty. After a negative yes still be be safe of course.

August 8th, 2006, 12:20
And what would you do if he DID turn out to be HIV+?

Give him a 1000 Baht and say:

"Thanks but no thanks. Changed my mind about you. Enjoy what's rest of your life"

Now that's a face saving situation for the lad if ever I saw one

Damned if you do - damned if you dont

August 8th, 2006, 13:02
Having gone through finding out my bf was positive which I said on an earlier post. I should tell you that according to the hospital I went to in London He didn't pass it to me for the following reason.

He had been positive for over 2 years before we had unprotected sex. A person is at the most dangerous level of being able to pass it on as below

1 From 48 hours of being infected himself until he develops antibodies, up to 3 months
from infection. He then becomes very much less infectious to others but not unifectious

2. After he becomes sick and his system is not controlling it any more.

3. During periods of illness like a common cold when the system is busy dealing with it

4. After binges of booze or drugs when again the system is busy coping with it.

To have your boy tested will not give you a clear result unless you wait a full 3 months.
If you're are going to decide to have unprotected sex with him after that then be sure you trust him not to have done anything stupid behind your back.

Finally having gone thought all this myself and being lucky I will never have unprotected sex again as I now don't trust ANYBODY IN THAILAND to tell me the truth.Or anywhere in the world for that matter. Have him and yourself tested if its what you want to do but dont think thats the end of the problem.

August 8th, 2006, 13:16
to understand the logic here: If you should still be safe after the test (I agree!) then why subject him to the test in the first place? Just so you are not affiliated with an HIV+ person? To protect your own life no matter what denigration you bestow on another human being using your economic superiority?

Yes, it's clear where you're coming from.

Not a complete waste of time if he shows up positive before you do the nasty. After a negative yes still be be safe of course.

August 8th, 2006, 16:57
Let's remember that the post was about a long-term off.
The young man is therefore presumably in business where he is selling something. And we know what he is selling.
The relationship is not the same as meeting a boyfriend. You are buying the services and it seems very sensible to require the tests.

August 8th, 2006, 19:26
Any recommendations for where to go and what to ask for and likely price?

I had hoped to get a few more sensible replies than some of the ones above. I don't really see why I should bother to reply to some of the posts, but in reply to the various comments about how would you like it and what if your employer required such a test; the answer is very definitely been there and done that.
In my line of work i travel a lot and some countries will not allow entry unless you have a clean bill of health HIV-wise, so it is not a double standard as some have implied.

Also, i did not say i intended to have unsafe sex with him, no matter what the outcome of the test, so please don't give me those lectures.

If anyone has had it done before, please let me know the answer to
Any recommendations for where to go and what to ask for and likely price?
even if by PM

August 8th, 2006, 20:30
You want a month long fuck with a virgin? Get real. That's way outta your league. You fucking creep.

August 8th, 2006, 21:26
Take a couple of paracetamol and get off to bed early.
You may feel better in the morning.

August 9th, 2006, 01:00
Let's remember that the post was about a long-term off.
The young man is therefore presumably in business where he is selling something. And we know what he is selling.
The relationship is not the same as meeting a boyfriend. You are buying the services and it seems very sensible to require the tests.

Quite frankly your logic (or lack of it) befuddles me).

August 9th, 2006, 01:07
I have just one word in my mind, disgusting, will you throw him away like meat you don't want to eat if he is positive. Are you willing to support him if he is positive? Why do you want to know? He is a young man, in need of your tips and money, and you will change his life, if he did not know his status before.

August 9th, 2006, 01:17
[quote="gwm4asian"]Any recommendations for where to go and what to ask for and likely price?

I had hoped to get a few more sensible replies than some of the ones above.

Also, i did not say i intended to have unsafe sex with him, no matter what the outcome of the test, so please don't give me those lectures.

I think you have had some sensable answers to what now appears to be a stupid question. If You are going to pick up a whore for a month ( sorry a nice bar boy) chances are he might be hiv positive but as you don't intend to have unsafe sex what the fuck do you want to get him tested for. Unless like other posters suggest you want to make him feel dirty from day one. This bar boy or nice bar boy as you call him although you haven't met him yet will be a whore for fucks sake and you a punter. Wake up and get a life you sad cunt

August 9th, 2006, 01:23
... and what if your employer required such a test; the answer is very definitely been there and done that.
In my line of work i travel a lot and some countries will not allow entry unless you have a clean bill of health HIV-wise, so it is not a double standard as some have implied.

Dear gwmonly4HIV-asian,

Just because something has been done to you doesn't mean it is right to do it to someone else. Pre-employment HIV testing is officially discouraged in Thailand. What gives you the right to come in and institute your own little program?

And yes, "some countries" require foreigners applying for employment or long term stays/residency to have HIV tests. But we're not talking about "some countries," are we? The only question pertinent to this discussion is, "Does Thailand require YOU to have an HIV test in order to come in for your little sex holiday?" No, it doesn't. So don't you think you are exhibiting just a little bit of imperial hubris to enter their country as a guest and require one of their citizens to have a test as a precondition to being your sex slave?

Clearly you see nothing wrong with it. And I will not try to convince you otherwise, since it is impossible to impart a sense of common decency via a message board to someone who is devoid of it.

And finally I owe an apology to Aunty, for criticising her in another thread for making the following statement to another poster: "Don't just be another stinky cheap white-trash talking gay farang of little to no class who just crushes these young men's feelings through boorish and self-centered bahaviour." You see, I didn't think there really are gay visitors to Thailand deserving such characterization. But I was wrong; this thread proves there are.

August 9th, 2006, 01:27
to understand the logic here: If you should still be safe after the test (I agree!) then why subject him to the test in the first place? Just so you are not affiliated with an HIV+ person? To protect your own life no matter what denigration you bestow on another human being using your economic superiority?

Yes, it's clear where you're coming from.

Not a complete waste of time if he shows up positive before you do the nasty. After a negative yes still be be safe of course.

Safe sex is not always safe as we all know. Condoms break!! Its all about risk reduction. Talking about logic - reading the posts here should one take it that nonbody should ever bother having an HIV test again as its a waste of time?? I think i know the answer to that one!

August 9th, 2006, 01:29
[quote="gwm4asian"]Am contemplating a long term off, say 1 month, for a nice boy.
What about getting a health check for the boy beorehand? HIV, STD etc.

Any recommendations for where to go quote]

If I told you where I think you should go with your attitude the post would probably be removed.

When you get the boy tested can we assume you will also take the test at the same time and give the results to the boy, or is that to demeaning for you?

Jeez I pity the poor sod that you end up offing.

August 9th, 2006, 01:39
"Its all about risk reduction"

I am throwing up, if you meet a guy in your home country, do you ask him before?, do you want him to make a test before you have sex together? Do you show him your last test? I suppose, no you don't. Why don┬иt you behave like at home, practice safe sex, and yes condoms can break, but it is the same around the world. Wow what a sexy man you are :bom:

August 9th, 2006, 02:23
I have to agree with the reaction of the majority here. Asking a boy to get tested is degrading as hell. Whether some like it or not these guys are not just pieces of meat to be used and tossed aside. They are human beings most (not all) forced into the business due to poverty. That does not make them any less human. They did not start out as hardened souls but they became that way because of the business they are in. Yes they are in business and yes that is their job. Whether or not they are treating you well depends on how you treat them and how savy one is to the game that's played.

I would like to know exactly what the original poster would do if the boy turned out HIV positive. Let's here his answer to that.

Any f**king idiot knows HIV is rampant in Thailand. And if you are not willing to help the guy after you get the results of the test you required of him then you are one screwed up SOB. I will tell you quite honestly that I have been coming to Thailand for more years than most here and I have not been generally attracted to the go go bar scene but I have generally found free lancers with which I had long term relationships. Three are dead of AIDS, four others are currently dealing with HIV. I am paying the costs for two of them even though we are no longer together (They moved out of the "relationship" - not me). And yes they do appreciate it and the friendship that has developed between us is better than one could have imagined. Not often they see people who are willing to do something for them with nothing asked in return. They don't see that very often. So if you can't afford or don't have the desire to help the boy then don't get him tested. It is a long term commitment if you are any kind of decent human being. You better have your own mind in the right place before you go ask some young guy to get tested and put him in a situation of fending for himself after you have left the scene. Think about the damn consequences of what you are asking.

Lastly, if you want to do the boy a favor ask him if he would like a physical health checkup. You take one too. Tell him you are going for a checkup and if he would like you will pay for him too. BNH in BKK charges about $75 to $125 depending on what you want. You will never be treated so nicely as you will during this checkup. BUT be prepared to deal honestly with the consequences.

August 9th, 2006, 03:15
Sounds like this could be a bit embarrassing for the boy. What if he where to ask you to do the same ?

I actually agree with you Jo. Anybody would think it was just the lad that was promiscuous.

On another note, there is a test out there which does not require such a lengthy window period, it is just 1 month and is 99.8% accurate. There is also one which you can have after 10 days, they say this one is not entirely accurate, how accurate it does not say. Certainly available in the UK anyway, albeit the quick ones you have to go private.

August 9th, 2006, 09:53
Hansi I agree, the word carcass was not far from my mind either. He wants a health certificate? I am being very calm about this sleazy shit head in question. And then I suddenly remembered.
For sleazy shit head, a month is a long term relationship. So as far as sleazy shit head is concerned he is gearing up for the relationship of his life, hence sleazy shit heads immediate concern.
May I suggest to fuck head, that he gets the same health certificate to show boy spotless? I doubt that shit for brains was thinking of doing this, as he feels it's his money, and therefore as a consumer of Thai boys, fuck-face is entitled to demand any-thing, even possibly infecting his purchase.

This is the kind of consumer that should have his very own little CIA stalker, at no extra cost.