View Full Version : Kamagra, how legal is it?

February 10th, 2020, 13:46
Friends often ask me to bring Kamagra, which is freely sold on the beach here. But how legal is it really nowdays? And what happens, say, if they find 20 packages at the airport?

February 10th, 2020, 15:09
i wouldnt buy it off a beach vendor, you have no idea how its been stored, heat and humidity are not ideal, rather buy it from a pharmacy

February 10th, 2020, 19:57
Buy from any pharmacy....original...no problem...as for taking it thru your home airport..might depend what country your going to
take it back to...I am not sure..I googled, for USA it states not more than 90 day supply

February 11th, 2020, 01:43
Some locals says me that all this pills is come from one place (India?) and they are all same in pharmacy and from the beach vendors (as they a jenerik and not original by itself - original is Viagra). The other question that keep them in a cool pharmacy storage is may be better rather than in a vendor's bag all day in the hot beach. Last time i'd purchase from beach vendor just for 120 THB per pack. Pharmacy can not make discount like that, they ask about 250 THB per pack. But my main question still - is it 100% legal for purchase, use, and export? Cose you can see all this e-cigarettes selling everywhere at the beach road but all we know what will happens if to smoke them nowdays...

February 11th, 2020, 02:16
Friend of mine pays 1500 for a 50 pack of Kamaga Gel sachets in a pharmacy in Pattaya
They are snap packs, so he is able to reseal and use the one pack over a number of days
They usually ask for 2000, but he haggles them down to 1500

Nirish guy
February 11th, 2020, 02:41
Some locals says me that all this pills is come from one place (India?) and they are all same in pharmacy and from the beach vendors (as they a jenerik and not original by itself - original is Viagra). .

There are many examples of fake viagra ( pills and gel) around both in Pattaya and elsewhere, whilst good copies small details on the packaging normally gives them away, but you have to look carefully to even see that AND know what to look for there. BUT the main point is that aside from the packaging the CONTENTS could also be totally fake too and so range from us plain useless and not work right through to something that could actually be dangerous for you to ingest !

So, all things being equal for all difference price wise as Colmx says always better to buy from a pharmacy rather than on the street so you've at least some peace of mind. Although I have to admit there's time I have brought from my usual Pharmacist in Bkk and left wondering WAS I getting exactly the same crap that they were selling on the street anyway as on ordering, he phoned my order through and a motorbike taxi arrived within minutes with my / his order anyway just. Likewise I've ordered from there sometimes too and the sachets simply didn't work ! ( and he took them back and gave me a different generic brand which led me to think HE knew too that they were all copies anyway. But still I think I'd rather trust a pharmacist than a street / beach dealer somehow perhaps.

February 11th, 2020, 07:56
....they didnt work....gasp.....how old and decrepit are U...

February 11th, 2020, 12:36
Could anyone give me a tip-off about pharmacy in Pattaya with a "right" pills?

February 11th, 2020, 12:45
Hi Ivory..
You should buy SIDEGRA...It is same (sildenafil) ingredient as Viagra...This med sold at
Thai pharmacies,,,is legit...It has a Thai Govt Stamp on it which indicates it is original, not fake,
It is produced in Thailand......

February 11th, 2020, 15:10
Hi Ivory....It has a Thai Govt Stamp on it which indicates it is original, not fake,
It is produced in Thailand......

You do realise that the "stamp" can be replicated? They do it with counterfeit bills, visa stamps...how would the average foreigner even know which is the legit stamp without checking and confirmation from someone genuinely in the know?

February 11th, 2020, 17:00
Worse come to worse, someone somewhere will be benefiting from the placebo effect...

February 11th, 2020, 17:38
The worst case scenario is not the fake pills being ineffective, but them containing toxic ingredients.

Also the Thai made Sidegra is supposed to be cheaper. 120 baht for 4 x 50mg or 200 baht for 4 x 100mg. I reckon there is less incentive to fake this due to a lower price.

February 11th, 2020, 17:45
Friend of mine pays 1500 for a 50 pack of Kamaga Gel sachets in a pharmacy in Pattaya
They are snap packs, so he is able to reseal and use the one pack over a number of days
They usually ask for 2000, but he haggles them down to 1500

The same 50 pack of Kamagra can be bought for 800 Baht and yes, they are effective. As for re-sealing them, I don't see how that can work? You snap the pack and ingest the contents; not really possible to seal the pack again.

February 11th, 2020, 18:44
Some locals says me that all this pills is come from one place (India?)

yes as far as I am aware most if not all of the Kamagra in Thailand is from India, though from multiple manufacturers there, some of which may have better reputations than others

But my main question still - is it 100% legal for purchase, use, and export?

as far as I am aware the drug is not licensed in Thailand and it is illegal to import and sell here (and thus I assume export from here), as for purchase, possession or use in Thailand I am not sure, and for import into other countries you would obviously need to check there

Hi Ivory..
You should buy SIDEGRA...It is same (sildenafil) ingredient as Viagra...This med sold at Thai pharmacies,,,is legit...It has a Thai Govt Stamp on it which indicates it is original, not fake, It is produced in Thailand......

yes Sidegra is a generic form of Viagra manufactured under license in Thailand by the Government Pharmaceutical Office (GPO), it is licensed for sale through registered pharmacies at the GPO recommended price and a script from a medical practitioner is required - though many pharmacies reportedly do mot enforce this requirement

This was the result of an agreement between Pfizer and the Thai government to both enable Thai patients to access a registered product at a reasonable price and to "sanitize" the market here and kill the demand for fake products and gray market imports - one obvious problem is it is only available in tablet form while many users of Kamagra prefer alternative formats like a gel, and some people still seem happy to be buying unknown products from unknown suppliers!

You do realise that the "stamp" can be replicated? They do it with counterfeit bills, visa stamps...how would the average foreigner even know which is the legit stamp without checking and confirmation from someone genuinely in the know?

simple solution - deal with people you trust! this is not rocket science!

I would never buy any medication from a retail source I did not trust (and I am constantly surprised that other people are happy to do so) and none of the pharmacies I deal with would be trying to palm off fake GPO stamp Sidegra or indeed gray market imports of Kamagra

February 11th, 2020, 18:52
....they didnt work....gasp.....how old and decrepit are U...

Seems like an emergency case.

February 11th, 2020, 19:21
Seriously though, the most important thing to take away from this thread is to go to a trusted pharmacy. Its not worth your health to try fakes just to save a few bucks.

February 12th, 2020, 19:23
Well could be,,but I have bought it several times..NO problem it worked for me

February 12th, 2020, 22:17
I buy it on beach road, a box of 50 for 800 baht. It has always worked well for me. I don’t use the whole dose of gel, I take about 1/4 of it and save it. But I put it in the fridge because ants will try to get a boner with it also.

February 13th, 2020, 04:11
Well could be,,but I have bought it several times..NO problem it worked for me

Ya well sometimes things can go wrong you know!