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View Full Version : Power Boys Sunee Plaza How & Why

February 6th, 2020, 14:04
Last night after not visiting Sunee for some time I went about 9PM, double shot which is usually empty at this time was full, no surprises here as there were copious amounts of Free Food on offer with all the usual suspects on hand. I found this scene rather repulsive as these people are not likely to return if the can’t get something for free.
I read on this forum the other day that perhaps Power Boys had some manly boys so I went for a look. Upon entering I was the only customer, there were about eight on the stage. Number 7 was bare chested with tits (yuck), number 34 looked like a very over weight 34 year old and the rest very motley with the exception of one boy with a baseball cap on. I asked him to join me for a drink. Surprisingly he spoke English said he was from Chiangmai Mai where he had worked in Adam Apple GoGo. We had a pleasant conversation and after questioning him thought maybe offing him when I became aware that he stunk, I told him he smells he said no problem I will come back in 5 min he did come back and smelled somewhat less...I tipped him 100 baht and left......I see absolutely no reason to return either to Power Boys or Sunee.

February 6th, 2020, 15:08
Im not doubting for one minute what you said MFAS, but a Thai guy that stank is pretty unusual! I would say in all the time I've visited, my experience has been that they are
fanatical about personal hygiene. It just wasn't your night .
You should have offed him , cleaned him up in the shower, then enjoyed your night.

February 6th, 2020, 15:59
I'm not siding with MFAS with respect to the stinking issue because some people do smell especially when they have bad oral health, combination of chemicals emanating from the stomach and respiratory apparatus brought by alcohol, drugs or diseases, and the small matter of individual body chemicals and unintended disruption to daily hygiene routines.
But his complaint is somewhat a tad melodramatic.
When the planets align, I'm sure his experience will be positive.

February 6th, 2020, 16:03
The only time I had a similar experience was long ago when I was able to trace the smell to the guy's clothes while he was showering. In those days, many of the new arrivals were sleeping six or more to room above the bar; the opportunities for washing clothes must have been limited. Guys also sometimes shared clothes which couldn't have helped. And of course twenty plus years ago, guys arriving from the country were initially poor.

Nirish guy
February 6th, 2020, 16:32
It's just as well though that the boys dont use the same MO in being so direct otherwise based on some of the sights you see walking about Pattaya there could be a lot of farang nipping out for a quick 5 minute shower ( or more likely quick spray with his mates fake aftershave and a glug of mouthwash - if you're lucky!)

February 6th, 2020, 20:00
Last night after not visiting Sunee for some time I went about 9PM, double shot which is usually empty at this time was full, no surprises here as there were copious amounts of Free Food on offer with all the usual suspects on hand. I found this scene rather repulsive as these people are not likely to return if the can’t get something for free.

You miserable old git.

Did you not know it was the owners Birthday and it was he who, laid on the great spread?

Perhaps, not unsurprisingly, you were not invited?

Incidentally, his mother died a few weeks ago and he has been travelling back and forth to sort matters out. It was therefore extremely generous of him to have this bash and nice of those people there to attend

February 6th, 2020, 20:33
I usually avoid such directness over matters of personal hygiene. However, it's probably in their best interests to hear the truth, as they can correct the problem and get some customers.

There are some things that can be fixed. For instance by going to the bathroom and insisting both parties rinse their mouths out with Listerine can help moderate halitosis (if bad halitosis, he stays in the bar). The cheaper Colgate mouthwash doesn't cut it.

How was the atmosphere in Power Boys ? Lively and fun ? Or were they all slouching and moping around ?

February 6th, 2020, 21:58
You miserable old git.

Did you not know it was the owners Birthday and it was he who, laid on the great spread?

Perhaps, not unsurprisingly, you were not invited?

Incidentally, his mother died a few weeks ago and he has been travelling back and forth to sort matters out. It was therefore extremely generous of him to have this bash and nice of those people there to attend

I gather you were in attendance....Lol..:D

February 6th, 2020, 22:03
How was the atmosphere in Power Boys ? Lively and fun ? Or were they all slouching and moping around ?

Lively? Fun? Actually it looked like something from a Fellini film.

February 6th, 2020, 23:05
I gather you were in attendance....Lol..:D

Quote Originally Posted by gerefan2 View Post
You miserable old git.

Did you not know it was the owners Birthday and it was he who, laid on the great spread?

Perhaps, not unsurprisingly, you were not invited?

Incidentally, his mother died a few weeks ago and he has been travelling back and forth to sort matters out. It was therefore extremely generous of him to have this bash and nice of those people there to attend.

I think you misread my comments......No where did I question the well intentioned generosity of the OWNER!

February 7th, 2020, 16:56
The boy from Chiang Mai in Power Boys #5 by chance? I had him sit with me in Jan, and positive impression, but not enough for an off.

Can you specify what smell?

Some boys smell of cigarette smoke, that can last even hours after their last cigarette and it's a turn off for me.

I have met some boys with tooth problems (rotten tooth) who should go to see a dentist.

The last such case was in Dec, when travelling with a Farang friend who brought a boy. The boy was sitting in the back of the car, and in the course of the day I got a few whiffs of rotten tooth. But I didn't say anything, as I assumed Farang friend would have been kissing with the boy the night before and would have noticed. The following morning, Farang friend proclaimed that we will send the boy to bus station to return to Bangkok (instead of staying for a multiple day trip as was planned). And after the boy was out, Farang friend told me about the rotten tooth.

February 7th, 2020, 18:18
[QUOTE=christianpfc;264623]The boy from Chiang Mai in Power Boys #5 by chance? I had him sit with me in Jan, and positive impression, but not enough for an off.

Can you specify what smell?

It was definitely body odor.

February 7th, 2020, 18:26
No sniff kiss then?

February 7th, 2020, 18:41
That’s a very negative post. I do agree about the balloon chasers though, always looking for free food.

You caught Nice Boys at a bad moment. I don’t like when I’m the only customer there, but other times it’s hard to get a seat and very lively. There’s a new twink there, number 40. Doesn’t speak any English but very cute. But many of the same boys from before. I still stay near Sunnee because I will be there when the last light is turned out. I still like going there every night to play pool.

Tonight the bars close at 12;00. Which is when I usually start out my night. But I know a place that stays open all night where you can play pool, and smoke those giant bongs if you’re into that.

February 7th, 2020, 19:40
That’s a very negative post. I do agree about the balloon chasers though, always looking for free food.

You caught Nice Boys at a bad moment. .

I haven’t been to Nice Boys in ages....the title of the thread clearly says “Power Boys”

February 8th, 2020, 16:03
Oh sorry, Nice Boys is worth a visit. I should have known when you mentioned the Tiity girl that you were talking about Power Boys.

It seems most of them have that cough in that bar.

February 10th, 2020, 10:38
It seems most of them have that cough in that bar.
I presume this is a recent observation ?

When I was in another part of Thailand 3 weeks ago, many people had a cough. I caught that myself and recovered quickly.
Of course, I now pay more attention to such things.

February 10th, 2020, 21:18
I offed a guy from there about ten days ago. He had a bad cough so I told him not to cough at me or touch anything ( coy ok to touch). He said the whole bar had the same cough I’ve never been in a country that has so many people coughing.

February 10th, 2020, 21:48
I offed a guy from there about ten days ago. He had a bad cough so I told him not to cough at me or touch anything ( coy ok to touch). He said the whole bar had the same cough I’ve never been in a country that has so many people coughing.

"Drug addiction severely impacts the way a person behaves and thinks. People who use meth will typically smoke the drug, so evidence of pipes and other paraphernalia is an indicator of drug use. Users who smoke the drug may also have burn marks on their lips or a persistent COUGH. Snorting meth can also lead to a persistent stuffy or runny nose. People struggling with an active addiction will also have trouble holding down a job, going to school, or upholding other responsibilities. Also, meth addiction can increase a person’s risk-taking behavior. Run-ins with law enforcement are common with methamphetamine addiction.
"Unexplained sores that are slow to heal and DENTAL ISSUES are also indicative of methamphetamine addiction. Few drugs can drastically change a person’s appearance as quickly and as drastically as methamphetamine."

Or maybe Not.

February 10th, 2020, 22:05
Oh sorry, Nice Boys is worth a visit. I should have known when you mentioned the Tiity girl that you were talking about Power Boys.

It seems most of them have that cough in that bar.

I didn’t notice anyone coughing in Power Boys....

February 10th, 2020, 23:49
I didn’t notice anyone coughing in Power Boys....

You have to hold his balls first!