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January 19th, 2020, 01:21
oh honestly..cant believe what Im reading...any sensible person able to walk and chew gum at the same time would know that the best approach is to assume that every single MB is totally contaminated and that one should take necessary precautions when enjoying their services....be it condoms, prep, getting tested rergularly (4x year) and having your wits about you...and not being hesitant to say no to clearly unwell MBs.
Not long ago I was down with the mother of all colds when in Pattaya on holiday and for 3 days was basically useless to anyone..comforted myself by sitting in an open air bar from early afternoon onwards watching the activity...on a particularly good day a very engaging MB with a killer smile was offed 4 times...shortest off was only 40 min...now u do the maths and figure out the cross contamination chances.

Nirish guy
January 19th, 2020, 06:46
Oh I don’t know, I would say if you were sitting far enough away from everyone else and also sitting alone that your likelihood of cross contaminating someone else was probably minimal so don’t fret too much perhaps. :-p

January 19th, 2020, 08:09
I'm sure latin is not talking about telescopic romance.
He's after all an intense slap and bang on the go person.

January 19th, 2020, 18:14
I really regret having sex with a mb last night who is past his prime. He used to work in Eros of all places, a very sleazy place. He has that awful cough that so many have. Now I have it for the last couple weeks.

I’ve been wanting to get any guy tested before having sex with them this year. Because last year I caught Syphilis for the first time. My test results came back negative at first and a week later they were saying possible Syphilis infection. I had a weird rash that did not look like the symptoms you see illustrated on the internet. Two big ass injections later at the emergency room and I was cured.

Last week a doctor went thru Sunnee testing guys. I hope as many as possible got checked. Because there are rarely symptoms that are noticed and the boys will just shrug it off most likely.

I’m presently having sex with a guy from W*****r bar who is hiv positive. He was in a bad place before but he went to a doctor and started meds and looks ok now. I know about some of the guys who are positive from a worker who I’m good friends with. He’s very accurate with the info as it’s matched what I already knew.

This is why I miss my steady guy I spend most of my time with. Butterflying is risky and like Latin said. Just assume they have something.

I’ve taken antibiotics already for getting sick from a guy in November. Now I’m coughing again but I just might wait till I’m ready to leave before taking them again.
I’m not worried about hiv , as it’s safe sex if I know they’re positive. And Syphilis can be cured if you know you have it. I’ve had the Gardasil vaccines for hpv.. Trig another one that probably most have as it’s a parasite and they rarely test for it.

January 19th, 2020, 18:44
Oh, a new thread. I hope the guy from Nice Boys will be ok. I’m sure I probably groped him at some point.

There is a vaccine for tb, but it’s not real effective. And once received you will always test positive, which is why I declined it. I think from now on I’ll do my twenty minute rule. If a boy coughs during that time I will not take them off. I’m hoping the cough I have is not tb. So many have it.

January 19th, 2020, 18:48
I really regret having sex with a mb last night who is past his prime. He used to work in Eros of all places, a very sleazy place. He has that awful cough that so many have. Now I have it for the last couple weeks.

I’ve been wanting to get any guy tested before having sex with them this year. Because last year I caught Syphilis for the first time. My test results came back negative at first and a week later they were saying possible Syphilis infection. I had a weird rash that did not look like the symptoms you see illustrated on the internet. Two big ass injections later at the emergency room and I was cured.

Last week a doctor went thru Sunnee testing guys. I hope as many as possible got checked. Because there are rarely symptoms that are noticed and the boys will just shrug it off most likely.

I’m presently having sex with a guy from W*****r bar who is hiv positive.
I’ve taken antibiotics already for getting sick from a guy in November. Now I’m coughing again but I just might wait till I’m ready to leave before taking them again.
I’m not worried about hiv , as it’s safe sex if I know they’re positive. And Syphilis can be cured if you know you have it. I’ve had the Gardasil vaccines for hpv.. Trig another one that probably most have as it’s a parasite and they rarely test for it.

I am sure in the past I have had sex with HIV infected people however, I do not think I would knowingly go with a boy infected. In your post you have mentioned an ongoing cough I suggest if you have not already been tested for TB that you do so also the vaccine against HPV is only recommended for young people. You say you are not worried about contracting HIV because you have safe sex still considering your partners it wouldn’t hurt being tested.

January 19th, 2020, 20:29
I get the tb test when I return home in March. I think I have a common cough, I got rid of it with antibiotics about six weeks ago. My doctor would not normally suggest I get the tb test, but I have to insist. She’s very reluctant to give me antibiotics also. That’s what’s so nice about Thailand, you can get them at any pharmacy with no prescription.

I have the boy who has hiv just chuck wow me. I’m extra careful with him though because if you have hiv you’re more likely to have other stds. I get tested once a year for hiv. That’s enough because it takes years for your cd4 to drop, causing aids. According to my genetic test I’m immune to hiv , the rare 1in 100 resistant. But I still play fairly safe.

The hpv vaccine is only recommended for young people, possibly to save money for insurance companies. A gay doctor in New York City said all his gay colleagues have taken the vaccine, because it might protect you, even if you’ve already been exposed. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to get it being a gay man, if it might prevent cancer.

January 19th, 2020, 21:20
HPV vaccine: https://www.livescience.com/63790-hpv-vaccine-adults.html

The thread begs the question who if any bears the responsibility?

January 19th, 2020, 22:22
It just shows how arbitrary the numbers are. So before if you were 28, you were too old to get the vaccine. But twelve years later, at age 40, you can now get the vaccine. But you may have gotten cancer while waiting for the age change required by insurance companies.

Which is why you cannot depend on a doctor for everything. You need to learn as much as you can about stds and vaccines so you know what to ask the doctor. Good to discuss on forums, but do your own research. But you’ll hear someone say, don’t listen to anyone on the forums, listen to your doctor. Ignoramus dummies.

January 20th, 2020, 01:43
this thread is enough to put anyone off sex....im busy scrolling through lists of nunneries in the neighbourhood I could join....and before anyone brings it up I didnt launch this thread...my dearest friend a447 in all his wicked wisdom did it on my behalf...

January 20th, 2020, 18:15
this thread is enough to put anyone off sex...

Well, not sex in general but perhaps sex with someone who poses some kind of risk - not only if they have a disease, but also if they are on drugs, exhibit violent behaviour, steal from you, etc.

The bar guys talk about customers all the time and soon let their colleagues know if they've had trouble with a certain farang. They look after each other.

So we should be able to do the same if we want to.

January 20th, 2020, 18:41
She’s very reluctant to give me antibiotics also. That’s what’s so nice about Thailand, you can get them at any pharmacy with no prescription.

generally I find people who think they know more about best practice for antibiotic use than their doctor are the very people who should not be buying them at any pharmacy without a prescription ... but I am sure there are exceptions to that generalisation - both patients and doctors!

Brad the Impala
January 20th, 2020, 20:21
Surely it can't be long before a MB goes down with a coronavirus, and the WHO declares Jomtien a contamination zone.

January 20th, 2020, 20:41
Surely it can't be long before a MB goes down with a coronavirus, and the WHO declares Jomtien a contamination zone.

This must be worse than a nightmare!

January 21st, 2020, 17:36
Imagine all the go go boys on stage wearing masks. If that happens I do hope they colour coordinate with their briefs.

January 21st, 2020, 17:41
I prefer them wearing masks sans briefs.

January 21st, 2020, 17:41
generally I find people who think they know more about best practice for antibiotic use than their doctor are the very people who should not be buying them at any pharmacy without a prescription ... but I am sure there are exceptions to that generalisation - both patients and doctors!

I’m no expert, but I know when I get an upper respiratory infection I need an antibiotic. Or it will stay with me here and ruin my trip. I take Azithromycin, or the generic equivalent. It’s only taken for three days. It’s never good to take them, unless really needed. Now I’m not taking anyone with a cough, there’s so many to choose from. And I make hem wash their hands before anything.

And again, I’m no expert but..... I’ve drinken many Coronas but never caught the coronavirus.

January 21st, 2020, 19:12
I take Azithromycin, or the generic equivalent.

as I am sure the "experts" at the pharmacies in Thailand will clarify for you when you turn up without a prescription, there is no "generic equivalent" of Azithromycin - it is the generic name for the antibiotic sold under many brand names, one of the most common being Zithromax

January 23rd, 2020, 04:49
I’m no expert, but I know when I get an upper respiratory infection I need an antibiotic. Or it will stay with me here and ruin my trip. I take Azithromycin, or the generic equivalent. It’s only taken for three days. It’s never good to take them, unless really needed. Now I’m not taking anyone with a cough, there’s so many to choose from. And I make hem wash their hands before anything.

And again, I’m no expert but..... I’ve drinken many Coronas but never caught the coronavirus.

Amoxicillin - Boots the chemist - Royal Garden Plaza: over the counter. Excellent broad-spectrum antibiotic, which is most effective in sorting out lung infections and you can drink alcohol in moderation with this antibiotic!! But, check with your medical practitioner.

January 23rd, 2020, 05:18
Thanks for that good recommendation poshglasgow. Being able to drink alcohol with it an added bonus. I’m actually feeling better after two days of the Azithromycin. Now to avoid getting sick again is the challenge.

Nirish guy
January 23rd, 2020, 06:51
It's clear from all of the above that now that you're on the mend Rocket that to remain that way you should probably avoid any bar boys, grindr boys, other online boys and in fact just all and ANY boys that you should happen to bump into - just in case ! Enjoy your holiday ! :-)

January 23rd, 2020, 22:10
I’m no expert, but I know when I get an upper respiratory infection I need an antibiotic. Or it will stay with me here and ruin my trip. I take Azithromycin, or the generic equivalent. It’s only taken for three days. It’s never good to take them, unless really needed. Now I’m not taking anyone with a cough, there’s so many to choose from. And I make hem wash their hands before anything.

And again, I’m no expert but..... I’ve drinken many Coronas but never caught the coronavirus.

Generally antibiotics aren't prescribed for some viruses, more for bacterial infections.
How do you determine virus or bacterial without a doctor?
Recently in TH I had a sinus infection and needed.
The doctor was very thorough with x-rays, EKG, and prescription for only ~$75.

January 23rd, 2020, 23:53
an ekg and an x-ray....really...for a sinus infection....I'm sure you also believe it when they scream "hansome man" when u walk past a gogo bar

January 24th, 2020, 11:18
A sinus X-ray helps doctors detect problems with the sinuses. ... This is most often due to inflammation or a buildup of fluid in the sinuses. A sinus X-ray may also be called X-ray of the sinuses or paranasal sinus radiography. It's a noninvasive test that can be completed quickly and with little discomfort or pain.
www.healthline.com › health › sinus-x-ray
Sinus X-Ray: Purpose, Procedure, and Risks - Healthline

To diagnose a sinus arrhythmia, your doctor will conduct an electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG). This test measures your heart’s electrical signals. It can detect every aspect of your heartbeat and help your doctor see any potential irregularities, like a sinus arrhythmia.

Maybe a bit in excess, but a thorough exam and only $75.

January 24th, 2020, 18:45
To diagnose a sinus arrhythmia, your doctor will conduct an electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG).

your doctor may well do an electrocardiogram to diagnose a sinus arrhythmia, but "sinus" here does not have anything to do with the sinus cavities in the face - it refers to to the sinoatrial or sinus node in the heart! and even when we get to respiratory sinus arrhythmia it still has nothing to do with your sinus cavities, blocked or otherwise

it reminds me of the confusion in the old jokes about auto-eroticism and being sexually attracted to cars

still nobody comes to discussion forums like this to get reliable medical advice do they

January 24th, 2020, 22:11
Hmmm, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" - Alexander Pope

January 25th, 2020, 07:42
the nice lady doctor was just making certain another preexisting condition wasn't contributing to my malaise.
Because of the sinus and a cough, I had stayed in my room for three days and also refused to eat, drinking only OJ/water.
Great way to trim down for the beach...

January 29th, 2020, 18:18
Yeah, I kinda miss being sick. Last year I lost about 10 lbs because I was sick and cut down my eating. I looked great around the mid section. But my face looked a bit gaunt I guess as people told me I didn’t look well. Now the money boys are saying I’m fat,lol. Can’t win.

January 30th, 2020, 11:07
.comforted myself by sitting in an open air bar from early afternoon onwards watching the activity...on a particularly good day a very engaging MB with a killer smile was offed 4 times...shortest off was only 40 min...now u do the maths and figure out the cross contamination chances.

There are early afternoon bars where MBs work?

January 30th, 2020, 15:21
yes, jomtien, next to the 7-11 in front of the police box station thing...

January 30th, 2020, 16:04
The Bamboo bar?

I've seen old falang men and the occasional woman as patrons.

January 31st, 2020, 14:58
......old!!!!...so rude...that was me with my dildo wielding lady boy " friends"